36 research outputs found

    Stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation: Analysis of the misalignment in the frequency domain

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    System approach to robust acoustic echo cancellation through semi-blind source separation based on independent component analysis

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    We live in a dynamic world full of noises and interferences. The conventional acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) framework based on the least mean square (LMS) algorithm by itself lacks the ability to handle many secondary signals that interfere with the adaptive filtering process, e.g., local speech and background noise. In this dissertation, we build a foundation for what we refer to as the system approach to signal enhancement as we focus on the AEC problem. We first propose the residual echo enhancement (REE) technique that utilizes the error recovery nonlinearity (ERN) to "enhances" the filter estimation error prior to the filter adaptation. The single-channel AEC problem can be viewed as a special case of semi-blind source separation (SBSS) where one of the source signals is partially known, i.e., the far-end microphone signal that generates the near-end acoustic echo. SBSS optimized via independent component analysis (ICA) leads to the system combination of the LMS algorithm with the ERN that allows for continuous and stable adaptation even during double talk. Second, we extend the system perspective to the decorrelation problem for AEC, where we show that the REE procedure can be applied effectively in a multi-channel AEC (MCAEC) setting to indirectly assist the recovery of lost AEC performance due to inter-channel correlation, known generally as the "non-uniqueness" problem. We develop a novel, computationally efficient technique of frequency-domain resampling (FDR) that effectively alleviates the non-uniqueness problem directly while introducing minimal distortion to signal quality and statistics. We also apply the system approach to the multi-delay filter (MDF) that suffers from the inter-block correlation problem. Finally, we generalize the MCAEC problem in the SBSS framework and discuss many issues related to the implementation of an SBSS system. We propose a constrained batch-online implementation of SBSS that stabilizes the convergence behavior even in the worst case scenario of a single far-end talker along with the non-uniqueness condition on the far-end mixing system. The proposed techniques are developed from a pragmatic standpoint, motivated by real-world problems in acoustic and audio signal processing. Generalization of the orthogonality principle to the system level of an AEC problem allows us to relate AEC to source separation that seeks to maximize the independence, hence implicitly the orthogonality, not only between the error signal and the far-end signal, but rather, among all signals involved. The system approach, for which the REE paradigm is just one realization, enables the encompassing of many traditional signal enhancement techniques in analytically consistent yet practically effective manner for solving the enhancement problem in a very noisy and disruptive acoustic mixing environment.PhDCommittee Chair: Biing-Hwang Juang; Committee Member: Brani Vidakovic; Committee Member: David V. Anderson; Committee Member: Jeff S. Shamma; Committee Member: Xiaoli M

    New Sequential Partial Update Normalized Least Mean M-estimate Algorithms for Stereophonic Acoustic Echo Cancellation

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    ABSTRACT This paper proposes a family of new robust adaptive filtering algorithms for stereophonic acoustic echo cancellation in impulsive noise environment. The new algorithms employ sequential partial update scheme to reduce computational complexity, which is desirable in long echo path case. On the other hand, by employing robust M-estimate technique, the new algorithms become more robust to impulsive noises compared to their conventional least squarebased counterparts. These two advantages enable the proposed algorithms to be good alternatives for stereophonic echo cancellation. Experiments are also conducted to verify their efficiency

