311 research outputs found

    Polarization Imaging Sensors in Advanced Feature CMOS Technologies

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    The scaling of CMOS technology, as predicted by Moore\u27s law, has allowed for realization of high resolution imaging sensors and for the emergence of multi-mega-pixel imagers. Designing imaging sensors in advanced feature technologies poses many challenges especially since transistor models do not accurately portray their performance in these technologies. Furthermore, transistors fabricated in advanced feature technologies operate in a non-conventional mode known as velocity saturation. Traditionally, analog designers have been discouraged from designing circuits in this mode of operation due to the low gain properties in single transistor amplifiers. Nevertheless, velocity saturation will become even more prominent mode of operation as transistors continue to shrink and warrants careful design of circuits that can exploit this mode of operation. In this research endeavor, I have utilized velocity saturation mode of operation in order to realize low noise imaging sensors. These imaging sensors incorporate low noise analog circuits at the focal plane in order to improve the signal to noise ratio and are fabricated in 0.18 micron technology. Furthermore, I have explored nanofabrication techniques for realizing metallic nanowires acting as polarization filters. These nanoscopic metallic wires are deposited on the surface of the CMOS imaging sensor in order to add polarization sensitivity to the CMOS imaging sensor. This hybrid sensor will serve as a test bed for exploring the next generation of low noise and highly sensitive polarization imaging sensors

    Analytical modeling, performance analysis, and optimization of polarimetric imaging system

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    Polarized light can provide additional information about a scene that cannot be obtained directly from intensity or spectral images. Rather than treating the optical field as scalar, polarization images seek to obtain the vector nature of the optical field from the scene. Polarimetry thus has been found to be useful in several applications, including material classification and target detection. Recently, optical polarization has been identified as an emerging technique and has shown promising applications in passive remote sensing. Compared with the traditional spectral content of the scene, polarimetric signatures are much more dependent on the scene geometry and the polarimetric bidirectional reflectance distribution function (pBRDF) of the objects. Passive polarimetric scene simulation has been shown to be helpful in better understanding such phenomenology. However, the combined effects of the scene characteristics, the sensor noise and optical imperfections, and the different processing algorithm implementations on the overall system performance have not been systematically studied. To better understand the effects of various system attributes and help optimize the design and use of polarimetric imaging system, an analytical model has been developed to predict the system performance. A detailed introduction of the analytical model is first presented. The model propagates the first and second order statistics of radiance from a scene model to a sensor model, and finally to a processing model. Validation with data collected from a division of time polarimeter show good agreement between model predictions and measurements. It has been shown that the analytical model is able to predict the general polarization behavior and data trends with different scene geometries. Based on the analytical model we then define several system performance metrics to evaluate the polarimetic signatures of different objects as well as target detection performance. Parameter tradeoff studies have been conducted for analysis of potential system performance. Finally based on the analytical model and system performance metrics we investigate optimal filter configurations to sense polarization. We develop an adaptive polarimetric target detector to determine the optimum analyzer orientations for a multichannel polarization-sensitive optical system. Compared with several conventional operation methods, we find that better target detection performance is achieved with our algorithm

    Statistical Methods for Polarimetric Imagery

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    Estimation theory is applied to a physical model of incoherent polarized light to address problems in polarimetric image registration, restoration, and analysis for electro-optical imaging systems. In the image registration case, the Cramer-Rao lower bound on unbiased joint estimates of the registration parameters and the underlying scene is derived, simplified using matrix methods, and used to explain the behavior of multi-channel linear polarimetric imagers. In the image restoration case, a polarimetric maximum likelihood blind deconvolution algorithm is derived and tested using laboratory and simulated imagery. Finally, a principal components analysis is derived for polarization imaging systems. This analysis expands upon existing research by including an allowance for partially polarized and unpolarized light

    Bio-Inspired Multi-Spectral and Polarization Imaging Sensors for Image-Guided Surgery

