12,928 research outputs found

    Three embedded techniques for finite element heat flow problem with embedded discontinuities

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00466-017-1382-7The present paper explores the solution of a heat conduction problem considering discontinuities embedded within the mesh and aligned at arbitrary angles with respect to the mesh edges. Three alternative approaches are proposed as solutions to the problem. The difference between these approaches compared to alternatives, such as the eXtended Finite Element Method (X-FEM), is that the current proposal attempts to preserve the global matrix graph in order to improve performance. The first two alternatives comprise an enrichment of the Finite Element (FE) space obtained through the addition of some new local degrees of freedom to allow capturing discontinuities within the element. The new degrees of freedom are statically condensed prior to assembly, so that the graph of the final system is not changed. The third approach is based on the use of modified FE-shape functions that substitute the standard ones on the cut elements. The imposition of both Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions is considered at the embedded interface. The results of all the proposed methods are then compared with a reference solution obtained using the standard FE on a mesh containing the actual discontinuity.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Discontinuities in the Maximum-Entropy Inference

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    We revisit the maximum-entropy inference of the state of a finite-level quantum system under linear constraints. The constraints are specified by the expected values of a set of fixed observables. We point out the existence of discontinuities in this inference method. This is a pure quantum phenomenon since the maximum-entropy inference is continuous for mutually commuting observables. The question arises why some sets of observables are distinguished by a discontinuity in an inference method which is still discussed as a universal inference method. In this paper we make an example of a discontinuity and we explain a characterization of the discontinuities in terms of the openness of the (restricted) linear map that assigns expected values to states.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, 32nd International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering, Garching, Germany, 15-20 July 201

    Continuity of the maximum-entropy inference: Convex geometry and numerical ranges approach

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    We study the continuity of an abstract generalization of the maximum-entropy inference - a maximizer. It is defined as a right-inverse of a linear map restricted to a convex body which uniquely maximizes on each fiber of the linear map a continuous function on the convex body. Using convex geometry we prove, amongst others, the existence of discontinuities of the maximizer at limits of extremal points not being extremal points themselves and apply the result to quantum correlations. Further, we use numerical range methods in the case of quantum inference which refers to two observables. One result is a complete characterization of points of discontinuity for 3×33\times 3 matrices.Comment: 27 page

    A course space construction based on local Dirichlet-to-Neumann maps

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    Coarse-grid correction is a key ingredient of scalable domain decomposition methods. In this work we construct coarse-grid space using the low-frequency modes of the subdomain Dirichlet-to-Neumann maps and apply the obtained two-level preconditioners to the extended or the original linear system arising from an overlapping domain decomposition. Our method is suitable for parallel implementation, and its efficiency is demonstrated by numerical examples on problems with large heterogeneities for both manual and automatic partitionings

    Entanglement in fermionic chains with finite range coupling and broken symmetries

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    We obtain a formula for the determinant of a block Toeplitz matrix associated with a quadratic fermionic chain with complex coupling. Such couplings break reflection symmetry and/or charge conjugation symmetry. We then apply this formula to compute the Renyi entropy of a partial observation to a subsystem consisting of XX contiguous sites in the limit of large XX. The present work generalizes similar results due to Its, Jin, Korepin and Its, Mezzadri, Mo. A striking new feature of our formula for the entanglement entropy is the appearance of a term scaling with the logarithm of the size of XX. This logarithmic behaviour originates from certain discontinuities in the symbol of the block Toeplitz matrix. Equipped with this formula we analyse the entanglement entropy of a Dzyaloshinski-Moriya spin chain and a Kitaev fermionic chain with long range pairing.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figure

    Reconstruction of cracks and material losses by perimeter-like penalizations and phase-field methods: numerical results

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    We numerically implement the variational approach for reconstruction in the inverse crack and cavity problems developed by one of the authors. The method is based on a suitably adapted free-discontinuity problem. Its main features are the use of phase-field functions to describe the defects to be reconstructed and the use of perimeter-like penalizations to regularize the ill-posed problem. The numerical implementation is based on the solution of the corresponding optimality system by a gradient method. Numerical simulations are presented to show the validity of the method.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Uniform shift estimates for transmission problems and optimal rates of convergence for the parametric Finite Element Method

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    Let \Omega \subset \RR^d, d1d \geqslant 1, be a bounded domain with piecewise smooth boundary Ω\partial \Omega and let UU be an open subset of a Banach space YY. Motivated by questions in "Uncertainty Quantification," we consider a parametric family P=(Py)yUP = (P_y)_{y \in U} of uniformly strongly elliptic, second order partial differential operators PyP_y on Ω\Omega. We allow jump discontinuities in the coefficients. We establish a regularity result for the solution u: \Omega \times U \to \RR of the parametric, elliptic boundary value/transmission problem Pyuy=fyP_y u_y = f_y, yUy \in U, with mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions in the case when the boundary and the interface are smooth and in the general case for d=2d=2. Our regularity and well-posedness results are formulated in a scale of broken weighted Sobolev spaces \hat\maK^{m+1}_{a+1}(\Omega) of Babu\v{s}ka-Kondrat'ev type in Ω\Omega, possibly augmented by some locally constant functions. This implies that the parametric, elliptic PDEs (Py)yU(P_y)_{y \in U} admit a shift theorem that is uniform in the parameter yUy\in U. In turn, this then leads to hmh^m-quasi-optimal rates of convergence (i.e. algebraic orders of convergence) for the Galerkin approximations of the solution uu, where the approximation spaces are defined using the "polynomial chaos expansion" of uu with respect to a suitable family of tensorized Lagrange polynomials, following the method developed by Cohen, Devore, and Schwab (2010)