    Beiträge zu breitbandigen Freisprechsystemen und ihrer Evaluation

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    This work deals with the advancement of wideband hands-free systems (HFS’s) for mono- and stereophonic cases of application. Furthermore, innovative contributions to the corr. field of quality evaluation are made. The proposed HFS approaches are based on frequency-domain adaptive filtering for system identification, making use of Kalman theory and state-space modeling. Functional enhancement modules are developed in this work, which improve one or more of key quality aspects, aiming at not to harm others. In so doing, these modules can be combined in a flexible way, dependent on the needs at hand. The enhanced monophonic HFS is evaluated according to automotive ITU-T recommendations, to prove its customized efficacy. Furthermore, a novel methodology and techn. framework are introduced in this work to improve the prototyping and evaluation process of automotive HF and in-car-communication (ICC) systems. The monophonic HFS in several configurations hereby acts as device under test (DUT) and is thoroughly investigated, which will show the DUT’s satisfying performance, as well as the advantages of the proposed development process. As current methods for the evaluation of HFS’s in dynamic conditions oftentimes still lack flexibility, reproducibility, and accuracy, this work introduces “Car in a Box” (CiaB) as a novel, improved system for this demanding task. It is able to enhance the development process by performing high-resolution system identification of dynamic electro-acoustical systems. The extracted dyn. impulse response trajectories are then applicable to arbitrary input signals in a synthesis operation. A realistic dynamic automotive auralization of a car cabin interior is available for HFS evaluation. It is shown that this system improves evaluation flexibility at guaranteed reproducibility. In addition, the accuracy of evaluation methods can be increased by having access to exact, realistic imp. resp. trajectories acting as a so-called “ground truth” reference. If CiaB is included into an automotive evaluation setup, there is no need for an acoustical car interior prototype to be present at this stage of development. Hency, CiaB may ease the HFS development process. Dynamic acoustic replicas may be provided including an arbitrary number of acoustic car cabin interiors for multiple developers simultaneously. With CiaB, speech enh. system developers therefore have an evaluation environment at hand, which can adequately replace the real environment.Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Weiterentwicklung breitbandiger Freisprechsysteme für mono-/stereophone Anwendungsfälle und liefert innovative Beiträge zu deren Qualitätsmessung. Die vorgestellten Verfahren basieren auf im Frequenzbereich adaptierenden Algorithmen zur Systemidentifikation gemäß Kalman-Theorie in einer Zustandsraumdarstellung. Es werden funktionale Erweiterungsmodule dahingehend entwickelt, dass mindestens eine Qualitätsanforderung verbessert wird, ohne andere eklatant zu verletzen. Diese nach Anforderung flexibel kombinierbaren algorithmischen Erweiterungen werden gemäß Empfehlungen der ITU-T (Rec. P.1110/P.1130) in vorwiegend automotiven Testszenarien getestet und somit deren zielgerichtete Wirksamkeit bestätigt. Es wird eine Methodensammlung und ein technisches System zur verbesserten Prototypentwicklung/Evaluation von automotiven Freisprech- und Innenraumkommunikationssystemen vorgestellt und beispielhaft mit dem monophonen Freisprechsystem in diversen Ausbaustufen zur Anwendung gebracht. Daraus entstehende Vorteile im Entwicklungs- und Testprozess von Sprachverbesserungssystem werden dargelegt und messtechnisch verifiziert. Bestehende Messverfahren zum Verhalten von Freisprechsystemen in zeitvarianten Umgebungen zeigten bisher oft nur ein unzureichendes Maß an Flexibilität, Reproduzierbarkeit und Genauigkeit. Daher wird hier das „Car in a Box“-Verfahren (CiaB) entwickelt und vorgestellt, mit dem zeitvariante elektro-akustische Systeme technisch identifiziert werden können. So gewonnene dynamische Impulsantworten können im Labor in einer Syntheseoperation auf beliebige Eingangsignale angewandt werden, um realistische Testsignale unter dyn. Bedingungen zu erzeugen. Bei diesem Vorgehen wird ein hohes Maß an Flexibilität bei garantierter Reproduzierbarkeit erlangt. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Genauigkeit von darauf basierenden Evaluationsverfahren zudem gesteigert werden kann, da mit dem Vorliegen von exakten, realen Impulsantworten zu jedem Zeitpunkt der Messung eine sogenannte „ground truth“ als Referenz zur Verfügung steht. Bei der Einbindung von CiaB in einen Messaufbau für automotive Freisprechsysteme ist es bedeutsam, dass zu diesem Zeitpunkt das eigentliche Fahrzeug nicht mehr benötigt wird. Es wird gezeigt, dass eine dyn. Fahrzeugakustikumgebung, wie sie im Entwicklungsprozess von automotiven Sprachverbesserungsalgorithmen benötigt wird, in beliebiger Anzahl vollständig und mind. gleichwertig durch CiaB ersetzt werden kann

