327 research outputs found

    Bystanders in its neighbourhood? The European Union's involvement in protracted conflicts in the Post-Soviet space

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    "Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, there remains a number of protracted conflicts, within and between the successor states, concerning irredentist entities. This article examines four cases of such de facto states, the self-proclaimed republics of Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Nagorno-Karabakh and Transnistria. After reviewing the genesis and geopolitical significance of these conflicts, the article focuses on the role of the European Union in conflict resolution. We argue that the EU plays a marginal role in all the protracted conflicts. Based on an analysis of its recent policies, we claim that the Union will maintain a low profile in the foreseeable future." (author's abstract

    How political groups frame gender equality and human rights in the European Parliament

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    The European Parliament has passed a number of resolutions that support gender equality and LGBTQI rights. Yet among MEPs, there remain sharp differences in opinion over these issues. Drawing on a new study, Petra Ahrens, Barbara Gaweda and Johanna Kantola identify how these debates are structured between political groups in the Parliament

    The Gendered Discourses of Illiberal Demographic Policy in Poland and in Russia

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    Despite being dissimilar cases, both Poland and Russia exhibit strong anti‐liberal and democratic backsliding tendencies. Concomitantly, politicians are spreading a demographic moral panic, employing the argument that both nations are in danger of demise. There is scaremongering concerning below‐replacement population growth rates and, in parallel, a tightening grasp on reproductive health rights and a growing fear of non‐binary gender identities, people of color, and homosexuality. The political anti‐gender mobilization in Poland in the 2010s and the gendered anti‐Western and anti‐gay conspiracy narratives in Russia are examples of this phenomenon. How are the policy responses to “demographic crises” constructed and gendered in political discourses today? What lies behind it and what is its role in illiberal politics? In this article, I discuss the current demographic discourses in Poland and in Russia. I argue that the politics of rallying against “demographic crises” surfaced on the wave of growing dominance of ultraconservative and nationalist discourses in East‐ Central Europe in response to perceived socio‐economic pressures. I demonstrate how Polish and Russian politicians have been utilizing nativism, familialism, and “tradition” discourses for reasons of political legitimacy and expediency. Looking at political debates and concrete demographic strategies, I trace how the rhetoric of “democratic crises” is deployed to shore up illiberalism in both countries.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Pharmakologische Wirkung von zwei neu synthetisierten heterocyclischen Verbindungen (LKR1, GK3s) auf HerzmuskelprÀparate und glatte Muskulatur von Meerschweinchen

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    Zu Beginn der Diplomarbeit galt es einige Theoretische HintergrĂŒnde zu der Schwefelwasserstoff freisetzenden Testsubstanz LKR1 und zu dem synthetischen Resveratrolderivat GK3s zu erörtern. Danach wurden die Materialien, die Methodik sowie der Versuchsablauf und die Versuchsbedingungen detailiert geschildert. Weiters wurde schließlich die Testsubstanz GK3s und LKR1 bezĂŒglich ihrer Eigenwirkung an den isolierten Organen des Meerschweinchens untersucht. Die Versuche wurden jeweils am isolierten terminalen Ileum, an der Aorta, an der Arteria pulmonalis, am rechten Vorhof und am Papillarmuskel in verschiedenen Konzentrationsstufen durchgefĂŒhrt. Im Anschluss wurden die Ergebnisse in einer Konzentrations- Wirkungskurve und in der jeweiligen Originalaufzeichnung der Wirkung des angeschlossenen Schreibers, welcher die Stromimpulse sichtbar machte, veranschaulicht. Im darauffolgenden Kapitel wurden die Ergebnisse und Messdaten diskutiert. Das erhaltene Wirkprofil der Testsubstanz LKR1 wurde mit dem in Studien untersuchten Schwefelwasserstoff verglichen. Sowie das erhaltene Wirkprofil von GK3s wurde dem erforschten Naturstoff Resveratrol bezĂŒglich der Wirkung gegenĂŒber gestellt. Prinzipiell kann gesagt werden, dass die beiden neu synthetisierten heterocyclischen Derivate LKR1 und GK3s ihren natĂŒrlichen Vorbildern aufgrund des in Studien untersuchten Wirkprofils entsprechen, jedoch in ihrer WirkstĂ€rke nicht immer ĂŒbereinstimmen
