27 research outputs found

    Contactless conductivity detection for analytical techniques: Developments from 2016 to 2018

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    The publications concerning capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection for the 2-year period from mid-2016 to mid-2018 are covered in this update to the earlier reviews of the series. Relatively few reports on fundamental investigations or new designs have appeared in the literature in this time interval, but the development of new applications with the detection method has continued strongly. Most often, contactless conductivity measurements have been employed for the detection of inorganic or small organic ions in conventional capillary electrophoresis, less often in microchip electrophoresis. A number of other uses, such as detection in chromatography or the gauging of bubbles in streams have also been reported

    Lab-on-PCB Devices

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    Lab-on-PCB devices can be considered an emerging technology. In fact, most of the contributions have been published during the last 5 years. It is mainly focussed on both biomedical and electronic applications. The book includes an interesting guide for using the different layers of the Printed Circuit Boards for developing new devices; guidelines for fabricating PCB-based electrochemical biosensors, and an overview of fluid manipulation devices fabricated using Printed Circuit Boards. In addition, current PCB-based devices are reported, and studies for several aspects of research and development of lab-on-PCB devices are described

    Differential inductive sensing system for truly contactless measuring of liquids’ electromagnetic properties in tubing

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    Certain applications require a contactless measurement to eliminate the risk of sensorinduced sample contamination. Examples can be found in chemical process control, biotechnology or medical technology. For instance, in critically ill patients requiring renal replacement therapy, continuous in‐line monitoring of blood conductivity as a measure for sodium should be considered. A differential inductive sensing system based on a differential transformer using a specific flow chamber has already proven suitable for this application. However, since the blood in renal replacement therapy is carried in plastic tubing, a direct measurement through the tubing offers a contactless method. Therefore, in this work we present a differential transformer for measuring directly through electrically non‐conductive tubing by winding the tube around the ferrite core of the transformer. Here, the dependence of the winding type and the number of turns of the tubing on the sensitivity has been analyzed by using a mathematical model, simulations and experimental validation. A maximum sensitivity of 364.9 mV/mol/L is measured for radial winding around the core. A longitudinal winding turns out to be less effective with 92.8 mV/mol/L. However, the findings prove the ability to use the differential transformer as a truly contactless sensing system. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Selected Papers from the 9th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography

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    Industrial process tomography (IPT) is becoming an important tool for Industry 4.0. It consists of multidimensional sensor technologies and methods that aim to provide unparalleled internal information on industrial processes used in many sectors. This book showcases a selection of papers at the forefront of the latest developments in such technologies

    How geometry affects sensitivity of a differential transformer for contactless characterization of liquids

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    The electrical and dielectric properties of liquids can be used for sensing. Specific appli-cations, e.g., the continuous in-line monitoring of blood conductivity as a measure of the sodium concentration during dialysis treatment, require contactless measuring methods to avoid any contam-ination of the medium. The differential transformer is one promising approach for such applications, since its principle is based on a contactless, magnetically induced conductivity measurement. The objective of this work is to investigate the impact of the geometric parameters of the sample or medium under test on the sensitivity and the noise of the differential transformer to derive design rules for an optimized setup. By fundamental investigations, an equation for the field penetration depth of a differential transformer is derived. Furthermore, it is found that increasing height and radius of the medium is accompanied by an enhancement in sensitivity and precision. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Development of an autonomous lab-on-a-chip system with ion separation and conductivity detection for river water quality monitoring

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    This thesis discusses the development of a lab on a chip (LOC) ion separation for river water quality monitoring using a capacitively coupled conductivity detector (C⁴D) with a novel baseline suppression technique.Our first interest was to be able to integrate such a detector in a LOC. Different designs (On-capillary design and on-chip design) have been evaluated for their feasibility and their performances. The most suitable design integrated the electrode close to the channel for an enhanced coupling while having the measurement electronics as close as possible to reduce noise. The final chip design used copper tracks from a printed circuit board (PCB) as electrodes, covered by a thin Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) layer to act as electrical insulation. The layer containing the channel was made using casting and bonded to the PCB using oxygen plasma. Flow experiments have been conduced to test this design as a detection cell for capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection (C⁴D).The baseline signal from the system was reduced using a novel baseline suppression technique. Decrease in the background signal increased the dynamic range of the concentration to be measured before saturation occurs. The sensitivity of the detection system was also improved when using the baseline suppression technique. Use of high excitation voltages has proven to increase the sensitivity leading to an estimated limit of detection of 0.0715 μM for NaCl (0.0041 mg/L).The project also required the production of an autonomous system capable of operating for an extensive period of time without human intervention. Designing such a system involved the investigation of faults which can occur in autonomous system for the in-situ monitoring of water quality. Identification of possible faults (Bubble, pump failure, etc.) and detection methods have been investigated. In-depth details are given on the software and hardware architecture constituting this autonomous system and its controlling software

    Touchless interactive device

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    Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je razviti i izraditi uređaj koji položaj ljudske ruke unutar svoga kućišta predstavlja računalu kao pomak pokazivača u lijevu ili desnu stranu. Sustav se temelji na promjene električnog polja između četiri elektrode smještene unutar kućišta uređaja. Za obradu i slanje svih podataka i instrukcija u sustavu korištena je Arduino Leonardo platforma s ATmega32u4 mikrokontrolerom koja se povezana s računalom može ponašati kao ulazni uređaj odnosno miš. Korišten je C++ programski jezik za razvoj funkcionalnosti uređaja. Uz testiranja tijekom same izrade i testiranja gotovog uređaja donosi se odgovaraju zaključak o izrađenom bezdodirnom interaktivnom uređaju.The goal of this master thesis is to develop and make a device which moves the mouse cursor left or right in regards to position of the human hand inside its case. The system is based on the change of the electric field between four electrodes placed in the case of the device. Arduino Leonardo, an ATmega32u4 microprocessor based platform is used for processing and sending all data and instructions in the system which can act as an input device (mouse) when connected to a computer. Programming language used for developing device functionality is C++. By testing the finished device and running tests while it was in development process an appropriate conclusion is reached about the touchless interactive device