15,765 research outputs found

    A Taxonomy for Management and Optimization of Multiple Resources in Edge Computing

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    Edge computing is promoted to meet increasing performance needs of data-driven services using computational and storage resources close to the end devices, at the edge of the current network. To achieve higher performance in this new paradigm one has to consider how to combine the efficiency of resource usage at all three layers of architecture: end devices, edge devices, and the cloud. While cloud capacity is elastically extendable, end devices and edge devices are to various degrees resource-constrained. Hence, an efficient resource management is essential to make edge computing a reality. In this work, we first present terminology and architectures to characterize current works within the field of edge computing. Then, we review a wide range of recent articles and categorize relevant aspects in terms of 4 perspectives: resource type, resource management objective, resource location, and resource use. This taxonomy and the ensuing analysis is used to identify some gaps in the existing research. Among several research gaps, we found that research is less prevalent on data, storage, and energy as a resource, and less extensive towards the estimation, discovery and sharing objectives. As for resource types, the most well-studied resources are computation and communication resources. Our analysis shows that resource management at the edge requires a deeper understanding of how methods applied at different levels and geared towards different resource types interact. Specifically, the impact of mobility and collaboration schemes requiring incentives are expected to be different in edge architectures compared to the classic cloud solutions. Finally, we find that fewer works are dedicated to the study of non-functional properties or to quantifying the footprint of resource management techniques, including edge-specific means of migrating data and services.Comment: Accepted in the Special Issue Mobile Edge Computing of the Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing journa

    Secure Integration of Desktop Grids and Compute Clusters Based on Virtualization and Meta-Scheduling

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    Reducing the cost for business or scientific computations, is a commonly expressed goal in today’s companies. Using the available computers of local employees or the outsourcing of such computations are two obvious solutions to save money for additional hardware. Both possibilities exhibit security related disadvantages, since the deployed software and data can be copied or tampered if appropriate countermeasures are not taken. In this paper, an approach is presented to let a local desktop machines and remote cluster resources be securely combined into a singel Grid environment. Solutions to several problems in the areas of secure virtual networks, meta-scheduling and accessing cluster schedulers from desktop Grids are proposed

    Dynamic, Latency-Optimal vNF Placement at the Network Edge

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    Future networks are expected to support low-latency, context-aware and user-specific services in a highly flexible and efficient manner. One approach to support emerging use cases such as, e.g., virtual reality and in-network image processing is to introduce virtualized network functions (vNF)s at the edge of the network, placed in close proximity to the end users to reduce end-to-end latency, time-to-response, and unnecessary utilisation in the core network. While placement of vNFs has been studied before, it has so far mostly focused on reducing the utilisation of server resources (i.e., minimising the number of servers required in the network to run a specific set of vNFs), and not taking network conditions into consideration such as, e.g., end-to-end latency, the constantly changing network dynamics, or user mobility patterns. In this paper, we formulate the Edge vNF placement problem to allocate vNFs to a distributed edge infrastructure, minimising end-to-end latency from all users to their associated vNFs. We present a way to dynamically re-schedule the optimal placement of vNFs based on temporal network-wide latency fluctuations using optimal stopping theory. We then evaluate our dynamic scheduler over a simulated nation-wide backbone network using real-world ISP latency characteristics. We show that our proposed dynamic placement scheduler minimises vNF migrations compared to other schedulers (e.g., periodic and always-on scheduling of a new placement), and offers Quality of Service guarantees by not exceeding a maximum number of latency violations that can be tolerated by certain applications
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