3,252 research outputs found

    The Current State of Normative Agent-Based Systems

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    Recent years have seen an increase in the application of ideas from the social sciences to computational systems. Nowhere has this been more pronounced than in the domain of multiagent systems. Because multiagent systems are composed of multiple individual agents interacting with each other many parallels can be drawn to human and animal societies. One of the main challenges currently faced in multiagent systems research is that of social control. In particular, how can open multiagent systems be configured and organized given their constantly changing structure? One leading solution is to employ the use of social norms. In human societies, social norms are essential to regulation, coordination, and cooperation. The current trend of thinking is that these same principles can be applied to agent societies, of which multiagent systems are one type. In this article, we provide an introduction to and present a holistic viewpoint of the state of normative computing (computational solutions that employ ideas based on social norms.) To accomplish this, we (1) introduce social norms and their application to agent-based systems; (2) identify and describe a normative process abstracted from the existing research; and (3) discuss future directions for research in normative multiagent computing. The intent of this paper is to introduce new researchers to the ideas that underlie normative computing and survey the existing state of the art, as well as provide direction for future research.Norms, Normative Agents, Agents, Agent-Based System, Agent-Based Simulation, Agent-Based Modeling

    A Generic Agent Organisation Framework For Autonomic Systems

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    Autonomic computing is being advocated as a tool for managing large, complex computing systems. Specifically, self-organisation provides a suitable approach for developing such autonomic systems by incorporating self-management and adaptation properties into large-scale distributed systems. To aid in this development, this paper details a generic problem-solving agent organisation framework that can act as a modelling and simulation platform for autonomic systems. Our framework describes a set of service-providing agents accomplishing tasks through social interactions in dynamically changing organisations. We particularly focus on the organisational structure as it can be used as the basis for the design, development and evaluation of generic algorithms for self-organisation and other approaches towards autonomic systems

    Adaptation strategies for self-organising electronic institutions

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    For large-scale systems and networks embedded in highly dynamic, volatile, and unpredictable environments, self-adaptive and self-organising (SASO) algorithms have been proposed as solutions to the problems introduced by this dynamism, volatility, and unpredictability. In open systems it cannot be guaranteed that an adaptive mechanism that works well in isolation will work well — or at all — in combination with others. In complexity science the emergence of systemic, or macro-level, properties from individual, or micro-level, interactions is addressed through mathematical modelling and simulation. Intermediate meso-level structuration has been proposed as a method for controlling the macro-level system outcomes, through the study of how the application of certain policies, or norms, can affect adaptation and organisation at various levels of the system. In this context, this thesis describes the specification and implementation of an adaptive affective anticipatory agent model for the individual micro level, and a self-organising distributed institutional consensus algorithm for the group meso level. Situated in an intelligent transportation system, the agent model represents an adaptive decision-making system for safe driving, and the consensus algorithm allows the vehicles to self-organise agreement on values necessary for the maintenance of “platoons” of vehicles travelling down a motorway. Experiments were performed using each mechanism in isolation to demonstrate its effectiveness. A computational testbed has been built on a multi-agent simulator to examine the interaction between the two given adaptation mechanisms. Experiments involving various differing combinations of the mechanisms are performed, and the effect of these combinations on the macro-level system properties is measured. Both beneficial and pernicious interactions are observed; the experimental results are analysed in an attempt to understand these interactions. The analysis is performed through a formalism which enables the causes for the various interactions to be understood. The formalism takes into account the methods by which the SASO mechanisms are composed, at what level of the system they operate, on which parts of the system they operate, and how they interact with the population of the system. It is suggested that this formalism could serve as the starting point for an analytic method and experimental tools for a future systems theory of adaptation.Open Acces

