2,668 research outputs found

    Data-driven discovery of coordinates and governing equations

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    The discovery of governing equations from scientific data has the potential to transform data-rich fields that lack well-characterized quantitative descriptions. Advances in sparse regression are currently enabling the tractable identification of both the structure and parameters of a nonlinear dynamical system from data. The resulting models have the fewest terms necessary to describe the dynamics, balancing model complexity with descriptive ability, and thus promoting interpretability and generalizability. This provides an algorithmic approach to Occam's razor for model discovery. However, this approach fundamentally relies on an effective coordinate system in which the dynamics have a simple representation. In this work, we design a custom autoencoder to discover a coordinate transformation into a reduced space where the dynamics may be sparsely represented. Thus, we simultaneously learn the governing equations and the associated coordinate system. We demonstrate this approach on several example high-dimensional dynamical systems with low-dimensional behavior. The resulting modeling framework combines the strengths of deep neural networks for flexible representation and sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics (SINDy) for parsimonious models. It is the first method of its kind to place the discovery of coordinates and models on an equal footing.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures; added acknowledgment

    Dinamički odziv nove adaptivne modificirane povratne Legendrove neuronske mreže upravljanja sinkronim motorom s permanentnim magnetima za električni skuter

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    Because an electric scooter driven by permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) servo-driven system has the unknown nonlinearity and the time-varying characteristics, its accurate dynamic model is difficult to establish for the design of the linear controller in whole system. In order to conquer this difficulty and raise robustness, a novel adaptive modified recurrent Legendre neural network (NN) control system, which has fast convergence and provide high accuracy, is proposed to control for PMSM servo-driven electric scooter under the external disturbances and parameter variations in this study. The novel adaptive modified recurrent Legendre NN control system consists of a modified recurrent Legendre NN control with adaptation law and a remunerated control with estimation law. In addition, the online parameter tuning methodology of the modified recurrent Legendre NN control and the estimation law of the remunerated control can be derived by using the Lyapunov stability theorem and the gradient descent method. Furthermore, the modified recurrent Legendre NN with variable learning rate is proposed to raise convergence speed. Finally, comparative studies are demonstrated by experimental results in order to show the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.S obzirom da električni skuter pogonjen servo sustavom sa sinkroni motor s permanentnim magnetima ima nelinearnu dinamiku i vremenski promjenjive parametre, njegov dinamički model nije jednostavno odrediti u svrhu dizajniranja linearnog regulatora. Kako bi se riješio taj problem te povećala robusnost predložen je sustav upravljanja korištenjem adaptivne modificirane povratne Legendrove neuronske mreže za upravljanje skuterom pogonjenim servo sustavom sa sinkronim motorom uz prisustvo vanjskog poremećaja i promjenjivih parametara. Predloženo upravljanje ima brzu konvergenciju i visoku preciznost. Sustav upravljanja sastoji se od modificirane povratne Legendrove neuronske moreže s adaptivnim zakonom upravljanja i estimacijom. Dodatno, \u27on-line\u27 podešavanje parametara takvog sustava može se dobiti korištenjem Ljapunovljevog teorema o stabilnosti sustava i gradijente metode. Modificirana povratne Legendrove neuronska mreža s promjenjivim vremenom učenja predložena je za povećanje brzine konvergencije. Ispravnost predložene sheme upravljanja provjerena je eksperimentalno

    Chemical and biological reactions of solidification of peat using ordinary portland cement (OPC) and coal ashes

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    Construction over peat area have often posed a challenge to geotechnical engineers. After decades of study on peat stabilisation techniques, there are still no absolute formulation or guideline that have been established to handle this issue. Some researchers have proposed solidification of peat but a few researchers have also discovered that solidified peat seemed to decrease its strength after a certain period of time. Therefore, understanding the chemical and biological reaction behind the peat solidification is vital to understand the limitation of this treatment technique. In this study, all three types of peat; fabric, hemic and sapric were mixed using Mixing 1 and Mixing 2 formulation which consisted of ordinary Portland cement, fly ash and bottom ash at various ratio. The mixtures of peat-binder-filler were subjected to the unconfined compressive strength (UCS) test, bacterial count test and chemical elemental analysis by using XRF, XRD, FTIR and EDS. Two pattern of strength over curing period were observed. Mixing 1 samples showed a steadily increase in strength over curing period until Day 56 while Mixing 2 showed a decrease in strength pattern at Day 28 and Day 56. Samples which increase in strength steadily have less bacterial count and enzymatic activity with increase quantity of crystallites. Samples with lower strength recorded increase in bacterial count and enzymatic activity with less crystallites. Analysis using XRD showed that pargasite (NaCa2[Mg4Al](Si6Al2)O22(OH)2) was formed in the higher strength samples while in the lower strength samples, pargasite was predicted to be converted into monosodium phosphate and Mg(OH)2 as bacterial consortium was re-activated. The Michaelis�Menten coefficient, Km of the bio-chemical reaction in solidified peat was calculated as 303.60. This showed that reaction which happened during solidification work was inefficient. The kinetics for crystallite formation with enzymatic effect is modelled as 135.42 (1/[S] + 0.44605) which means, when pargasite formed is lower, the amount of enzyme secretes is higher

