54 research outputs found

    Overcoming Data Breaches and Human Factors in Minimizing Threats to Cyber-Security Ecosystems

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    This mixed-methods study focused on the internal human factors responsible for data breaches that could cause adverse impacts on organizations. Based on the Swiss cheese theory, the study was designed to examine preventative measures that managers could implement to minimize potential data breaches resulting from internal employees\u27 behaviors. The purpose of this study was to provide insight to managers about developing strategies that could prevent data breaches from cyber-threats by focusing on the specific internal human factors responsible for data breaches, the root causes, and the preventive measures that could minimize threats from internal employees. Data were collected from 10 managers and 12 employees from the business sector, and 5 government managers in Ivory Coast, Africa. The mixed methodology focused on the why and who using the phenomenological approach, consisting of a survey, face-to-face interviews using open-ended questions, and a questionnaire to extract the experiences and perceptions of the participants about preventing the adverse consequences from cyber-threats. The results indicated the importance of top managers to be committed to a coordinated, continuous effort throughout the organization to ensure cyber security awareness, training, and compliance of security policies and procedures, as well as implementing and upgrading software designed to detect and prevent data breaches both internally and externally. The findings of this study could contribute to social change by educating managers about preventing data breaches who in turn may implement information accessibility without retribution. Protecting confidential data is a major concern because one data breach could impact many people as well as jeopardize the viability of the entire organization

    Digital Forensics AI: on Practicality, Optimality, and Interpretability of Digital Evidence Mining Techniques

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    Digital forensics as a field has progressed alongside technological advancements over the years, just as digital devices have gotten more robust and sophisticated. However, criminals and attackers have devised means for exploiting the vulnerabilities or sophistication of these devices to carry out malicious activities in unprecedented ways. Their belief is that electronic crimes can be committed without identities being revealed or trails being established. Several applications of artificial intelligence (AI) have demonstrated interesting and promising solutions to seemingly intractable societal challenges. This thesis aims to advance the concept of applying AI techniques in digital forensic investigation. Our approach involves experimenting with a complex case scenario in which suspects corresponded by e-mail and deleted, suspiciously, certain communications, presumably to conceal evidence. The purpose is to demonstrate the efficacy of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in learning and detecting communication patterns over time, and then predicting the possibility of missing communication(s) along with potential topics of discussion. To do this, we developed a novel approach and included other existing models. The accuracy of our results is evaluated, and their performance on previously unseen data is measured. Second, we proposed conceptualizing the term “Digital Forensics AI” (DFAI) to formalize the application of AI in digital forensics. The objective is to highlight the instruments that facilitate the best evidential outcomes and presentation mechanisms that are adaptable to the probabilistic output of AI models. Finally, we enhanced our notion in support of the application of AI in digital forensics by recommending methodologies and approaches for bridging trust gaps through the development of interpretable models that facilitate the admissibility of digital evidence in legal proceedings

    Digital Forensics AI: on Practicality, Optimality, and Interpretability of Digital Evidence Mining Techniques

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    Digital forensics as a field has progressed alongside technological advancements over the years, just as digital devices have gotten more robust and sophisticated. However, criminals and attackers have devised means for exploiting the vulnerabilities or sophistication of these devices to carry out malicious activities in unprecedented ways. Their belief is that electronic crimes can be committed without identities being revealed or trails being established. Several applications of artificial intelligence (AI) have demonstrated interesting and promising solutions to seemingly intractable societal challenges. This thesis aims to advance the concept of applying AI techniques in digital forensic investigation. Our approach involves experimenting with a complex case scenario in which suspects corresponded by e-mail and deleted, suspiciously, certain communications, presumably to conceal evidence. The purpose is to demonstrate the efficacy of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in learning and detecting communication patterns over time, and then predicting the possibility of missing communication(s) along with potential topics of discussion. To do this, we developed a novel approach and included other existing models. The accuracy of our results is evaluated, and their performance on previously unseen data is measured. Second, we proposed conceptualizing the term “Digital Forensics AI” (DFAI) to formalize the application of AI in digital forensics. The objective is to highlight the instruments that facilitate the best evidential outcomes and presentation mechanisms that are adaptable to the probabilistic output of AI models. Finally, we enhanced our notion in support of the application of AI in digital forensics by recommending methodologies and approaches for bridging trust gaps through the development of interpretable models that facilitate the admissibility of digital evidence in legal proceedings

    Multimedia Forensics

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    This book is open access. Media forensics has never been more relevant to societal life. Not only media content represents an ever-increasing share of the data traveling on the net and the preferred communications means for most users, it has also become integral part of most innovative applications in the digital information ecosystem that serves various sectors of society, from the entertainment, to journalism, to politics. Undoubtedly, the advances in deep learning and computational imaging contributed significantly to this outcome. The underlying technologies that drive this trend, however, also pose a profound challenge in establishing trust in what we see, hear, and read, and make media content the preferred target of malicious attacks. In this new threat landscape powered by innovative imaging technologies and sophisticated tools, based on autoencoders and generative adversarial networks, this book fills an important gap. It presents a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art forensics capabilities that relate to media attribution, integrity and authenticity verification, and counter forensics. Its content is developed to provide practitioners, researchers, photo and video enthusiasts, and students a holistic view of the field

