427 research outputs found

    Detecting Network Management Applications Using AppFlow

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    Tématem této bakalářské práce je detekování síťových aplikací pomocí technologie AppFlow, které napomáhá lepší informovanosti o monitorované síti. Cílem této práce je vytvoření rozšiřujícího pluginu pro zařízení FlowMon společnosti INVEA-TECH, který dokáže detekovat síťové aplikace a získané informace o těchto aplikacích exportovat pomocí protokolu IPFIX.This bachelor thesis is focused on the network application detection, using AppFlow in order to obtain information about a monitored network. The main goal of the thesis is to create plugin for FlowMon device that is made by INVIA-TECH. The plugin should provide a functionality for the detection of a network application and it should be also capable of exporting the detected information using the IPFIX protocol.

    Extensible Signaling Framework for Decentralized Network Management Applications

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    The management of network infrastructures has become increasingly complex over time, which is mainly attributed to the introduction of new functionality to support emerging services and applications. To address this important issue, research efforts in the last few years focused on developing Software-Defined Networking solutions. While initial work proposed centralized architectures, their scalability limitations have led researchers to investigate a distributed control plane, with controller placement algorithms and mechanisms for building a logically centralized network view, being examples of challenges addressed. A critical issue that has not been adequately addressed concerns the communication between distributed decision-making entities to ensure configuration consistency. To this end, this paper proposes a signaling framework that can allow the exchange of information in distributed management and control scenarios. The benefits of the proposed framework are illustrated through a realistic network resource management use case. Based on simulation, we demonstrate the flexibility and extensibility of our solution in meeting the requirements of distributed decision-making processes

    An Alloy Verification Model for Consensus-Based Auction Protocols

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    Max Consensus-based Auction (MCA) protocols are an elegant approach to establish conflict-free distributed allocations in a wide range of network utility maximization problems. A set of agents independently bid on a set of items, and exchange their bids with their first hop-neighbors for a distributed (max-consensus) winner determination. The use of MCA protocols was proposed, e.g.e.g., to solve the task allocation problem for a fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles, in smart grids, or in distributed virtual network management applications. Misconfigured or malicious agents participating in a MCA, or an incorrect instantiation of policies can lead to oscillations of the protocol, causing, e.g.e.g., Service Level Agreement (SLA) violations. In this paper, we propose a formal, machine-readable, Max-Consensus Auction model, encoded in the Alloy lightweight modeling language. The model consists of a network of agents applying the MCA mechanisms, instantiated with potentially different policies, and a set of predicates to analyze its convergence properties. We were able to verify that MCA is not resilient against rebidding attacks, and that the protocol fails (to achieve a conflict-free resource allocation) for some specific combinations of policies. Our model can be used to verify, with a "push-button" analysis, the convergence of the MCA mechanism to a conflict-free allocation of a wide range of policy instantiations

    A uniform resource identifier scheme for SNMP

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    One of the World Wide Web characteristics, besides its omnipresence in computer systems, is the adoption of a universal user interface that is used to access several different services that were previously accessed individually by independent applications. The Internet resources started to be identified by URI schemes, a text string with specific syntax and grammar. Although existing for several services such as http, ftp, gopher and news, these identifiers are not used to identify SNMP resources. This paper proposes an URI scheme for identifying SNMP resources and presents some practical scenarios where the existence of such compact and complete identifying mechanism increases flexibility and functionality of network management applications

    IoT-based smart water network management challenges and future trend

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    Abstract: In recent years, internet of things (IoT)-based tech- nology has been deployed to different areas of water supply system. This is in line with the Smart Water Network Manage- ment (SWNM) initiative, that aims to propose a methodology to improve operational performance and monitoring of water supply systems. In the smart water network management applications, IoT-based technology is facing quite a few challenges. In this paper, we present IoT’s applications for monitoring the water supply network with emphasis on its application to water quality and leakage monitoring. In these applications, the technical challenges of IoT-based technology are also discussed. Finally, future research directions in this domain are also highlighted, which may be useful for further studies

    Small active counters

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    The need for efficient counter architecture has arisen for the following two reasons. Firstly, a number of data streaming algorithms and network management applications require a large number of counters in order to identify important traffic characteristics. And secondly, at high speeds, current memory devices have significant limitations in terms of speed (DRAM) and size (SRAM). For some applications no information on counters is needed on a per-packet basis and several methods have been proposed to handle this problem with low SRAM memory requirements. However, for a number of applications it is essential to have the counter information on every packet arrival. In this paper we propose two, computationally and memory efficient, randomized algorithms for approximating the counter values. We prove that proposed estimators are unbiased and give variance bounds. A case study on Multistage Filters (MSF) over the real Internet traces shows a significant improvement by using the active counters architecture
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