19,278 research outputs found

    New cubic self-dual codes of length 54, 60 and 66

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    We study the construction of quasi-cyclic self-dual codes, especially of binary cubic ones. We consider the binary quasi-cyclic codes of length 3\ell with the algebraic approach of [9]. In particular, we improve the previous results by constructing 1 new binary [54, 27, 10], 6 new [60, 30, 12] and 50 new [66, 33, 12] cubic self-dual codes. We conjecture that there exist no more binary cubic self-dual codes with length 54, 60 and 66.Comment: 8 page

    Construction of quasi-cyclic self-dual codes

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    There is a one-to-one correspondence between ℓ\ell-quasi-cyclic codes over a finite field Fq\mathbb F_q and linear codes over a ring R=Fq[Y]/(Ym−1)R = \mathbb F_q[Y]/(Y^m-1). Using this correspondence, we prove that every ℓ\ell-quasi-cyclic self-dual code of length mℓm\ell over a finite field Fq\mathbb F_q can be obtained by the {\it building-up} construction, provided that char (Fq)=2(\mathbb F_q)=2 or q≡1(mod4)q \equiv 1 \pmod 4, mm is a prime pp, and qq is a primitive element of Fp\mathbb F_p. We determine possible weight enumerators of a binary ℓ\ell-quasi-cyclic self-dual code of length pℓp\ell (with pp a prime) in terms of divisibility by pp. We improve the result of [3] by constructing new binary cubic (i.e., ℓ\ell-quasi-cyclic codes of length 3ℓ3\ell) optimal self-dual codes of lengths 30,36,42,4830, 36, 42, 48 (Type I), 54 and 66. We also find quasi-cyclic optimal self-dual codes of lengths 40, 50, and 60. When m=5m=5, we obtain a new 8-quasi-cyclic self-dual [40,20,12][40, 20, 12] code over F3\mathbb F_3 and a new 6-quasi-cyclic self-dual [30,15,10][30, 15, 10] code over F4\mathbb F_4. When m=7m=7, we find a new 4-quasi-cyclic self-dual [28,14,9][28, 14, 9] code over F4\mathbb F_4 and a new 6-quasi-cyclic self-dual [42,21,12][42,21,12] code over F4\mathbb F_4.Comment: 25 pages, 2 tables; Finite Fields and Their Applications, 201

    New extremal singly even self-dual codes of lengths 6464 and 6666

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    For lengths 6464 and 6666, we construct extremal singly even self-dual codes with weight enumerators for which no extremal singly even self-dual codes were previously known to exist. We also construct new 4040 inequivalent extremal doubly even self-dual [64,32,12][64,32,12] codes with covering radius 1212 meeting the Delsarte bound.Comment: 13 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1706.0169

    Foliated Field Theory and String-Membrane-Net Condensation Picture of Fracton Order

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    Foliated fracton order is a qualitatively new kind of phase of matter. It is similar to topological order, but with the fundamental difference that a layered structure, referred to as a foliation, plays an essential role and determines the mobility restrictions of the topological excitations. In this work, we introduce a new kind of field theory to describe these phases: a foliated field theory. We also introduce a new lattice model and string-membrane-net condensation picture of these phases, which is analogous to the string-net condensation picture of topological order.Comment: 22+15 pages, 8 figures; v3 added a summary of our model near the end of the introductio

    Encoding a qubit in an oscillator

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    Quantum error-correcting codes are constructed that embed a finite-dimensional code space in the infinite-dimensional Hilbert space of a system described by continuous quantum variables. These codes exploit the noncommutative geometry of phase space to protect against errors that shift the values of the canonical variables q and p. In the setting of quantum optics, fault-tolerant universal quantum computation can be executed on the protected code subspace using linear optical operations, squeezing, homodyne detection, and photon counting; however, nonlinear mode coupling is required for the preparation of the encoded states. Finite-dimensional versions of these codes can be constructed that protect encoded quantum information against shifts in the amplitude or phase of a d-state system. Continuous-variable codes can be invoked to establish lower bounds on the quantum capacity of Gaussian quantum channels.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, REVTeX, title change (qudit -> qubit) requested by Phys. Rev. A, minor correction

    Topological Order and Memory Time in Marginally Self-Correcting Quantum Memory

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    We examine two proposals for marginally self-correcting quantum memory, the cubic code by Haah and the welded code by Michnicki. In particular, we prove explicitly that they are absent of topological order above zero temperature, as their Gibbs ensembles can be prepared via a short-depth quantum circuit from classical ensembles. Our proof technique naturally gives rise to the notion of free energy associated with excitations. Further, we develop a framework for an ergodic decomposition of Davies generators in CSS codes which enables formal reduction to simpler classical memory problems. We then show that memory time in the welded code is doubly exponential in inverse temperature via the Peierls argument. These results introduce further connections between thermal topological order and self-correction from the viewpoint of free energy and quantum circuit depth.Comment: 19 pages, 18 figure

    Symmetry-protected self-correcting quantum memories

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    A self-correcting quantum memory can store and protect quantum information for a time that increases without bound with the system size and without the need for active error correction. We demonstrate that symmetry can lead to self-correction in 3D spin-lattice models. In particular, we investigate codes given by 2D symmetry-enriched topological (SET) phases that appear naturally on the boundary of 3D symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phases. We find that while conventional on-site symmetries are not sufficient to allow for self-correction in commuting Hamiltonian models of this form, a generalized type of symmetry known as a 1-form symmetry is enough to guarantee self-correction. We illustrate this fact with the 3D "cluster-state" model from the theory of quantum computing. This model is a self-correcting memory, where information is encoded in a 2D SET-ordered phase on the boundary that is protected by the thermally stable SPT ordering of the bulk. We also investigate the gauge color code in this context. Finally, noting that a 1-form symmetry is a very strong constraint, we argue that topologically ordered systems can possess emergent 1-form symmetries, i.e., models where the symmetry appears naturally, without needing to be enforced externally.Comment: 39 pages, 16 figures, comments welcome; v2 includes much more explicit detail on the main example model, including boundary conditions and implementations of logical operators through local moves; v3 published versio

    A spectral scheme for Kohn-Sham density functional theory of clusters

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    Starting from the observation that one of the most successful methods for solving the Kohn-Sham equations for periodic systems -- the plane-wave method -- is a spectral method based on eigenfunction expansion, we formulate a spectral method designed towards solving the Kohn-Sham equations for clusters. This allows for efficient calculation of the electronic structure of clusters (and molecules) with high accuracy and systematic convergence properties without the need for any artificial periodicity. The basis functions in this method form a complete orthonormal set and are expressible in terms of spherical harmonics and spherical Bessel functions. Computation of the occupied eigenstates of the discretized Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian is carried out using a combination of preconditioned block eigensolvers and Chebyshev polynomial filter accelerated subspace iterations. Several algorithmic and computational aspects of the method, including computation of the electrostatics terms and parallelization are discussed. We have implemented these methods and algorithms into an efficient and reliable package called ClusterES (Cluster Electronic Structure). A variety of benchmark calculations employing local and non-local pseudopotentials are carried out using our package and the results are compared to the literature. Convergence properties of the basis set are discussed through numerical examples. Computations involving large systems that contain thousands of electrons are demonstrated to highlight the efficacy of our methodology. The use of our method to study clusters with arbitrary point group symmetries is briefly discussed.Comment: Manuscript submitted (with revisions) to Journal of Computational Physic
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