    Neural architecture for echo suppression during sound source localization based on spiking neural cell models

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    Zusammenfassung Diese Arbeit untersucht die biologischen Ursachen des psycho-akustischen Präzedenz Effektes, der Menschen in die Lage versetzt, akustische Echos während der Lokalisation von Schallquellen zu unterdrücken. Sie enthält ein Modell zur Echo-Unterdrückung während der Schallquellenlokalisation, welches in technischen Systemen zur Mensch-Maschine Interaktion eingesetzt werden kann. Die Grundlagen dieses Modells wurden aus eigenen elektrophysiologischen Experimenten an der Mongolischen Wüstenrennmaus gewonnen. Die dabei erstmalig an der Wüstenrennmaus erzielten Ergebnisse, zeigen ein besonderes Verhalten spezifischer Zellen im Dorsalen Kern des Lateral Lemniscus, einer dedizierten Region des auditorischen Hirnstammes. Die dort sichtbare Langzeithemmung scheint die Grundlage für die Echounterdrückung in höheren auditorischen Zentren zu sein. Das entwickelte Model war in der Lage dieses Verhalten nachzubilden, und legt die Vermutung nahe, dass eine starke und zeitlich präzise Hyperpolarisation der zugrundeliegende physiologische Mechanismus dieses Verhaltens ist. Die entwickelte Neuronale Modellarchitektur modelliert das Innenohr und fünf wesentliche Kerne des auditorischen Hirnstammes in ihrer Verbindungsstruktur und internen Dynamik. Sie stellt einen neuen Typus neuronaler Modellierung dar, der als Spike-Interaktionsmodell (SIM) bezeichnet wird. SIM nutzen die präzise räumlich-zeitliche Interaktion einzelner Aktionspotentiale (Spikes) für die Kodierung und Verarbeitung neuronaler Informationen. Die Basis dafür bilden Integrate-and-Fire Neuronenmodelle sowie Hebb'sche Synapsen, welche um speziell entwickelte dynamische Kernfunktionen erweitert wurden. Das Modell ist in der Lage, Zeitdifferenzen von 10 mykrosekunden zu detektieren und basiert auf den Prinzipien der zeitlichen und räumlichen Koinzidenz sowie der präzisen lokalen Inhibition. Es besteht ausschließlich aus Elementen einer eigens entwickelten Neuronalen Basisbibliothek (NBL) die speziell für die Modellierung verschiedenster Spike- Interaktionsmodelle entworfen wurde. Diese Bibliothek erweitert die kommerziell verfügbare dynamische Simulationsumgebung von MATLAB/SIMULINK um verschiedene Modelle von Neuronen und Synapsen, welche die intrinsischen dynamischen Eigenschaften von Nervenzellen nachbilden. Die Nutzung dieser Bibliothek versetzt sowohl den Ingenieur als auch den Biologen in die Lage, eigene, biologisch plausible, Modelle der neuronalen Informationsverarbeitung ohne detaillierte Programmierkenntnisse zu entwickeln. Die grafische Oberfläche ermöglicht strukturelle sowie parametrische Modifikationen und ist in der Lage, den Zeitverlauf mikroskopischer Zellpotentiale aber auch makroskopischer Spikemuster während und nach der Simulation darzustellen. Zwei grundlegende Elemente der Neuronalen Basisbibliothek wurden zur Implementierung als spezielle analog-digitale Schaltungen vorbereitet. Erste Silizium Implementierungen durch das Team des DFG Graduiertenkollegs GRK 164 konnten die Möglichkeit einer vollparallelen on line Verarbeitung von Schallsignalen nachweisen. Durch Zuhilfenahme des im GRK entwickelten automatisierten Layout Generators wird es möglich, spezielle Prozessoren zur Anwendung biologischer Verarbeitungsprinzipien in technischen Systemen zu entwickeln. Diese Prozessoren unterscheiden sich grundlegend von den klassischen von Neumann Prozessoren indem sie räumlich und zeitlich verteilte Spikemuster, anstatt sequentieller binärer Werte zur Informationsrepräsentation nutzen. Sie erweitern das digitale Kodierungsprinzip durch die Dimensionen des Raumes (2 dimensionale Nachbarschaft) der Zeit (Frequenz, Phase und Amplitude) sowie der zeitlichen Dynamik analoger Potentialverläufe. Diese Dissertation besteht aus sieben Kapiteln, welche den verschiedenen Bereichen der Computational Neuroscience gewidmet sind. Kapitel 1 beschreibt die Motivation dieser Arbeit welche aus der Absicht rühren, biologische Prinzipien der Schallverarbeitung zu erforschen und für technische Systeme während der Interaktion mit dem Menschen nutzbar zu machen. Zusätzlich