5 research outputs found

    Cross-Layer Theoretical Analysis of NC-aided Cooperative ARQ Protocols in Correlated Shadowed Environments

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    In this paper, we propose a cross-layer analytical model for the study of network coding (NC)-based Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) medium access control (MAC) protocols in correlated slow-faded (shadowed) environments, where two end nodes are assisted by a cluster of relays to exchange data packets. The goal of our work is threefold: 1) to provide general physical-layer theoretical expressions for estimating crucial network parameters (i.e., network outage probability and expected size of the active relay set), applicable in two-way communications; 2) to demonstrate how these expressions are incorporated into theoretical models of the upper layers (i.e., MAC); and 3) to study the performance of a recently proposed NC-aided cooperative ARQ (NCCARQ) MAC protocol under correlated shadowing conditions. Extensive Monte Carlo experiments have been carried out to validate the efficiency of the developed analytical model and to investigate the realistic performance of NCCARQ. Our results indicate that the number of active relays is independent of the shadowing correlation in the wireless links and reveal intriguing tradeoffs between throughput and energy efficiency, highlighting the importance of cross-layer approaches for the assessment of cooperative MAC protocols

    Integration of network coding, spatial diversity and opportunistic routing/forwarding in wireless mesh networks

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    Wireless Mesh Network is an answer to the last mile problem. It offers easy deployment and provides coverage over large area with fewer wires. Nevertheless, its limited throughput is inadequate for next generation applications. Motivated by its features and advantages, we propose a solution to mitigate this problem of limited throughput by leveraging the broadcast nature of the wireless medium. In particular, network coding, spatial diversity and opportunistic routing/forwarding capitalize on the broadcast nature of the wireless links to improve the network performance. These techniques target different network conditions and usually are considered in separation. In this thesis a cross-layer based integration of the mentioned three techniques is presented to accumulate their potential gains using the same network protocol stack in wireless mesh networks. The proposed integration approach is based on a new CDARM metric (Coding opportunity and Data rate Aware Routing Metric) used for the route selection and a method for creating relay links at the MAC layer. In particular to leverage on the broadcast nature we developed a cooperative protocol, based on link creation at the MAC layer that introduces opportunism into the cooperative protocol. Based on this cooperative protocol and the routing metric, we integrate the network coding mechanism. Then we introduce cooperation between the network and MAC layers. The numerical study, based on the system level simulation results, shows significant improvement of the integrated protocol performance in terms of network throughput and reliability over the individual mechanisms. To the best of our knowledge this dissertation is the first attempt to integrate network coding, spatial diversity and opportunistic routing/forwarding mechanisms in the same protocol stack. The integrated protocol requires modifications into the network protocol stack that can be easily incorporated in future generation devices

    Регулювання пропускної здатності у кооперативних децентралізованих безпроводових мережах

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    Мета роботи: розгляд та розробка протоколу вибору кількох ретрансляторів для децентралізованих безпроводових мереж із кооперацією. Задачі роботи: - Запропонувати концепцію протоколу спільного доступу до середовища (CMAC). - Запропонувати алгоритм регулювання пропускної здатності кооперативних децентралізованих безпроводових мереж. - Реалізувати алгоритм протоколу спільного доступу до середовища (CMAC). - Порівняти протокол спільного доступу до середовища (CMAC) з протоколом CSMA/CA з пакетами RTS/CTS. - Розробити стартап-проект для протоколу спільного доступу до середовища (CMAC).The purpose of the work: consideration and development of a protocol for selecting several repeaters for decentralized wireless networks with cooperation. Job tasks: - Propose the concept of an environment sharing protocol (CMAC). - To propose an algorithm for bandwidth regulation cooperative decentralized wireless networks. - Implement the environment sharing protocol algorithm (CMAC). - Compare Shared Media Access Protocol (CMAC) with CSMA/CA protocol with RTS/CTS packets. - Develop a startup project for a protocol for sharing access to environment (CMAC)

