8 research outputs found

    Less-conventional low-consumption galvanic separated MOSFET-IGBT gate drive supply

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    A simple half-bridge, galvanic separated power supply which can be short circuit proof is proposed for gate driver local supplies. The supply is made while hacking a common mode type filter as a transformer, as the transformer shows a good insulation, it has a very low parasitic capacitance between primary and secondary coils, and it is cost-effective. Very low standby losses were observed during lab experiments. This makes it compatible with energy efficient drives and solar inverters

    Symmetrical Short-Circuit Parameters Comparison of DFIG–WT

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    Renewable energy with new resources is depleting the fossil fuel-based energy resources. Renewable energy sources (such as wind energy) based power generators are important energy conversion machines and have widely industrial and commercial applications due to their superior performance, and the fact that they endure faults well and are environmentally friendly. The study of the transient behavior of such generators under fault condition has drawn much attention. This study presents Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) perturbation during a symmetrical (three-phase) short circuit (SSC) at different points. Simulation results reveal that after a fault occurs, there is decay of SC parameters (transient time, maximum current, steady-state and voltage dip) at the point of common coupling (PCC) and the grid-side converter (GSC) of DFIG. Simulation results depict a more sensitive and robust point during a SSC of DFIG. Current findings present the main difference between the PCC and the GSC during SSC faults. These comparisons provide a more precise understanding of fault diagnosis reliability with reduced complexity, stability, and optimization of the system. This study verified by the simulation results helps us understand and improve the performance of sensor sensibility (measurements), develop control schemes, protection strategy and select a more accurate and proficient system among other wind energy conversion systems (WECS)

    Hybrid sensorless permanent magnet synchronous machine four quadrant drive based on direct matrix converter

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    Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines (PMSMs) have several advantages, such as high ef¿ciency and low volume and weight, which make them attractive for aerospace applications and high performance servo drives. Matrix Converters (MCs) are an all-silicon alternative, with no bulky reactive elements, to the standard voltage source inverter. The most common control technique for such PMSM MC-fed drives is the so-called Field-Oriented Control (FOC), which requires the permanent magnet ¿ux position to achieve high dynamic performance. Encoders or resolvers are the most common sensing devices used for such a purpose, which not only increases the total cost of the PMSM drive but also adds extra electronics and cabling that may cause failures. This paper investigates and proposes an all range (from zero to full) speed hybrid sensorless FOC. The novelty of this paper relies on the use of a hybrid sensorless four quadrant FOC that averages the needed angle estimation from a model based angle estimator and a voltage pulse test injection angle estimator when feeding the PMSM with an MC instead of a standard voltage source inverter. Speed reversal and load impact simulation results are included, fully supporting the claims made in this paperPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Droop metodoak: potentzia-bihurgailuak paraleloan konektatzeko haririk gabeko medodoak

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    Egun, potentzia-bihurgailuak paraleloan konektatuta aurki daitezke hainbat aplikaziotan. Konexio horiek kontrol bat behar dute, bihurgailuen arteko korronte zirkulatzaileak saihesteko eta kargaren banaketa ona bermatzeko. Proposatutako metodo guztien artean, droop metodoak nabarmentzen dira, eskaintzen dituzten malgutasuna, erredundantzia eta fidagarritasunagatik. Lan honetan, jatorrizko droop metodoaren azterketa egingo da, eta oinarrizko printzipioak azalduko dira. Alde horretatik, jatorrizko droop metodoak dituen funtsezko abantailak eta desabantailak deskribatuko dira, baita bibliografiako jatorrizko metodoa hobetzen duten aldaera batzuk ere. Azkenik, sistema baten diseinua droop metodoa erabiliz aurkeztuko da, baita simulazioetako emaitzak ere

    Droop metodoak: potentzia-bihurgailuak paraleloan konektatzeko haririk gabeko medodoak

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    Egun, potentzia-bihurgailuak paraleloan konektatuta aurki daitezke hainbat aplikaziotan. Konexio horiek kontrol bat behar dute, bihurgailuen arteko korronte zirkulatzaileak saihesteko eta kargaren banaketa ona bermatzeko. Proposatutako metodo guztien artean, droop metodoak nabarmentzen dira, eskaintzen dituzten malgutasuna, erredundantzia eta fidagarritasunagatik. Lan honetan, jatorrizko droop metodoaren azterketa egingo da, eta oinarrizko printzipioak azalduko dira. Alde horretatik, jatorrizko droop metodoak dituen funtsezko abantailak eta desabantailak deskribatuko dira, baita bibliografiako jatorrizko metodoa hobetzen duten aldaera batzuk ere. Azkenik, sistema baten diseinua droop metodoa erabiliz aurkeztuko da, baita simulazioetako emaitzak ere

