178,721 research outputs found

    Induced Stem Cells as a Novel Multiple Sclerosis Therapy.

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    Stem cell replacement is providing hope for many degenerative diseases that lack effective therapeutic methods including multiple sclerosis (MS), an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. Transplantation of neural stem cells or mesenchymal stem cells is a potential therapy for MS thanks to their capacity for cell repopulation as well as for their immunomodulatory and neurotrophic properties. Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC), an emerging cell source in regenerative medicine, is also being tested for the treatment of MS. Remarkable improvement in mobility and robust remyelination have been observed after transplantation of iPSC-derived neural cells into demyelinated models. Direct reprogramming of somatic cells into induced neural cells, such as induced neural stem cells (iNSCs) and induced oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (iOPCs), without passing through the pluripotency stage, is an alternative for transplantation that has been proved effective in the congenital hypomyelination model. iPSC technology is rapidly progressing as efforts are being made to increase the efficiency of iPSC therapy and reduce its potential side effects. In this review, we discuss the recent advances in application of stem cells, with particular focus on induced stem/progenitor cells (iPSCs, iNSC, iOPCs), which are promising in the treatment of MS

    Efficient generation of neural stem cell-like cells from adult human bone marrow stromal cells

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    Clonogenic neural stem cells (NSCs) are self-renewing cells that maintain the capacity to differentiate into brain-specific cell types, and may also replace or repair diseased brain tissue. NSCs can be directly isolated from fetal or adult nervous tissue, or derived from embryonic stem cells. Here, we describe the efficient conversion of human adult bone marrow stromal cells (hMSC) into a neural stem cell-like population (hmNSC, for human marrow-derived NSC-like cells). These cells grow in neurosphere-like structures, express high levels of early neuroectodermal markers, such as the proneural genes NeuroD1, Neurog2, MSl1 as well as otx1 and nestin, but lose the characteristics of mesodermal stromal cells. In the presence of selected growth factors, hmNSCs can be differentiated into the three main neural phenotypes: astroglia, oligodendroglia and neurons. Clonal analysis demonstrates that individual hmNSCs are multipotent and retain the capacity to generate both glia and neurons. Our cell culture system provides a powerful tool for investigating the molecular mechanisms of neural differentiation in adult human NSCs. hmNSCs may therefore ultimately help to treat acute and chronic neurodegenerative diseases

    Physiological Plasticity of Neural-Crest-Derived Stem Cells in the Adult Mammalian Carotid Body

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    Adult stem cell plasticity, or the ability of somatic stem cells to cross boundaries and differentiate into unrelated cell types, has been amatter of debate in the last decade. Neural-crest-derived stem cells (NCSCs) display a remarkable plasticity during development. Whether adult populations of NCSCs retain this plasticity is largely unknown. Herein, we describe that neural-crest-derived adult carotid body stem cells (CBSCs) are able to undergo endothelial differentiation in addition to their reported role in neurogenesis, contributing to both neurogenic and angiogenic processes taking place in the organ during acclimatization to hypoxia. Moreover, CBSC conversion into vascular cell types is hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) dependent and sensitive to hypoxiareleased vascular cytokines such as erythropoietin. Our data highlight a remarkable physiological plasticity in an adult population of tissue-specific stem cells and could have impact on the use of these cells for cell therapy.ERC Starting Grant: CBSCsMinisterio de EconomĆ­a y Competitividad SAF2013-48535-P and SAF2016-80412-

    Transient PP2A inhibition alleviates normal tissue stem cell susceptibility to cell death during radiotherapy

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    Abstract Unintended outcomes of cancer therapy include ionizing radiation (IR)-induced stem cell depletion, diminished regenerative capacity, and accelerated aging. Stem cells exhibit attenuated DNA damage response (DDR) and are hypersensitive to IR, as compared to differentiated non-stem cells. We performed genomic discovery research to compare stem cells to differentiated cells, which revealed Phosphoprotein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) as a potential contributor to susceptibility in stem cells. PP2A dephosphorylates pATM, Ī³H2AX, pAkt etc. and is believed to play dual role in regulating DDR and apoptosis. Although studied widely in cancer cells, the role of PP2A in normal stem cell radiosensitivity is unknown. Here we demonstrate that constitutively high expression and radiation induction of PP2A in stem cells plays a role in promoting susceptibility to irradiation. Transient inhibition of PP2A markedly restores DNA repair, inhibits apoptosis, and enhances survival of stem cells, without affecting differentiated non-stem and cancer cells. PP2Ai-mediated stem cell radioprotection was demonstrated in murine embryonic, adult neural, intestinal, and hematopoietic stem cells

    A 3D <i>in vitro</i> model reveals differences in the astrocyte response elicited by potential stem cell therapies for CNS injury.