    Interval and Fuzzy Computing in Neural Network for System Identification Problems

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    Increase of population and growing of societal and commercial activities with limited land available in a modern city leads to construction up of tall/high-rise buildings. As such, it is important to investigate about the health of the structure after the occurrence of manmade or natural disasters such as earthquakes etc. A direct mathematical expression for parametric study or system identification of these structures is not always possible. Actually System Identification (SI) problems are inverse vibration problems consisting of coupled linear or non-linear differential equations that depend upon the physics of the system. It is also not always possible to get the solutions for these problems by classical methods. Few researchers have used different methods to solve the above mentioned problems. But difficulties are faced very often while finding solution to these problems because inverse problem generally gives non-unique parameter estimates. To overcome these difficulties alternate soft computing techniques such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are being used by various researchers to handle the above SI problems. It is worth mentioning that traditional neural network methods have inherent advantage because it can model the experimental data (input and output) where good mathematical model is not available. Moreover, inverse problems have been solved by other researchers for deterministic cases only. But while performing experiments it is always not possible to get the data exactly in crisp form. There may be some errors that are due to involvement of human or experiment. Accordingly, those data may actually be in uncertain form and corresponding methodologies need to be developed. It is an important issue about dealing with variables, parameters or data with uncertain value. There are three classes of uncertain models, which are probabilistic, fuzzy and interval. Recently, fuzzy theory and interval analysis are becoming powerful tools for many applications in recent decades. It is known that interval and fuzzy computations are themselves very complex to handle. Having these in mind one has to develop efficient computational models and algorithms very carefully to handle these uncertain problems. As said above, in general we may not obtain the corresponding input and output values (experimental) exactly or in crisp form but we may have only uncertain information of the data. Hence, investigations are needed to handle the SI problems where data is available in uncertain form. Identification methods with crisp (exact) data are known and traditional neural network methods have already been used by various researchers. But when the data are in uncertain form then traditional ANN may not be applied. Accordingly, new ANN models need to be developed which may solve the targeted uncertain SI problems. Hence present investigation targets to develop powerful methods of neural network based on interval and fuzzy theory for the analysis and simulation with respect to the uncertain system identification problems. In this thesis, these uncertain data are assumed as interval and fuzzy numbers. Accordingly, identification methodologies are developed for multistorey shear buildings by proposing new models of Interval Neural Network (INN) and Fuzzy Neural Network (FNN) models which can handle interval and fuzzified data respectively. It may however be noted that the developed methodology not only be important for the mentioned problems but those may very well be used in other application problems too. Few SI problems have been solved in the present thesis using INN and FNN model which are briefly described below. From initial design parameters (namely stiffness and mass in terms of interval and fuzzy) corresponding design frequencies may be obtained for a given structural problem viz. for a multistorey shear structure. The uncertain (interval/fuzzy) frequencies may then be used to estimate the present structural parameter values by the proposed INN and FNN. Next, the identification has been done using vibration response of the structure subject to ambient vibration with interval/fuzzy initial conditions. Forced vibration with horizontal displacement in interval/fuzzified form has also been used to investigate the identification problem. Moreover this study involves SI problems of structures (viz. shear buildings) with respect to earthquake data in order to know the health of a structure. It is well known that earthquake data are both positive and negative. The Interval Neural Network and Fuzzy Neural Network model may not handle the data with negative sign due to the complexity in interval and fuzzy computation. As regards, a novel transformation method have been developed to compute response of a structural system by training the model for Indian earthquakes at Chamoli and Uttarkashi using uncertain (interval/fuzzified) ground motion data. The simulation may give an idea about the safety of the structural system in case of future earthquakes. Further a single layer interval and fuzzy neural network based strategy has been proposed for simultaneous identification of the mass, stiffness and damping of uncertain multi-storey shear buildings using series/cluster of neural networks. It is known that training in MNN and also in INN and FNN are time consuming because these models depend upon the number of nodes in the hidden layer and convergence of the weights during training. As such, single layer Functional Link Neural Network (FLNN) with multi-input and multi-output model has also been proposed to solve the system identification problems for the first time. It is worth mentioning that, single input single output FLNN had been proposed by previous authors. In FLNN, the hidden layer is replaced by a functional expansion block for enhancement of the input patterns using orthogonal polynomials such as Chebyshev, Legendre and Hermite, etc. The computations become more efficient than the traditional or classical multi-layer neural network due to the absence of hidden layer. FLNN has also been used for structural response prediction of multistorey shear buildings subject to earthquake ground motion. It is seen that FLNN can very well predict the structural response of different floors of multi-storey shear building subject to earthquake data. Comparison of results among Multi layer Neural Network (MNN), Chebyshev Neural Network (ChNN), Legendre Neural Network (LeNN), Hermite Neural Network (HNN) and desired are considered and it is found that Functional Link Neural Network models are more effective and takes less computation time than MNN. In order to show the reliability, efficacy and powerfulness of INN, FNN and FLNN models variety of problems have been solved here. Finally FLNN is also extended to interval based FLNN which is again proposed for the first time to the best of our knowledge. This model is implemented to estimate the uncertain stiffness parameters of a multi-storey shear building. The parameters are identified here using uncertain response of the structure subject to ambient and forced vibration with interval initial condition and horizontal displacement also in interval form

