149 research outputs found

    Semi-blind adaptive spatial equalisation for MIMO systems with high-order QAM signalling

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    This contribution investigates semi-blind adaptive spatial filtering or equalisation for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems that employ high-throughput quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signalling. A minimum number of training symbols, equal to the number of receivers (we assume that the number of transmitters is no more than that of receivers), are first utilized to provide a rough least squares channel estimate of the system's MIMO channel matrix for the initialization of the spatial equalizers' weight vectors. A constant modulus algorithm aided soft decision-directed blind algorithm, originally derived for blind equalization of single-input single-output and single-input multiple-output systems employing high-order QAM signalling, is then extended to adapt the spatial equalizers for MIMO systems. This semi-blind scheme has a low computational complexity, and our simulation results demonstrate that it converges fast to the minimum mean-square-error spatial equalization solution

    New Concurrent Modulus Algorithm and Soft Decision Directed Scheme for Blind Equalization

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    AbstractThe Constant Modulus Algorithm (CMA) is recognized as the most widely used algorithm in blind channel equalization practice. However, the CMA cost function exhibits local minima, which often leads to ill-convergence. This paper proposes a concurrent equalizer, in which a Soft Decision Directed (SDD) equalizer operates cooperatively with a CMA equalizer, controlled through a non-linear link that depends on the system a priory state. The simulation results show that the proposed equalizer has faster convergence rate and lower steady-state mean square error than the CMA equalizer

    Blind adaptive equalization for QAM signals: New algorithms and FPGA implementation.

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    Adaptive equalizers remove signal distortion attributed to intersymbol interference in band-limited channels. The tap coefficients of adaptive equalizers are time-varying and can be adapted using several methods. When these do not include the transmission of a training sequence, it is referred to as blind equalization. The radius-adjusted approach is a method to achieve blind equalizer tap adaptation based on the equalizer output radius for quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signals. Static circular contours are defined around an estimated symbol in a QAM constellation, which create regions that correspond to fixed step sizes and weighting factors. The equalizer tap adjustment consists of a linearly weighted sum of adaptation criteria that is scaled by a variable step size. This approach is the basis of two new algorithms: the radius-adjusted modified multitmodulus algorithm (RMMA) and the radius-adjusted multimodulus decision-directed algorithm (RMDA). An extension of the radius-adjusted approach is the selective update method, which is a computationally-efficient method for equalization. The selective update method employs a stop-and-go strategy based on the equalizer output radius to selectively update the equalizer tap coefficients, thereby, reducing the number of computations in steady-state operation. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 45-01, page: 0401. Thesis (M.A.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2006


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    The inherit nonlinearity in analogue front-ends of transmitters and receivers have had primary impact on the overall performance of the wireless communication systems, as it gives arise of substantial distortion when transmitting and processing signals with such circuits. Therefore, the nonlinear compensation (linearization) techniques become essential to suppress the distortion to an acceptable extent in order to ensure sufficient low bit error rate. Furthermore, the increasing demands on higher data rate and ubiquitous interoperability between various multi-coverage protocols are two of the most important features of the contemporary communication system. The former demand pushes the communication system to use wider bandwidth and the latter one brings up severe coexistence problems. Having fully considered the problems raised above, the work in this Ph.D. thesis carries out extensive researches on the nonlinear compensations utilizing advanced digital signal processing techniques. The motivation behind this is to push more processing tasks to the digital domain, as it can potentially cut down the bill of materials (BOM) costs paid for the off-chip devices and reduce practical implementation difficulties. The work here is carried out using three approaches: numerical analysis & computer simulations; experimental tests using commercial instruments; actual implementation with FPGA. The primary contributions for this thesis are summarized as the following three points: 1) An adaptive digital predistortion (DPD) with fast convergence rate and low complexity for multi-carrier GSM system is presented. Albeit a legacy system, the GSM, however, has a very strict requirement on the out-of-band emission, thus it represents a much more difficult hurdle for DPD application. It is successfully implemented in an FPGA without using any other auxiliary processor. A simplified multiplier-free NLMS algorithm, especially suitable for FPGA implementation, for fast adapting the LUT is proposed. Many design methodologies and practical implementation issues are discussed in details. Experimental results have shown that the DPD performed robustly when it is involved in the multichannel transmitter. 2) The next generation system (5G) will unquestionably use wider bandwidth to support higher throughput, which poses stringent needs for using high-speed data converters. Herein the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) tends to be the most expensive single device in the whole transmitter/receiver systems. Therefore, conventional DPD utilizing high-speed ADC becomes unaffordable, especially for small base stations (micro, pico and femto). A digital predistortion technique utilizing spectral extrapolation is proposed in this thesis, wherein with band-limited feedback signal, the requirement on ADC speed can be significantly released. Experimental results have validated the feasibility of the proposed technique for coping with band-limited feedback signal. It has been shown that adequate linearization performance can be achieved even if the acquisition bandwidth is less than the original signal bandwidth. The experimental results obtained by using LTE-Advanced signal of 320 MHz bandwidth are quite satisfactory, and to the authors’ knowledge, this is the first high-performance wideband DPD ever been reported. 3) To address the predicament that mobile operators do not have enough contiguous usable bandwidth, carrier aggregation (CA) technique is developed and imported into 4G LTE-Advanced. This pushes the utilization of concurrent dual-band transmitter/receiver, which reduces the hardware expense by using a single front-end. Compensation techniques for the respective concurrent dual-band transmitter and receiver front-ends are proposed to combat the inter-band modulation distortion, and simultaneously reduce the distortion for the both lower-side band and upper-side band signals.電気通信大学201

