729 research outputs found

    OO-IP hybrid language design and a framework approach to the GIPC

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    Intensional Programming is a declarative programming paradigm in which expressions are evaluated in an inherently multidimensional context space. The Lucid family of programming languages is, to this day, the only programming languages of true intensional nature. Lucid being a functional language, Lucid programs are inherently parallel and their parallelism can be efficiently exploited by the adjunction of a procedural language to increase the granularity of its parallelism, forming hybrid Lucid languages. That very wide array of possibilities raises the need for an extremely flexible programming language investigation platform to investigate on this plethora of possibilities for Intensional Programming. That is the purpose of the General Intensional Programming System (GIPSY), especially, the General Intensional Programming Compiler (GIPC) component. The modularity, reusability and extensibility aspects of the framework approach make it an obvious candidate for the development of the GIPC. The framework presented in this thesis provides a better solution compared to all other techniques used to this day to implement the different variants of intensional programming. Because of the functionality of hybrid programming support in the GIPC framework, a new OO-IP hybrid language is designed for further research. This new hybrid language combines the essential characteristics of IPL and Java, and introduces the notion of object streams which makes it is possible that each element in an IPL stream could be an object with embedded intensional properties. Interestingly, this hybrid language also brings to Java objects the power which can explicitly express context, creating the novel concept of intensional objects, Le. objects whose evaluation is context-dependent, which are therein demonstrated to be translatable into standard objects. By this new feature, we extend the use and meaning of the notion of object and enrich the meaning of stream in IPL and semantics of Java. At the same time, during the procedure to introduce intensional objects and this OO-IP hybrid language, many factors are considered. These factors include how to integrate the new language with the GIPC framework design and the issues related to its integration in the current GIPSY implementation. Current semantic rules show that the new language can work well with the GIPC framework and the GIPSY implementation, which is another proof of the validity of our GIPC framework design. Ultimately, the proposed design is put into implementation in the GIPSY and the implementation put to test using programs from different application domains written in this new OO-IP languag

    A middleware for service oriented computing in dynamic environments

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaThe last years have witnessed a convergence on the SOA paradigm from industrial processes enterprises (like logistics or manufacturing), using standards for data and communication. SOA promotes reusability, interoperability and loose-coupling of applications. The convergence towards SOA shows that we are leading to an infrastructure composed by several heterogeneous devices, the "Internet of Things". In this infrastructure everything can be abstracted as a service, such as household appliances, mobile devices, or industrial machinery. It is expected that this trend will continue, and as these devices interoperate in service composition, new functionalities may be discovered. Existing approaches for service composition, namely in business processes, are too bound to BPEL. Several alternatives and extensions of BPEL have been developed, but they feel more like patches than solutions. In this context SeDeUse [29] model has been proposed as an exercise to define new language constructs promoting a separation from service awareness and use. The model also relies on a middleware layer to support the execution of the application in dynamic environments. The goal of this dissertation is to instantiate the SeDeUse model in a widely used programming language in order to provide a framework for its assessment and for its future development. The work consists on implementing a concrete syntax for the model, a compilation process, and a middleware layer. The syntax contains the new language constructs that are integrated in the hosting language. The compilation process is responsible for service definition and code generation. Finally, the middleware acts as a support for the application (generated code) requests. We have seamlessly integrated SeDeUse in the Java programming language and developed a functional prototype. To assess the prototype capability, three scenarios were developed in which we demonstrated that our implementation provides a new, and simpler, approach for abstracting resources as services

    Voice Onset Time Enhanced User System (VOTEUS): a web graphic interface for the analysis of plosives’ release phases

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    The paper proposes an up-to-date literature review of the works using AutoVOT, a discriminative large-margin learning algorithm developed for the semi-automatic measurement of voice onset times. In order to expand the accessibility of the tool in linguistic research, we present VOTEUS, a user-friendly graphic interface written in Python. The interface is conceived to assist the researcher throughout the whole process of annotation, from the forced alignment of the corpora to the refinement of the AutoVOT tier and the extraction of the durations. The general aim is to speed up this phase of data analysis, providing a significant improvement on prevalent practice to date


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    SylvaDB: A Polyglot and Multi-backend Graph Database Management System

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    This paper presents SylvaDB, a graph database management system designed to be used by people with no technical knowledge. SylvaDB is based on flexible schema definitions and has been developed taking into account the need to deal with semantic information. It relies on the mathematical notion of property graph. SylvaDB is an open source project and aims at lowering the barrier of adoption for anyone using graph databases. At the same time, it is robust and scalable enough to support collaborative large projects related to knowledge management, document archiving, and research

    Radio Broadcasting in Europe: the Search for a Common Digital Future

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    Europe’s radio is also characterised by a long history of being defined and driven by the state, in highly centralized fashion in the case of countries such as France (Meadel 1994), or indeed in former totalitarian regimes of Eastern Europe (Paulu 1974), and along more federal or devolved lines in countries such as Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands (Kuhn 1985). The development of state broadcasting monopolies in most European countries, established in the early years of the twentieth century following the invention of sound broadcasting, has ensured that there is an enduring shared common ideological approach to radio broadcasting, which now finds expression in the field of digital radio policy

    Consumer Life Cycle and Profiling: A Data Mining Perspective

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    With the development of technology and continuously increasing of the market demand, the concept to produce better merchandises is generated in the companies. Each customer wants an individual approach or exclusive product, which creates the concept: “one customer one product.” The implementation of the one-to-one approach in the current days is the main exciting task of companies. Millions of customers lead to millions of exclusive products from the manufactures’ views. It is the primary step to study the needs of customers in the market economy. The main task for a company is to know the customer and to provide their desired products and services. In order to get knowledge ahead of the customers’ wishes, a system of profiling potential customers is created accordingly. This chapter provides the review of the customer lifetime from the reach customer (claim future customer’s attention) to the loyalty customer (turn a customer into a company advocate). During the discussion about the customer lifetime, readers will get acquainted with such technologies as funnel analysis, data management platform, customer profiling, customer behavior analysis, and others. The listed technologies in a complex will be created as the one-to-one product or service with a high Return on Investment (ROI)