1,515 research outputs found

    Directional edge and texture representations for image processing

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    An efficient representation for natural images is of fundamental importance in image processing and analysis. The commonly used separable transforms such as wavelets axe not best suited for images due to their inability to exploit directional regularities such as edges and oriented textural patterns; while most of the recently proposed directional schemes cannot represent these two types of features in a unified transform. This thesis focuses on the development of directional representations for images which can capture both edges and textures in a multiresolution manner. The thesis first considers the problem of extracting linear features with the multiresolution Fourier transform (MFT). Based on a previous MFT-based linear feature model, the work extends the extraction method into the situation when the image is corrupted by noise. The problem is tackled by the combination of a "Signal+Noise" frequency model, a refinement stage and a robust classification scheme. As a result, the MFT is able to perform linear feature analysis on noisy images on which previous methods failed. A new set of transforms called the multiscale polar cosine transforms (MPCT) are also proposed in order to represent textures. The MPCT can be regarded as real-valued MFT with similar basis functions of oriented sinusoids. It is shown that the transform can represent textural patches more efficiently than the conventional Fourier basis. With a directional best cosine basis, the MPCT packet (MPCPT) is shown to be an efficient representation for edges and textures, despite its high computational burden. The problem of representing edges and textures in a fixed transform with less complexity is then considered. This is achieved by applying a Gaussian frequency filter, which matches the disperson of the magnitude spectrum, on the local MFT coefficients. This is particularly effective in denoising natural images, due to its ability to preserve both types of feature. Further improvements can be made by employing the information given by the linear feature extraction process in the filter's configuration. The denoising results compare favourably against other state-of-the-art directional representations

    Sparse Modeling for Image and Vision Processing

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    In recent years, a large amount of multi-disciplinary research has been conducted on sparse models and their applications. In statistics and machine learning, the sparsity principle is used to perform model selection---that is, automatically selecting a simple model among a large collection of them. In signal processing, sparse coding consists of representing data with linear combinations of a few dictionary elements. Subsequently, the corresponding tools have been widely adopted by several scientific communities such as neuroscience, bioinformatics, or computer vision. The goal of this monograph is to offer a self-contained view of sparse modeling for visual recognition and image processing. More specifically, we focus on applications where the dictionary is learned and adapted to data, yielding a compact representation that has been successful in various contexts.Comment: 205 pages, to appear in Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Visio

    Principal Component Analysis based Image Fusion Routine with Application to Stamping Split Detection

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    This dissertation presents a novel thermal and visible image fusion system with application in online automotive stamping split detection. The thermal vision system scans temperature maps of high reflective steel panels to locate abnormal temperature readings indicative of high local wrinkling pressure that causes metal splitting. The visible vision system offsets the blurring effect of thermal vision system caused by heat diffusion across the surface through conduction and heat losses to the surroundings through convection. The fusion of thermal and visible images combines two separate physical channels and provides more informative result image than the original ones. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is employed for image fusion to transform original image to its eigenspace. By retaining the principal components with influencing eigenvalues, PCA keeps the key features in the original image and reduces noise level. Then a pixel level image fusion algorithm is developed to fuse images from the thermal and visible channels, enhance the result image from low level and increase the signal to noise ratio. Finally, an automatic split detection algorithm is designed and implemented to perform online objective automotive stamping split detection. The integrated PCA based image fusion system for stamping split detection is developed and tested on an automotive press line. It is also assessed by online thermal and visible acquisitions and illustrates performance and success. Different splits with variant shape, size and amount are detected under actual operating conditions

    Descriptive temporal template features for visual motion recognition

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    In this paper, a human action recognition system is proposed. The system is based on new, descriptive `temporal template' features in order to achieve high-speed recognition in real-time, embedded applications. The limitations of the well known `Motion History Image' (MHI) temporal template are addressed and a new `Motion History Histogram' (MHH) feature is proposed to capture more motion information in the video. MHH not only provides rich motion information, but also remains computationally inexpensive. To further improve classification performance, we combine both MHI and MHH into a low dimensional feature vector which is processed by a support vector machine (SVM). Experimental results show that our new representation can achieve a significant improvement in the performance of human action recognition over existing comparable methods, which use 2D temporal template based representations

    Vision-Based Road Detection in Automotive Systems: A Real-Time Expectation-Driven Approach

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    The main aim of this work is the development of a vision-based road detection system fast enough to cope with the difficult real-time constraints imposed by moving vehicle applications. The hardware platform, a special-purpose massively parallel system, has been chosen to minimize system production and operational costs. This paper presents a novel approach to expectation-driven low-level image segmentation, which can be mapped naturally onto mesh-connected massively parallel SIMD architectures capable of handling hierarchical data structures. The input image is assumed to contain a distorted version of a given template; a multiresolution stretching process is used to reshape the original template in accordance with the acquired image content, minimizing a potential function. The distorted template is the process output.Comment: See http://www.jair.org/ for any accompanying file