werden fünf Gründe für die Nutzung von Spike-Interaktionsmodellen angeführt sowie deren neuartiger Charakter beschrieben. Kapitel 2 führt die biologischen Prinzipien der Schallquellenlokalisation und den psychoakustischen Präzedenz Effekt ein. Aktuelle Hypothesen zur Entstehung dieses Effektes werden anhand ausgewählter experimenteller Ergebnisse verschiedener Forschungsgruppen diskutiert. Kapitel 3 beschreibt die entwickelte Neuronale Basisbibliothek und führt die einzelnen neuronalen Simulationselemente ein. Es erklärt die zugrundeliegenden mathematischen Funktionen der dynamischen Komponenten und beschreibt deren generelle Einsetzbarkeit zur dynamischen Simulation spikebasierter Neuronaler Netzwerke. Kapitel 4 enthält ein speziell entworfenes Modell des auditorischen Hirnstammes beginnend mit den Filterkaskaden zur Simulation des Innenohres, sich fortsetzend über mehr als 200 Zellen und 400 Synapsen in 5 auditorischen Kernen bis zum Richtungssensor im Bereich des auditorischen Mittelhirns. Es stellt die verwendeten Strukturen und Parameter vor und enthält grundlegende Hinweise zur Nutzung der Simulationsumgebung. Kapitel 5 besteht aus drei Abschnitten, wobei der erste Abschnitt die Experimentalbedingungen und Ergebnisse der eigens durchgeführten Tierversuche beschreibt. Der zweite Abschnitt stellt die Ergebnisse von 104 Modellversuchen zur Simulationen psycho-akustischer Effekte dar, welche u.a. die Fähigkeit des Modells zur Nachbildung des Präzedenz Effektes testen. Schließlich beschreibt der letzte Abschnitt die Ergebnisse der 54 unter realen Umweltbedingungen durchgeführten Experimente. Dabei kamen Signale zur Anwendung, welche in normalen sowie besonders stark verhallten Räumen aufgezeichnet wurden. Kapitel 6 vergleicht diese Ergebnisse mit anderen biologisch motivierten und technischen Verfahren zur Echounterdrückung und Schallquellenlokalisation und führt den aktuellen Status der Hardwareimplementierung ein. Kapitel 7 enthält schließlich eine kurze Zusammenfassung und einen Ausblick auf weitere Forschungsobjekte und geplante Aktivitäten. Diese Arbeit möchte zur Entwicklung der Computational Neuroscience beitragen, indem sie versucht, in einem speziellen Anwendungsfeld die Lücke zwischen biologischen Erkenntnissen, rechentechnischen Modellen und Hardware Engineering zu schließen. Sie empfiehlt ein neues räumlich-zeitliches Paradigma der dynamischen Informationsverarbeitung zur Erschließung biologischer Prinzipien der Informationsverarbeitung für technische Anwendungen.This thesis investigates the biological background of the psycho-acoustical precedence effect, enabling humans to suppress echoes during the localization of sound sources. It provides a technically feasible and biologically plausible model for sound source localization under echoic conditions, ready to be used by technical systems during man-machine interactions. The model is based upon own electro-physiological experiments in the mongolian gerbil. The first time in gerbils obtained results reveal a special behavior of specific cells of the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (DNLL) - a distinct region in the auditory brainstem. The explored persistent inhibition effect of these cells seems to account for the base of echo suppression at higher auditory centers. The developed model proved capable to duplicate this behavior and suggests, that a strong and timely precise hyperpolarization is the basic mechanism behind this cell behavior. The developed neural architecture models the inner ear as well as five major nuclei of the auditory brainstem in their connectivity and intrinsic dynamics. It represents a new type of neural modeling described as Spike Interaction Models (SIM). SIM use the precise spatio-temporal interaction of single spike events for coding and processing of neural information. Their basic elements are Integrate-and-Fire Neurons and Hebbian synapses, which have been extended by specially designed dynamic transfer functions. The model is capable to detect time differences as small as 10 mircrosecondes and employs the principles of coincidence detection and precise local inhibition for auditory processing. It consists exclusively of elements of a specifically designed Neural