7 research outputs found

    An Implicit-Function Theorem for B-Differentiable Functions

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    A function from one normed linear space to another is said to be Bouligand differentiable (B-differentiable) at a point if it is directionally differentiable there in every direction, and if the directional derivative has a certain uniformity property. This is a weakening of the classical idea of Frechet (F-) differentiability, and it is useful in dealing with optimization problems and in other situations in which F-differentiability may be too strong. In this paper we introduce a concept of strong B-derivative, and we employ this idea to prove an implicit-function theorem for B-differentiable functions. This theorem provides the same kinds of information as does the classical implicit-function theorem, but with B-differentiability in place of F-differentiability. Therefore it is applicable to a considerably wider class of functions than is the classical theorem

    Trade-Offs Model Of Multi-Objective Reservoir Operation With Uncertainties

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    As the increase of water resources management and exploitation goals, it is gaining increasing weights for reservoir operation to seek optimal options for the balance between multiple and contradictory water resources use objectives. This study develops a trade-offs model to quantify the economic benefits of reservoir operation rules on the downstream water supply yield. Uncertainties of different water use benefits are considered by using a Monte Carlo method in the trade-offs model. The case study is analyzed to evaluate its performance in terms of water use benefits of agriculture, hydropower, flood control and environmental water requirements in the Yellow River, China. Trade-offs results are got among water resources needs of social development and environmental protections under the reservoir operation. The results indicate that there are magnificent trade-offs between ecological benefit and social economic development under different management policies and scenarios. This study could provide a simple but robust framework for quantifying the consequences of management options with reservoir operations under control. The results could be used for reference of compromised solutions to the ecological and human negotiations for water. Acknowledgement: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

    Global Convergence of Damped Newton's Method for Nonsmooth Equations, via the Path Search

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    A natural damping of Newton's method for nonsmooth equations is presented. This damping, via the path search instead of the traditional line search, enlarges the domain of convergence of Newton's method and therefore is said to be globally convergent. Convergence behavior is like that of line search damped Newton's method for smooth equations, including Q-quadratic convergence rates under appropriate conditions. Applications of the path search include damping Robinson-Newton's method for nonsmooth normal equations corresponding to nonlinear complementarity problems and variational inequalities, hence damping both Wilson's method (sequential quadratic programming) for nonlinear programming and Josephy-Newton's method for generalized equations. Computational examples from nonlinear programming are given

    Averaging Schemes for Solving Fived Point and Variational Inequality Problems

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    We develop and study averaging schemes for solving fixed point and variational inequality problems. Typically, researchers have established convergence results for solution methods for these problems by establishing contractive estimates for their algorithmic maps. In this paper, we establish global convergence results using nonexpansive estimates. After first establishing convergence for a general iterative scheme for computing fixed points, we consider applications to projection and relaxation algorithms for solving variational inequality problems and to a generalized steepest descent method for solving systems of equations. As part of our development, we also establish a new interpretation of a norm condition typically used for establishing convergence of linearization schemes, by associating it with a strong-f-monotonicity condition. We conclude by applying our results to transportation networks

    On a semismooth* Newton method for solving generalized equations

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    In the paper, a Newton-type method for the solution of generalized equations (GEs) is derived, where the linearization concerns both the single-valued and the multivalued part of the considered GE. The method is based on the new notion of semismoothness\ast, which, together with a suitable regularity condition, ensures the local superlinear convergence. An implementable version of the new method is derived for a class of GEs, frequently arising in optimization and equilibrium models. © 2021 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematic

    Inexact Newton Methods For Solving Nonsmooth Equations

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    This paper investigates inexact Newton methods for solving systems of nonsmooth equations. We define two inexact Newton methods for locally Lipschitz functions and we prove local (linear and superlinear) convergence results under the assumptions of semismoothness and BD-regularity at the solution. We introduce a globally convergent inexact iteration function based method. We discuss implementations and we give some numerical examples. © 1995.601-2127145Brown, Saad, Hybrid Krylov Methods for Nonlinear Systems of Equations (1990) SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing, 11, pp. 450-481Broyden, A class of methods for solving nonlinear simultaneous equations (1965) Mathematics of Computation, 19, pp. 577-593Broyden, Dennis, More, On the local and superlinear convergence of quasi-Newton methods (1973) J. Inst. Math. 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Pang, Serial and parallel computation of Karush-Kuhn-Tucker points via nonsmooth equation, SIAM J. Optim., forthcomingPang, Gabriel, NE/SQP: A robust algorithm for the nonlinear complementarity problem (1993) Mathematical Programming, 60, pp. 295-337Pang, Qi, Nonsmooth Equations: Motivation and Algorithms (1993) SIAM Journal on Optimization, 3, pp. 443-465J.S. Pang and L. Qi, A globally convergent Newton method for convex SC1 minimization problems. J. Optim. Theory Appl., forthcomingQi, Convergence Analysis of Some Algorithms for Solving Nonsmooth Equations (1993) Mathematics of Operations Research, 18, pp. 227-244Qi, Superlinearly convergent approximate Newton methods for LC1 optimization problems (1994) Mathematical Programming, 64 (3), pp. 2770-2794L. Qi, Trust region algorithms for solving nonsmooth equations, SIAM J. Optim., forthcomingL. Qi and X. Chen, A globally convergent successive approximation method for severely nonsmooth equations, SIAM J. 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