119,422 research outputs found

    Multicriteria decision making for enhanced perception-based multimedia communication

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    This paper proposes an approach that integrates technical concerns with user perceptual considerations for intelligent decision making in the construction of tailor-made multimedia communication protocols. Thus, the proposed approach, based on multicriteria decision making (MDM), incorporates not only classical networking considerations, but, indeed, user preferences as well. Furthermore, in keeping with the task-dependent nature consistently identified in multimedia scenarios, the suggested communication protocols also take into account the type of multimedia application that they are transporting. Lastly, this approach also opens the possibility for such protocols to dynamically adapt based on a changing operating environment and user's preferences

    Multicriteria decision making for enhanced perception-based multimedia communication

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    This paper proposes an approach that integrates technical concerns with user perceptual considerations for intelligent decision making in the construction of tailor-made multimedia communication protocols. Thus, the proposed approach, based on multicriteria decision making (MDM), incorporates not only classical networking considerations, but, indeed, user preferences as well. Furthermore, in keeping with the task-dependent nature consistently identified in multimedia scenarios, the suggested communication protocols also take into account the type of multimedia application that they are transporting. Lastly, this approach also opens the possibility for such protocols to dynamically adapt based on a changing operating environment and user’s preferences

    Cross layer techniques for flexible transport protocol using UDP-Lite over a satellite network

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    Traditional real-time multimedia and streaming services have utilised UDP over RTP. Wireless transmission, by its nature, may introduce a variable, sometimes high bit error ratio. Current transport layer protocols drop all corrupted packets, in contrast, protocols such as UDP-Lite allow error-resilient applications to be supported in the networking stack. This paper presents experimental quantitative performance metrics using H.264 and UDP Lite for the next generation transport of IP multimedia, and discusses the architectural implications for enhancing performance of a wireless and/or satellite environment

    Multimedia Networks: Fundamentals and Future Directions

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    Multimedia has become an integral part of computing and communications environment, and networks are carrying ever-increasing volume of multimedia information. The main characteristics of multimedia information are high-volume and bursty traffic, with low tolerance to delay and delay variance. The legacy networks (designed in 70s and 80s) are not able to meet these requirements. Enhancements to the older networking technologies have been developed to convert these into multimedia networks. Enhancements to LANs include Switched Ethernet, Isochronous Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, 100VGAnyLAN, FDDI-II, and Synchronous FDDI. WAN options for multimedia networking include digital leased lines and ISDN. The Internet has revolutionized business and personal communications, but falls short of being a genuine multimedia network. To make the Internet capable of carrying multimedia traffic, new protocols such as MBone, ST-II, RTP, and RSVP have been developed. Internet2 is a new initiative that is aimed at overcoming the problems of throughput, delay and jitter encountered on the original Internet. One technology that was developed with multimedia networking as one of its main applications, is the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) technology. Upcoming Gigabit Ethernet technology will provide a path for upgrading current Ethernet networks into multimedia networks

    Disaster Monitoring with Wikipedia and Online Social Networking Sites: Structured Data and Linked Data Fragments to the Rescue?

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    In this paper, we present the first results of our ongoing early-stage research on a realtime disaster detection and monitoring tool. Based on Wikipedia, it is language-agnostic and leverages user-generated multimedia content shared on online social networking sites to help disaster responders prioritize their efforts. We make the tool and its source code publicly available as we make progress on it. Furthermore, we strive to publish detected disasters and accompanying multimedia content following the Linked Data principles to facilitate its wide consumption, redistribution, and evaluation of its usefulness.Comment: Accepted for publication at the AAAI Spring Symposium 2015: Structured Data for Humanitarian Technologies: Perfect fit or Overkill? #SD4HumTech1

    Multimedia Communications and Networking

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    This book aims to present a detailed and comprehensive description of most important state-of-the-art fundaments and system details in the fields of multimedia, networking, digital communications, and network security. It describes several subjects which are key aspects in the development and understanding of the current and emergent services. The objective of this textbook is to concentrate in a single book the author's view about current and emergent multimedia, digital communications and networking services and technologies. Different bibliographic sources normally cover each one of these topics independently, without the required relationship. On one hand, the proposed book allows the reader to reduce the time and cost required to learn and improve skills and knowledge in the covered fields, with a relationship between the covered topics. Moreover, this book presents a compilation of the latest developments in the area, which is the outcome of several years of research and participation in many international projects. This book covers most of the relevant subjects with examples and end of chapter questions, properly designed to be used in BSc or MSc in computer science or electrical engineering. The approach used in this textbook aims to facilitate the learning of the covered subjects by students of several disciplines such as multimedia, networking, telecommunications and network security. Moreover, this book may also be used by academic, institutional or industrial professionals, in order to support the planning, design and development of multimedia, telecommunications or networking systems

