3,130 research outputs found

    Fuzzy logic control of telerobot manipulators

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    Telerobot systems for advanced applications will require manipulators with redundant 'degrees of freedom' (DOF) that are capable of adapting manipulator configurations to avoid obstacles while achieving the user specified goal. Conventional methods for control of manipulators (based on solution of the inverse kinematics) cannot be easily extended to these situations. Fuzzy logic control offers a possible solution to these needs. A current research program at SRI developed a fuzzy logic controller for a redundant, 4 DOF, planar manipulator. The manipulator end point trajectory can be specified by either a computer program (robot mode) or by manual input (teleoperator). The approach used expresses end-point error and the location of manipulator joints as fuzzy variables. Joint motions are determined by a fuzzy rule set without requiring solution of the inverse kinematics. Additional rules for sensor data, obstacle avoidance and preferred manipulator configuration, e.g., 'righty' or 'lefty', are easily accommodated. The procedure used to generate the fuzzy rules can be extended to higher DOF systems

    Research and development at ORNL/CESAR towards cooperating robotic systems for hazardous environments

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    One of the frontiers in intelligent machine research is the understanding of how constructive cooperation among multiple autonomous agents can be effected. The effort at the Center for Engineering Systems Advanced Research (CESAR) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) focuses on two problem areas: (1) cooperation by multiple mobile robots in dynamic, incompletely known environments; and (2) cooperating robotic manipulators. Particular emphasis is placed on experimental evaluation of research and developments using the CESAR robot system testbeds, including three mobile robots, and a seven-axis, kinematically redundant mobile manipulator. This paper summarizes initial results of research addressing the decoupling of position and force control for two manipulators holding a common object, and the path planning for multiple robots in a common workspace


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    This paper presents a Multiple Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (MANFIS)-based method for regulating the handling force of a common object. The foundation of this method is the prediction of the inverse dynamics of a cooperative robotic system made up of two 3-DOF robotic manipulators. Considering the no slip in contact between the tool and the object, an object is moved. to create and feed the MANFIS database, the inverse kinematics and dynamic equations of motion for the closed chain of motion for both arms are established in Matlab. Results from a SimMechanic simulation are given to demonstrate how well the suggested ANFIS controller works. Several manipulated object movements covering the shared workspace of the two manipulator arms are used to test the proposed control strategy

    Admittance-based adaptive cooperative control for multiple manipulators with output constraints

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    This paper proposes a novel adaptive control methodology based on the admittance model for multiple manipulators transporting a rigid object cooperatively along a predefined desired trajectory. First, an admittance model is creatively applied to generate reference trajectory online for each manipulator according to the desired path of the rigid object, which is the reference input of the controller. Then, an innovative integral barrier Lyapunov function is utilized to tackle the constraints due to the physical and environmental limits. Adaptive neural networks (NNs) are also employed to approximate the uncertainties of the manipulator dynamics. Different from the conventional NN approximation method, which is usually semiglobally uniformly ultimately bounded, a switching function is presented to guarantee the global stability of the closed loop. Finally, the simulation studies are conducted on planar two-link robot manipulators to validate the efficacy of the proposed approach

    An intelligent, free-flying robot

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    The ground based demonstration of the extensive extravehicular activity (EVA) Retriever, a voice-supervised, intelligent, free flying robot, is designed to evaluate the capability to retrieve objects (astronauts, equipment, and tools) which have accidentally separated from the Space Station. The major objective of the EVA Retriever Project is to design, develop, and evaluate an integrated robotic hardware and on-board software system which autonomously: (1) performs system activation and check-out; (2) searches for and acquires the target; (3) plans and executes a rendezvous while continuously tracking the target; (4) avoids stationary and moving obstacles; (5) reaches for and grapples the target; (6) returns to transfer the object; and (7) returns to base

    Adaptive fuzzy control for coordinated multiple robots with constraint using impedance learning

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    In this paper, we investigate fuzzy neural network (FNN) control using impedance learning for coordinated multiple constrained robots carrying a common object in the presence of the unknown robotic dynamics and the unknown environment with which the robot comes into contact. First, an FNN learning algorithm is developed to identify the unknown plant model. Second, impedance learning is introduced to regulate the control input in order to improve the environment-robot interaction, and the robot can track the desired trajectory generated by impedance learning. Third, in light of the condition requiring the robot to move in a finite space or to move at a limited velocity in a finite space, the algorithm based on the position constraint and the velocity constraint are proposed, respectively. To guarantee the position constraint and the velocity constraint, an integral barrier Lyapunov function is introduced to avoid the violation of the constraint. According to Lyapunov's stability theory, it can be proved that the tracking errors are uniformly bounded ultimately. At last, some simulation examples are carried out to verify the effectiveness of the designed control

    Deep Visual Foresight for Planning Robot Motion

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    A key challenge in scaling up robot learning to many skills and environments is removing the need for human supervision, so that robots can collect their own data and improve their own performance without being limited by the cost of requesting human feedback. Model-based reinforcement learning holds the promise of enabling an agent to learn to predict the effects of its actions, which could provide flexible predictive models for a wide range of tasks and environments, without detailed human supervision. We develop a method for combining deep action-conditioned video prediction models with model-predictive control that uses entirely unlabeled training data. Our approach does not require a calibrated camera, an instrumented training set-up, nor precise sensing and actuation. Our results show that our method enables a real robot to perform nonprehensile manipulation -- pushing objects -- and can handle novel objects not seen during training.Comment: ICRA 2017. Supplementary video: https://sites.google.com/site/robotforesight
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