Base Library (NBL), which has been developed for multi purpose modeling of Spike Interaction Models. This library extends the commercially available dynamic simulation environment of MATLAB/SIMULINK by different models of neurons and synapses simulating the intrinsic dynamic properties of neural cells. The usage of this library enables engineers as well as biologists to design their own, biologically plausible models of neural information processing without the need for detailed programming skills. Its graphical interface provides access to structural as well as parametric changes and is capable to display the time course of microscopic cell parameters as well as macroscopic firing pattern during simulations and thereafter. Two basic elements of the Neural Base Library have been prepared for implementation by specialized mixed analog-digital circuitry. First silicon implementations were realized by the team of the DFG Graduiertenkolleg GRK 164 and proved the possibility of fully parallel on line processing of sounds. By using the automated layout processor under development in the Graduiertenkolleg, it will be possible to design specific processors in order to apply theprinciples of distributed biological information processing to technical systems. These processors differ from classical von Neumann processors by the use of spatio temporal spike pattern instead of sequential binary values. They will extend the digital coding principle by the dimensions of space (spatial neighborhood), time (frequency, phase and amplitude) as well as the dynamics of analog potentials and introduce a new type of information processing. This thesis consists of seven chapters, dedicated to the different areas of computational neuroscience. Chapter 1: provides the motivation of this study arising from the attempt to investigate the biological principles of sound processing and make them available to technical systems interacting with humans under real world conditions. Furthermore, five reasons to use spike interaction models are given and their novel characteristics are discussed. Chapter 2: introduces the biological principles of sound source localization and the precedence effect. Current hypothesis on echo suppression and the underlying principles of the precedence effect are discussed by reference to a small selection of physiological and psycho-acoustical experiments. Chapter 3: describes the developed neural base library and introduces each of the designed neural simulation elements. It also explains the developed mathematical functions of the dynamic compartments and describes their general usage for dynamic simulation of spiking neural networks. Chapter 4: introduces the developed specific model of the auditory brainstem, starting from the filtering cascade in the inner ear via more than 200 cells and 400 synapses in five auditory regions up to the directional sensor at the level of the auditory midbrain. It displays the employed parameter sets and contains basic hints for the set up and configuration of the simulation environment. Chapter 5: consists of three sections, whereas the first one describes the set up and results of the own electro-physiological experiments. The second describes the results of 104 model simulations, performed to test the models ability to duplicate psycho-acoustical effects like the precedence effect. Finally, the last section of this chapter contains the results of 54 real world experiments using natural sound signals, recorded under normal as well as highly reverberating conditions. Chapter 6: compares the achieved results to other biologically motivated and technical models for echo suppression and sound source localization and introduces the current status of silicon implementation. Chapter 7: finally provides a short summary and an outlook toward future research subjects and areas of investigation. This thesis aims to contribute to the field of computational neuroscience by bridging the gap between biological investigation, computational modeling and silicon engineering in a specific field of application. It suggests a new spatio-temporal paradigm of information processing in order to access the capabilities of biological systems for technical applications

