31,658 research outputs found

    Input variable selection in time-critical knowledge integration applications: A review, analysis, and recommendation paper

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Advanced Engineering Informatics. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2013 Elsevier B.V.The purpose of this research is twofold: first, to undertake a thorough appraisal of existing Input Variable Selection (IVS) methods within the context of time-critical and computation resource-limited dimensionality reduction problems; second, to demonstrate improvements to, and the application of, a recently proposed time-critical sensitivity analysis method called EventTracker to an environment science industrial use-case, i.e., sub-surface drilling. Producing time-critical accurate knowledge about the state of a system (effect) under computational and data acquisition (cause) constraints is a major challenge, especially if the knowledge required is critical to the system operation where the safety of operators or integrity of costly equipment is at stake. Understanding and interpreting, a chain of interrelated events, predicted or unpredicted, that may or may not result in a specific state of the system, is the core challenge of this research. The main objective is then to identify which set of input data signals has a significant impact on the set of system state information (i.e. output). Through a cause-effect analysis technique, the proposed technique supports the filtering of unsolicited data that can otherwise clog up the communication and computational capabilities of a standard supervisory control and data acquisition system. The paper analyzes the performance of input variable selection techniques from a series of perspectives. It then expands the categorization and assessment of sensitivity analysis methods in a structured framework that takes into account the relationship between inputs and outputs, the nature of their time series, and the computational effort required. The outcome of this analysis is that established methods have a limited suitability for use by time-critical variable selection applications. By way of a geological drilling monitoring scenario, the suitability of the proposed EventTracker Sensitivity Analysis method for use in high volume and time critical input variable selection problems is demonstrated.E

    Application of Computational Intelligence Techniques to Process Industry Problems

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    In the last two decades there has been a large progress in the computational intelligence research field. The fruits of the effort spent on the research in the discussed field are powerful techniques for pattern recognition, data mining, data modelling, etc. These techniques achieve high performance on traditional data sets like the UCI machine learning database. Unfortunately, this kind of data sources usually represent clean data without any problems like data outliers, missing values, feature co-linearity, etc. common to real-life industrial data. The presence of faulty data samples can have very harmful effects on the models, for example if presented during the training of the models, it can either cause sub-optimal performance of the trained model or in the worst case destroy the so far learnt knowledge of the model. For these reasons the application of present modelling techniques to industrial problems has developed into a research field on its own. Based on the discussion of the properties and issues of the data and the state-of-the-art modelling techniques in the process industry, in this paper a novel unified approach to the development of predictive models in the process industry is presented

    "Can Banks Learn to Be Rational?"

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    Can banks learn to be rational in their lending activities? The answer depends on the institutionally bounded constraints to learning. From an evolutionary perspective the functionality (for survival) of "learning to be rational" creates strong incentives for such learning without, however, guaranteeing that each member of the particular economic species actually achieves increased fitness. I investigate this issue for a particular economic species, namely, commrercial banks. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the key issues related to learning in an economic model by proposing a new screening model for bank commercial loans that uses the neuro fuzzy technique. The technical modeling aspect is integrally connected in a rigorous way to the key conceptual and theoretical aspects of the capabilities for learning to be rational in a broad but precise sense. This paper also compares the relative predictability of loan default among three methods of prediction--- discriminant analysis, logit type regression, and neuro fuzzy--- based on the real data obtained from one of the banks in Taiwan.The neuro fuzzy model, in contrast with the other two, incorporates recursive learning in a real world, imprecise linguistic environment. The empirical results show that in addition to its better screening ability, the neuro fuzzy model is superior in explaining the relationship among the variables as well. With further modifications,this model could be used by bank regulatory agencies for loan examination and by bank loan officers for loan review. The main theoretical conclusion to draw from this demonstration is that non-linear learning in a vague semantic world is both possible and useful. Therefore the search for alternatives to the full neoclassical rationality and its equivalent under uncertainty---rational expectations--- is a plausible and desirable search, especially when the probability for convergence to a rational expectations equilibrium is low.

