275 research outputs found

    Incremental Analysis of Programs

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    Algorithms used to determine the control and data flow properties of computer programs are generally designed for one-time analysis of an entire new input. Application of such algorithms when the input is only slightly modified results in an inefficient system. In this theses a set of incremental update algorithms are presented for data flow analysis. These algorithms update the solution from a previous analysis to reflect changes in the program. Thus, extensive reanalysis to reflect changes in the program. Thus, extensive reanalysis of programs after each program modification can be avoided. The incremental update algorithms presented for global flow analysis are based on Hecht/Ullman iterative algorithms. Banning\u27s interprocedural data flow analysis algorithms form the basis for the incremental interprocedural algorithms

    Vectorization system for unstructured codes with a Data-parallel Compiler IR

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    With Dennard Scaling coming to an end, Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) offers itself as a way to improve the compute throughput of CPUs. One fundamental technique in SIMD code generators is the vectorization of data-parallel code regions. This has applications in outer-loop vectorization, whole-function vectorization and vectorization of explicitly data-parallel languages. This thesis makes contributions to the reliable vectorization of data-parallel code regions with unstructured, reducible control flow. Reducibility is the case in practice where all control-flow loops have exactly one entry point. We present P-LLVM, a novel, full-featured, intermediate representation for vectorizers that provides a semantics for the code region at every stage of the vectorization pipeline. Partial control-flow linearization is a novel partial if-conversion scheme, an essential technique to vectorize divergent control flow. Different to prior techniques, partial linearization has linear running time, does not insert additional branches or blocks and gives proved guarantees on the control flow retained. Divergence of control induces value divergence at join points in the control-flow graph (CFG). We present a novel control-divergence analysis for directed acyclic graphs with optimal running time and prove that it is correct and precise under common static assumptions. We extend this technique to obtain a quadratic-time, control-divergence analysis for arbitrary reducible CFGs. For this analysis, we show on a range of realistic examples how earlier approaches are either less precise or incorrect. We present a feature-complete divergence analysis for P-LLVM programs. The analysis is the first to analyze stack-allocated objects in an unstructured control setting. Finally, we generalize single-dimensional vectorization of outer loops to multi-dimensional tensorization of loop nests. SIMD targets benefit from tensorization through more opportunities for re-use of loaded values and more efficient memory access behavior. The techniques were implemented in the Region Vectorizer (RV) for vectorization and TensorRV for loop-nest tensorization. Our evaluation validates that the general-purpose RV vectorization system matches the performance of more specialized approaches. RV performs on par with the ISPC compiler, which only supports its structured domain-specific language, on a range of tree traversal codes with complex control flow. RV is able to outperform the loop vectorizers of state-of-the-art compilers, as we show for the SPEC2017 nab_s benchmark and the XSBench proxy application.Mit dem Ausreizen des Dennard Scalings erreichen die gewohnten Zuwächse in der skalaren Rechenleistung zusehends ihr Ende. Moderne Prozessoren setzen verstärkt auf parallele Berechnung, um den Rechendurchsatz zu erhöhen. Hierbei spielen SIMD Instruktionen (Single Instruction Multiple Data), die eine Operation gleichzeitig auf mehrere Eingaben anwenden, eine zentrale Rolle. Eine fundamentale Technik, um SIMD Programmcode zu erzeugen, ist der Einsatz datenparalleler Vektorisierung. Diese unterliegt populären Verfahren, wie der Vektorisierung äußerer Schleifen, der Vektorisierung gesamter Funktionen bis hin zu explizit datenparallelen Programmiersprachen. Der Beitrag der vorliegenden Arbeit besteht darin, ein zuverlässiges Vektorisierungssystem für datenparallelen Code mit reduziblem Steuerfluss zu entwickeln. Diese Anforderung ist für alle Steuerflussgraphen erfüllt, deren Schleifen nur einen Eingang haben, was in der Praxis der Fall ist. Wir präsentieren P-LLVM, eine ausdrucksstarke Zwischendarstellung für Vektorisierer, welche dem Programm in jedem Stadium der Transformation von datenparallelem Code zu SIMD Code eine definierte Semantik verleiht. Partielle Steuerfluss-Linearisierung ist ein neuer Algorithmus zur If-Conversion, welcher Sprünge erhalten kann. Anders als existierende Verfahren hat Partielle Linearisierung eine lineare Laufzeit und fügt keine neuen Sprünge oder Blöcke ein. Wir zeigen Kriterien, unter denen der Algorithmus Steuerfluss erhält, und beweisen diese. Steuerflussdivergenz induziert Divergenz an Punkten zusammenfließenden Steuerflusses. Wir stellen eine neue Steuerflussdivergenzanalyse für azyklische Graphen mit optimaler Laufzeit vor und beweisen deren Korrektheit und Präzision. Wir verallgemeinern die Technik zu einem Algorithmus mit quadratischer Laufzeit für beliebiege, reduzible Steuerflussgraphen. Eine Studie auf realistischen Beispielgraphen zeigt, dass vergleichbare Techniken entweder weniger präsize sind oder falsche Ergebnisse liefern. Ebenfalls präsentieren wir eine Divergenzanalyse für P-LLVM Programme. Diese Analyse ist die erste Divergenzanalyse, welche Divergenz in stapelallokierten Objekten unter unstrukturiertem Steuerfluss analysiert. Schließlich generalisieren wir die eindimensionale Vektorisierung von äußeren Schleifen zur multidimensionalen Tensorisierung von Schleifennestern. Tensorisierung eröffnet für SIMD Prozessoren mehr Möglichkeiten, bereits geladene Werte wiederzuverwenden und das Speicherzugriffsverhalten des Programms zu optimieren, als dies mit Vektorisierung der Fall ist. Die vorgestellten Techniken wurden in den Region Vectorizer (RV) für Vektorisierung und TensorRV für die Tensorisierung von Schleifennestern implementiert. Wir zeigen auf einer Reihe von steuerflusslastigen Programmen für die Traversierung von Baumdatenstrukturen, dass RV das gleiche Niveau erreicht wie der ISPC Compiler, welcher nur seine strukturierte Eingabesprache verarbeiten kann. RV kann schnellere SIMD-Programme erzeugen als die Schleifenvektorisierer in aktuellen Industriecompilern. Dies demonstrieren wir mit dem nab_s benchmark aus der SPEC2017 Benchmarksuite und der XSBench Proxy-Anwendung

