5,326 research outputs found

    A distributed agent architecture for real-time knowledge-based systems: Real-time expert systems project, phase 1

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    We propose a distributed agent architecture (DAA) that can support a variety of paradigms based on both traditional real-time computing and artificial intelligence. DAA consists of distributed agents that are classified into two categories: reactive and cognitive. Reactive agents can be implemented directly in Ada to meet hard real-time requirements and be deployed on on-board embedded processors. A traditional real-time computing methodology under consideration is the rate monotonic theory that can guarantee schedulability based on analytical methods. AI techniques under consideration for reactive agents are approximate or anytime reasoning that can be implemented using Bayesian belief networks as in Guardian. Cognitive agents are traditional expert systems that can be implemented in ART-Ada to meet soft real-time requirements. During the initial design of cognitive agents, it is critical to consider the migration path that would allow initial deployment on ground-based workstations with eventual deployment on on-board processors. ART-Ada technology enables this migration while Lisp-based technologies make it difficult if not impossible. In addition to reactive and cognitive agents, a meta-level agent would be needed to coordinate multiple agents and to provide meta-level control

    AI and OR in management of operations: history and trends

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    The last decade has seen a considerable growth in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for operations management with the aim of finding solutions to problems that are increasing in complexity and scale. This paper begins by setting the context for the survey through a historical perspective of OR and AI. An extensive survey of applications of AI techniques for operations management, covering a total of over 1200 papers published from 1995 to 2004 is then presented. The survey utilizes Elsevier's ScienceDirect database as a source. Hence, the survey may not cover all the relevant journals but includes a sufficiently wide range of publications to make it representative of the research in the field. The papers are categorized into four areas of operations management: (a) design, (b) scheduling, (c) process planning and control and (d) quality, maintenance and fault diagnosis. Each of the four areas is categorized in terms of the AI techniques used: genetic algorithms, case-based reasoning, knowledge-based systems, fuzzy logic and hybrid techniques. The trends over the last decade are identified, discussed with respect to expected trends and directions for future work suggested

    The role of Artificial Intelligence and distributed computing in IoT applications

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    [EN]The exchange of ideas between scientists and technicians, from both academic and business areas, is essential in order to ease the development of systems which can meet the demands of today’s society. Technology transfer in this field is still a challenge and, for that reason, this type of contributions are notably considered in this compilation. This book brings in discussions and publications concerning the development of innovative techniques of IoT complex problems. The technical program focuses both on high quality and diversity, with contributions in well-established and evolving areas of research. Specifically, 10 chapters were submitted to this book. The editors particularly encouraged and welcomed contributions on AI and distributed computing in IoT applications.Financed by regional government of Castilla y León and FEDER funds

    The role of Artificial Intelligence and Distributed computing in IoT applications

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    [ES] La serie «El rol de la inteligencia artificial y la computación distribuida en las aplicaciones IoT» contiene publicaciones sobre la teoría y aplicaciones de la computación distribuida y la inteligencia artificial en el Internet de las cosas. Prácticamente todas las disciplinas como la ingeniería, las ciencias naturales, la informática y las ciencias de la información, las TIC, la economía, los negocios, el comercio electrónico, el medio ambiente, la salud y las ciencias de la vida están cubiertas. La lista de temas abarca todas las áreas de los sistemas inteligentes modernos y la informática como: inteligencia computacional, soft computing incluyendo redes neuronales, inteligencia social, inteligencia ambiental, sistemas auto-organizados y adaptativos, computación centrada en el ser humano y centrada en el ser humano, sistemas de recomendación, control inteligente, robótica y mecatrónica, incluida la colaboración entre el ser humano y la máquina, paradigmas basados en el conocimiento, paradigmas de aprendizaje, ética de la máquina, análisis inteligente de datos, gestión del conocimiento, agentes inteligentes, toma de decisiones inteligentes y apoyo, seguridad de la red inteligente, gestión de la confianza, entretenimiento interactivo, inteligencia de la Web y multimedia. Las publicaciones en el marco de «El rol de la inteligencia artificial y la computación distribuida en las aplicaciones IoT» son principalmente las actas de seminarios, simposios y conferencias. Abarcan importantes novedades recientes en la materia, tanto de naturaleza fundacional como aplicable. Un importante rasgo característico de la serie es el corto tiempo de publicación. Esto permite una rápida y amplia difusión de los resultados de las investigaciones[EN] The series «The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Distributed Computing in IoT Applications» contains publications on the theory and applications of distributed computing and artificial intelligence in the Internet of Things. Virtually all disciplines such as engineering, natural sciences, computer and information sciences, ICT, economics, business, e-commerce, environment, health and life sciences are covered. The list of topics covers all areas of modern intelligent systems and computer science: computational intelligence, soft computing including neural networks, social intelligence, ambient intelligence, self-organising and adaptive systems, human-centred and people-centred computing, recommendation systems, intelligent control, robotics and mechatronics including human-machine collaboration, knowledge-based paradigms, learning paradigms, machine ethics, intelligent data analysis, knowledge management, intelligent agents, intelligent decision making and support, intelligent network security, trust management, interactive entertainment, web intelligence, and multimedia. The publications in the framework of «The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Distributed Computing in IoT Applications» are mainly the proceedings of seminars, symposia and conferences. They cover important recent developments in the field, whether of a foundational or applicable character. An important feature of the series is the short publication time. This allows for the rapid and wide dissemination of research results