    Collaborative modulation multiple access for single hop and multihop networks

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    While the bandwidth available for wireless networks is limited, the world has seen an unprecedented growth in the number of mobile subscribers and an ever increasing demand for high data rates. Therefore efficient utilisation of bandwidth to maximise link spectral efficiency and number of users that can be served simultaneously are primary goals in the design of wireless systems. To achieve these goals, in this thesis, a new non-orthogonal uplink multiple access scheme which combines the functionalities of adaptive modulation and multiple access called collaborative modulation multiple access (CMMA) is proposed. CMMA enables multiple users to access the network simultaneously and share the same bandwidth even when only a single receive antenna is available and in the presence of high channel correlation. Instead of competing for resources, users in CMMA share resources collaboratively by employing unique modulation sets (UMS) that differ in phase, power, and/or mapping structure. These UMS are designed to insure that the received signal formed from the superposition of all users’ signals belongs to a composite QAM constellation (CC) with a rate equal to the sum rate of all users. The CC and its constituent UMSs are designed centrally at the BS to remove ambiguity, maximize the minimum Euclidian distance (dmin) of the CC and insure a minimum BER performance is maintained. Users collaboratively precode their transmitted signal by performing truncated channel inversion and phase rotation using channel state information (CSI ) obtained from a periodic common pilot to insure that their combined signal at the BS belongs to the CC known at the BS which in turn performs a simple joint maximum likelihood detection without the need for CSI. The coherent addition of users’ power enables CMMA to achieve high link spectral efficiency at any time without extra power or bandwidth but on the expense of graceful degradation in BER performance. To improve the BER performance of CMMA while preserving its precoding and detection structure and without the need for pilot-aided channel estimation, a new selective diversity combining scheme called SC-CMMA is proposed. SC-CMMA optimises the overall group performance providing fairness and diversity gain for various users with different transmit powers and channel conditions by selecting a single antenna out of a group of L available antennas that minimises the total transmit power required for precoding at any one time. A detailed study of capacity and BER performance of CMMA and SC-CMMA is carried out under different level of channel correlations which shows that both offer high capacity gain and resilience to channel correlation. SC-CMMA capacity even increase with high channel correlation between users’ channels. CMMA provides a practical solution for implementing the multiple access adder channel (MAAC) in fading environments hence a hybrid approach combining both collaborative coding and modulation referred to as H-CMMA is investigated. H-CMMA divides users into a number of subgroups where users within a subgroup are assigned the same modulation set and different multiple access codes. H-CMMA adjusts the dmin of the received CC by varying the number of subgroups which in turn varies the number of unique constellation points for the same number of users and average total power. Therefore H-CMMA can accommodate many users with different rates while flexibly managing the complexity, rate and BER performance depending on the SNR. Next a new scheme combining CMMA with opportunistic scheduling using only partial CSI at the receiver called CMMA-OS is proposed to combine both the power gain of CMMA and the multiuser diversity gain that arises from users’ channel independence. To avoid the complexity and excessive feedback associated with the dynamic update of the CC, the BS takes into account the independence of users’ channels in the design of the CC and its constituent UMSs but both remain unchanged thereafter. However UMS are no longer associated with users, instead channel gain’s probability density function is divided into regions with identical probability and each UMS is associated with a specific region. This will simplify scheduling as users can initially chose their UMS based on their CSI and the BS will only need to resolve any collision when the channels of two or more users are located at the same region. Finally a high rate cooperative communication scheme, called cooperative modulation (CM) is proposed for cooperative multiuser systems. CM combines the reliability of the cooperative diversity with the high spectral efficiency and multiple access capabilities of CMMA. CM maintains low feedback and high spectral efficiency by restricting relaying to a single route with the best overall channel. Two possible variations of CM are proposed depending on whether CSI available only at the users or just at the BS and the selected relay. The first is referred to Precode, Amplify, and Forward (PAF) while the second one is called Decode, Remap, and Forward (DMF). A new route selection algorithm for DMF based on maximising dmin of random CC is also proposed using a novel fast low-complexity multi-stage sphere based algorithm to calculate the dmin at the relay of random CC that is used for both relay selection and detection

