1,067 research outputs found

    Technology enablers for the implementation of Industry 4.0 to traditional manufacturing sectors: A review

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    The traditional manufacturing sectors (footwear, textiles and clothing, furniture and toys, among others) are based on small and medium enterprises with limited capacity on investing in modern production technologies. Although these sectors rely heavily on product customization and short manufacturing cycles, they are still not able to take full advantage of the fourth industrial revolution. Industry 4.0 surfaced to address the current challenges of shorter product life-cycles, highly customized products and stiff global competition. The new manufacturing paradigm supports the development of modular factory structures within a computerized Internet of Things environment. With Industry 4.0, rigid planning and production processes can be revolutionized. However, the computerization of manufacturing has a high degree of complexity and its implementation tends to be expensive, which goes against the reality of SMEs that power the traditional sectors. This paper reviews the main scientific-technological advances that have been developed in recent years in traditional sectors with the aim of facilitating the transition to the new industry standard.This research was supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the project CloudDriver4Industry TIN2017-89266-R

    A cena cibercultural do jornalismo contemporâneo: web semântica, algoritmos, aplicativos e curadoria

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    Este trabalho discute os diferentes aspectos ciberculturais que o jornalismo contemporâneo vivencia, sobretudo a partir da emergência da web semântica e das funcionalidades técnicas dela decorrentes – como o uso de algoritmos e aplicativos. Explicamos os conceitos básicos deste conjunto técnico e sua correlação aos campos da Comunicação e do Jornalismo em particular. Apresentamos as possibilidades de aproximação de tal cenário com a atividade jornalística a partir de exemplos já em aplicação em marcas jornalísticas internacionais. Propomos a configuração do papel de curadoria para o profissional que irá atuar neste novo contexto cibercultural.This paper discusses the different cybercultural aspects within contemporary journalism experiences,mainly from the emergence of the Semantic Web and the technical functionalities that result from it, such as the use of algorithms and applications. We explain the basic concepts of this technical set and it’s correlation to the Communication and Journalism fields particularly. The possibilities of approximation of this scene within journalistic activity are presented due to examples which are already in application with international journalistic markers. We come up with a configuration of the curation role for the professional that will act within this new cybercultural context

    Young Canadians’ apprenticeship labour in user-generated content

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    This article introduces a political-economic framework for analyzing young people’s production of user-generated content (UGC) as a kind of apprenticeship labour. Based on case studies of four young Montréalers engaged in creating user-generated content, the author developed the apprenticeship-type model of UGC labour to denote a process by which online immaterial labour or “free labour” coincides with self-directed and informal job training, channelled specifically toward a career in the creative industries. The 20- to 24-year-old participants’ online activity is seen as a non-remunerated training ground, driven by the promise of notoriety that begets autonomous future employment in areas such as fashion, music, and journalism. Throughout this process, young people must constantly negotiate their autonomy; negotiated autonomy is precisely what they are apprenticing into through UGC production, where uncertainty and flexibility serve as the hallmarks of new media working conditions

    Autonomous Exchanges: Human-Machine Autonomy in the Automated Media Economy

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    Contemporary discourses and representations of automation stress the impending “autonomy” of automated technologies. From pop culture depictions to corporate white papers, the notion of autonomous technologies tends to enliven dystopic fears about the threat to human autonomy or utopian potentials to help humans experience unrealized forms of autonomy. This project offers a more nuanced perspective, rejecting contemporary notions of automation as inevitably vanquishing or enhancing human autonomy. Through a discursive analysis of industrial “deep texts” that offer considerable insights into the material development of automated media technologies, I argue for contemporary automation to be understood as a field for the exchange of autonomy, a human-machine autonomy in which autonomy is exchanged as cultural and economic value. Human-machine autonomy is a shared condition among humans and intelligent machines shaped by economic, legal, and political paradigms with a stake in the cultural uses of automated media technologies. By understanding human-machine autonomy, this project illuminates complications of autonomy emerging from interactions with automated media technologies across a range of cultural contexts

    New Waves of IoT Technologies Research – Transcending Intelligence and Senses at the Edge to Create Multi Experience Environments

