272 research outputs found

    E-Integrated Marketing Communication and its impact on Customers' Attitudes

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    This study aims to investigate the impact of E-integrated marketing communication (E-IMC) on customers' attitudes toward electronic products. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers deployed the descriptive analytical approach due to its relevance to this kind of research. The sample was purposive random sample of online customers who are exposed to E-IMC in the context of electronic products in Jordan; 547 questionnaires were distributed, 498 questionnaires were collected back and 455 questionnaires were accepted. The research included two main variables with sub dimensions; E-IMC as the independent variable, customers' attitudes toward electronic products representing the dependent variable.. E-IMC sub dimensions were online advertising (OD), online public relations (OPR) and online sales promotion (OSP. Results revealed that there is a statistically significant relationship between E-integrated marketing communication (E-IMC) and customers' attitudes toward electronic products. In the light of the results, possible managerial implications are discussed  and future research subjects are recommended. Keywords: E-Integrated Marketing Communication (E-IMC), Customers' Attitudes,  Electronic Companies, Jordan

    Advance Care Planning: Best Practice Toolkit for Improving Access to Advance Care Planning Using Telehealth Visits

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    Advance care planning (ACP) predominately occurs during a life-threatening crisis or during an inpatient admission. The primary care provider (PCP) is generally not the healthcare provider addressing ACP at the time of a crisis or during an inpatient admission. Being proactive in limiting ACP decisions with unfamiliar providers, uncomfortable environments, and increasing access to ACP discussions with PCPs are supportive reasons to utilize an ACP telehealth toolkit in primary care. Patients risk having ACP discussions with random providers, environments that don’t provide comfort when having such personal discussions, or not having the peaceful death they deserve without having an ACP in place. Studies have identified positive outcomes from telehealth ACP toolkits use. The use of an ACP toolkit during telehealth ACP visits fosters a collaborative provider-patient relationship. The ACP toolkit would afford the provider and patient an opportunity to engage in advance care planning while increasing the potential for the completion of an advance directive. This project utilizes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) framework to support the use of an ACP telehealth toolkit. The use of this toolkit would result in increased ACP discussions within the primary care setting. It would also result in a decrease in initial ACP discussions occurring in uncontrolled environments, a decrease in ACP discussions with providers unfamiliar to patients and provides an opportunity for patients to voice and define what a peaceful death means to them

    Virtual Coaching Of Novice Science Educators To Support Students With Emotional And Behavioral Disorders

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    Due to a multitude of convergent circumstances, students labeled in the disability category of emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD) experience high rates of academic and behavioral failure. Such failure frequently leads to the students’ dropping out of school, involvement in the judicial system, or a combination of those outcomes. Science is an academic content area that has the potential to enhance behavioral and academic success of students with EBD. Researchers, nonprofits, and business leaders have provided an impetus for nationwide reform in science education. Concurrently, a corpus of legislation has influenced the preparation of new teachers to use evidence-based teaching practices while addressing the needs of an increasingly diverse student population. Using technology is one way that teacher educators are providing in-vivo learning experiences to new teachers during their classroom instruction. A multiple-baseline across-participants research study was used to examine the effectiveness of providing immediate feedback (within three seconds) to novice general science educators to increase their use of an evidence-based teaching strategy, known as a three-term contingency (TTC) trial while they taught. Feedback was delivered via Bug-in-the-Ear (BIE) technology and during whole-class instruction in which students with EBD were included. The teacher participants wore a Bluetooth earpiece, which served as a vehicle for audio communication with the investigator. Teachers were observed via web camera over the Adobe®ConnectTM online conferencing platform. During the intervention, teachers increased iv their percentage of completed TTC trials, opportunities to respond, and praise or error correction. Student responses also increased, and maladaptive behaviors decreased

    How do different devices impact users' web browsing experience?

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    The digital world presents many interfaces, among which the desktop and mobile device platforms are dominant. Grasping the differential user experience (UX) on these devices is a critical requirement for developing user focused interfaces that can deliver enhanced satisfaction. This study specifically focuses on the user's web browsing experience while using desktop and mobile. The thesis adopts quantitative methodology. This amalgamation presents a comprehensive understanding of the influence of device specific variables, such as loading speed, security concerns and interaction techniques, which are critically analyzed. Moreover, various UX facets including usability, user interface (UI) design, accessibility, content organization, and user satisfaction on both devices were also discussed. Substantial differences are observed in the UX delivered by desktop and mobile devices, dictated by inherent device attributes and user behaviors. Mobile UX is often associated with personal, context sensitive use, while desktop caters more effectively to intensive, extended sessions. A surprising revelation is the existing discrepancy between the increasing popularity of mobile devices and the persistent inability of many websites and applications to provide a satisfactory mobile UX. This issue primarily arises from the ineffective adaptation of desktop-focused designs to the mobile, underscoring the necessity for distinct, device specific strategies in UI development. By furnishing pragmatic strategies for designing efficient, user-friendly and inclusive digital interfaces for both devices; the thesis contributes significantly to the existing body of literature. An emphasis is placed on a device-neutral approach in UX design, taking into consideration the unique capabilities and constraints of each device, thereby enriching the expanding discourse on multiservice user experience. As well as this study contributes to digital marketing and targe­ted advertising perspe­ctives

    Wayfinding in People with Alzheimer’s Disease: Perspective Taking and Architectural Cognition—A Vision Paper on Future Dementia Care Research Opportunities

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    Based on a targeted literature review, this vision paper emphasizes the importance of dementia-sensitive built space. The article specifically focuses on supporting spatial orientation and wayfinding for people living with dementia. First, we discuss types of wayfinding challenges, underlying processes, and consequences of spatial disorientation in the context of dementia of the Alzheimer’s type. Second, we focus on current efforts aimed at planning and evaluating dementia-sensitive built space, i.e., environmental design principles, interventions, evaluation tools, strategies, and planning processes. Third, we use our findings as a starting point for developing an interdisciplinary research vision aimed at encouraging further debates and research about: (1) the perspective of a person with dementia, specifically in the context of wayfinding and spatial orientation, and (2) how this perspective supplements planning and design processes of dementia-sensitive built space. We conclude that more closely considering the perspective of people with dementia supports the development of demographically sustainable future cities and care institutions

    How do different devices impact users' web browsing experience?

