733 research outputs found

    LO-FAT: Low-Overhead Control Flow ATtestation in Hardware

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    Attacks targeting software on embedded systems are becoming increasingly prevalent. Remote attestation is a mechanism that allows establishing trust in embedded devices. However, existing attestation schemes are either static and cannot detect control-flow attacks, or require instrumentation of software incurring high performance overheads. To overcome these limitations, we present LO-FAT, the first practical hardware-based approach to control-flow attestation. By leveraging existing processor hardware features and commonly-used IP blocks, our approach enables efficient control-flow attestation without requiring software instrumentation. We show that our proof-of-concept implementation based on a RISC-V SoC incurs no processor stalls and requires reasonable area overhead.Comment: Authors' pre-print version to appear in DAC 2017 proceeding

    Actor-based Concurrency in Newspeak 4

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    Actors are a model of computation invented by Carl Hewitt in the 1970s. It has seen a resurrection of mainstream use recently as a potential solution to the latency and concurrency that are quickly rising as the dominant challenges facing the software industry. In this project I explored the history of the actor model and a practical implementation of actor-based concurrency tightly integrated with non-blocking futures in the E programming language developed by Mark Miller. I implemented an actor-based concurrency framework for Newspeak that closely follows the E implementation and includes E-style futures and deep integration into the programming language via new syntax for asynchronous message passing

    A Dynamically Scheduled HLS Flow in MLIR

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    In High-Level Synthesis (HLS), we consider abstractions that span from software to hardware and target heterogeneous architectures. Therefore, managing the complexity introduced by this is key to implementing good, maintainable, and extendible HLS compilers. Traditionally, HLS flows have been built on top of software compilation infrastructure such as LLVM, with hardware aspects of the flow existing peripherally to the core of the compiler. Through this work, we aim to show that MLIR, a compiler infrastructure with a focus on domain-specific intermediate representations (IR), is a better infrastructure for HLS compilers. Using MLIR, we define HLS and hardware abstractions as first-class citizens of the compiler, simplifying analysis, transformations, and optimization. To demonstrate this, we present a C-to-RTL, dynamically scheduled HLS flow. We find that our flow generates circuits comparable to those of an equivalent LLVM-based HLS compiler. Notably, we achieve this while lacking key optimization passes typically found in HLS compilers and through the use of an experimental front-end. To this end, we show that significant improvements in the generated RTL are but low-hanging fruit, requiring engineering effort to attain. We believe that our flow is more modular and more extendible than comparable open-source HLS compilers and is thus a good candidate as a basis for future research. Apart from the core HLS flow, we provide MLIR-based tooling for C-to-RTL cosimulation and visual debugging, with the ultimate goal of building an MLIR-based HLS infrastructure that will drive innovation in the field

    Transparent In-Circuit Assertions for FPGAs

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    Commonly used in software design, assertions are statements placed into a design to ensure that its behaviour matches that expected by a designer. Although assertions apply equally to hardware design, they are typically supported only for logic simulation, and discarded prior to physical implementation. We propose a new HDL-agnostic language for describing latency-insensitive assertions and novel methods to add such assertions transparently to an already placed-and-routed circuit without affecting the existing design. We also describe how this language and associated methods can be used to implement semi-transparent exception handling. The key to our work is that by treating hardware assertions and exceptions as being oblivious or less sensitive to latency, assertion logic need only use spare FPGA resources. We use network-flow techniques to route necessary signals to assertions via spare flip-flops, eliminating any performance degradation, even on large designs (92% of slices in one test). Experimental evaluation shows zero impact on critical-path delay, even on large benchmarks operating above 200MHz, at the cost of a small power penalty

    Digital signal processor fundamentals and system design

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    Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) have been used in accelerator systems for more than fifteen years and have largely contributed to the evolution towards digital technology of many accelerator systems, such as machine protection, diagnostics and control of beams, power supply and motors. This paper aims at familiarising the reader with DSP fundamentals, namely DSP characteristics and processing development. Several DSP examples are given, in particular on Texas Instruments DSPs, as they are used in the DSP laboratory companion of the lectures this paper is based upon. The typical system design flow is described; common difficulties, problems and choices faced by DSP developers are outlined; and hints are given on the best solution

    The PARSE Programming Paradigm. Part I: Software Development Methodology. Part II: Software Development Support Tools

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    The programming methodology of PARSE (parallel software environment), a software environment being developed for reconfigurable non-shared memory parallel computers, is described. This environment will consist of an integrated collection of language interfaces, automatic and semi-automatic debugging and analysis tools, and operating system —all of which are made more flexible by the use of a knowledge-based implementation for the tools that make up PARSE. The programming paradigm supports the user freely choosing among three basic approaches /abstractions for programming a parallel machine: logic-based descriptive, sequential-control procedural, and parallel-control procedural programming. All of these result in efficient parallel execution. The current work discusses the methodology underlying PARSE, whereas the companion paper, “The PARSE Programming Paradigm — II: Software Development Support Tools,” details each of the component tools

    A Comparative Xeon and CBE Performance Analysis

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    The Cell Broadband Engine is a high performance multicore processor with superb performance on certain types of problems. However, it does not perform as well running other algorithms, particularly those with heavy branching. The Intel Xeon processor is a high performance superscalar processor. It utilizes a high clock speed and deep pipelines to help it achieve superior performance. But deep pipelines can perform poorly with frequent memory accesses. This paper is a study and attempt at quantifying the types of programmatic structures that are more suitable to a particular architecture. It focuses on the issues of pipelines, memory access and branching on these two microprocessor architectures
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