51 research outputs found

    Evaluating An Online Learning Programme from Students Perspectives

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    Today, we are in an information age and the goal of education is to help teachers incorporate technology into the education curriculum This study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of students’ participation in a blended first-class online programme for 40 practicing teachers and administrators in one of the colleges of the University of London with respect to sex, age and occupation. The study employed the use of a questionnaire, which was divided into four parts viz: Learning environment, Personal factors, Pedagogical strategies and Learning process. The major findings of the study showed that sex and age are the major variables that contribute to successful online learning, while participants’ occupations seem not to have any effect. Furthermore, online learning contributes more to the acquisition of the following skills with respect to age and sex: browsing and searching skills, information gathering skills, and library references searching skills. Online learning programs, however, do not generally contribute to arousing students’ interest. The implications of the findings were further discussed

    Credibility: norwegian students evaluate media studies web sites

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    This paper investigates Norwegian university students’ evaluations of web site credibility and site authors’ vested interests with respect to a textbased academic site and an informational site with commercial support. Credibility ratings were higher for some aspects of the academic site even though the non-academic sit was rated more highly in presentation design and currency. Negative correlations emerged between academic level and confidence in deciding web site credibility and in detecting misrepresentations.Education for the 21 st century - impact of ICT and Digital Resources ConferenceRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Credibility: norwegian students evaluate media studies web sites

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    This paper investigates Norwegian university students’ evaluations of web site credibility and site authors’ vested interests with respect to a textbased academic site and an informational site with commercial support. Credibility ratings were higher for some aspects of the academic site even though the non-academic sit was rated more highly in presentation design and currency. Negative correlations emerged between academic level and confidence in deciding web site credibility and in detecting misrepresentations.Education for the 21 st century - impact of ICT and Digital Resources ConferenceRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Comparative evaluation of the implementation of computerised school management systems:in Hong Kong, The Netherlands and England

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    The paper describes the results of a study to assess the implementation of computerised school management systems used in secondary schools in Hong Kong, the Netherlands, and the UK. Large-scale surveys were carried out in all three countries and from the results we evaluated system-usage and the implementation promoting factors

    Investigating knowledge building dialogues in networked communities of practice. A collaborative learning endeavor across cultures

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    We have analyzed data from two online courses, designed to promote collaborative online learning, and in the contexts of two different cultures. Ongoing assessment (self, group, instructor) that actively engages students within the course (as opposed to instructor assessment at the end) is a central feature for achieving collaborative knowledge building in online dialog. Careful articulation and deployment of assessment criteria is a design feature that promotes meta-awareness, which, in turn, together with student-centeredness and operationalization of student experiences in the design of the curriculum, enhances student participation, motivation and ownership in the dialog. From eight years of experience with online dialog and two quite different implementations we offer a set of design principles, having a sound theoretical basis, that enhance the quality and quantity of online knowledge building. Our analysis suggests that the characteristics of the discussion threads emerging under these design criteria give evidence of true collaborative learning.We have analyzed data from two online courses, designed to promote collaborative online learning, and in the contexts of two different cultures. Ongoing assessment (self, group, instructor) that actively engages students within the course (as opposed to instructor assessment at the end) is a central feature for achieving collaborative knowledge building in online dialog. Careful articulation and deployment of assessment criteria is a design feature that promotes meta-awareness, which, in turn, together with student-centeredness and operationalization of student experiences in the design of the curriculum, enhances student participation, motivation and ownership in the dialog. From eight years of experience with online dialog and two quite different implementations we offer a set of design principles, having a sound theoretical basis, that enhance the quality and quantity of online knowledge building. Our analysis suggests that the characteristics of the discussion threads emerging under these design criteria give evidence of true collaborative learning

    La demostración en geometría: procesos cognitivos y metacognitivos favorecidos por la inclusión de ambientes dinámicos

