13,042 research outputs found

    Human Perambulation as a Self Calibrating Biometric

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    This paper introduces a novel method of single camera gait reconstruction which is independent of the walking direction and of the camera parameters. Recognizing people by gait has unique advantages with respect to other biometric techniques: the identification of the walking subject is completely unobtrusive and the identification can be achieved at distance. Recently much research has been conducted into the recognition of frontoparallel gait. The proposed method relies on the very nature of walking to achieve the independence from walking direction. Three major assumptions have been done: human gait is cyclic; the distances between the bone joints are invariant during the execution of the movement; and the articulated leg motion is approximately planar, since almost all of the perceived motion is contained within a single limb swing plane. The method has been tested on several subjects walking freely along six different directions in a small enclosed area. The results show that recognition can be achieved without calibration and without dependence on view direction. The obtained results are particularly encouraging for future system development and for its application in real surveillance scenarios

    Science and Mathematics Student Research Day 1997

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    Persistent fluctuations in stride intervals under fractal auditory stimulation

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    Copyright @ 2014 Marmelat et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Stride sequences of healthy gait are characterized by persistent long-range correlations, which become anti-persistent in the presence of an isochronous metronome. The latter phenomenon is of particular interest because auditory cueing is generally considered to reduce stride variability and may hence be beneficial for stabilizing gait. Complex systems tend to match their correlation structure when synchronizing. In gait training, can one capitalize on this tendency by using a fractal metronome rather than an isochronous one? We examined whether auditory cues with fractal variations in inter-beat intervals yield similar fractal inter-stride interval variability as isochronous auditory cueing in two complementary experiments. In Experiment 1, participants walked on a treadmill while being paced by either an isochronous or a fractal metronome with different variation strengths between beats in order to test whether participants managed to synchronize with a fractal metronome and to determine the necessary amount of variability for participants to switch from anti-persistent to persistent inter-stride intervals. Participants did synchronize with the metronome despite its fractal randomness. The corresponding coefficient of variation of inter-beat intervals was fixed in Experiment 2, in which participants walked on a treadmill while being paced by non-isochronous metronomes with different scaling exponents. As expected, inter-stride intervals showed persistent correlations similar to self-paced walking only when cueing contained persistent correlations. Our results open up a new window to optimize rhythmic auditory cueing for gait stabilization by integrating fractal fluctuations in the inter-beat intervals.Commission of the European Community and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research

    Validation of an Accelerometry Based Method of Human Gait Analysis

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    Gait analysis is the quantification of locomotion. Understanding the science behind the way we move is of interest to a wide variety of fields. Medical professionals might use gait analysis to track the rehabilitation progress of a patient. An engineer may want to design wearable robotics to augment a human operator. Use cases even extend into the sport and entertainment industries. Typically, a gait analysis is performed in a highly specialized laboratory containing cumbersome expensive equipment. The process is tedious and requires specially trained operators. Continued development of small and cheap inertial measurement units (IMUs) over an alternative to current methods of gait analysis. These devices are portable and simple to use allowing gait analysis to be done outside the laboratory in real world environments. Unfortunately, while current IMU based gait analysis systems are able to quantify a subject\u27s joint kinematics they are unable to measure joint kinetics as could be done in a traditional gait laboratory. A novel musculoskeletal model-based movement analysis system using accelerometers has been developed that can calculate both joint kinematics and joint kinetics. The aim of this master\u27s thesis is to validate this accelerometer based gait analysis against the industry standard optical motion capture gait analysi