    Machine scheduling with precedence constraints : (preprint)

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    The Difficulty of Approximating the Chromatic Number for Random Composite Graphs

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    Combinatorial Optimization is an important class of techniques for solving Combinatorial Problems. Many practical problems are Combinatorial Problems, such as the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) and Composite Graph Coloring Problem (CGCP). Unfortunately, both of these problems are NP-complete and it is not known if efficient algorithms exist to solve these problems. Even approximation with guaranteed results can be just as difficult. Recently, many generalized search techniques have been developed to improve upon the solutions found by the heuristic algorithms. This paper presents results for CGCP. In particular, exact and heuristic algorithms are presented and analyzed. This study is made, to show empirically that CGCP cannot provide guarantees on the approximation using these heuristic methods. In addition, an improvement is presented on the interchange method by Clementson and Elphick that is used with vertex sequential algorithms. This improvement allows graphs of up to 1000 vertices to be colored in considerably less time than previous studies. The study also shows that CDSaturl heuristic does not compete as well with CDSatur as expected for large graphs with edge density of 0.2. Several NP-completeness theorems are presented and proved. Approximation of CGCP is shown to be as difficult as finding exact solutions if we expect the approximate solutions to fall within a specified bound. These bounds on approximate solutions are shown to be directly related to the bounds that have been proved to exist for the Standard Graph Coloring Problem (SGCP). Finally, a model of CGCP is developed so that the Tabu Search technique can be applied. Several neighborhoods are developed and tested on 50 and 100 vertex graphs. Timing and performance is analyzed against the heuristics in the previous study. Instances of larger order graphs are used to test the best neighborhood searches with Tabu Search

    Towards a Graphical Deadlock Analysis Tool

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    The purpose of this thesis was to implement a graphical tool to model and analyze operating system deadlocks using Process-Resource graphs. The topics covered as background and context for the implementation in this work consist of introductions to: (1) operating system deadlocks, including algorithms for their detection and analysis; (2) graph drawing algorithms, graph editors, and graph browsers; (3) the Sequent S/81 computer system including its architecture and operating systems; ( 4) the X Window System including its definition, fundamental components, client/server interaction, and software layers; (5) the OSF/Motif toolkit including its architecture, widget set, and programming structure; and (6) the MotifApp application framework. The programming part of this work consisted of the design and implementation of the modeling and analysis tool referred to as Prograph including its class hierarchy, data structures, widget hierarchy, and interface objects. The Prograph program, coded in the C++ language, has about 15,000 lines of code with 3 major class hierarchies, 56 classes, and 394 member and non-member functions. The Prograph program enables users to model operating system Process-Resource graphs rapidly, analyze the graphs, and then view the different stages of the deadlock analysis. The deadlock representation and analysis tool Prograph was prototypically evaluated by the students in the graduate level Operating Systems II class as well as a number of graduate students at the Computer Science Department of Oklahoma State University. The feedback obtained from the users of the Prograph program indicated that it was functional and useful for modeling and analyzing Process-Resource graphs.Computer Scienc