    Multimedia Forensics

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    This book is open access. Media forensics has never been more relevant to societal life. Not only media content represents an ever-increasing share of the data traveling on the net and the preferred communications means for most users, it has also become integral part of most innovative applications in the digital information ecosystem that serves various sectors of society, from the entertainment, to journalism, to politics. Undoubtedly, the advances in deep learning and computational imaging contributed significantly to this outcome. The underlying technologies that drive this trend, however, also pose a profound challenge in establishing trust in what we see, hear, and read, and make media content the preferred target of malicious attacks. In this new threat landscape powered by innovative imaging technologies and sophisticated tools, based on autoencoders and generative adversarial networks, this book fills an important gap. It presents a comprehensive review of state-of-the-art forensics capabilities that relate to media attribution, integrity and authenticity verification, and counter forensics. Its content is developed to provide practitioners, researchers, photo and video enthusiasts, and students a holistic view of the field

    Framework for Security Transparency in Cloud Computing

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    The migration of sensitive data and applications from the on-premise data centre to a cloud environment increases cyber risks to users, mainly because the cloud environment is managed and maintained by a third-party. In particular, the partial surrender of sensitive data and application to a cloud environment creates numerous concerns that are related to a lack of security transparency. Security transparency involves the disclosure of information by cloud service providers about the security measures being put in place to protect assets and meet the expectations of customers. It establishes trust in service relationship between cloud service providers and customers, and without evidence of continuous transparency, trust and confidence are affected and are likely to hinder extensive usage of cloud services. Also, insufficient security transparency is considered as an added level of risk and increases the difficulty of demonstrating conformance to customer requirements and ensuring that the cloud service providers adequately implement security obligations. The research community have acknowledged the pressing need to address security transparency concerns, and although technical aspects for ensuring security and privacy have been researched widely, the focus on security transparency is still scarce. The relatively few literature mostly approach the issue of security transparency from cloud providers’ perspective, while other works have contributed feasible techniques for comparison and selection of cloud service providers using metrics such as transparency and trustworthiness. However, there is still a shortage of research that focuses on improving security transparency from cloud users’ point of view. In particular, there is still a gap in the literature that (i) dissects security transparency from the lens of conceptual knowledge up to implementation from organizational and technical perspectives and; (ii) support continuous transparency by enabling the vetting and probing of cloud service providers’ conformity to specific customer requirements. The significant growth in moving business to the cloud – due to its scalability and perceived effectiveness – underlines the dire need for research in this area. This thesis presents a framework that comprises the core conceptual elements that constitute security transparency in cloud computing. It contributes to the knowledge domain of security transparency in cloud computing by proposing the following. Firstly, the research analyses the basics of cloud security transparency by exploring the notion and foundational concepts that constitute security transparency. Secondly, it proposes a framework which integrates various concepts from requirement engineering domain and an accompanying process that could be followed to implement the framework. The framework and its process provide an essential set of conceptual ideas, activities and steps that can be followed at an organizational level to attain security transparency, which are based on the principles of industry standards and best practices. Thirdly, for ensuring continuous transparency, the thesis proposes an essential tool that supports the collection and assessment of evidence from cloud providers, including the establishment of remedial actions for redressing deficiencies in cloud provider practices. The tool serves as a supplementary component of the proposed framework that enables continuous inspection of how predefined customer requirements are being satisfied. The thesis also validates the proposed security transparency framework and tool in terms of validity, applicability, adaptability, and acceptability using two different case studies. Feedbacks are collected from stakeholders and analysed using essential criteria such as ease of use, relevance, usability, etc. The result of the analysis illustrates the validity and acceptability of both the framework and tool in enhancing security transparency in a real-world environment

    Fine-grained, Content-agnostic Network Traffic Analysis for Malicious Activity Detection

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    The rapid evolution of malicious activities in network environments necessitates the development of more effective and efficient detection and mitigation techniques. Traditional traffic analysis (TA) approaches have demonstrated limited efficacy and performance in detecting various malicious activities, resulting in a pressing need for more advanced solutions. To fill the gap, this dissertation proposes several new fine-grained network traffic analysis (FGTA) approaches. These approaches focus on (1) detecting previously hard-to-detect malicious activities by deducing fine-grained, detailed application-layer information in privacy-preserving manners, (2) enhancing usability by providing more explainable results and better adaptability to different network environments, and (3) combining network traffic data with endpoint information to provide users with more comprehensive and accurate protections. We begin by conducting a comprehensive survey of existing FGTA approaches. We then propose CJ-Sniffer, a privacy-aware cryptojacking detection system that efficiently detects cryptojacking traffic. CJ-Sniffer is the first approach to distinguishing cryptojacking traffic from user-initiated cryptocurrency mining traffic, allowing for fine-grained traffic discrimination. This level of fine-grained traffic discrimination has proven challenging to accomplish through traditional TA methodologies. Next, we introduce BotFlowMon, a learning-based, content-agnostic approach for detecting online social network (OSN) bot traffic, which has posed a significant challenge for detection using traditional TA strategies. BotFlowMon is an FGTA approach that relies only on content-agnostic flow-level data as input and utilizes novel algorithms and techniques to classify social bot traffic from real OSN user traffic. To enhance the usability of FGTA-based attack detection, we propose a learning-based DDoS detection approach that emphasizes both explainability and adaptability. This approach provides network administrators with insightful explanatory information and adaptable models for new network environments. Finally, we present a reinforcement learning-based defense approach against L7 DDoS attacks, which combines network traffic data with endpoint information to operate. The proposed approach actively monitors and analyzes the victim server and applies different strategies under different conditions to protect the server while minimizing collateral damage to legitimate requests. Our evaluation results demonstrate that the proposed approaches achieve high accuracy and efficiency in detecting and mitigating various malicious activities, while maintaining privacy-preserving features, providing explainable and adaptable results, or providing comprehensive application-layer situational awareness. This dissertation significantly advances the fields of FGTA and malicious activity detection. This dissertation includes published and unpublished co-authored materials
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