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    The digital world presents many interfaces, among which the desktop and mobile device platforms are dominant. Grasping the differential user experience (UX) on these devices is a critical requirement for developing user focused interfaces that can deliver enhanced satisfaction. This study specifically focuses on the user's web browsing experience while using desktop and mobile. The thesis adopts quantitative methodology. This amalgamation presents a comprehensive understanding of the influence of device specific variables, such as loading speed, security concerns and interaction techniques, which are critically analyzed. Moreover, various UX facets including usability, user interface (UI) design, accessibility, content organization, and user satisfaction on both devices were also discussed. Substantial differences are observed in the UX delivered by desktop and mobile devices, dictated by inherent device attributes and user behaviors. Mobile UX is often associated with personal, context sensitive use, while desktop caters more effectively to intensive, extended sessions. A surprising revelation is the existing discrepancy between the increasing popularity of mobile devices and the persistent inability of many websites and applications to provide a satisfactory mobile UX. This issue primarily arises from the ineffective adaptation of desktop-focused designs to the mobile, underscoring the necessity for distinct, device specific strategies in UI development. By furnishing pragmatic strategies for designing efficient, user-friendly and inclusive digital interfaces for both devices; the thesis contributes significantly to the existing body of literature. An emphasis is placed on a device-neutral approach in UX design, taking into consideration the unique capabilities and constraints of each device, thereby enriching the expanding discourse on multiservice user experience. As well as this study contributes to digital marketing and targe­ted advertising perspe­ctives

    Online Synchronous Model of Interpretive Sustainable Guiding in Heritage Sites: The Avatar Tourist Visit

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    [EN] The health crisis caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic created an unprecedented social situation. In the most critical moments, tourism activities were cancelled or reduced to their minimum operation, creating an extreme situation of separation of a country¿s heritage from residents and tourists. The objective of this work is to propose new options and strategies to reconnect the public with heritage under any circumstance and, at the same time, offer tourism services in healthy, secure conditions. Thus, live-streaming experiences of online interpretative tourist guidance were developed in heritage spaces; those visits were led by real guide-interpreters in a real environment and transmitted for remote visitors. We have called this visiting model the ¿Avatar Tourist Visit¿. It is based on tools associated with Heritage Interpretation, Interpersonal Communication, Filmmaking and Audio-Visual Language, and Information and Communication Technologies. The methodological development of this tool was based on Design Sciences Research as the creation of a new procedure was pursued. The result is a sustainable, immersive, interactive, inclusive, unique, and resilient tourism product designed not only for times of crisis but also to connect the public with heritage at all times and ensure universal access to it. In addition, this activity constitutes a marketable experience as a specialized and customizable tourist product.This study is part of the research project "Analisis y desarrollo de la integracion HBIM en SIG para la creacion de un protocolo de planificacion turistica del patrimonio cultural de un destino" (ref. PID2020-119088RB-I00), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation; and has also been funded by Generalitat Valenciana and Fondo Social Europeo through the postdoctoral program APOSTD/2020/004.Viñals Blasco, MJ.; Gilabert Sansalvador, L.; Sanasaryan, A.; Teruel Serrano, MD.; Darés, M. (2021). Online Synchronous Model of Interpretive Sustainable Guiding in Heritage Sites: The Avatar Tourist Visit. Sustainability. 13(13):1-18. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13137179118131

    Dartanan: Prototype evaluations of a serious game to engage children in the calibration of their hearing aid functionalities

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    Introduction: It is notoriously difficult to obtain a perfect fitting of hearing aids (HAs) for children as they often struggle to understand their hearing loss well enough to discuss the fitting adequately with their audiologist. Dartanan is an ‘edutainment’ game developed to help children understand the functions of their HA in different sound contexts. Dartanan also had elements of a leisure game for all children, in order to create an inclusive activity. Methods: Game prototypes were evaluated during two formative evaluations and a summative evaluation. In total 106 children with and without hearing loss in Italy, Spain and the UK played Dartanan. A built-in virtual HA enabled children with hearing loss to use headphones to play. Results and conclusions: During the formative stages, feedback was discussed during focus groups on factors such as the audiological aspects, the extent to which children learned about HA functions, accessibility and usability, and this feedback was presented to the developers. After redevelopment, a summative evaluation was performed using an online survey. It was concluded that the game had met the goals of helping children understand their HA functionalities and providing an inclusive activity. User-evaluations were crucial in the development of the app into a useful and useable service

    Distributed Computing and Monitoring Technologies for Older Patients

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    This book summarizes various approaches for the automatic detection of health threats to older patients at home living alone. The text begins by briefly describing those who would most benefit from healthcare supervision. The book then summarizes possible scenarios for monitoring an older patient at home, deriving the common functional requirements for monitoring technology. Next, the work identifies the state of the art of technological monitoring approaches that are practically applicable to geriatric patients. A survey is presented on a range of such interdisciplinary fields as smart homes, telemonitoring, ambient intelligence, ambient assisted living, gerontechnology, and aging-in-place technology. The book discusses relevant experimental studies, highlighting the application of sensor fusion, signal processing and machine learning techniques. Finally, the text discusses future challenges, offering a number of suggestions for further research directions
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