1,645 research outputs found

    Timing analysis for embedded systems using non-preemptive EDF scheduling under bounded error arrivals

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    Embedded systems consist of one or more processing units which are completely encapsulated by the devices under their control, and they often have stringent timing constraints associated with their functional specification. Previous research has considered the performance of different types of task scheduling algorithm and developed associated timing analysis techniques for such systems. Although preemptive scheduling techniques have traditionally been favored, rapid increases in processor speeds combined with improved insights into the behavior of non-preemptive scheduling techniques have seen an increased interest in their use for real-time applications such as multimedia, automation and control. However when non-preemptive scheduling techniques are employed there is a potential lack of error confinement should any timing errors occur in individual software tasks. In this paper, the focus is upon adding fault tolerance in systems using non-preemptive deadline-driven scheduling. Schedulability conditions are derived for fault-tolerant periodic and sporadic task sets experiencing bounded error arrivals under non-preemptive deadline scheduling. A timing analysis algorithm is presented based upon these conditions and its run-time properties are studied. Computational experiments show it to be highly efficient in terms of run-time complexity and competitive ratio when compared to previous approaches

    Scheduling of Early Quantum Tasks

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    An Early Quantum Task (EQT) is a Quantum EDF task that has shrunk its first period into one quantum time slot. Its purpose is to be executed as soon as possible, without causing deadline overflow of other tasks. We will derive the conditions under which an EQT can be admitted and can have an immediate start. The advantage of scheduling EQTs is shown by its use in a buffered multi-media server. The EQT is associated with a multimedia stream and it will use its first invocation to fill the buffer, such that a client can start receiving data immediately

    Flexible Scheduling in Multimedia Kernels: an Overview

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    Current Hard Real-Time (HRT) kernels have their timely behaviour guaranteed on the cost of a rather restrictive use of the available resources. This makes current HRT scheduling techniques inadequate for use in a multimedia environment where we can make a considerable profit by a better and more flexible use of the resources. We will show that we can improve the flexibility and efficiency of multimedia kernels. Therefore we introduce Real Time Transactions (RTT) with Deadline Inheritance policies for a small class of scheduling algorithms and we will evaluate these algorithms for use in a multimedia environmen

    Real-time disk scheduling in a mixed-media file system

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    This paper presents our real-time disk scheduler called the Delta L scheduler, which optimizes unscheduled best-effort disk requests by giving priority to best-effort disk requests while meeting real-time request deadlines. Our scheduler tries to execute real-time disk requests as much as possible in the background. Only when real-time request deadlines are endangered, our scheduler gives priority to real-time disk requests. The Delta L disk scheduler is part of our mixed-media file system called Clockwise. An essential part of our work is extensive and detailed raw disk performance measurements. The Delta L disk scheduler for its real-time schedulability analysis and to decide whether scheduling a best-effort request before a real-time request violates real-time constraints uses these raw performance measurements. Further, a Clockwise off-line simulator uses the raw performance measurements where a number of different disk schedulers are compared. We compare the Delta L scheduler with a prioritizing Latest Start Time (LST) scheduler and non-prioritizing EDF scheduler. The Delta L scheduler is comparable to LST in achieving low latencies for best-effort requests under light to moderate real-time loads and better in achieving low latencies for best-effort requests for extreme real-time loads. The simulator is calibrated to an actual Clockwise. Clockwise runs on a 200MHz Pentium-Pro based PC with PCI bus, multiple SCSI controllers and disks on Linux 2.2.x and the Nemesis kernel. Clockwise performance is dictated by the hardware: all available bandwidth can be committed to real-time streams, provided hardware overloads do not occur

    The stack resource protocol based on real time transactions

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    Current hard real time (HRT) kernels have their timely behaviour guaranteed at the cost of a rather restrictive use of the available resources. This makes current HRT scheduling techniques inadequate for use in a multimedia environment where one can profit by a better and more flexible use of the resources. It is shown that one can improve the flexibility and efficiency of real time kernels and a method is proposed for precise quality of service schedulability analysis of the stack resource protocol. This protocol is generalised by introducing real time transactions, which makes its use straightforward and efficient. Transactions can be refined to nested critical sections if the smallest estimation of blocking is desired. The method can be used for hard real time systems in general and for multimedia systems in particular