    Analogue neuromorphic systems.

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    This thesis addresses a new area of science and technology, that of neuromorphic systems, namely the problems and prospects of analogue neuromorphic systems. The subject is subdivided into three chapters. Chapter 1 is an introduction. It formulates the oncoming problem of the creation of highly computationally costly systems of nonlinear information processing (such as artificial neural networks and artificial intelligence systems). It shows that an analogue technology could make a vital contribution to the creation such systems. The basic principles of creation of analogue neuromorphic systems are formulated. The importance will be emphasised of the principle of orthogonality for future highly efficient complex information processing systems. Chapter 2 reviews the basics of neural and neuromorphic systems and informs on the present situation in this field of research, including both experimental and theoretical knowledge gained up-to-date. The chapter provides the necessary background for correct interpretation of the results reported in Chapter 3 and for a realistic decision on the direction for future work. Chapter 3 describes my own experimental and computational results within the framework of the subject, obtained at De Montfort University. These include: the building of (i) Analogue Polynomial Approximator/lnterpolatoriExtrapolator, (ii) Synthesiser of orthogonal functions, (iii) analogue real-time video filter (performing the homomorphic filtration), (iv) Adaptive polynomial compensator of geometrical distortions of CRT- monitors, (v) analogue parallel-learning neural network (backpropagation algorithm). Thus, this thesis makes a dual contribution to the chosen field: it summarises the present knowledge on the possibility of utilising analogue technology in up-to-date and future computational systems, and it reports new results within the framework of the subject. The main conclusion is that due to its promising power characteristics, small sizes and high tolerance to degradation, the analogue neuromorphic systems will playa more and more important role in future computational systems (in particular in systems of artificial intelligence)

    The Cascade Orthogonal Neural Network

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    In the paper new non-conventional growing neural network is proposed. It coincides with the Cascade- Correlation Learning Architecture structurally, but uses ortho-neurons as basic structure units, which can be adjusted using linear tuning procedures. As compared with conventional approximating neural networks proposed approach allows significantly to reduce time required for weight coefficients adjustment and the training dataset size

    Decomposition of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Using Koopman Gramians

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    In this paper we propose a new Koopman operator approach to the decomposition of nonlinear dynamical systems using Koopman Gramians. We introduce the notion of an input-Koopman operator, and show how input-Koopman operators can be used to cast a nonlinear system into the classical state-space form, and identify conditions under which input and state observable functions are well separated. We then extend an existing method of dynamic mode decomposition for learning Koopman operators from data known as deep dynamic mode decomposition to systems with controls or disturbances. We illustrate the accuracy of the method in learning an input-state separable Koopman operator for an example system, even when the underlying system exhibits mixed state-input terms. We next introduce a nonlinear decomposition algorithm, based on Koopman Gramians, that maximizes internal subsystem observability and disturbance rejection from unwanted noise from other subsystems. We derive a relaxation based on Koopman Gramians and multi-way partitioning for the resulting NP-hard decomposition problem. We lastly illustrate the proposed algorithm with the swing dynamics for an IEEE 39-bus system.Comment: 8 pages, submitted to IEEE 2018 AC

    Growing Neural Networks Using Nonconventional Activation Functions

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    In the paper, an ontogenic artificial neural network (ANNs) is proposed. The network uses orthogonal activation functions that allow significant reducing of computational complexity. Another advantage is numerical stability, because the system of activation functions is linearly independent by definition. A learning procedure for proposed ANN with guaranteed convergence to the global minimum of error function in the parameter space is developed. An algorithm for structure network structure adaptation is proposed. The algorithm allows adding or deleting a node in real-time without retraining of the network. Simulation results confirm the efficiency of the proposed approach