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    Aim: This study aimed to develop a 3D culture model to test the extent to which transplanted stem cells modulate astrocyte reactivity, where exacerbated glial cell activation could be detrimental to CNS repair success. Materials & methods: The reactivity of rat astrocytes to bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, neural crest stem cells (NCSCs) and differentiated adipose-derived stem cells was assessed after 5 days. Schwann cells were used as a positive control. Results: NCSCs and differentiated Schwann cell-like adipose-derived stem cells did not increase astrocyte reactivity. Highly reactive responses to bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and Schwann cells were equivalent. Conclusion: This approach can screen therapeutic cells prior to in vivo testing, allowing cells likely to trigger a substantial astrocyte response to be identified at an early stage. NCSCs and differentiated Schwann cell-like adipose-derived stem cells may be useful in treating CNS damage without increasing astrogliosis

    Hyaluronan, neural stem cells and tissue reconstruction after acute ischemic stroke.

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    Focal stroke is a disabling disease with lifelong sensory, motor and cognitive impairments. Given the paucity of effective clinical treatments, basic scientists are developing novel options for protection of the affected brain and regeneration of lost tissue. Tissue bioengineering and stem/progenitor cell treatments have both been individually pursued for stroke neural repair therapies, with some benefit in tissue recovery. Emerging directions in stroke neural repair approaches combine these two therapies to use biopolymers with stem/progenitor transplants to promote greater cell survival in the transplant and directed delivery of bioactive molecules to the transplanted cells and the adjacent injured tissue. In this review the background literature on a combined use of neural stem/progenitor cells encapsulated in hyaluronan gels is discussed and the way this therapeutic approach can affect the important processes involved in brain tissue reconstruction, such as angiogenesis, axon regeneration, neural differentiation and inflammation is clarified. The glycosaminoglycan hyaluronan can optimize those processes and be employed in a successful neural tissue engineering approach

    Designing signaling environments to steer transcriptional diversity in neural progenitor cell populations

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    Stem cell populations within developing embryos are diverse, composed of many different subpopulations of cells with varying developmental potential. The structure of stem cell populations in cell culture remains poorly understood and presents a barrier to differentiating stem cells for therapeutic applications. In this paper we develop a framework for controlling the architecture of stem cell populations in cell culture using high-throughput single cell mRNA-seq and computational analysis. We find that the transcriptional diversity of neural stem cell populations collapses in cell culture. Cell populations are depleted of committed neuron progenitor cells and become dominated by a single pre-astrocytic cell population. By analyzing the response of neural stem cell populations to forty distinct signaling conditions, we demonstrate that signaling environments can restructure cell populations by modulating the relative abundance of pre-astrocyte and pre-neuron subpopulations according to a simple linear code. One specific combination of BMP4, EGF, and FGF2 ligands switches the default population balance such that 70% of cells correspond to the committed neurons. Our work demonstrates that single-cell RNA-seq can be applied to modulate the diversity of in vitro stem cell populations providing a new strategy for population-level stem cell control

    Review of Clinical Trials Using Neural Stem Cells

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    The use of stem cells in clinical trials started several years ago for regenerativebased therapies or for the treatment of tumours. After brain injuries or neurodegenerative diseases, neural stem cells represent a promising strategy to repair the affected tissue and to replace degenerative cells. Neural stem cells can migrate and differentiate into neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, and thus could serve as promising therapeutic solutions. However, these cells can represent a potential source of cancer stem cells in tumour brain where they are responsible of recurrence, invasiveness and resistance to current treatments. Thus, few clinical trials involving endogenous, genetically modifiedor derived-neural stem cells have been conducted in the world to treat brain disorders. According to the website www.clinicaltrials.gov only 37 clinical trials involving neural stem cells are listed. Most of them use derived-neural stem cells to treat brain disorders (neurodegenerative diseases, injuries or tumours). For the future, a better approach would be to target directly endogenous stem cells.
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