    Statistic Rate Monotonic Scheduling

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    In this paper we present Statistical Rate Monotonic Scheduling (SRMS), a generalization of the classical RMS results of Liu and Layland that allows scheduling periodic tasks with highly variable execution times and statistical QoS requirements. Similar to RMS, SRMS has two components: a feasibility test and a scheduling algorithm. The feasibility test for SRMS ensures that using SRMS' scheduling algorithms, it is possible for a given periodic task set to share a given resource (e.g. a processor, communication medium, switching device, etc.) in such a way that such sharing does not result in the violation of any of the periodic tasks QoS constraints. The SRMS scheduling algorithm incorporates a number of unique features. First, it allows for fixed priority scheduling that keeps the tasks' value (or importance) independent of their periods. Second, it allows for job admission control, which allows the rejection of jobs that are not guaranteed to finish by their deadlines as soon as they are released, thus enabling the system to take necessary compensating actions. Also, admission control allows the preservation of resources since no time is spent on jobs that will miss their deadlines anyway. Third, SRMS integrates reservation-based and best-effort resource scheduling seamlessly. Reservation-based scheduling ensures the delivery of the minimal requested QoS; best-effort scheduling ensures that unused, reserved bandwidth is not wasted, but rather used to improve QoS further. Fourth, SRMS allows a system to deal gracefully with overload conditions by ensuring a fair deterioration in QoS across all tasks---as opposed to penalizing tasks with longer periods, for example. Finally, SRMS has the added advantage that its schedulability test is simple and its scheduling algorithm has a constant overhead in the sense that the complexity of the scheduler is not dependent on the number of the tasks in the system. We have evaluated SRMS against a number of alternative scheduling algorithms suggested in the literature (e.g. RMS and slack stealing), as well as refinements thereof, which we describe in this paper. Consistently throughout our experiments, SRMS provided the best performance. In addition, to evaluate the optimality of SRMS, we have compared it to an inefficient, yet optimal scheduler for task sets with harmonic periods.National Science Foundation (CCR-970668

    End-Point Resource Admission Control for Remote Control Multimedia Applications

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    One goal in certain classes of networked multimedia applications, such as full-feedback remote control, is to provide end-to-end guarantees. To achieve guarantees, all resources along the path(s) between the resource(s) and sink(s) must be controlled. Resource availability is checked by the admission service during the call establishment phase. Current admission services control only network resources such as bandwidth and network delay. To provide end-to-end guarantees, the networked applications also need operation system resources and I/O devices at the endpoints. All such resources must be included in a robust admission process. By integrating the end-point resources, we observed several dependencies which force changes in admission algorithms designed and implemented for control of a single resource. We have designed and implemented the multi-level admission service within our Omega architecture which controls the availability of end-point resources needed in remote control multimedia applications such as telerobotics

    Multi-resource management in embedded real-time systems

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    This thesis addresses the problem of online multi-resource management in embedded real-time systems. It focuses on three research questions. The first question concentrates on how to design an efficient hierarchical scheduling framework for supporting independent development and analysis of component based systems, to provide temporal isolation between components. The second question investigates how to change the mapping of resources to tasks and components during run-time efficiently and predictably, and how to analyze the latency of such a system mode change in systems comprised of several scalable components. The third question deals with the scheduling and analysis of a set of parallel-tasks with real-time constraints which require simultaneous access to several different resources. For providing temporal isolation we chose a reservation-based approach. We first focused on processor reservations, where timed events play an important role. Common examples are task deadlines, periodic release of tasks, budget replenishment and budget depletion. Efficient timer management is therefore essential. We investigated the overheads in traditional timer management techniques and presented a mechanism called Relative Timed Event Queues (RELTEQ), which provides an expressive set of primitives at a low processor and memory overhead. We then leveraged RELTEQ to create an efficient, modular and extensible design for enhancing a real-time operating system with periodic tasks, polling, idling periodic and deferrable servers, and a two-level fixed-priority Hierarchical Scheduling Framework (HSF). The HSF design provides temporal isolation and supports independent development of components by separating the global and local scheduling, and allowing each server to define a dedicated scheduler. Furthermore, the design addresses the system overheads inherent to an HSF and prevents undesirable interference between components. It limits the interference of inactive servers on the system level by means of wakeup events and a combination of inactive server queues with a stopwatch queue. Our implementation is modular and requires only a few modifications of the underlying operating system. We then investigated scalable components operating in a memory-constrained system. We first showed how to reduce the memory requirements in a streaming multimedia application, based on a particular priority assignment of the different components along the processing chain. Then we investigated adapting the resource provisions to tasks during runtime, referred to as mode changes. We presented a novel mode change protocol called Swift Mode Changes, which relies on Fixed Priority with Deferred preemption Scheduling to reduce the mode change latency bound compared to existing protocols based on Fixed Priority Preemptive Scheduling. We then presented a new partitioned parallel-task scheduling algorithm called Parallel-SRP (PSRP), which generalizes MSRP for multiprocessors, and the corresponding schedulability analysis for the problem of multi-resource scheduling of parallel tasks with real-time constraints. We showed that the algorithm is deadlock-free, derived a maximum bound on blocking, and used this bound as a basis for a schedulability test. We then demonstrated how PSRP can exploit the inherent parallelism of a platform comprised of multiple heterogeneous resources. Finally, we presented Grasp, which is a visualization toolset aiming to provide insight into the behavior of complex real-time systems. Its flexible plugin infrastructure allows for easy extension with custom visualization and analysis techniques for automatic trace verification. Its capabilities include the visualization of hierarchical multiprocessor systems, including partitioned and global multiprocessor scheduling with migrating tasks and jobs, communication between jobs via shared memory and message passing, and hierarchical scheduling in combination with multiprocessor scheduling. For tracing distributed systems with asynchronous local clocks Grasp also supports the synchronization of traces from different processors during the visualization and analysis