    Investigating gait adaptations to split belt treadmill walking in healthy adults

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    Disability as a result of stroke is a major issue. Gait is a priority in rehabilitation, where asymmetry is a common and detrimental feature. Conventional treadmills are not able to treat this asymmetry. Recently the use of split belt (SB) treadmills has been suggested as a novel approach, SB allows each leg to travel at independent speeds. This study seeks to investigate the effects of SB gait on healthy young adults as a model for stroke patients. The study carried out motion analysis using the Motek CAREN. Subjects (n=10) were exposed to a total of 15 minutes SB in 5 and 10 minute blocks with a period of normal walking either side. Step length asymmetry and accommodation strategy was analysed. SB resulted in initial negative asymmetry, inferring a shortening of step of the leg on the fast belt (n=6) with some subjects showed a mirrored response (n=4). The asymmetry returns to baseline as subjects accommodate the novel condition. A distinct strategy was characterised, in which step length on fast belt was increased by delaying heel strike. When returned to normal walking conditions the initial asymmetry is reversed with a longer step on the fast leg. This is transient, after a short period normal walking there is a return to baseline asymmetry. Upon subsequent exposure to SB the adaption process is more rapid in adopting heel hang strategy (1st exposure 13 strides, 2nd exposure 3 strides), with significantly reduced asymmetry (p<0.001). The results show that young healthy adults can adapt to SB with distinct strategies. The improved adaption as a result of subsequent exposure suggests that there is some level of learned adaption. If applied to stroke patients, long term SB exposure may improve asymmetry and may be encouraged to adopt specific strategies to accommodate an increase in step length.Disability as a result of stroke is a major issue. Gait is a priority in rehabilitation, where asymmetry is a common and detrimental feature. Conventional treadmills are not able to treat this asymmetry. Recently the use of split belt (SB) treadmills has been suggested as a novel approach, SB allows each leg to travel at independent speeds. This study seeks to investigate the effects of SB gait on healthy young adults as a model for stroke patients. The study carried out motion analysis using the Motek CAREN. Subjects (n=10) were exposed to a total of 15 minutes SB in 5 and 10 minute blocks with a period of normal walking either side. Step length asymmetry and accommodation strategy was analysed. SB resulted in initial negative asymmetry, inferring a shortening of step of the leg on the fast belt (n=6) with some subjects showed a mirrored response (n=4). The asymmetry returns to baseline as subjects accommodate the novel condition. A distinct strategy was characterised, in which step length on fast belt was increased by delaying heel strike. When returned to normal walking conditions the initial asymmetry is reversed with a longer step on the fast leg. This is transient, after a short period normal walking there is a return to baseline asymmetry. Upon subsequent exposure to SB the adaption process is more rapid in adopting heel hang strategy (1st exposure 13 strides, 2nd exposure 3 strides), with significantly reduced asymmetry (p<0.001). The results show that young healthy adults can adapt to SB with distinct strategies. The improved adaption as a result of subsequent exposure suggests that there is some level of learned adaption. If applied to stroke patients, long term SB exposure may improve asymmetry and may be encouraged to adopt specific strategies to accommodate an increase in step length

    Towards understanding human locomotion

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    Die zentrale Frage, die in der vorliegenden Arbeit untersucht wurde, ist, wie man die komplizierte Dynamik des menschlichen Laufens besser verstehen kann. In der wissenschaftlichen Literatur werden zur Beschreibung von Laufbewegungen (Gehen und Rennen) oftmals minimalistische "Template"-Modelle verwendet. Diese sehr einfachen Modelle beschreiben nur einen ausgewählten Teil der Dynamik, meistens die Schwerpunktsbahn. In dieser Arbeit wird nun versucht, mittels Template-Modellen das Verständnis des Laufens voranzubringen. Die Analyse der Schwerpunktsbewegung durch Template-Modelle setzt eine präzise Bestimmung der Schwerpunktsbahn im Experiment voraus. Hierfür wird in Kapitel 2.3 eine neue Methode vorgestellt, welche besonders robust gegen die typischen Messfehler bei Laufexperimenten ist. Die am häfigsten verwendeten Template-Modelle sind das Masse-Feder-Modell und das inverse Pendel, welche zur Beschreibung der Körperschwerpunktsbewegung gedacht sind und das Drehmoment um den Schwerpunkt vernachlässigen. Zur Beschreibung der Stabilisierung der Körperhaltung (und damit der Drehimpulsbilanz) wird in Abschnitt 3.3 das Template-Modell "virtuelles Pendel" für das menschliche Gehen eingeführt und mit experimentellen Daten verglichen. Die Diskussion möglicher Realisierungsmechanismen legt dabei nahe, dass die Aufrichtung des menschlichen Gangs im Laufe der Evolution keine große mechanische Hürde war. In der Literatur wird oft versucht, Eigenschaften der Bewegung wie Stabilität durch Eigenschaften der Template-Modelle zu erklären. Dies wird in modifizierter Form auch in der vorliegen Arbeit getan. Hierzu wird zunächst eine experimentell bestimmte Schwerpunktsbewegung auf das Masse-Feder-Modell übertragen. Anschließend wird die Kontrollvorschrift der Schritt-zu-Schritt-Anpassung der Modellparameter identifiziert sowie eine geeignete Näherung angegeben, um die Stabilität des Modells, welches mit dieser Kontrollvorschrift ausgestattet wird, zu analysieren. Der Vergleich mit einer direkten Bestimmung der Stabilität aus einem Floquet-Modell zeigt qualitativ gute Übereinstimmung. Beide Ansätze führen auf das Ergebnis, dass beim langsamen menschlichen Rennen Störungen innerhalb von zwei Schritten weitgehend abgebaut werden. Zusammenfassend wurde gezeigt, wie Template-Modelle zum Verständnis der Laufbewegung beitragen können. Gerade die Identifikation der individuellen Kontrollvorschrift auf der Abstraktionsebene des Masse-Feder-Modells erlaubt zukünftig neue Wege, aktive Prothesen oder Orthesen in menschenähnlicher Weise zu steuern und ebnet den Weg, menschliches Rennen auf Roboter zu übertragen.Human locomotion is part of our everyday life, however the mechanisms are not well enough understood to be transferred into technical devices like orthoses, protheses or humanoid robots. In biomechanics often minimalistic so-called template models are used to describe locomotion. While these abstract models in principle offer a language to describe both human behavior and technical control input, the relation between human locomotion and locomotion of these templates was long unclear. This thesis focusses on how human locomotion can be described and analyzed using template models. Often, human running is described using the SLIP template. Here, it is shown that SLIP (possibly equipped with any controller) cannot show human-like disturbance reactions, and an appropriate extension of SLIP is proposed. Further, a new template to describe postural stabilization is proposed. Summarizing, this theses shows how simple template models can be used to enhance the understanding of human gait