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    Se presenta una propuesta de investigación cuyo objetivo es indagar por los procesos cognitivos y metacognitivos que tienen lugar en el marco de la resolución de problemas, cuando esta corresponde a la demostración de enunciados geométricos, que involucra ambientes virtuales que integran representaciones geométricas. Se presenta la pregunta de investigación que orientará en desarrollo de la investigación, algunos aportes desde la literatura que soportan la misma y una conceptualización frente a los elementos involucrado

    Investigating knowledge building dialogues in networked communities of practice. A collaborative learning endeavor across cultures

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    We have analyzed data from two online courses, designed to promote collaborative online learning, and in the contexts of two different cultures. Ongoing assessment (self, group, instructor) that actively engages students within the course (as opposed to instructor assessment at the end) is a central feature for achieving collaborative knowledge building in online dialog. Careful articulation and deployment of assessment criteria is a design feature that promotes meta-awareness, which, in turn, together with student-centeredness and operationalization of student experiences in the design of the curriculum, enhances student participation, motivation and ownership in the dialog. From eight years of experience with online dialog and two quite different implementations we offer a set of design principles, having a sound theoretical basis, that enhance the quality and quantity of online knowledge building. Our analysis suggests that the characteristics of the discussion threads emerging under these design criteria give evidence of true collaborative learning.We have analyzed data from two online courses, designed to promote collaborative online learning, and in the contexts of two different cultures. Ongoing assessment (self, group, instructor) that actively engages students within the course (as opposed to instructor assessment at the end) is a central feature for achieving collaborative knowledge building in online dialog. Careful articulation and deployment of assessment criteria is a design feature that promotes meta-awareness, which, in turn, together with student-centeredness and operationalization of student experiences in the design of the curriculum, enhances student participation, motivation and ownership in the dialog. From eight years of experience with online dialog and two quite different implementations we offer a set of design principles, having a sound theoretical basis, that enhance the quality and quantity of online knowledge building. Our analysis suggests that the characteristics of the discussion threads emerging under these design criteria give evidence of true collaborative learning

    Pengembangan Media Hukum Melde Berbasis Aplikasi Physics Toolbox Sensor Suite Pada Materi Gelombang Stasioner Kelas XI SMA

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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan validitas alat peraga hukum Melde berbasis aplikasi physics toolbox sensor suite untuk menentukan cepat rambat gelombang pada materi gelombang stasioner. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, evaluation). Validitas alat peraga hukum Melde dinilai berdasarkan hasil yang dilakukan oleh validator ahli dan taraf ketelitian menggunakan alat peraga.  Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh tingkat validitas alat peraga hukum Melde berbasis aplikasi physics toolbox sensor suite termasuk dalam kategori sangat layak dikarenakan hasil validasi dan taraf ketelitian alat peraga memiliki presentase ≥61%. Hasil validasi alat peraga menunjukkan presentase sebesar 89,38% dan data hasil percobaan hukum Melde pada percobaan 1 memiliki presentase sebesar 96,40%, pada percobaan 2 memiliki presentase sebesar 98,99% dan pada percobaan 3 memiliki preentase sebesar 95,80% sehingga kesesuaian alat peraga hukum Melde termasuk dalam kategori sangat layak.   Kata Kunci : Physics toolbox sensor suite, cepat rambat gelombang, gelombang stasioner   Abstract This research aims to describe the validity of Melde law teaching aids based on the physics toolbox sensor suite application to determine the fast propagation of waves in stationary wave material. This type of research is a research development using the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, evaluation). The validity of Melde's legal props is assessed based on the results made by expert validators and the level of accuracy using props. Based on the data obtained, the validity level of Melde's law teaching aids based on the physics toolbox sensor suite application is in the very feasible category because the results of the validation and the level of accuracy of the teaching aids have a percentage of ≥61%. The results of the validation of the props show a percentage of 89.38% and the results of the Melde law experiment data in experiment 1 have a percentage of 96.40%, in experiment 2 it has a percentage of 98.99% and in experiment 3 it has a percentage of 95.80% so that The suitability of Melde's legal props is in the very feasible category.   Keywords: Physics toolbox sensor suite, fast wave propagation, stationary wave
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