8 research outputs found

    A Study on Invisible Digital Image and Video Watermarking Techniques

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    Digital watermarking was introduced as a result of rapid advancement of networked multimedia systems. It had been developed to enforce copyright technologies for cover of copyright possession. This technology is first used for still images however recently they need been developed for different multimedia objects like audio, video etc. Watermarking, that belong to the information hiding field, has seen plenty of research interest. There's a lot of work begin conducted in numerous branches in this field. The image watermarking techniques might divide on the idea of domain like spatial domain or transform domain or on the basis of wavelets. The copyright protection, capacity, security, strength etc are a number of the necessary factors that are taken in account whereas the watermarking system is intended. This paper aims to produce a detailed survey of all watermarking techniques specially focuses on image watermarking types and its applications in today’s world

    Content Fragile Watermarking for H.264/AVC Video Authentication

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    Discrete Cosine transform (DCT) to generate the authentication data that are treated as a fragile watermark. This watermark is embedded in the motion vectors (MVs) The advances in multimedia technologies and digital processing tools have brought with them new challenges for the source and content authentication. To ensure the integrity of the H.264/AVC video stream, we introduce an approach based on a content fragile video watermarking method using an independent authentication of each Group of Pictures (GOPs) within the video. This technique uses robust visual features extracted from the video pertaining to the set of selected macroblocs (MBs) which hold the best partition mode in a tree-structured motion compensation process. An additional security degree is offered by the proposed method through using a more secured keyed function HMAC-SHA-256 and randomly choosing candidates from already selected MBs. In here, the watermark detection and verification processes are blind, whereas the tampered frames detection is not since it needs the original frames within the tampered GOPs. The proposed scheme achieves an accurate authentication technique with a high fragility and fidelity whilst maintaining the original bitrate and the perceptual quality. Furthermore, its ability to detect the tampered frames in case of spatial, temporal and colour manipulations, is confirmed

    Schémas de tatouage d'images, schémas de tatouage conjoint à la compression, et schémas de dissimulation de données

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    In this manuscript we address data-hiding in images and videos. Specifically we address robust watermarking for images, robust watermarking jointly with compression, and finally non robust data-hiding.The first part of the manuscript deals with high-rate robust watermarking. After having briefly recalled the concept of informed watermarking, we study the two major watermarking families : trellis-based watermarking and quantized-based watermarking. We propose, firstly to reduce the computational complexity of the trellis-based watermarking, with a rotation based embedding, and secondly to introduce a trellis-based quantization in a watermarking system based on quantization.The second part of the manuscript addresses the problem of watermarking jointly with a JPEG2000 compression step or an H.264 compression step. The quantization step and the watermarking step are achieved simultaneously, so that these two steps do not fight against each other. Watermarking in JPEG2000 is achieved by using the trellis quantization from the part 2 of the standard. Watermarking in H.264 is performed on the fly, after the quantization stage, choosing the best prediction through the process of rate-distortion optimization. We also propose to integrate a Tardos code to build an application for traitors tracing.The last part of the manuscript describes the different mechanisms of color hiding in a grayscale image. We propose two approaches based on hiding a color palette in its index image. The first approach relies on the optimization of an energetic function to get a decomposition of the color image allowing an easy embedding. The second approach consists in quickly obtaining a color palette of larger size and then in embedding it in a reversible way.Dans ce manuscrit nous abordons l’insertion de données dans les images et les vidéos. Plus particulièrement nous traitons du tatouage robuste dans les images, du tatouage robuste conjointement à la compression et enfin de l’insertion de données (non robuste).La première partie du manuscrit traite du tatouage robuste à haute capacité. Après avoir brièvement rappelé le concept de tatouage informé, nous étudions les deux principales familles de tatouage : le tatouage basé treillis et le tatouage basé quantification. Nous proposons d’une part de réduire la complexité calculatoire du tatouage basé treillis par une approche d’insertion par rotation, ainsi que d’autre part d’introduire une approche par quantification basée treillis au seind’un système de tatouage basé quantification.La deuxième partie du manuscrit aborde la problématique de tatouage conjointement à la phase de compression par JPEG2000 ou par H.264. L’idée consiste à faire en même temps l’étape de quantification et l’étape de tatouage, de sorte que ces deux étapes ne « luttent pas » l’une contre l’autre. Le tatouage au sein de JPEG2000 est effectué en détournant l’utilisation de la quantification basée treillis de la partie 2 du standard. Le tatouage au sein de H.264 est effectué à la volée, après la phase de quantification, en choisissant la meilleure prédiction via le processus d’optimisation débit-distorsion. Nous proposons également d’intégrer un code de Tardos pour construire une application de traçage de traîtres.La dernière partie du manuscrit décrit les différents mécanismes de dissimulation d’une information couleur au sein d’une image en niveaux de gris. Nous proposons deux approches reposant sur la dissimulation d’une palette couleur dans son image d’index. La première approche consiste à modéliser le problème puis à l’optimiser afin d’avoir une bonne décomposition de l’image couleur ainsi qu’une insertion aisée. La seconde approche consiste à obtenir, de manière rapide et sûre, une palette de plus grande dimension puis à l’insérer de manière réversible