    Reorganization in Dynamic Agent Societies

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    En la nueva era de tecnologías de la información, los sistemas tienden a ser cada vez más dinámicos, compuestos por entidades heterogéneas capaces de entrar y salir del sistema, interaccionar entre ellas, y adaptarse a las necesidades del entorno. Los sistemas multiagente han contribuído en los ultimos años, a modelar, diseñar e implementar sistemas autónomos con capacidad de interacción y comunicación. Estos sistemas se han modelado principalmente, a través de sociedades de agentes, las cuales facilitan la interación, organización y cooperación de agentes heterogéneos para conseguir diferentes objetivos. Para que estos paradigmas puedan ser utilizados para el desarrollo de nuevas generaciones de sistemas, características como dinamicidad y capacidad de reorganización deben estar incorporadas en el modelado, gestión y ejecución de estas sociedades de agentes. Concretamente, la reorganización en sociedades de agentes ofrece un paradigma para diseñar aplicaciones abiertas, dinámicas y adaptativas. Este proceso requiere determinar las consecuencias de cambiar el sistema, no sólo en términos de los beneficios conseguidos sinó además, midiendo los costes de adaptación así como el impacto que estos cambios tienen en todos los componentes del sistema. Las propuestas actuales de reorganización, básicamente abordan este proceso como respuestas de la sociedad cuando ocurre un cambio, o bien como un mecanismo para mejorar la utilidad del sistema. Sin embargo, no se pueden definir procesos complejos de decisión que obtengan la mejor configuración de los componentes organizacionales en cada momento, basándose en una evaluación de los beneficios que se podrían obtener así como de los costes asociados al proceso. Teniendo en cuenta este objetivo, esta tesis explora el área de reorganización en sociedades de agentes y se centra principalmente, en una propuesta novedosa para reorganización. Nuestra propuesta ofrece un soporte de toma de decisiones que considera cambios en múltiplesAlberola Oltra, JM. (2013). Reorganization in Dynamic Agent Societies [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19243Palanci

