1,869 research outputs found

    Synchronization framework for modeling transition to thermoacoustic instability in laminar combustors

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    We, herein, present a new model based on the framework of synchronization to describe a thermoacoustic system and capture the multiple bifurcations that such a system undergoes. Instead of applying flame describing function to depict the unsteady heat release rate as the flame's response to acoustic perturbation, the new model considers the acoustic field and the unsteady heat release rate as a pair of nonlinearly coupled damped oscillators. By varying the coupling strength, multiple dynamical behaviors, including limit cycle oscillation, quasi-periodic oscillation, strange nonchaos, and chaos can be captured. Furthermore, the model was able to qualitatively replicate the different behaviors of a laminar thermoacoustic system observed in experiments by Kabiraj et al.~[Chaos 22, 023129 (2012)]. By analyzing the temporal variation of the phase difference between heat release rate oscillations and pressure oscillations under different dynamical states, we show that the characteristics of the dynamical states depend on the nature of synchronization between the two signals, which is consistent with previous experimental findings.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Modeling for Active Control of Combustion and Thermally Driven Oscillations

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    Organized oscillations excited and sustained by high densities of energy release in combustion chambers have long caused serious problems in development of propulsion systems. The amplitudes often become sufficiently large to cause unacceptable structural vibrations. Because the oscillations are self-excited, they reach limiting amplitudes (limit cycles) only because of the action of nonlinear processes. Traditionally, satisfactory behavior has been achieved through a combination of trial-and-error design and testing, with control always involving passive means: geometrical modifications, changes of propellant composition, or devices to enhance dissipation of acoustic energy. Active control has been applied only to small-scale laboratory devices, but the limited success suggests the possibility of serious applications to full-scale propulsion systems. Realization of that potential rests on further experimental work, combined with deeper understanding of the mechanisms causing the oscillations and of the physical behavior of the systems. Effective design of active control systems will require faithful modeling of the relevant processes over broad frequency ranges covering the spectra of natural modes. This paper will cover the general character of the linear and nonlinear behavior of combustion systems, with special attention to acoustics and the mechanisms of excitation. The discussion is intended to supplement the paper by Doyle et al. concerned primarily with controls issues and the observed behavior of simple laboratory devices

    Estimation of a Noise Level Using Coarse-Grained Entropy of Experimental Time Series of Internal Pressure in a Combustion Engine

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    We report our results on non-periodic experimental time series of pressure in a single cylinder spark ignition engine. The experiments were performed for different levels of loading. We estimate the noise level in internal pressure calculating the coarse-grained entropy from variations of maximal pressures in successive cycles. The results show that the dynamics of the combustion is a nonlinear multidimensional process mediated by noise. Our results show that so defined level of noise in internal pressure is not monotonous function of loading.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    A hierarchy for modeling high speed propulsion systems

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    General research efforts on reduced order propulsion models for control systems design are overviewed. Methods for modeling high speed propulsion systems are discussed including internal flow propulsion systems that do not contain rotating machinery, such as inlets, ramjets, and scramjets. The discussion is separated into four areas: (1) computational fluid dynamics models for the entire nonlinear system or high order nonlinear models; (2) high order linearized models derived from fundamental physics; (3) low order linear models obtained from the other high order models; and (4) low order nonlinear models (order here refers to the number of dynamic states). Included in the discussion are any special considerations based on the relevant control system designs. The methods discussed are for the quasi-one-dimensional Euler equations of gasdynamic flow. The essential nonlinear features represented are large amplitude nonlinear waves, including moving normal shocks, hammershocks, simple subsonic combustion via heat addition, temperature dependent gases, detonations, and thermal choking. The report also contains a comprehensive list of papers and theses generated by this grant

    Universal Dynamics of Damped-Driven Systems: The Logistic Map as a Normal Form for Energy Balance

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    Damped-driven systems are ubiquitous in engineering and science. Despite the diversity of physical processes observed in a broad range of applications, the underlying instabilities observed in practice have a universal characterization which is determined by the overall gain and loss curves of a given system. The universal behavior of damped-driven systems can be understood from a geometrical description of the energy balance with a minimal number of assumptions. The assumptions on the energy dynamics are as follows: the energy increases monotonically as a function of increasing gain, and the losses become increasingly larger with increasing energy, i.e. there are many routes for dissipation in the system for large input energy. The intersection of the gain and loss curves define an energy balanced solution. By constructing an iterative map between the loss and gain curves, the dynamics can be shown to be homeomorphic to the logistic map, which exhibits a period doubling cascade to chaos. Indeed, the loss and gain curves allow for a geometrical description of the dynamics through a simple Verhulst diagram (cobweb plot). Thus irrespective of the physics and its complexities, this simple geometrical description dictates the universal set of logistic map instabilities that arise in complex damped-driven systems. More broadly, damped-driven systems are a class of non-equilibrium pattern forming systems which have a canonical set of instabilities that are manifest in practice.Comment: 26 pages, 31 figure

    Chaos at the border of criticality

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    The present paper points out to a novel scenario for formation of chaotic attractors in a class of models of excitable cell membranes near an Andronov-Hopf bifurcation (AHB). The mechanism underlying chaotic dynamics admits a simple and visual description in terms of the families of one-dimensional first-return maps, which are constructed using the combination of asymptotic and numerical techniques. The bifurcation structure of the continuous system (specifically, the proximity to a degenerate AHB) endows the Poincare map with distinct qualitative features such as unimodality and the presence of the boundary layer, where the map is strongly expanding. This structure of the map in turn explains the bifurcation scenarios in the continuous system including chaotic mixed-mode oscillations near the border between the regions of sub- and supercritical AHB. The proposed mechanism yields the statistical properties of the mixed-mode oscillations in this regime. The statistics predicted by the analysis of the Poincare map and those observed in the numerical experiments of the continuous system show a very good agreement.Comment: Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science (tentatively, Sept 2008
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