    Modelli a poli comuni per sistemi acustici multicanale

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    Questa tesi raccoglie i più rilevanti risultati del lavoro svolto dall'autore nel quadro del XXI ciclo del Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria dell'Informazione e della Comunicazione nel triennio accademico 2005-2008 presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria della Sapienza di Roma. L'argomento centrale, e insieme il filo conduttore del materiale presentato, è un metodo numerico di rappresentazione di funzioni di trasferimento acustiche detto a Poli Acustici Comuni, e abbreviato nel seguito con l'acronimo CAP (dall'inglese Common Acoustical Poles ), originariamente introdotto nel 1992 [1]. Tale metodo, già usato con successo in questo dipartimento [2] promette di rappresentare gran parte delle proprietà acustiche di un ambiente con nato per mezzo di una componente ricorsiva comune a tutti i canali acustici entro l'ambiente scelto(ovvero ad ogni accoppiamento lineare tra una sorgente e un sensore) . Una simile prospettiva riveste notevole interesse per tutte quelle applicazioni, in ambiti come le Telecomunicazioni, la Multimedialità e l'Intrattenimento, che sfruttano interfacce acustiche, mobili o multicanale, per la riproduzione o la cattura di contenuti sonori. Il riferimento va in particolare a quella classe detta di interfacce acustiche intelligenti [3], che incorpora complessi sistemi di elaborazione del segnale per compiti quali lo speech enhancement, l'inversione acustica, la cancellazione d'eco e di rumore, la separazione di sorgenti o la localizzazione sonora. Sebbene dal momento della sua introduzione la modellazione basata su CAP non abbia trovato frequentissima applicazione, l'avvicinamento al problema all'inizio di questo lavoro ha suggerito che numerose implicazioni dietro l'idea originale fossero ancora inesplorate. In accordo con tali convincimenti, la presente tesi si articola intorno a quattro principali contributi originali, raggiunti in seguito a una nuova e migliore comprensione del signi cato della modellazione basata su CAP: l'introduzione di un nuovo metodo per la selezione dell'ordine di modellazione [4], l'uso dei CAP nella cancellazione d'eco stereofonica [5], la derivazione di espressioni semi-analitiche per modelli basati su CAP in sistemi 3-D, e la proposta di un nuovo metodo di stima. Proprio attorno a questi risultati è organizzata la divisione del materiale presentato. Il capitolo 1 introduce la modellazione basata su CAP e i relativivi metodi di stima, ne fornisce una motivazione teorica e, dopo aver trattato il problema della scelta dell'ordine di modellazione in questo contesto, propone un nuovo criterio per la sua selezione. La trattazione è seguita dalla descrizione delle simulazioni usate nella validazione del metodo proposto. Il capitolo 2 si occupa dell'applicazione della modellazione basata su CAP al problema della cancellazione d'eco stereofonica. Il paragrafo 2.1 e parte del 2.2 forniscono una panoramica sui sulle particolari problematiche connesse a questa particolare applicazione, nel quadro della più generica cancellazione d'eco adattativa. Una nuova architettura basata su CAP è proposta nel paragrafo 2.2.3, e lì confrontata sperimentalmente con il corrispondente sistema allo stato dell'arte in letteratura. Il capitolo 3 prende le mosse dall'approfondimento della teoria dietro l'idea dei CAP. A dispetto delle di coltà ricordate nel capitolo 1 sulla derivazione di espressioni analitiche di funzioni di trasferimento acustiche per sistemi 3-D, il lavoro qui presentato ottiene su questo fronte dei risultati nel caso 1-D, e li estende a una particolare con gurazione per ambienti a 3-D. Ciò permette di derivare nuove espressioni analitiche per modelli basati su CAP, da una parte allargando la conoscenza del problema in sé, e dall'altra aprendo nuove potenzialit à per la valutazione quantitativa dei metodi di stima esistenti. Nel capitolo 4 è proposto un nuovo metodo di stima dei parametri invarianti nella modellazione CAP, nell'ottica di rispondere ad esigenze non soddisfatte dai metodi di stima attualmente esistenti. I risultati descritti nel capitolo 3 sono qui usati per confrontare sperimentalmente le prestazioni del metodo proposto con quelle del più accreditato metodo esistente. In primo luogo, le prove presentate mostrano che la nuova tecnica permette di raggiungere un grado di accuratezza largamente superiore. In secondo luogo, essendo le prove eseguite di per sé innovative, esse hanno permesso di mettere in luce importanti debolezze nel più citato tra i metodi in letteratur