    Smart territories

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    The concept of smart cities is relatively new in research. Thanks to the colossal advances in Artificial Intelligence that took place over the last decade we are able to do all that that we once thought impossible; we build cities driven by information and technologies. In this keynote, we are going to look at the success stories of smart city-related projects and analyse the factors that led them to success. The development of interactive, reliable and secure systems, both connectionist and symbolic, is often a time-consuming process in which numerous experts are involved. However, intuitive and automated tools like “Deep Intelligence” developed by DCSc and BISITE, facilitate this process. Furthermore, in this talk we will analyse the importance of complementary technologies such as IoT and Blockchain in the development of intelligent systems, as well as the use of edge platforms or fog computing

    Smart Buildings

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    This talk presents an efficient cyberphysical platform for the smart management of smart buildings http://www.deepint.net. It is efficient because it facilitates the implementation of data acquisition and data management methods, as well as data representation and dashboard configuration. The platform allows for the use of any type of data source, ranging from the measurements of a multi-functional IoT sensing devices to relational and non-relational databases. It is also smart because it incorporates a complete artificial intelligence suit for data analysis; it includes techniques for data classification, clustering, forecasting, optimization, visualization, etc. It is also compatible with the edge computing concept, allowing for the distribution of intelligence and the use of intelligent sensors. The concept of smart building is evolving and adapting to new applications; the trend to create intelligent neighbourhoods, districts or territories is becoming increasingly popular, as opposed to the previous approach of managing an entire megacity. In this paper, the platform is presented, and its architecture and functionalities are described. Moreover, its operation has been validated in a case study at Salamanca - Ecocasa. This platform could enable smart building to develop adapted knowledge management systems, adapt them to new requirements and to use multiple types of data, and execute efficient computational and artificial intelligence algorithms. The platform optimizes the decisions taken by human experts through explainable artificial intelligence models that obtain data from IoT sensors, databases, the Internet, etc. The global intelligence of the platform could potentially coordinate its decision-making processes with intelligent nodes installed in the edge, which would use the most advanced data processing techniques

    Koneoppimiskehys petrokemianteollisuuden sovelluksille

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    Machine learning has many potentially useful applications in process industry, for example in process monitoring and control. Continuously accumulating process data and the recent development in software and hardware that enable more advanced machine learning, are fulfilling the prerequisites of developing and deploying process automation integrated machine learning applications which improve existing functionalities or even implement artificial intelligence. In this master's thesis, a framework is designed and implemented on a proof-of-concept level, to enable easy acquisition of process data to be used with modern machine learning libraries, and to also enable scalable online deployment of the trained models. The literature part of the thesis concentrates on studying the current state and approaches for digital advisory systems for process operators, as a potential application to be developed on the machine learning framework. The literature study shows that the approaches for process operators' decision support tools have shifted from rule-based and knowledge-based methods to machine learning. However, no standard methods can be concluded, and most of the use cases are quite application-specific. In the developed machine learning framework, both commercial software and open source components with permissive licenses are used. Data is acquired over OPC UA and then processed in Python, which is currently almost the de facto standard language in data analytics. Microservice architecture with containerization is used in the online deployment, and in a qualitative evaluation, it proved to be a versatile and functional solution.Koneoppimisella voidaan osoittaa olevan useita hyödyllisiä käyttökohteita prosessiteollisuudessa, esimerkiksi prosessinohjaukseen liittyvissä sovelluksissa. Jatkuvasti kerääntyvä prosessidata ja toisaalta koneoppimiseen soveltuvien ohjelmistojen sekä myös laitteistojen viimeaikainen kehitys johtavat tilanteeseen, jossa prosessiautomaatioon liitettyjen koneoppimissovellusten avulla on mahdollista parantaa nykyisiä toiminnallisuuksia tai jopa toteuttaa tekoälysovelluksia. Tässä diplomityössä suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin prototyypin tasolla koneoppimiskehys, jonka avulla on helppo käyttää prosessidataa yhdessä nykyaikaisten koneoppimiskirjastojen kanssa. Kehys mahdollistaa myös koneopittujen mallien skaalautuvan käyttöönoton. Diplomityön kirjallisuusosa keskittyy prosessioperaattoreille tarkoitettujen digitaalisten avustajajärjestelmien nykytilaan ja toteutustapoihin, avustajajärjestelmän tai sen päätöstukijärjestelmän ollessa yksi mahdollinen koneoppimiskehyksen päälle rakennettava ohjelma. Kirjallisuustutkimuksen mukaan prosessioperaattorin päätöstukijärjestelmien taustalla olevat menetelmät ovat yhä useammin koneoppimiseen perustuvia, aiempien sääntö- ja tietämyskantoihin perustuvien menetelmien sijasta. Selkeitä yhdenmukaisia lähestymistapoja ei kuitenkaan ole helposti pääteltävissä kirjallisuuden perusteella. Lisäksi useimmat tapausesimerkit ovat sovellettavissa vain kyseisissä erikoistapauksissa. Kehitetyssä koneoppimiskehyksessä on käytetty sekä kaupallisia että avoimen lähdekoodin komponentteja. Prosessidata haetaan OPC UA -protokollan avulla, ja sitä on mahdollista käsitellä Python-kielellä, josta on muodostunut lähes de facto -standardi data-analytiikassa. Kehyksen käyttöönottokomponentit perustuvat mikropalveluarkkitehtuuriin ja konttiteknologiaan, jotka osoittautuivat laadullisessa testauksessa monipuoliseksi ja toimivaksi toteutustavaksi

    Data Analysis and Neuro-Fuzzy Technique for EOR Screening : Application in Angolan Oilfields

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    This study is sponsored by the Angolan National Oil Company (Sonangol EP) and the authors are grateful for their support and the permission to use the data and publish this manuscriptPeer reviewedPublisher PD