    Advances in infrastructures and tools for multiagent systems

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    In the last few years, information system technologies have focused on solving challenges in order to develop distributed applications. Distributed systems can be viewed as collections of service-provider and ser vice-consumer components interlinked by dynamically defined workflows (Luck and McBurney 2008).Alberola Oltra, JM.; Botti Navarro, VJ.; Such Aparicio, JM. (2014). Advances in infrastructures and tools for multiagent systems. Information Systems Frontiers. 16:163-167. doi:10.1007/s10796-014-9493-6S16316716Alberola, J. M., Búrdalo, L., Julián, V., Terrasa, A., & García-Fornes, A. (2014). An adaptive framework for monitoring agent organizations. Information Systems Frontiers, 16(2). doi: 10.1007/s10796-013-9478-x .Alfonso, B., Botti, V., Garrido, A., & Giret, A. (2014). A MAS-based infrastructure for negotiation and its application to a water-right market. Information Systems Frontiers, 16(2). doi: 10.1007/s10796-013-9443-8 .Andrighetto, G., Castelfranchi, C., Mayor, E., McBreen, J., López-Sánchez, M., & Parsons, S. (2013). (Social) norm dynamics. In G. Andrighetto, G. Governatori, P. Noriega, & L. W. van der Torre (Eds.), Normative multi-agent systems (pp. 135–170). Dagstuhl: Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik.Baarslag, T., Fujita, K., Gerding, E. H., Hindriks, K., Ito, T., Jennings, N. R., et al. (2013). Evaluating practical negotiating agents: results and analysis of the 2011 international competition. Artificial Intelligence, 198, 73–103.Boissier, O., Bordini, R. H., Hübner, J. F., Ricci, A., & Santi, A. (2013). Multi-agent oriented programming with JaCaMo. Science of Computer Programming, 78(6), 747–761.Campos, J., Esteva, M., López-Sánchez, M., Morales, J., & Salamó, M. (2011). Organisational adaptation of multi-agent systems in a peer-to-peer scenario. Computing, 91(2), 169–215.Carrera, A., Iglesias, C. A., & Garijo, M. (2014). Beast methodology: an agile testing methodology for multi-agent systems based on behaviour driven development. Information Systems Frontiers, 16(2). doi: 10.1007/s10796-013-9438-5 .Criado, N., Such, J. M., & Botti, V. (2014). Norm reasoning services. Information Systems Frontiers, 16(2). doi: 10.1007/s10796-013-9444-7 .Del Val, E., Rebollo, M., & Botti, V. (2014). Enhancing decentralized service discovery in open service-oriented multi-agent systems. Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 28(1), 1–30.Denti, E., Omicini, A., & Ricci, A. (2002). Coordination tools for MAS development and deployment. Applied Artificial Intelligence, 16(9–10), 721–752.Dignum, V., & Dignum, F. (2012). A logic of agent organizations. Logic Journal of IGPL, 20(1), 283–316.Ferber, J., & Gutknecht, O. (1998). A meta-model for the analysis and design of organizations in multi-agent systems. In Multi agent systems. Proceedings. International Conference on (pp. 128–135). IEEE.Fogués, R. L., Such, J. M., Espinosa, A., & Garcia-Fornes, A. (2014). BFF: a tool for eliciting tie strength and user communities in social networking services. Information Systems Frontiers, 16(2). doi: 10.1007/s10796-013-9453-6 .Garcia, E., Giret, A., & Botti, V. (2011). Evaluating software engineering techniques for developing complex systems with multiagent approaches. Information and Software Technology, 53(5), 494–506.Garcia-Fornes, A., Hübner, J., Omicini, A., Rodriguez-Aguilar, J., & Botti, V. (2011). Infrastructures and tools for multiagent systems for the new generation of distributed systems. Engineering Applications of Articial Intelligence, 24(7), 1095–1097.Jennings, N., Faratin, P., Lomuscio, A., Parsons, S., Sierra, C., & Wooldridge, M. (2001). Automated negotiation: prospects, methods and challenges. International Journal of Group Decision and Negotiation, 10(2), 199–215.Jung, Y., Kim, M., Masoumzadeh, A., & Joshi, J. B. (2012). A survey of security issue in multi-agent systems. Artificial Intelligence Review, 37(3), 239–260.Kota, R., Gibbins, N., & Jennings, N. R. (2012). Decentralized approaches for self-adaptation in agent organizations. ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS), 7(1), 1.Kraus, S. (1997). Negotiation and cooperation in multi-agent environments. Artificial Intelligence, 94(1), 79–97.Lin, Y. I., Chou, Y. W., Shiau, J. Y., & Chu, C. H. (2013). Multi-agent negotiation based on price schedules algorithm for distributed collaborative design. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 24(3), 545–557.Luck, M., & McBurney, P. (2008). Computing as interaction: agent and agreement technologies.Luck, M., McBurney, P., Shehory, O., & Willmott, S. (2005). Agent technology: Computing as interaction (A roadmap for agent based computing). AgentLink.Ossowski, S., & Menezes, R. (2006). On coordination and its significance to distributed and multiagent systems. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 18(4), 359–370.Ossowski, S., Sierra, C., & Botti. (2013). Agreement technologies: A computing perspective. In Agreement Technologies (pp. 3–16). Springer Netherlands.Pinyol, I., & Sabater-Mir, J. (2013). Computational trust and reputation models for open multi-agent systems: a review. Artificial Intelligence Review, 40(1), 1–25.Ricci, A., Piunti, M., & Viroli, M. (2011). Environment programming in multi-agent systems: an artifact-based perspective. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 23(2), 158–192.Sierra, C., & Debenham, J. (2006). Trust and honour in information-based agency. In Proceedings of the 5th international conference on autonomous agents and multi agent systems, (p. 1225–1232). New York: ACM.Sierra, C., Botti, V., & Ossowski, S. (2011). Agreement computing. KI-Knstliche Intelligenz, 25(1), 57–61.Vasconcelos, W., García-Camino, A., Gaertner, D., Rodríguez-Aguilar, J. A., & Noriega, P. (2012). Distributed norm management for multi-agent systems. Expert Systems with Applications, 39(5), 5990–5999.Wooldridge, M. (2002). An introduction to multiagent systems. New York: Wiley.Wooldridge, M., & Jennings, N. R. (1995). Intelligent agents: theory and practice. Knowledge Engineering Review, 10(2), 115–152