    An athletic approach to studying perception-action integration: Does sport-specific training, and the impact of injury, influence how individuals visually guide navigation?

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    The objective of this thesis was to investigate perception-action integration capabilities of individuals during a choice navigation task. This task assessed navigation strategies in open space while individuals avoided colliding with two vertical obstacles that created a body-scaled, horizontal gap, at three varying obstacle distances from the starting location (3m, 5m, 7m). The two studies completed in this thesis employed the same paradigm to assess the hypothesized group differences. Gaze behaviours and kinematics of navigation strategies were compared between: 1) athletes specifically trained in navigating in open space versus non-athletes; and 2) athletes with post-concussion syndrome (PCS) versus non-concussed, specifically trained athletes. Specifically trained athletes have been identified as demonstrating more successful perception-action integration in discrete motor tasks related to their sport (Mann et al., 2007; Vickers, 2007). However, whether these abilities translate to the continuous motor task of obstacle avoidance in open space was unknown. The purpose of Study 1 was to identify the influence of sport-specific training on navigating in open space (i.e. navigational strategies of large field sport athletes) compared to age-matched, non-athletes. It was hypothesized that specifically-trained athletes would demonstrate fewer, longer fixations, suggesting a more successful perception-action integration strategy (as defined by Mann et al., 2007), and would employ more sport-specific navigation strategies than non-athletes by maintaining their straight trajectory toward the goal (Fajen & Warren, 2003). Athletes were found to make fewer, longer fixations than non-athletes. However, no differences were observed between navigation strategies of the two groups, nor were any kinematic measures found to differ between groups. It can be concluded that athletes and non-athletes differentially obtain visual information to perform the same actions, suggesting that athletes and non-athletes differentially perform perception-action integration when navigating in open space. Future studies are required to identify sport-specific nuances of navigation (moving obstacles, running) to better identify athletic-related navigation strategies. Although athletic training can enhance perception-action integration strategies, sport-related injuries can hinder this process. Following a concussion, individuals experience deficits of perception-action integration that persist well beyond 30 days of recovery, post-concussion (Baker and Cinelli, 2014; Slobounov et al., 2006). These perception-action integration deficits may also exist in individual with postconcussion syndrome (PCS). The purpose of the Study 2 was to identify whether perception-action integration deficits persist with the persistent physical symptoms of concussion characteristic of PCS. The current study revealed that athletes with PCS did not differ from non-concussed athletes on any measure of visual fixation strategy, nor were they found to differ on any kinematic measure assessed. These findings suggest that in the context of the current paradigm, athletes with PCS have no perception-action integration deficit. In that, athletes with PCS may have adapted perception-action integration strategies to navigate with equal efficiency as a specifically-trained group of athletes or that the paradigm was not sensitive enough to identify these differences. Such findings suggest that more research is required to assess what, if any, perception-action integration deficits persist with persisting physical symptoms of PCS to better benefit rehabilitative procedures and outcomes for these individuals. Together, these studies add to what was previously known about perception-action integration, as it relates to navigation. Both studies assessed perception-action integration in unique populations that add to understanding of behavioural dynamics in the sport setting. Study 1 builds on a line of research assessing affordance theory and behavioural dynamics in sport (Fajen, Riley, & Turvey, 2008). The findings of this study suggest that although navigation strategies did not differ between specifically trained athletes and non-athletes, visual search strategies employed in task did. Such findings add to the understanding that sport-specific training influences perception-action integration, through our understanding of how athletes obtain visual information to perform actions. This thesis did not identify perception-action integration deficits in athletes with PCS. These findings suggest that the individuals in the present study likely adapted to their injury as they demonstrated equal ability in gaze and navigation strategies to specifically-trained athletes. As such, further research is required to assess the cognitive, motor, and sensory-motor deficits that may persist with the persisting physical symptoms of PCS. As individuals with PCS do not demonstrate similar visuomotor integration deficits as individuals with acute concussions (Baker & Cinelli, 2014), such individuals must be assessed and researched as a separate population
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