3 research outputs found


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    Size selective reactivity has been observed in pure aluminum cluster anions as a result of Lewis acid and base pairs. Using this a starting point, the goal of this study has been to explore how reactivity is affected with the addition of one or more ligand, which may induce active sites on the surface of the metal clusters. To study this, a theoretical investigation was undertaken on Al13Ix- and Al14Iy- (x=0-2, y=2-4) and their reactivity with methanol. The hypothesis was that iodine can induce a Lewis base site on the opposite side of the cluster, which may enhance reactivity. In results that are consistent with preliminary experimental data, it was found that the Al13Ix- series has a large energy barrier with respect to the cleavage of the O-H bond of methanol. The clusters of the series act as an extremely poor Lewis acids, and as a result, these clusters are relatively inert to methanol etching. On the other hand, the Al14Iy- series has a low barrier and is expected to react rapidly with methanol. The series is found to be most reactive at an aluminum adatom that is bound to an iodine due to the iodine extracting charge from the aluminum cluster creating a strong Lewis acid site

    Theoretical Insight into the Spectral Characteristics of Fe(II)-Based Complexes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells—Part I: Polypyridyl Ancillary Ligands

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    The design of light-absorbent dyes with cheaper, safer, and more sustainable materials is one of the key issues for the future development of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). We report herein a theoretical investigation on a series of polypyridyl Fe(II)-based complexes of FeL2(SCN)2, [FeL3]2+, [FeL′(SCN)3]-, [FeL′2]2+, and FeL′′(SCN)2 (L = 2,2′-bipyridyl-4,4′-dicarboxylic acid, L′ = 2,2′,2″-terpyridyl-4,4′,4″-tricarboxylic acid, L″ = 4,4‴-dimethyl-2,2′ : 6′,2″ :6″,2‴-quaterpyridyl-4′,4″-biscarboxylic acid) by density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent DFT (TD-DFT). Molecular geometries, electronic structures, and optical absorption spectra are predicted in both the gas phase and methyl cyanide (MeCN) solution. Our results show that polypyridyl Fe(II)-based complexes display multitransition characters of Fe → polypyridine metal-to-ligand charge transfer and ligand-to-ligand charge transfer in the range of 350–800 nm. Structural optimizations by choosing different polypyridyl ancillary ligands lead to alterations of the molecular orbital energies, oscillator strength, and spectral response range. Compared with Ru(II) sensitizers, Fe(II)-based complexes show similar characteristics and improving trend of optical absorption spectra along with the introduction of different polypyridyl ancillary ligands