    Algorithm-Architecture Co-Design for Digital Front-Ends in Mobile Receivers

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    The methodology behind this work has been to use the concept of algorithm-hardware co-design to achieve efficient solutions related to the digital front-end in mobile receivers. It has been shown that, by looking at algorithms and hardware architectures together, more efficient solutions can be found; i.e., efficient with respect to some design measure. In this thesis the main focus have been placed on two such parameters; first reduced complexity algorithms to lower energy consumptions at limited performance degradation, secondly to handle the increasing number of wireless standards that preferably should run on the same hardware platform. To be able to perform this task it is crucial to understand both sides of the table, i.e., both algorithms and concepts for wireless communication as well as the implications arising on the hardware architecture. It is easier to handle the high complexity by separating those disciplines in a way of layered abstraction. However, this representation is imperfect, since many interconnected "details" belonging to different layers are lost in the attempt of handling the complexity. This results in poor implementations and the design of mobile terminals is no exception. Wireless communication standards are often designed based on mathematical algorithms with theoretical boundaries, with few considerations to actual implementation constraints such as, energy consumption, silicon area, etc. This thesis does not try to remove the layer abstraction model, given its undeniable advantages, but rather uses those cross-layer "details" that went missing during the abstraction. This is done in three manners: In the first part, the cross-layer optimization is carried out from the algorithm perspective. Important circuit design parameters, such as quantization are taken into consideration when designing the algorithm for OFDM symbol timing, CFO, and SNR estimation with a single bit, namely, the Sign-Bit. Proof-of-concept circuits were fabricated and showed high potential for low-end receivers. In the second part, the cross-layer optimization is accomplished from the opposite side, i.e., the hardware-architectural side. A SDR architecture is known for its flexibility and scalability over many applications. In this work a filtering application is mapped into software instructions in the SDR architecture in order to make filtering-specific modules redundant, and thus, save silicon area. In the third and last part, the optimization is done from an intermediate point within the algorithm-architecture spectrum. Here, a heterogeneous architecture with a combination of highly efficient and highly flexible modules is used to accomplish initial synchronization in at least two concurrent OFDM standards. A demonstrator was build capable of performing synchronization in any two standards, including LTE, WiFi, and DVB-H

    Novel Estimation and Detection Techniques for 5G Networks

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    The thesis presents several detection and estimation techniques that can be incorporated into the fifth-generation (5G) networks. First, the thesis presents a novel system for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) to estimate the channel blindly. The system is based on modulating particular pairs of subcarriers using amplitude shift keying (ASK) and phase-shift keying (PSK) adjacent in the frequency domain, which enables the realization of a decision-directed (DD) one-shot blind channel estimator (OSBCE). The performance of the proposed estimator is evaluated in terms of the mean squared error (MSE), where an accurate analytical expression is derived and verified using Monte Carlo simulation under various channel conditions. The system has also extended to exploits the channel correlation over consecutive OFDM symbols to estimate the channel parameters blindly. Furthermore, a reliable and accurate approach has been introduced to evaluate the spectral efficiency of various communications systems. The metric takes into consideration the system dynamics, QoS requirements, and design constraints. Next, a novel efficient receiver design for wireless communication systems that incorporate OFDM transmission has been proposed. The proposed receiver does not require channel estimation or equalization to perform coherent data detection. Instead, channel estimation, equalization, and data detection are combined into a single operation, and hence, the detector performs a direct data detector (D3). The performance of the proposed D3 is thoroughly analyzed theoretically in terms of bit error rate (BER), where closed-form accurate approximations are derived for several cases of interest, and validated by Monte Carlo simulations. The computational complexity of D3 depends on the length of the sequence to be detected. Nevertheless, a significant complexity reduction can be achieved using the Viterbi algorithm (VA). Finally, the thesis proposes a low-complexity algorithm for detecting anomalies in industrial steelmaking furnaces operation. The algorithm utilizes the vibration measurements collected from several built-in sensors to compute the temporal correlation using the autocorrelation function (ACF). Furthermore, the proposed model parameters are tuned by solving multi-objective optimization using a genetic algorithm (GA). The proposed algorithm is tested using a practical dataset provided by an industrial steelmaking plant