1,636 research outputs found

    Redundancy of stereoscopic images: Experimental Evaluation

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    With the recent advancement in visualization devices over the last years, we are seeing a growing market for stereoscopic content. In order to convey 3D content by means of stereoscopic displays, one needs to transmit and display at least 2 points of view of the video content. This has profound implications on the resources required to transmit the content, as well as demands on the complexity of the visualization system. It is known that stereoscopic images are redundant, which may prove useful for compression and may have positive effect on the construction of the visualization device. In this paper we describe an experimental evaluation of data redundancy in color stereoscopic images. In the experiments with computer generated and real life and test stereo images, several observers visually tested the stereopsis threshold and accuracy of parallax measuring in anaglyphs and stereograms as functions of the blur degree of one of two stereo images and color saturation threshold in one of two stereo images for which full color 3D perception with no visible color degradations is maintained. The experiments support a theoretical estimate that one has to add, to data required to reproduce one of two stereoscopic images, only several percents of that amount of data in order to achieve stereoscopic perception

    Apparent sharpness of 3D video when one eye's view is more blurry.

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    When the images presented to each eye differ in sharpness, the fused percept remains relatively sharp. Here, we measure this effect by showing stereoscopic videos that have been blurred for one eye, or both eyes, and psychophysically determining when they appear equally sharp. For a range of blur magnitudes, the fused percept always appeared significantly sharper than the blurrier view. From these data, we investigate to what extent discarding high spatial frequencies from just one eye's view reduces the bandwidth necessary to transmit perceptually sharp 3D content. We conclude that relatively high-resolution video transmission has the most potential benefit from this method

    Stereoscopic human interfaces

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    This article focuses on the use of stereoscopic video interfaces for telerobotics. Topics concerning human visual perception, binocular image capturing, and stereoscopic devices are described. There is a wide variety of video interfaces for telerobotic systems. Choosing the best video interface depends on the telerobotic application requirements. Simple monoscopic cameras are good enough for watching remote robot movements or for teleprogramming a sequence of commands. However, when operators seek precise robot guidance or wish to manipulate objects, a better perception of the remote environment must be achieved, for which more advanced visual interfaces are required. This implies a higher degree of telepresence, and, therefore, the most suitable visual interface has to be chosen. The aim of this article is to describe the two main aspects using stereoscopic interfaces: the capture of binocular video images, according to the disparity limits in human perception and the proper selection of the visualization interface for stereoscopic images

    Development of a stereo 3-D pictorial primary flight display

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    Computer-generated displays are becoming increasingly popular in aerospace applications. The use of stereo 3-D technology provides an opportunity to present depth perceptions which otherwise might be lacking. In addition, the third dimension could also be used as an additional dimension along which information can be encoded. Historically, the stereo 3-D displays have been used in entertainment, in experimental facilities, and in the handling of hazardous waste. In the last example, the source of the stereo images generally has been remotely controlled television camera pairs. The development of a stereo 3-D pictorial primary flight display used in a flight simulation environment is described. The applicability of stereo 3-D displays for aerospace crew stations to meet the anticipated needs for 2000 to 2020 time frame is investigated. Although, the actual equipment that could be used in an aerospace vehicle is not currently available, the lab research is necessary to determine where stereo 3-D enhances the display of information and how the displays should be formatted

    Stereoscopic camera and viewing systems with undistorted depth presentation and reduced or eliminated erroneous acceleration and deceleration perceptions, or with perceptions produced or enhanced for special effects

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    Methods for providing stereoscopic image presentation and stereoscopic configurations using stereoscopic viewing systems having converged or parallel cameras may be set up to reduce or eliminate erroneously perceived accelerations and decelerations by proper selection of parameters, such as an image magnification factor, q, and intercamera distance, 2w. For converged cameras, q is selected to be equal to Ve - qwl = 0, where V is the camera distance, e is half the interocular distance of an observer, w is half the intercamera distance, and l is the actual distance from the first nodal point of each camera to the convergence point, and for parallel cameras, q is selected to be equal to e/w. While converged cameras cannot be set up to provide fully undistorted three-dimensional views, they can be set up to provide a linear relationship between real and apparent depth and thus minimize erroneously perceived accelerations and decelerations for three sagittal planes, x = -w, x = 0, and x = +w which are indicated to the observer. Parallel cameras can be set up to provide fully undistorted three-dimensional views by controlling the location of the observer and by magnification and shifting of left and right images. In addition, the teachings of this disclosure can be used to provide methods of stereoscopic image presentation and stereoscopic camera configurations to produce a nonlinear relation between perceived and real depth, and erroneously produce or enhance perceived accelerations and decelerations in order to provide special effects for entertainment, training, or educational purposes

    The role of camera convergence in stereoscopic video see-through augmented reality displays

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    In the realm of wearable augmented reality (AR) systems, stereoscopic video see-through displays raise issues related to the user's perception of the three-dimensional space. This paper seeks to put forward few considerations regarding the perceptual artefacts common to standard stereoscopic video see-through displays with fixed camera convergence. Among the possible perceptual artefacts, the most significant one relates to diplopia arising from reduced stereo overlaps and too large screen disparities. Two state-of-the-art solutions are reviewed. The first one suggests a dynamic change, via software, of the virtual camera convergence, whereas the second one suggests a matched hardware/software solution based on a series of predefined focus/vergence configurations. Potentialities and limits of both the solutions are outlined so as to provide the AR community, a yardstick for developing new stereoscopic video see-through systems suitable for different working distances