3 research outputs found

    Digital transformation in the footwear industry : assessing the potential of IoT on portuguese SMEs in the footwear industry

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    In the last few years, manufacturing companies, from the most diverse industries and sectors, have been investing in industry 4.0 technologies. One of these technologies is the Internet of Things (IoT), which has been revolutionising industries, namely manufacturing, healthcare, energy, retail, and agriculture. Manufacturing firms are adopting IoT not only to improve quality, production and reduce costs but also to enhance the logistic chain and improve customer experience. However, very little progress has been made in the Portuguese footwear industry towards the implementation of the Internet of Things, particularly in the SME segment. This dissertation has analysed the potential operational and production advantages of IoT, the associated economic impact, as well as the limitations of this technology and the challenges for its implementation in Portuguese footwear SMEs. Finally, this dissertation aims to present an adoption roadmap. The results provided positive indicators of operational and productivity gains translated into cost reduction in work insurance, energy, travelling, acquisition of raw materials and decrease of inventory units, and production waste. Nevertheless, the associated potential of each IoT use case is dependent on the capacity of Portuguese footwear SMEs to invest and acquire the necessary technical resources. The main barriers to the adoption of IoT derive from the limitations of the technology and the specific challenges associated to the Portuguese footwear SMEs economic and technical framework. Nonetheless, the technological advances, the cross collaboration among the different footwear stakeholders, and a well-defined implementation strategy can overcome these barriers and bring operational and economic benefits.A Internet of Things (IoT), uma tecnologia da indústria 4.0, tem revolucionado indústrias como a da manufactura, saúde, energia, retalho e agricultura. As empresas de manufactura estão a adoptar a IoT não apenas para melhorar a qualidade dos productos, eficiência produtiva, e reduzir custos, mas também para aprimorar a cadeia logística e melhorar a experiência do cliente. Contudo, poucos foram os progressos feitos referentes à IoT na indústria do calçado Português, principalmente no segmento das PMEs. A seguinte dissertação analisou as potenciais vantagens operacionais e productivas da IoT e os seus impactos económicos, bem como as limitações da tecnologia e os desafios de implementação para as PME do calçado Português. Por último, é apresentado um plano de implementação da tecnologia. Subsequentemente os resultados mostraram indicadores favoráveis de ganhos operacionais e produtivos, que se traduzem na redução de custos com seguros de trabalho, inventário, desperdícios de produção, custos de manutenção, encargos com deslocações, custos de energia e custos de aquisição de matérias-primas. Contudo, o potencial de cada caso de uso de IoT depende da capacidade das PMEs do calçado Português para fazer o investimento financeiro e adquirir os recursos técnicos necessários. As principais barreiras à adopção da IoT derivam das limitações da própria tecnologia e dos desafios relativos ao quadro económico e técnico das PMEs Portuguesas do calçado. Não obstante, os avanços tecnológicos, a colaboração entre os diferentes intervenientes e uma estratégia de implementação bem definida podem superar estas barreiras e garantir a adopção e trazer ganhos operacionais e económicos

    Network Experience Scheduling and Routing Approach for Big Data Transmission in the Internet of Things

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    The recent developments in the Internet of Things related technologies have caused a shift towards smart applications such as smart cities, smart homes, smart education systems, e-health, and online applications to run businesses. These, in turn, have introduced significant additional loads to the existing network infrastructures. In addition, these applications use big data and require relatively short response times. In this paper, we are introducing a new scheduling and routing approach to enhance the end user experience, and utilize the network resources by providing improved transmission speed for the big data applications. The approach considers the source and destination requirements in terms of data size, expected delay, link load, and link capacity. Extensive simulations are performed, and the results obtained show the efficiency of our approach against other competitive approaches in terms of in-network delay, network throughput, and dropped packets

    Network Experience Scheduling and Routing Approach for Big Data Transmission in the Internet of Things

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