    Low Power Digital Filter Implementation in FPGA

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    Digital filters suitable for hearing aid application on low power perspective have been developed and implemented in FPGA in this dissertation. Hearing aids are primarily meant for improving hearing and speech comprehensions. Digital hearing aids score over their analog counterparts. This happens as digital hearing aids provide flexible gain besides facilitating feedback reduction and noise elimination. Recent advances in DSP and Microelectronics have led to the development of superior digital hearing aids. Many researchers have investigated several algorithms suitable for hearing aid application that demands low noise, feedback cancellation, echo cancellation, etc., however the toughest challenge is the implementation. Furthermore, the additional constraints are power and area. The device must consume as minimum power as possible to support extended battery life and should be as small as possible for increased portability. In this thesis we have made an attempt to investigate possible digital filter algorithms those are hardware configurable on low power view point. Suitability of decimation filter for hearing aid application is investigated. In this dissertation decimation filter is implemented using ‘Distributed Arithmetic’ approach.While designing this filter, it is observed that, comb-half band FIR-FIR filter design uses less hardware compared to the comb-FIR-FIR filter design. The power consumption is also less in case of comb-half band FIR-FIR filter design compared to the comb-FIR-FIR filter. This filter is implemented in Virtex-II pro board from Xilinx and the resource estimator from the system generator is used to estimate the resources. However ‘Distributed Arithmetic’ is highly serial in nature and its latency is high; power consumption found is not very low in this type of filter implementation. So we have proceeded for ‘Adaptive Hearing Aid’ using Booth-Wallace tree multiplier. This algorithm is also implemented in FPGA and power calculation of the whole system is done using Xilinx Xpower analyser. It is observed that power consumed by the hearing aid with Booth-Wallace tree multiplier is less than the hearing aid using Booth multiplier (about 25%). So we can conclude that the hearing aid using Booth-Wallace tree multiplier consumes less power comparatively. The above two approached are purely algorithmic approach. Next we proceed to combine circuit level VLSI design and with algorithmic approach for further possible reduction in power. A MAC based FDF-FIR filter (algorithm) that uses dual edge triggered latch (DET) (circuit) is used for hearing aid device. It is observed that DET based MAC FIR filter consumes less power than the traditional (single edge triggered, SET) one (about 41%). The proposed low power latch provides a power saving upto 65% in the FIR filter. This technique consumes less power compared to previous approaches that uses low power technique only at algorithmic abstraction level. The DET based MAC FIR filter is tested for real-time validation and it is observed that it works perfectly for various signals (speech, music, voice with music). The gain of the filter is tested and is found to be 27 dB (maximum) that matches with most of the hearing aid (manufacturer’s) specifications. Hence it can be concluded that FDF FIR digital filter in conjunction with low power latch is a strong candidate for hearing aid application

    Measurement of head-related transfer functions : A review

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    A head-related transfer function (HRTF) describes an acoustic transfer function between a point sound source in the free-field and a defined position in the listener's ear canal, and plays an essential role in creating immersive virtual acoustic environments (VAEs) reproduced over headphones or loudspeakers. HRTFs are highly individual, and depend on directions and distances (near-field HRTFs). However, the measurement of high-density HRTF datasets is usually time-consuming, especially for human subjects. Over the years, various novel measurement setups and methods have been proposed for the fast acquisition of individual HRTFs while maintaining high measurement accuracy. This review paper provides an overview of various HRTF measurement systems and some insights into trends in individual HRTF measurements