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    Image-guided surgery (IGS) can enhance cancer treatment by decreasing, and ideally eliminating, positive tumor margins and iatrogenic damage to healthy tissue. Current state-of-the-art near-infrared fluorescence imaging systems are bulky, costly, lack sensitivity under surgical illumination, and lack co-registration accuracy between multimodal images. As a result, an overwhelming majority of physicians still rely on their unaided eyes and palpation as the primary sensing modalities to distinguish cancerous from healthy tissue. In my thesis, I have addressed these challenges in IGC by mimicking the visual systems of several animals to construct low power, compact and highly sensitive multi-spectral and color-polarization sensors. I have realized single-chip multi-spectral imagers with 1000-fold higher sensitivity and 7-fold better spatial co-registration accuracy compared to clinical imaging systems in current use by monolithically integrating spectral tapetal and polarization filters with an array of vertically stacked photodetectors. These imaging sensors yield the unique capabilities of imaging simultaneously color, polarization, and multiple fluorophores for near-infrared fluorescence imaging. Preclinical and clinical data demonstrate seamless integration of this technologies in the surgical work flow while providing surgeons with real-time information on the location of cancerous tissue and sentinel lymph nodes, respectively. Due to its low cost, the bio-inspired sensors will provide resource-limited hospitals with much-needed technology to enable more accurate value-based health care

    Instrumentation for solar spectropolarimetry: state of the art and prospects

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    Given its unchallenged capabilities in terms of sensitivity and spatial resolution, the combination of imaging spectropolarimetry and numeric Stokes inversion represents the dominant technique currently used to remotely sense the physical properties of the solar atmosphere and, in particular, its important driving magnetic field. Solar magnetism manifests itself in a wide range of spatial, temporal, and energetic scales. The ubiquitous but relatively small and weak fields of the so-called quiet Sun are believed today to be crucial for answering many open questions in solar physics, some of which have substantial practical relevance due to the strong Sun?Earth connection. However, such fields are very challenging to detect because they require spectropolarimetric measurements with high spatial (sub-arcsec), spectral (<100  mÅ), and temporal (<10  s) resolution along with high polarimetric sensitivity (<0.1  %   of the intensity). We collect and discuss both well-established and upcoming instrumental solutions developed during the last decades to push solar observations toward the above-mentioned parameter regime. This typically involves design trade-offs due to the high dimensionality of the data and signal-to-noise-ratio considerations, among others. We focus on the main three components that form a spectropolarimeter, namely, wavelength discriminators, the devices employed to encode the incoming polarization state into intensity images (polarization modulators), and the sensor technologies used to register them. We consider the instrumental solutions introduced to perform this kind of measurements at different optical wavelengths and from various observing locations, i.e., ground-based, from the stratosphere or near space.Fil: Iglesias, Francisco Andres. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional de Mendoza; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Feller, Alex. Max Planck Institut Fur Sonnensystemforschung; Alemani

    Imaging Polarimetry with Polarization-Sensitive Focal Plane Arrays

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    Polarization is an intrinsic property of light, like frequency or coherence. Humans have long benefited from our ability to distinguish light of different frequency based on its color. However, our eyes are not sensitive to the polarization of light. Devices to measure polarization are relatively rare and expertise in polarimetry even more so. Polarization sensors based on micropolarizer arrays appear to be the first devices capable of bringing polarimetric capability to a wide range of applications. Whereas previous polarimeters were built to perform very specific measurements, the same micropolarizer-based camera can be used on a telescope, a microscope, or with a conventional camera lens. In this work, I investigate the operating principles of micropolarizer arrays using high resolution 3D simulations and describe several strategies to fabricate and characterize micropolarizer-based imaging polarimeters. Furthermore, I show how to incorporate the device characterization into a calibrated demodulation procedure to extract polarimetric quantities from the raw pixel intensities. As part of this effort, I show how the measured sensor properties, like pixel throughput and contrast ratio, can be used to construct a software model to produce synthetic observations of various scenes. These synthetic data are a powerful tool to study the many effects which can give rise to systematic and/or random errors during the data analysis process. Finally, I present the polarimetry performed on several astronomical sources using the RIT Polarization Imaging Camera and compare my results to previous measurements made with conventional polarimeters. Using the current calibration of the RIT Polarization Imaging Camera, I was able to achieve a polarimetric accuracy of ~0.3% in images of extended objects and unresolved sources

    The Development of a Performance Assessment Methodology for Activity Based Intelligence: A Study of Spatial, Temporal, and Multimodal Considerations