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    The next wave of Internet of Things (IoT) and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) brings new technological developments that incorporate radical advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), edge computing processing, new sensing capabilities, more security protection and autonomous functions accelerating progress towards the ability for IoT systems to self-develop, self-maintain and self-optimise. The emergence of hyper autonomous IoT applications with enhanced sensing, distributed intelligence, edge processing and connectivity, combined with human augmentation, has the potential to power the transformation and optimisation of industrial sectors and to change the innovation landscape. This chapter is reviewing the most recent advances in the next wave of the IoT by looking not only at the technology enabling the IoT but also at the platforms and smart data aspects that will bring intelligence, sustainability, dependability, autonomy, and will support human-centric solutions.acceptedVersio

    Ethical challenges of the new economy: An agenda of issues

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    The new economy is a technological revolution involving the information and communication technologies which affects almost all aspects of the economy, business, and our personal lives. The problems it raises for businesses are not radically new, least of all from an ethical viewpoint. However, they deserve particular attention, especially now, in the first years of the 21st century, when we are feeling the full impact of the changes brought about by this technological revolution. In this article, I try to draw a "map" of the main positive and negative ethical challenges raised by the new economy, concentrating on its three basic features: 1) a knowledge- and information-based technological change, 2) which is taking place in real time on a planetary scale (globalization), and 3) which entails a new, flexible, network-based business organization.knowledge; ethics; new economy; network

    Understanding the information-based transformation of strategy and society

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    The world economy is undergoing dramatic changes, largely driven by the new availability of fine-grained information. Innovative ways of using datalarge and small-have also prompted a rethinking of the boundaries for the combination and use of knowledge. The strategic design of information flows in the economy has the upside of higher economic rents and competitive advantage, as well as the downsides of wealth inequality and abuse of power. This has brought a wide range of regulatory challenges. To understand the nature of these sweeping changes, it is important to examine the new ways information is used, and how information flows can be leveraged to create competitive advantage and dampen competition. The analysis in this article examines four economic entities that produce and consume value, as well as three determinants for the modes of their operations. The economic entities include consumers, producers, markets, and society, whose interactions are determined by viability, networks, and agency. In this framework, we paint a picture of the transformation of information-based strategy in the future and suggest promising research opportunities

    Attention and Social Cognition in Virtual Reality:The effect of engagement mode and character eye-gaze

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    Technical developments in virtual humans are manifest in modern character design. Specifically, eye gaze offers a significant aspect of such design. There is need to consider the contribution of participant control of engagement. In the current study, we manipulated participants’ engagement with an interactive virtual reality narrative called Coffee without Words. Participants sat over coffee opposite a character in a virtual café, where they waited for their bus to be repaired. We manipulated character eye-contact with the participant. For half the participants in each condition, the character made no eye-contact for the duration of the story. For the other half, the character responded to participant eye-gaze by making and holding eye contact in return. To explore how participant engagement interacted with this manipulation, half the participants in each condition were instructed to appraise their experience as an artefact (i.e., drawing attention to technical features), while the other half were introduced to the fictional character, the narrative, and the setting as though they were real. This study allowed us to explore the contributions of character features (interactivity through eye-gaze) and cognition (attention/engagement) to the participants’ perception of realism, feelings of presence, time duration, and the extent to which they engaged with the character and represented their mental states (Theory of Mind). Importantly it does so using a highly controlled yet ecologically valid virtual experience

    Getting smarter about smart cities: Improving data privacy and data security

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    Paths to Innovation in Supply Chains: The Landscape of Future Research

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    This chapter presents a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for supply chain and it is the result of an intensive work jointly performed involving a wide network of stakeholders from discrete manufacturing, process industry and logistics sector to put forward a vision to strengthen European Supply Chains for the next decade. The work is based on matching visions from literature and from experts with several iterations between desk research and workshops, focus groups and interviews. The result is a detailed analysis of the supply chain strategies identified as most relevant for the next years and definition of the related research and innovation topics as future developments and steps for the full implementation of the strategies, thus proposing innovative and cutting-edge actions to be implemented based on technological development and organisational change
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