    Advanced solutions for quality-oriented multimedia broadcasting

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    Multimedia content is increasingly being delivered via different types of networks to viewers in a variety of locations and contexts using a variety of devices. The ubiquitous nature of multimedia services comes at a cost, however. The successful delivery of multimedia services will require overcoming numerous technological challenges many of which have a direct effect on the quality of the multimedia experience. For example, due to dynamically changing requirements and networking conditions, the delivery of multimedia content has traditionally adopted a best effort approach. However, this approach has often led to the end-user perceived quality of multimedia-based services being negatively affected. Yet the quality of multimedia content is a vital issue for the continued acceptance and proliferation of these services. Indeed, end-users are becoming increasingly quality-aware in their expectations of multimedia experience and demand an ever-widening spectrum of rich multimedia-based services. As a consequence, there is a continuous and extensive research effort, by both industry and academia, to find solutions for improving the quality of multimedia content delivered to the users; as well, international standards bodies, such as the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), are renewing their effort on the standardization of multimedia technologies. There are very different directions in which research has attempted to find solutions in order to improve the quality of the rich media content delivered over various network types. It is in this context that this special issue on broadcast multimedia quality of the IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting illustrates some of these avenues and presents some of the most significant research results obtained by various teams of researchers from many countries. This special issue provides an example, albeit inevitably limited, of the richness and breath of the current research on multimedia broadcasting services. The research i- - ssues addressed in this special issue include, among others, factors that influence user perceived quality, encoding-related quality assessment and control, transmission and coverage-based solutions and objective quality measurements


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya pemahaman siswa pada mata pelajaran Jaringan Dasar. Multimedia pembelajaran komputer mampu memvisualisasikan materi yang selama ini sulit dijelaskan. Game dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran untuk menarik perhatian siswa. Model Siklus Belajar 5E menggunakan pendekatan konstruktivis yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa terhadap suatu materi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) merancang dan membangun multimedia pembelajaran berbasis adventure game dengan model Siklus Belajar 5E pada mata pelajaran Jaringan Dasar, 2) mendeskripsikan respon siswa terhadap multimedia pembelajaran berbasis adventure game dengan model Siklus Belajar 5E pada mata pelajaran Jaringan Dasar, 3) mendeskripsikan nilai pemahaman siswa setelah menggunakan multimedia pembelajaran berbasis adventure game dengan model Siklus 5E pada mata pelajaran Jaringan Dasar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R&D). Tahapan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian terdiri dari lima tahap, yaitu tahap analisis, desain, pengembangan, implementasi, dan penilaian. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SMK TKJ kelas X di SMKN 13 Bandung. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Multimedia dibangun dengan melakukan penentuan kebutuhan, membuat flowchart dan storyboard, melakukan coding, melakukan pengujian dengan blackbox testing, dan melakukan validasi kepada ahli. Penilaian multimedia oleh ahi materi dan ahli media termasuk pada kategori “sangat layak”, 2) penilaian siswa terhadap multimedia pembelajaran berbasis adventure game dengan model Siklus Belajar 5E dikategorikan “sangat baik”, 3) terjadi peningkatan pemahaman pada siswa setelah menggunakan multimedia dilihat dari nilai rata-rata siswa secara keseluruhan, yaitu dari 54,40 menjadi 68,80.;--- Background of this research is the lack of student’s comprehension on the Basic Networking. Multimedia can visualize the material which difficult to explain. Games can be used as learning media to attract the attention of students. 5E Learning Cycle uses constructivist approach to improve student’s comprehension of the material. The purpose of this research are: 1) design and build multimedia learning based on adventure game with 5E Learning Cycle on Basic Networking, 2) describe the student’s responses to multimedia learning based on adventure game with 5E Learning Cycle on Basic Networking, 3) describe the value of student’s comprehension after using multimedia learning based on adventure game with 5E Learning Cycle on Basic Networking. The method used in this research is Research and Development (R & D). This research used five steps, there are analysis, design, development, implementation, and assessment. Sample in this research is students in class X TKJ at SMKN 13 Bandung. The result of this research are: 1) Multimedia built by requirement definition, create flowchart and storyboard, coding, testing with blackbox testing, and validating multimedia to the expert. Multimedia got value from the experts in category “very feasible” to use, 2) assessment of students to multimedia learning based adventure game with 5E Learning Cycle categorized as “very good”, 3) the average value of students has increased after using multimedia, from 54,40 into 68,80