    Affective Adaptation of Social Norms in Workplace Design

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    Open-plan offices are common in today's organisations. These types of workplaces require people to share a common space, where violation of (implicitly or explicitly stated) social norms can cause instances of incivility. If nothing is done to avoid these situations, bad feeling can lead to diminished productivity and cooperation, and, in the long-term, to more serious problems, such as conflict and aggression. A critical review of literature shows the effects of workplace incivility and the need for an internal reparation mechanism. Inspired by convergence of pervasive, adaptive and affective computing, we have designed and developed a self-regulatory platform for successful collective action, based on participatory adaptation and fair information practises, which we called MACS. MACS addresses the problem of incivility and aims at improving the Quality of Experience in shared workplaces. This thesis presents all studies that led to the development of MACS. Through the analysis of an online questionnaire we gathered information about incivility in shared workplaces, how people deal with those situations, and awareness about uncivil self-behaviours. We concluded the main issue while sharing a workplace is noise, and most people will try to change their own behaviour, rather than confronting the person being uncivil. MACS's avatar-based interface was developed with the purpose of heightening self-awareness and cueing the appropriate social norms, while providing a good User Experience (UX). Avatars created to people's image, rather than photos, were used, to keep MACS's tone light and relatively unintrusive, while still creating self-awareness. MACS's final version went through UX testing, where 6 people were filmed while performing tasks in MACS. The intended work-flow and user interfaces to support the smooth passage of the work-flow have been validated by the UX user testing. There is some preliminary evidence suggesting apology will elicit empathic responses in MACS. Finally, this thesis proposes guidelines for workplace design, which are founded on participatory creation and change of social norms, and ways to make sure they are enforced. In this sense, MACS can also be seen as a prototypical example of a socio-technical system being used as platform for successful collective action.Open Acces

    Computational Theory of Mind for Human-Agent Coordination

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    In everyday life, people often depend on their theory of mind, i.e., their ability to reason about unobservable mental content of others to understand, explain, and predict their behaviour. Many agent-based models have been designed to develop computational theory of mind and analyze its effectiveness in various tasks and settings. However, most existing models are not generic (e.g., only applied in a given setting), not feasible (e.g., require too much information to be processed), or not human-inspired (e.g., do not capture the behavioral heuristics of humans). This hinders their applicability in many settings. Accordingly, we propose a new computational theory of mind, which captures the human decision heuristics of reasoning by abstracting individual beliefs about others. We specifically study computational affinity and show how it can be used in tandem with theory of mind reasoning when designing agent models for human-agent negotiation. We perform two-agent simulations to analyze the role of affinity in getting to agreements when there is a bound on the time to be spent for negotiating. Our results suggest that modeling affinity can ease the negotiation process by decreasing the number of rounds needed for an agreement as well as yield a higher benefit for agents with theory of mind reasoning.</p

    Legal linked data ecosystems and the rule of law

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    This chapter introduces the notions of meta-rule of law and socio-legal ecosystems to both foster and regulate linked democracy. It explores the way of stimulating innovative regulations and building a regulatory quadrant for the rule of law. The chapter summarises briefly (i) the notions of responsive, better and smart regulation; (ii) requirements for legal interchange languages (legal interoperability); (iii) and cognitive ecology approaches. It shows how the protections of the substantive rule of law can be embedded into the semantic languages of the web of data and reflects on the conditions that make possible their enactment and implementation as a socio-legal ecosystem. The chapter suggests in the end a reusable multi-levelled meta-model and four notions of legal validity: positive, composite, formal, and ecological