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    Activity Based Intelligence (ABI) is the derivation of information from a series of in- dividual actions, interactions, and transactions being recorded over a period of time. This usually occurs in Motion imagery and/or Full Motion Video. Due to the growth of unmanned aerial systems technology and the preponderance of mobile video devices, more interest has developed in analyzing people\u27s actions and interactions in these video streams. Currently only visually subjective quality metrics exist for determining the utility of these data in detecting specific activities. One common misconception is that ABI boils down to a simple resolution problem; more pixels and higher frame rates are better. Increasing resolution simply provides more data, not necessary more informa- tion. As part of this research, an experiment was designed and performed to address this assumption. Nine sensors consisting of four modalities were place on top of the Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science in order to record a group of participants executing a scripted set of activities. The multimodal characteristics include data from the visible, long-wave infrared, multispectral, and polarimetric regimes. The activities the participants were scripted to cover a wide range of spatial and temporal interactions (i.e. walking, jogging, and a group sporting event). As with any large data acquisition, only a subset of this data was analyzed for this research. Specifically, a walking object exchange scenario and simulated RPG. In order to analyze this data, several steps of preparation occurred. The data were spatially and temporally registered; the individual modalities were fused; a tracking algorithm was implemented, and an activity detection algorithm was applied. To develop a performance assessment for these activities a series of spatial and temporal degradations were performed. Upon completion of this work, the ground truth ABI dataset will be released to the community for further analysis

    Polarization Aberrations in Astronomical Telescopes: The Point Spread Function

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    Detailed knowledge of the image of the point spread function (PSF) is necessary to optimize astronomical coronagraph masks and to understand potential sources of errors in astrometric measurements. The PSF for astronomical telescopes and instruments depends not only on geometric aberrations and scalar wave diffraction but also on those wavefront errors introduced by the physical optics and the polarization properties of reflecting and transmitting surfaces within the optical system. These vector wave aberrations, called polarization aberrations, result from two sources: (1) the mirror coatings necessary to make the highly reflecting mirror surfaces, and (2) the optical prescription with its inevitable non-normal incidence of rays on reflecting surfaces. The purpose of this article is to characterize the importance of polarization aberrations, to describe the analytical tools to calculate the PSF image, and to provide the background to understand how astronomical image data may be affected. To show the order of magnitude of the effects of polarization aberrations on astronomical images, a generic astronomical telescope configuration is analyzed here by modeling a fast Cassegrain telescope followed by a single 90° deviation fold mirror. All mirrors in this example use bare aluminum reflective coatings and the illumination wavelength is 800 nm. Our findings for this example telescope are: (1) The image plane irradiance distribution is the linear superposition of four PSF images: one for each of the two orthogonal polarizations and one for each of two cross-coupled polarization terms. (2) The PSF image is brighter by 9% for one polarization component compared to its orthogonal state. (3) The PSF images for two orthogonal linearly polarization components are shifted with respect to each other, causing the PSF image for unpolarized point sources to become slightly elongated (elliptical) with a centroid separation of about 0.6 mas. This is important for both astrometry and coronagraph applications. (4) Part of the aberration is a polarization-dependent astigmatism, with a magnitude of 22 milliwaves, which enlarges the PSF image. (5) The orthogonally polarized components of unpolarized sources contain different wavefront aberrations, which differ by approximately 32 milliwaves. This implies that a wavefront correction system cannot optimally correct the aberrations for all polarizations simultaneously. (6) The polarization aberrations couple small parts of each polarization component of the light (∼10^(-4)) into the orthogonal polarization where these components cause highly distorted secondary, or “ghost” PSF images. (7) The radius of the spatial extent of the 90% encircled energy of these two ghost PSF image is twice as large as the radius of the Airy diffraction pattern. Coronagraphs for terrestrial exoplanet science are expected to image objects 10^(-10), or 6 orders of magnitude less than the intensity of the instrument-induced “ghost” PSF image, which will interfere with exoplanet measurements. A polarization aberration expansion which approximates the Jones pupil of the example telescope in six polarization terms is presented in the appendix. Individual terms can be associated with particular polarization defects. The dependence of these terms on angles of incidence, numerical aperture, and the Taylor series representation of the Fresnel equations lead to algebraic relations between these parameters and the scaling of the polarization aberrations. These “design rules” applicable to the example telescope are collected in § 5. Currently, exoplanet coronagraph masks are designed and optimized for scalar diffraction in optical systems. Radiation from the “ghost” PSF image leaks around currently designed image plane masks. Here, we show a vector-wave or polarization optimization is recommended. These effects follow from a natural description of the optical system in terms of the Jones matrices associated with each ray path of interest. The importance of these effects varies by orders of magnitude between different optical systems, depending on the optical design and coatings selected. Some of these effects can be calibrated while others are more problematic. Polarization aberration mitigation methods and technologies to minimize these effects are discussed. These effects have important implications for high-contrast imaging, coronagraphy, and astrometry with their stringent PSF image symmetry and scattered light requirements