    Radio resource management techniques for QoS provision in 5G networks

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    Premi extraordinari doctorat UPC curs 2017-2018. Àmbit d’Enginyeria de les TICAs numerous mobile applications and over-the-top (OTT) services emerge and mobile Internet connectivity becomes ubiquitous, the provision of high quality of service (QoS) is more challenging for mobile network operators (MNOs). Research efforts focus on the development of innovative resource management techniques and have introduced the long term evolution advanced (LTE-A) communication standard. Novel business models make the growth of network capacity sustainable by enabling MNOs to combine their resources. The fifth generation (5G) mobile networks will involve technologies and business stakeholders with different capabilities and demands that may affect the QoS provision, requiring efficient radio resource sharing. The need for higher network capacity has introduced novel technologies that improve resource allocation efficiency. Direct connectivity among user equipment terminals (UEs) circumventing the LTE-A infrastructure alleviates the network overload. Part of mobile traffic is offloaded to outband device-to-device (D2D) connections (in unlicensed spectrum) enabling data exchange between UEs directly or via UEs-relays. Still, MNOs need additional spectrum resources and infrastructure. The inter-operator network sharing concept has emerged motivating the adoption of virtualization that enables network slicing, i.e., dynamic separation of resources in virtual slices (VSs). VSs are managed in isolation by different tenants using software defined networking and encompass core and radio access network resources allocated periodically to UEs. When UEs access OTT applications, flows with different QoS demands and priorities determined by OTT service providers (OSPs) are generated. OSPs’ policies should be considered in VS allocation. The coexisting technologies, business models and stakeholders require sophisticated radio resource management (RRM) techniques. To that end, RRM is performed in a complex ecosystem. When D2D communication involves data concurrently downloaded by the mobile network, QoS may be affected by LTE-A network parameters (resource scheduling policy, downlink channel conditions). It is also affected by the relay selection, as UEs may not be willing to help unknown UE pairs and UEs’ social ties in mobile applications may influence willingness for D2D cooperation. Thus, effective medium access control (MAC) mechanisms should coordinate D2D transmissions employing advanced techniques, e.g., network coding (NC). When UEs access OTT applications, OSPs’ policies are not considered by MNOs in RRM and OSPs cannot apply flow prioritization. Network neutrality issues also arise when OSPs claim resources from MNOs aiming to minimize grade of service (GoS). OSPs’ intervention may delay flows’ accommodation due to the time required for OSP-MNO interaction and the time the flows spent waiting for resources. This thesis proposes novel solutions to the RRM issues of outband D2D communication and VS allocation for OSPs in 5G networks. We present a cooperative D2D MAC protocol that leverages the opportunities for NC in D2D communication under the influence of LTE-A network parameters and its throughput performance analysis. The protocol improves D2D throughput and energy efficiency, especially for UEs with better downlink channel conditions. We next introduce social awareness in D2D MAC design and present a social-aware cooperative D2D MAC protocol that employs UEs’ social ties to promote the use of friendly relays reducing the total energy consumption. Motivated by the lack of approaches for OSP-oriented RRM, we present a novel flow prioritization algorithm based on matching theory that applies OSPs’ policies respecting the network neutrality and the analysis of its GoS and delay performance. The algorithm maintains low overhead and delay without affecting fairness among OSPs. Our techniques highlight the QoS improvement induced by the joint consideration of different technologies and business stakeholders in RRM design.A medida que varias aplicaciones móviles y servicios over-the-top (OTT) surgen y el Internet móvil se vuelve ubicua, la prestación de alta calidad de servicio (QoS) es desafiante para los operadores de red móvil (MNOs). Los estudios de investigación se enfocan en técnicas innovadoras para la gestión de recursos de red y han resultado en la especificación del estándar de comunicación long term evolution advanced (LTE-A). Modelos comerciales nuevos hacen que el crecimiento de la capacidad de red sea sostenible al permitir que MNOs combinen sus recursos. La quinta generación (5G) de redes móviles implicará tecnologías y partes comerciales interesadas con varias habilidades y demandas que pueden afectar la provisión de QoS y demandan la gestión eficaz de recursos de radio. La necesidad de capacidad de red más alta ha introducido tecnologías que hacen más eficiente la asignación de recursos. La conectividad directa entre terminales de equipos de usuarios (UEs) eludiendo la infraestructura LTE-A alivia la sobrecarga de red. Parte del tráfico es dirigido a conexiones de dispositivo a dispositivo (D2D) outband permitiendo la comunicación de UEs directamente o con relés. Los MNOs necesitan nuevos recursos de espectro e infraestructura. El intercambio de recursos entre MNOs ha surgido motivando la adopción de virtualización que realiza la segmentación de red i.e., la separación dinámica de recursos en trozos virtuales (VSs). Los VSs son administrados de forma aislada por inquilinos diferentes con software defined networking y abarcan recursos de red core y radio access asignadas periódicamente a UEs. Cuando UEs usan aplicaciones OTT, flujos de aplicación con demandas y prioridades definidas por proveedores de servicios OTT (OSPs) se generan. Las políticas de OSPs deben ser integradas en la asignación de VSs. La coexistencia de varias tecnologías y partes comerciales demanda técnicas sofisticadas de gestión de recursos radio (RRM). Con ese fin, la RRM se realiza en un ecosistema complejo. Si la comunicación D2D involucra datos descargados simultáneamente por la red móvil, los parámetros de red LTE-A (política de scheduling de recursos, condiciones de canal downlink) afectan el QoS. La selección de relés afecta el rendimiento porque los UEs no desean siempre ayudar a UEs desconocidos. Las relaciones sociales de los UEs en aplicaciones móviles pueden determinar la voluntad para la comunicación cooperativa D2D. Por lo tanto, mecanismos de control de acceso al medio (MAC) deben coordinar las transmisiones D2D con técnicas avanzadas ej., codificación de red. Si los UEs usan servicios OTT, las políticas de OSPs no son consideradas en RRM y los OSPs no emplean flujos prioritarios. Problemas de neutralidad de red surgen cuando los OSPs reclaman recursos de MNOs para minimizar el grado de servicio (GoS). La intervención de OSPs puede causar retraso en el servicio de flujos debido a la interacción OSP-MNO y el tiempo requerido para que los flujos reciban recursos. Esta tesis presenta soluciones nuevas para los problemas RRM de comunicación D2D outband y asignación de VSs a OSPs en redes 5G. Proponemos un protocolo D2D MAC cooperativo que explota las oportunidades de NC bajo la influencia de parámetros de red LTE-A y su análisis de rendimiento. El protocolo mejora el rendimiento y la eficiencia energética especialmente para UEs con mejores condiciones de canal downlink. Introducimos la conciencia social en el D2D MAC y proponemos un protocolo que utiliza relaciones sociales de UEs para elegir relés-amigos y reduce el consumo de energía. Dada la falta de técnicas que aborden el problema RRM de OSPs presentamos un algoritmo que aplique políticas de OSPs y respete la neutralidad usando la teoría de matching, y su análisis de GoS y retraso. El algoritmo induce bajo coste y retraso sin afectar la imparcialidad entre OSPs. Estas técnicas demuestran la mejora de QoS gracias a la consideración de tecnologas y partes comerciales diferentes en RRM.Award-winningPostprint (published version