253 research outputs found

    Application of the EM algorithm for the multitarget/multisensor tracking problem

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    Caption title.Includes bibliographical references (p. 27-29).Supported by the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. DAAH04-95-1-0103Karl J. Molnar, James W. Modestino

    Real-time multitarget tracking for sensor-based sorting – A new implementation of the auction algorithm for graphics processing units

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    Utilizing parallel algorithms is an established way of increasing performance in systems that are bound to real-time restrictions. Sensor-based sorting is a machine vision application for which firm real-time requirements need to be respected in order to reliably remove potentially harmful entities from a material feed. Recently, employing a predictive tracking approach using multitarget tracking in order to decrease the error in the physical separation in optical sorting has been proposed. For implementations that use hard associations between measurements and tracks, a linear assignment problem has to be solved for each frame recorded by a camera. The auction algorithm can be utilized for this purpose, which also has the advantage of being well suited for parallel architectures. In this paper, an improved implementation of this algorithm for a graphics processing unit (GPU) is presented. The resulting algorithm is implemented in both an OpenCL and a CUDA based environment. By using an optimized data structure, the presented algorithm outperforms recently proposed implementations in terms of speed while retaining the quality of output of the algorithm. Furthermore, memory requirements are significantly decreased, which is important for embedded systems. Experimental results are provided for two different GPUs and six datasets. It is shown that the proposed approach is of particular interest for applications dealing with comparatively large problem sizes

    Arithmetic Average Density Fusion -- Part III: Heterogeneous Unlabeled and Labeled RFS Filter Fusion

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    This paper proposes a heterogenous density fusion approach to scalable multisensor multitarget tracking where the inter-connected sensors run different types of random finite set (RFS) filters according to their respective capacity and need. These diverse RFS filters result in heterogenous multitarget densities that are to be fused with each other in a proper means for more robust and accurate detection and localization of the targets. Our approach is based on Gaussian mixture implementations where the local Gaussian components (L-GCs) are revised for PHD consensus, i.e., the corresponding unlabeled probability hypothesis densities (PHDs) of each filter best fit their average regardless of the specific type of the local densities. To this end, a computationally efficient, coordinate descent approach is proposed which only revises the weights of the L-GCs, keeping the other parameters unchanged. In particular, the PHD filter, the unlabeled and labeled multi-Bernoulli (MB/LMB) filters are considered. Simulations have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed approach for both homogeneous and heterogenous fusion of the PHD-MB-LMB filters in different configurations.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronics Systems, 202

    Decentralized kalman filter approach for multi-sensor multi-target tracking problems

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Doğru pozisyon ve hedeflerin sayısı hava trafik kontrol ve füze savunması için çok önemli bilgilerdir. Bu çalışma, çoklu sensorlü çoklu hedef takibi sistemlerindeki veri füzyonu ve durum tahmini problemlerı için dağıtık Kalman Filtreleme Algoritması sunmaktadır. Problem, radar olarak her biri kendi veri işleme birimine sahip aktif sensörlerin hedef alanını gözlemlemesini esas almaktadır. Bu durumda her bir sistemin iz sayısı olacaktır. Çalışmada önerilen dağıtık Kalman Filtresi, başta füze sistemleri olmak üzere savunma sistemlerinde hareketli hedeflerin farklı sensörlerle izlerini kestirmek ve farklı hedefleri ayrıd etmek için kullanmaktır. Önerilen teknik, çoklu sensör sisteminden gelen verileri işleyen iki aşamalı veri işleme yaklaşımını içermektedir. İlk aşamada, her yerel işlemci kendi verilerini ve standart Kalman filtresi ise en iyi kestirimi yapmak için kullanılmaktadır. Sonraki aşamada bu kestirimler en iyi küresel bir kestirimi yapmak amacıyla dağıtık işlem modunda elde edilir. Bu çalışmada iki radar sistemi iki yerel Kalman filtresi ile uçakların pozisyonunu kestirmek amacıyla kullanılmakta, ardından bu kestirimler merkez işlemciye iletilmektedir. Merkez işlemci doğrulama maksadıyla bu bilgileri birleştirip küresel bir kestirim üretmektedir. Önerilen model uygulama olarak dört senaryo üzerinde test edildi. İlk senaryoda, tek bir hedef iki sensor tarafından izlenirken, ikincisinde, iki hedeften oluşan uzay herhangi bir sensor tarafından izlenmekte, üçüncüsünde, iki hedefin de herhangi bir sensor tarafından aynı anda izlenmesi, son olarak ise iki sensörden her birinin toplam üç hedeften herhangi ikisini izlediği senaryo göz önüne alınmıştır. Önerilen tekniğin performansı hata kovaryans matrisi kullanılarak değerlendirildi ve yüksek doğruluk ve optimal kestirim elde edildi. Uygulama sonuçları önerilen tekniğin yeteneğinin, yerel sensörlerce belirlenen ortak hedeflerin merkezi sistem tarafından ayırd edilebildiğini göstermiştir.For air traffic control and missile defense, the accurate position and the numbers of targets are the most important information needed. This thesis presents a decentralized kalman filtering algorithm (DKF) for data fusion and state estimation problems in multi-sensor multi-target tracking system. The problem arises when several sensors carry out surveillance over a certain area and each sensor has its own data processing system. In this situation, each system has a number of tracks. The DKF is used to estimate and separate the tracks from different sensors represent the targets, when the ability to track targets is essential in missile defense. The proposed technique is a two stage data processing technique which processes data from multi sensor system. In the first stage, each local processor uses its own data to make the best local estimation using standard kalman filter and then these estimations are then obtained in parallel processing mode to make best global estimation. In this work, two radar systems are used as sensors with two local Kalman filters to estimate the position of an aircraft and then they transmit these estimations to a central processor, which combines this information to produce a global estimation. The proposed model is tested on four scenarios, firstly, when there is one target and the two sensors are tracking the same target, secondly, when there are two targets and any sensor is tracking one of them, thirdly, when there are two targets and any sensor is tracking both of them and finally, when two sensors are used to track three targets and any sensor tracks any two of them. The performance of the proposed technique is evaluated using measures such as the error covariance matrix and it gave high accuracy and optimal estimation. The experimental results showed that the proposed method has the ability to separate the joint targets detected by the local sensors

    Fuzzy region assignment for visual tracking

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    In this work we propose a new approach based on fuzzy concepts and heuristic reasoning to deal with the visual data association problem in real time, considering the particular conditions of the visual data segmented from images, and the integration of higher-level information in the tracking process such as trajectory smoothness, consistency of information, and protection against predictable interactions such as overlap/occlusion, etc. The objects' features are estimated from the segmented images using a Bayesian formulation, and the regions assigned to update the tracks are computed through a fuzzy system to integrate all the information. The algorithm is scalable, requiring linear computing resources with respect to the complexity of scenarios, and shows competitive performance with respect to other classical methods in which the number of evaluated alternatives grows exponentially with the number of objects.Research supported by projects CICYT TIN2008-06742-C02-02/TSI, CICYT TEC2008-06732-C02-02/TEC, SINPROB and CAM MADRINET S-0505/TIC/0255.publicad