27,341 research outputs found

    Software trace cache

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    We explore the use of compiler optimizations, which optimize the layout of instructions in memory. The target is to enable the code to make better use of the underlying hardware resources regardless of the specific details of the processor/architecture in order to increase fetch performance. The Software Trace Cache (STC) is a code layout algorithm with a broader target than previous layout optimizations. We target not only an improvement in the instruction cache hit rate, but also an increase in the effective fetch width of the fetch engine. The STC algorithm organizes basic blocks into chains trying to make sequentially executed basic blocks reside in consecutive memory positions, then maps the basic block chains in memory to minimize conflict misses in the important sections of the program. We evaluate and analyze in detail the impact of the STC, and code layout optimizations in general, on the three main aspects of fetch performance; the instruction cache hit rate, the effective fetch width, and the branch prediction accuracy. Our results show that layout optimized, codes have some special characteristics that make them more amenable for high-performance instruction fetch. They have a very high rate of not-taken branches and execute long chains of sequential instructions; also, they make very effective use of instruction cache lines, mapping only useful instructions which will execute close in time, increasing both spatial and temporal locality.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Instruction fetch architectures and code layout optimizations

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    The design of higher performance processors has been following two major trends: increasing the pipeline depth to allow faster clock rates, and widening the pipeline to allow parallel execution of more instructions. Designing a higher performance processor implies balancing all the pipeline stages to ensure that overall performance is not dominated by any of them. This means that a faster execution engine also requires a faster fetch engine, to ensure that it is possible to read and decode enough instructions to keep the pipeline full and the functional units busy. This paper explores the challenges faced by the instruction fetch stage for a variety of processor designs, from early pipelined processors, to the more aggressive wide issue superscalars. We describe the different fetch engines proposed in the literature, the performance issues involved, and some of the proposed improvements. We also show how compiler techniques that optimize the layout of the code in memory can be used to improve the fetch performance of the different engines described Overall, we show how instruction fetch has evolved from fetching one instruction every few cycles, to fetching one instruction per cycle, to fetching a full basic block per cycle, to several basic blocks per cycle: the evolution of the mechanism surrounding the instruction cache, and the different compiler optimizations used to better employ these mechanisms.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Enlarging instruction streams

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    The stream fetch engine is a high-performance fetch architecture based on the concept of an instruction stream. We call a sequence of instructions from the target of a taken branch to the next taken branch, potentially containing multiple basic blocks, a stream. The long length of instruction streams makes it possible for the stream fetch engine to provide a high fetch bandwidth and to hide the branch predictor access latency, leading to performance results close to a trace cache at a lower implementation cost and complexity. Therefore, enlarging instruction streams is an excellent way to improve the stream fetch engine. In this paper, we present several hardware and software mechanisms focused on enlarging those streams that finalize at particular branch types. However, our results point out that focusing on particular branch types is not a good strategy due to Amdahl's law. Consequently, we propose the multiple-stream predictor, a novel mechanism that deals with all branch types by combining single streams into long virtual streams. This proposal tolerates the prediction table access latency without requiring the complexity caused by additional hardware mechanisms like prediction overriding. Moreover, it provides high-performance results which are comparable to state-of-the-art fetch architectures but with a simpler design that consumes less energy.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    On the Performance Prediction of BLAS-based Tensor Contractions

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    Tensor operations are surging as the computational building blocks for a variety of scientific simulations and the development of high-performance kernels for such operations is known to be a challenging task. While for operations on one- and two-dimensional tensors there exist standardized interfaces and highly-optimized libraries (BLAS), for higher dimensional tensors neither standards nor highly-tuned implementations exist yet. In this paper, we consider contractions between two tensors of arbitrary dimensionality and take on the challenge of generating high-performance implementations by resorting to sequences of BLAS kernels. The approach consists in breaking the contraction down into operations that only involve matrices or vectors. Since in general there are many alternative ways of decomposing a contraction, we are able to methodically derive a large family of algorithms. The main contribution of this paper is a systematic methodology to accurately identify the fastest algorithms in the bunch, without executing them. The goal is instead accomplished with the help of a set of cache-aware micro-benchmarks for the underlying BLAS kernels. The predictions we construct from such benchmarks allow us to reliably single out the best-performing algorithms in a tiny fraction of the time taken by the direct execution of the algorithms.Comment: Submitted to PMBS1

    Using Grouped Linear Prediction and Accelerated Reinforcement Learning for Online Content Caching

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    Proactive caching is an effective way to alleviate peak-hour traffic congestion by prefetching popular contents at the wireless network edge. To maximize the caching efficiency requires the knowledge of content popularity profile, which however is often unavailable in advance. In this paper, we first propose a new linear prediction model, named grouped linear model (GLM) to estimate the future content requests based on historical data. Unlike many existing works that assumed the static content popularity profile, our model can adapt to the temporal variation of the content popularity in practical systems due to the arrival of new contents and dynamics of user preference. Based on the predicted content requests, we then propose a reinforcement learning approach with model-free acceleration (RLMA) for online cache replacement by taking into account both the cache hits and replacement cost. This approach accelerates the learning process in non-stationary environment by generating imaginary samples for Q-value updates. Numerical results based on real-world traces show that the proposed prediction and learning based online caching policy outperform all considered existing schemes.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, ICC 2018 worksho

    Randomized cache placement for eliminating conflicts

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    Applications with regular patterns of memory access can experience high levels of cache conflict misses. In shared-memory multiprocessors conflict misses can be increased significantly by the data transpositions required for parallelization. Techniques such as blocking which are introduced within a single thread to improve locality, can result in yet more conflict misses. The tension between minimizing cache conflicts and the other transformations needed for efficient parallelization leads to complex optimization problems for parallelizing compilers. This paper shows how the introduction of a pseudorandom element into the cache index function can effectively eliminate repetitive conflict misses and produce a cache where miss ratio depends solely on working set behavior. We examine the impact of pseudorandom cache indexing on processor cycle times and present practical solutions to some of the major implementation issues for this type of cache. Our conclusions are supported by simulations of a superscalar out-of-order processor executing the SPEC95 benchmarks, as well as from cache simulations of individual loop kernels to illustrate specific effects. We present measurements of instructions committed per cycle (IPC) when comparing the performance of different cache architectures on whole-program benchmarks such as the SPEC95 suite.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Forecasting the cost of processing multi-join queries via hashing for main-memory databases (Extended version)

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    Database management systems (DBMSs) carefully optimize complex multi-join queries to avoid expensive disk I/O. As servers today feature tens or hundreds of gigabytes of RAM, a significant fraction of many analytic databases becomes memory-resident. Even after careful tuning for an in-memory environment, a linear disk I/O model such as the one implemented in PostgreSQL may make query response time predictions that are up to 2X slower than the optimal multi-join query plan over memory-resident data. This paper introduces a memory I/O cost model to identify good evaluation strategies for complex query plans with multiple hash-based equi-joins over memory-resident data. The proposed cost model is carefully validated for accuracy using three different systems, including an Amazon EC2 instance, to control for hardware-specific differences. Prior work in parallel query evaluation has advocated right-deep and bushy trees for multi-join queries due to their greater parallelization and pipelining potential. A surprising finding is that the conventional wisdom from shared-nothing disk-based systems does not directly apply to the modern shared-everything memory hierarchy. As corroborated by our model, the performance gap between the optimal left-deep and right-deep query plan can grow to about 10X as the number of joins in the query increases.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, extended version of the paper to appear in SoCC'1
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