    Potentzia-bihurgailu matriziala: teknologia eraginkor eta konpaktua

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    Gaur egun potentzia-elektronikaren erabilera oso hedatuta dago. Teknologia mota hau nonahi aurki daiteke: ibilgailu elektrikoetan, ur-ponpaketako sistemetan, hegazkinetan, haize-errotetan, etab. Potentzia-bihurgailuen artean, bihurgailu matriziala (MC, matrix converter) nabarmentzen da, honek azaltzen dituen ezaugarriak direla-bide. Bihurgailu horrek AC/AC bihurketa era zuzenean egiten du, eta hainbat aplikaziotan erabil daiteke, oso konpaktua eta eraginkorra baita. Gainera, bihurgailu horren bidez sintetizatutako seinaleen kalitatea oso ona da. Lan honetan, MCaren ezaugarriak, aplikazioak, erronkak, arkitektura eta modulazio-printzipioak azaltzen dira. Ondoren, adibide modura, bihurgailu hau haize-errota txikietan ezartzean lortzen diren emaitzak erakutsiko dira. Azkenik, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatean eraikitako MC prototipo batean lortutako zenbait emaitza esperimentalen berri emango dugu, bihurgailuaren funtzionamendu erreala azaltzeko

    Impact of silicon carbide device technologies on matrix converter design and performance

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    The development of high power density power converters has become an important topic in power electronics because of increasing demand in transportation applications including marine, aviation and vehicle system. The possibility for greater power densities due to absence of a DC link is made matrix converter topologies more attractive for these applications. Additionally, with the emerging SiC device technology, the operating switching frequency and temperature of the converter can be potentially increased. The extended switching frequency and temperature range provide opportunities to further improve the power density of the power converters. The aim of this thesis is to understand how SiC devices are different from the conventional Si devices and the effect these differences have on the design and performance of a matrix converter. Specific gate drive circuits are designed and implemented to fully utilize the high speed switching capabilities of these emerging semiconductor devices. A method to evaluate the conduction and switching losses and performance of Si and SiC power devices in the matrix converter circuit is developed. The developed method is used to compare power losses of matrix converters designed with different Si and SiC devices for a range of operating temperatures and switching frequencies. A design procedure for matrix converter input filters is proposed to fulfil power quality standard requirements and maximize the filter power density. The impact of the switching frequency on the input filter volume has also been considered in this work. The output waveform distortion due to commutation time in high switching frequency SiC matrix converters is also investigated and a three-step current commutation strategy is used to minimize the problem. Finally the influence of parasitic inductance on the behaviour of SiC power MOSFET matrix converters is investigated to highlight the challenges of high speed power devices

    Impact of silicon carbide device technologies on matrix converter design and performance

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    The development of high power density power converters has become an important topic in power electronics because of increasing demand in transportation applications including marine, aviation and vehicle system. The possibility for greater power densities due to absence of a DC link is made matrix converter topologies more attractive for these applications. Additionally, with the emerging SiC device technology, the operating switching frequency and temperature of the converter can be potentially increased. The extended switching frequency and temperature range provide opportunities to further improve the power density of the power converters. The aim of this thesis is to understand how SiC devices are different from the conventional Si devices and the effect these differences have on the design and performance of a matrix converter. Specific gate drive circuits are designed and implemented to fully utilize the high speed switching capabilities of these emerging semiconductor devices. A method to evaluate the conduction and switching losses and performance of Si and SiC power devices in the matrix converter circuit is developed. The developed method is used to compare power losses of matrix converters designed with different Si and SiC devices for a range of operating temperatures and switching frequencies. A design procedure for matrix converter input filters is proposed to fulfil power quality standard requirements and maximize the filter power density. The impact of the switching frequency on the input filter volume has also been considered in this work. The output waveform distortion due to commutation time in high switching frequency SiC matrix converters is also investigated and a three-step current commutation strategy is used to minimize the problem. Finally the influence of parasitic inductance on the behaviour of SiC power MOSFET matrix converters is investigated to highlight the challenges of high speed power devices