4,794 research outputs found

    A multi-view approach to cDNA micro-array analysis

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    The official published version can be obtained from the link below.Microarray has emerged as a powerful technology that enables biologists to study thousands of genes simultaneously, therefore, to obtain a better understanding of the gene interaction and regulation mechanisms. This paper is concerned with improving the processes involved in the analysis of microarray image data. The main focus is to clarify an image's feature space in an unsupervised manner. In this paper, the Image Transformation Engine (ITE), combined with different filters, is investigated. The proposed methods are applied to a set of real-world cDNA images. The MatCNN toolbox is used during the segmentation process. Quantitative comparisons between different filters are carried out. It is shown that the CLD filter is the best one to be applied with the ITE.This work was supported in part by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the UK under Grant GR/S27658/01, the National Science Foundation of China under Innovative Grant 70621001, Chinese Academy of Sciences under Innovative Group Overseas Partnership Grant, the BHP Billiton Cooperation of Australia Grant, the International Science and Technology Cooperation Project of China under Grant 2009DFA32050 and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    LMS Adaptive Filters for Noise Cancellation: A Review

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    This paper reviews the past and the recent research on Adaptive Filter algorithms based on adaptive noise cancellation systems. In many applications of noise cancellation, the change in signal characteristics could be quite fast which requires the utilization of adaptive algorithms that converge rapidly. Algorithms such as LMS and RLS proves to be vital in the noise cancellation are reviewed including principle and recent modifications to increase the convergence rate and reduce the computational complexity for future implementation. The purpose of this paper is not only to discuss various noise cancellation LMS algorithms but also to provide the reader with an overview of the research conducted

    Fuzzy metrics and fuzzy logic for colour image filtering

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    El filtrado de imagen es una tarea fundamental para la mayorĂ­a de los sistemas de visiĂłn por computador cuando las imĂĄgenes se usan para anĂĄlisis automĂĄtico o, incluso, para inspecciĂłn humana. De hecho, la presencia de ruido en una imagen puede ser un grave impedimento para las sucesivas tareas de procesamiento de imagen como, por ejemplo, la detecciĂłn de bordes o el reconocimiento de patrones u objetos y, por lo tanto, el ruido debe ser reducido. En los Ășltimos años el interĂ©s por utilizar imĂĄgenes en color se ha visto incrementado de forma significativa en una gran variedad de aplicaciones. Es por esto que el filtrado de imagen en color se ha convertido en un ĂĄrea de investigaciĂłn interesante. Se ha observado ampliamente que las imĂĄgenes en color deben ser procesadas teniendo en cuenta la correlaciĂłn existente entre los distintos canales de color de la imagen. En este sentido, la soluciĂłn probablemente mĂĄs conocida y estudiada es el enfoque vectorial. Las primeras soluciones de filtrado vectorial, como por ejemplo el filtro de mediana vectorial (VMF) o el filtro direccional vectorial (VDF), se basan en la teorĂ­a de la estadĂ­stica robusta y, en consecuencia, son capaces de realizar un filtrado robusto. Desafortunadamente, estas tĂ©cnicas no se adaptan a las caracterĂ­sticas locales de la imagen, lo que implica que usualmente los bordes y detalles de las imĂĄgenes se emborronan y pierden calidad. A fin de solventar este problema, varios filtros vectoriales adaptativos se han propuesto recientemente. En la presente Tesis doctoral se han llevado a cabo dos tareas principales: (i) el estudio de la aplicabilidad de mĂ©tricas difusas en tareas de procesamiento de imagen y (ii) el diseño de nuevos filtros para imagen en color que sacan provecho de las propiedades de las mĂ©tricas difusas y la lĂłgica difusa. Los resultados experimentales presentados en esta Tesis muestran que las mĂ©tricas difusas y la lĂłgica difusa son herramientas Ăștiles para diseñar tĂ©cnicas de filtrado,Morillas GĂłmez, S. (2007). Fuzzy metrics and fuzzy logic for colour image filtering [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat PolitĂšcnica de ValĂšncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/1879Palanci

    Partition based vector filtering technique for suppression of noise in digital color images

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    A partition-based adaptive vector filter is proposed for the restoration of corrupted digital color images. The novelty of the filter lies in its unique three-stage adaptive estimation. The local image structure is first estimated by a series of center-weighted reference filters. Then the distances between the observed central pixel and estimated references are utilized to classify the local inputs into one of preset structure partition cells. Finally, a weighted filtering operation, indexed by the partition cell, is applied to the estimated references in order to restore the central pixel value. The weighted filtering operation is optimized off-line for each partition cell to achieve the best tradeoff between noise suppression and structure preservation. Recursive filtering operation and recursive weight training are also investigated to further boost the restoration performance. The proposed filter has demonstrated satisfactory results in suppressing many distinct types of noise in natural color images. Noticeable performance gains are demonstrated over other prior-art methods in terms of standard objective measurements, the visual image quality and the computational complexity

    The beneficial techniques in preprocessing step of skin cancer detection system comparing

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    © 2014 The Authors. Automatic diagnostics of skin cancer is one of the most challenging problems in medical image processing. It helps physicians to decide whether a skin melanoma is benign or malignant. So, determining the more efficient methods of detection to reduce the rate of errors is a vital issue among researchers. Preprocessing is the first stage of detection to improve the quality of images, removing the irrelevant noises and unwanted parts in the background of the skin images. The purpose of this paper is to gather the preprocessing approaches can be used in skin cancer images. This paper provides good starting for researchers in their automatic skin cancer detections
