392 research outputs found

    Lazy updates in key assignment schemes for hierarchical access control

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    Hierarchical access control policies are used to restrict access to objects by users based on their respective security labels. There are many key assignment schemes in the literature for implementing such policies using cryptographic mechanisms. Updating keys in such schemes has always been problematic, not least because many objects may be encrypted with the same key. We propose a number of techniques by which this process can be improved, making use of the idea of lazy key updates, which have been studied in the context of cryptographic file systems. We demonstrate in passing that schemes for lazy key updates can be regarded as simple instances of key assignment schemes. Finally, we illustrate the utility of our techniques by applying them to hierarchical file systems and to temporal access control policies

    Provably-Secure Time-Bound Hierarchical Key Assignment Schemes

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    A time-bound hierarchical key assignment scheme is a method to assign time-dependent encryption keys to a set of classes in a partially ordered hierarchy, in such a way that each class can compute the keys of all classes lower down in the hierarchy, according to temporal constraints. In this paper we design and analyze time-bound hierarchical key assignment schemes which are provably-secure and efficient. We consider both the unconditionally secure and the computationally secure settings and distinguish between two different goals: security with respect to key indistinguishability and against key recovery. We first present definitions of security with respect to both goals in the unconditionally secure setting and we show tight lower bounds on the size of the private information distributed to each class. Then, we consider the computational setting and we further distinguish security against static and adaptive adversarial behaviors. We explore the relations between all possible combinations of security goals and adversarial behaviors and, in particular, we prove that security against adaptive adversaries is (polynomially) equivalent to security against static adversaries. Afterwards, we prove that a recently proposed scheme is insecure against key recovery. Finally, we propose two different constructions for time-bound key assignment schemes. The first one is based on symmetric encryption schemes, whereas, the second one makes use of bilinear maps. Both constructions support updates to the access hierarchy with local changes to the public information and without requiring any private information to be re-distributed. These appear to be the first constructions for time-bound hierarchical key assignment schemes which are simultaneously practical and provably-secure

    Key Indistinguishability vs. Strong Key Indistinguishability for Hierarchical Key Assignment Schemes

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    A hierarchical key assignment scheme is a method to assign some private information and encryption keys to a set of classes in a partially ordered hierarchy, in such a way that the private information of a higher class can be used to derive the keys of all classes lower down in the hierarchy. In this paper we analyze the security of hierarchical key assignment schemes according to different notions: security with respect to key indistinguishability and against key recovery, as well as the two recently proposed notions of security with respect to strong key indistinguishability and against strong key recovery. We first explore the relations between all security notions and, in particular, we prove that security with respect to strong key indistinguishability is not stronger than the one with respect to key indistinguishability. Afterwards, we propose a general construction yielding a hierarchical key assignment scheme offering security against strong key recovery, given any hierarchical key assignment scheme which guarantees security against key recovery

    Tree-Based Cryptographic Access Control

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    New Insights on cryptographic hierarchical access control: models, schemes and analysis

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    2014 - 2015Nowadays the current network-centric world has given rise to several security concerns regarding the access control management, which en- sures that only authorized users are given access to certain resources or tasks. In particular, according to their respective roles and respon- sibilities, users are typically organized into hierarchies composed of several disjoint classes (security classes). A hierarchy is characterized by the fact that some users may have more access rights than others, according to a top-down inclusion paradigm following speci c hier- archical dependencies. A user with access rights for a given class is granted access to objects stored in that class, as well as to all the de- scendant ones in the hierarchy. The problem of key management for such hierarchies consists in assigning a key to each class of the hierar- chy, so that the keys for descendant classes can be e ciently obtained from users belonging to classes at a higher level in the hierarchy. In this thesis we analyze the security of hierarchical key assignment schemes according to di erent notions: security with respect to key indistinguishability and against key recovery [4], as well as the two recently proposed notions of security with respect to strong key in- distinguishability and against strong key recovery [42]. More precisely, we rst explore the relations between all security notions and, in par- ticular, we prove that security with respect to strong key indistin- guishability is not stronger than the one with respect to key indistin- guishability. Afterwards, we propose a general construction yielding a hierarchical key assignment scheme that ensures security against strong key recovery, given any hierarchical key assignment scheme which guarantees security against key recovery. Moreover, we de ne the concept of hierarchical key assignment schemes supporting dynamic updates, formalizing the relative secu- rity model. In particular, we provide the notions of security with respect to key indistinguishability and key recovery, by taking into ac- count the dynamic changes to the hierarchy. Furthermore, we show how to construct a hierarchical key assignment scheme supporting dy- namic updates, by using as a building block a symmetric encryption scheme. The proposed construction is provably secure with respect to key indistinguishability, provides e cient key derivation and updat- ing procedures, while requiring each user to store only a single private key. Finally, we propose a novel model that generalizes the conventional hierarchical access control paradigm, by extending it to certain addi- tional sets of quali ed users. Afterwards, we propose two construc- tions for hierarchical key assignment schemes in this new model, which are provably secure with respect to key indistinguishability. In par- ticular, the former construction relies on both symmetric encryption and perfect secret sharing, whereas, the latter is based on public-key threshold broadcast encryption. [edited by author]XIV n.s

    Handling Confidential Data on the Untrusted Cloud: An Agent-based Approach

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    Cloud computing allows shared computer and storage facilities to be used by a multitude of clients. While cloud management is centralized, the information resides in the cloud and information sharing can be implemented via off-the-shelf techniques for multiuser databases. Users, however, are very diffident for not having full control over their sensitive data. Untrusted database-as-a-server techniques are neither readily extendable to the cloud environment nor easily understandable by non-technical users. To solve this problem, we present an approach where agents share reserved data in a secure manner by the use of simple grant-and-revoke permissions on shared data.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures, Cloud Computing 201

    Time-bound Hierarchical Key Assignment: An Overview

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    Arcula: A Secure Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet for Multi-asset Blockchains

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    This work presents Arcula, a new design for hierarchical deterministic wallets that brings identity-based addresses to the blockchain. Arcula is built on top of provably secure cryptographic primitives. It generates all its cryptographic secrets from a user-provided seed and enables the derivation of new public keys based on the identities of users, without requiring any secret information. Unlike other wallets, it achieves all these properties while being secure against privilege escalation. We formalize the security model of hierarchical deterministic wallets and prove that an attacker compromising an arbitrary number of users within an Arcula wallet cannot escalate his privileges and compromise users higher in the access hierarchy. Our design works out-of-the-box with any blockchain that enables the verification of signatures on arbitrary messages. We evaluate its usage in a real-world scenario on the Bitcoin Cash network
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