    Fast fallback watermark detection using perceptual hashes

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    Forensic watermarking is often used to enable the tracing of digital pirates that leak copyright-protected videos. However, existing watermarking methods have a limited robustness and may be vulnerable to targeted attacks. Our previous work proposed a fallback detection method that uses secondary watermarks rather than the primary watermarks embedded by existing methods. However, the previously proposed fallback method is slow and requires access to all watermarked videos. This paper proposes to make the fallback watermark detection method faster using perceptual hashes instead of uncompressed secondary watermark signals. These perceptual hashes can be calculated prior to detection, such that the actual detection process is sped up with a factor of approximately 26,000 to 92,000. In this way, the proposed method tackles the main criticism about practical usability of the slow fallback method. The fast detection comes at the cost of a modest decrease in robustness, although the fast fallback detection method can still outperform the existing primary watermark method. In conclusion, the proposed method enables fast and more robust detection of watermarks that were embedded by existing watermarking methods

    Efficient and Robust Video Steganography Algorithms for Secure Data Communication

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    Over the last two decades, the science of secretly embedding and communicating data has gained tremendous significance due to the technological advancement in communication and digital content. Steganography is the art of concealing secret data in a particular interactive media transporter such as text, audio, image, and video data in order to build a covert communication between authorized parties. Nowadays, video steganography techniques are important in many video-sharing and social networking applications such as Livestreaming, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook because of noteworthy developments in advanced video over the Internet. The performance of any steganography method, ultimately, relies on the imperceptibility, hiding capacity, and robustness against attacks. Although many video steganography methods exist, several of them lack the preprocessing stages. In addition, less security, low embedding capacity, less imperceptibility, and less robustness against attacks are other issues that affect these algorithms. This dissertation investigates and analyzes cutting edge video steganography techniques in both compressed and raw domains. Moreover, it provides solutions for the aforementioned problems by proposing new and effective methods for digital video steganography. The key objectives of this research are to develop: 1) a highly secure video steganography algorithm based on error correcting codes (ECC); 2) an increased payload video steganography algorithm in the discrete wavelet domain based on ECC; 3) a novel video steganography algorithm based on Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi (KLT) tracking and ECC; 4) a robust video steganography algorithm in the wavelet domain based on KLT tracking and ECC; 5) a new video steganography algorithm based on the multiple object tracking (MOT) and ECC; and 6) a robust and secure video steganography algorithm in the discrete wavelet and discrete cosine transformations based on MOT and ECC. The experimental results from our research demonstrate that our proposed algorithms achieve higher embedding capacity as well as better imperceptibility of stego videos. Furthermore, the preprocessing stages increase the security and robustness of the proposed algorithms against attacks when compared to state-of-the-art steganographic methods

    Ownership protection of plenoptic images by robust and reversible watermarking

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    Plenoptic images are highly demanded for 3D representation of broad scenes. Contrary to the images captured by conventional cameras, plenoptic images carry a considerable amount of angular information, which is very appealing for 3D reconstruction and display of the scene. Plenoptic images are gaining increasing importance in areas like medical imaging, manufacturing control, metrology, or even entertainment business. Thus, the adaptation and refinement of watermarking techniques to plenoptic images is a matter of raising interest. In this paper a new method for plenoptic image watermarking is proposed. A secret key is used to specify the location of logo insertion. Employing discrete cosine transform (DCT) and singular value decomposition (SVD), a robust feature is extracted to carry the watermark. The Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) of the watermarked image is always higher than 54.75 dB which is by far more than enough for Human Visual System (HVS) to discriminate the watermarked image. The proposed method is fully reversible and, if no attack occurs, the embedded logo can be extracted perfectly even with the lowest figures of watermark strength. Even if enormous attacks occur, such as Gaussian noise, JPEG compression and median filtering, our method exhibits significant robustness, demonstrated by promising bit error rate (BER) performance

    Non-Blind Structure-Preserving Substitution Watermarking of H.264/CAVLC Inter-Frames

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