    PAC: A Novel Self-Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Controller for Micro Aerial Vehicles

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    There exists an increasing demand for a flexible and computationally efficient controller for micro aerial vehicles (MAVs) due to a high degree of environmental perturbations. In this work, an evolving neuro-fuzzy controller, namely Parsimonious Controller (PAC) is proposed. It features fewer network parameters than conventional approaches due to the absence of rule premise parameters. PAC is built upon a recently developed evolving neuro-fuzzy system known as parsimonious learning machine (PALM) and adopts new rule growing and pruning modules derived from the approximation of bias and variance. These rule adaptation methods have no reliance on user-defined thresholds, thereby increasing the PAC's autonomy for real-time deployment. PAC adapts the consequent parameters with the sliding mode control (SMC) theory in the single-pass fashion. The boundedness and convergence of the closed-loop control system's tracking error and the controller's consequent parameters are confirmed by utilizing the LaSalle-Yoshizawa theorem. Lastly, the controller's efficacy is evaluated by observing various trajectory tracking performance from a bio-inspired flapping-wing micro aerial vehicle (BI-FWMAV) and a rotary wing micro aerial vehicle called hexacopter. Furthermore, it is compared to three distinctive controllers. Our PAC outperforms the linear PID controller and feed-forward neural network (FFNN) based nonlinear adaptive controller. Compared to its predecessor, G-controller, the tracking accuracy is comparable, but the PAC incurs significantly fewer parameters to attain similar or better performance than the G-controller.Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication in Information Science Journal 201

    Nature-Inspired Adaptive Architecture for Soft Sensor Modelling

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    This paper gives a general overview of the challenges present in the research field of Soft Sensor building and proposes a novel architecture for building of Soft Sensors, which copes with the identified challenges. The architecture is inspired and making use of nature-related techniques for computational intelligence. Another aspect, which is addressed by the proposed architecture, are the identified characteristics of the process industry data. The data recorded in the process industry consist usually of certain amount of missing values or sample exceeding meaningful values of the measurements, called data outliers. Other process industry data properties causing problems for the modelling are the collinearity of the data, drifting data and the different sampling rates of the particular hardware sensors. It is these characteristics which are the source of the need for an adaptive behaviour of Soft Sensors. The architecture reflects this need and provides mechanisms for the adaptation and evolution of the Soft Sensor at different levels. The adaptation capabilities are provided by maintaining a variety of rather simple models. These particular models, called paths in terms of the architecture, can for example focus on different partition of the input data space, or provide different adaptation speeds to changes in the data. The actual modelling techniques involved into the architecture are data-driven computational learning approaches like artificial neural networks, principal component regression, etc

    ADAPTS: An Intelligent Sustainable Conceptual Framework for Engineering Projects

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    This paper presents a conceptual framework for the optimization of environmental sustainability in engineering projects, both for products and industrial facilities or processes. The main objective of this work is to propose a conceptual framework to help researchers to approach optimization under the criteria of sustainability of engineering projects, making use of current Machine Learning techniques. For the development of this conceptual framework, a bibliographic search has been carried out on the Web of Science. From the selected documents and through a hermeneutic procedure the texts have been analyzed and the conceptual framework has been carried out. A graphic representation pyramid shape is shown to clearly define the variables of the proposed conceptual framework and their relationships. The conceptual framework consists of 5 dimensions; its acronym is ADAPTS. In the base are: (1) the Application to which it is intended, (2) the available DAta, (3) the APproach under which it is operated, and (4) the machine learning Tool used. At the top of the pyramid, (5) the necessary Sensing. A study case is proposed to show its applicability. This work is part of a broader line of research, in terms of optimization under sustainability criteria.Telefónica Chair “Intelligence in Networks” of the University of Seville (Spain

    Contextualized property market models vs. Generalized mass appraisals: An innovative approach

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    The present research takes into account the current and widespread need for rational valuation methodologies, able to correctly interpret the available market data. An innovative automated valuation model has been simultaneously implemented to three Italian study samples, each one constituted by two-hundred residential units sold in the years 2016-2017. The ability to generate a "unique" functional form for the three different territorial contexts considered, in which the relationships between the influencing factors and the selling prices are specified by different multiplicative coefficients that appropriately represent the market phenomena of each case study analyzed, is the main contribution of the proposed methodology. The method can provide support for private operators in the assessment of the territorial investment conveniences and for the public entities in the decisional phases regarding future tax and urban planning policies
