8 research outputs found

    Newton-type methods under generalized self-concordance and inexact oracles

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    Many modern applications in machine learning, image/signal processing, and statistics require to solve large-scale convex optimization problems. These problems share some common challenges such as high-dimensionality, nonsmoothness, and complex objectives and constraints. Due to these challenges, the theoretical assumptions for existing numerical methods are not satisfied. In numerical methods, it is also impractical to do exact computations in many cases (e.g. noisy computation, storage or time limitation). Therefore, new approaches as well as inexact computations to design new algorithms should be considered. In this thesis, we develop fundamental theories and numerical methods, especially second-order methods, to solve some classes of convex optimization problems, where first-order methods are inefficient or do not have a theoretical guarantee. We aim at exploiting the underlying smoothness structures of the problem to design novel Newton-type methods. More specifically, we generalize a powerful concept called \mbox{self-concordance} introduced by Nesterov and Nemirovski to a broader class of convex functions. We develop several basic properties of this concept and prove key estimates for function values and its derivatives. Then, we apply our theory to design different Newton-type methods such as damped-step Newton methods, full-step Newton methods, and proximal Newton methods. Our new theory allows us to establish both global and local convergence guarantees of these methods without imposing unverifiable conditions as in classical Newton-type methods. Numerical experiments show that our approach has several advantages compared to existing works. In the second part of this thesis, we introduce new global and local inexact oracle settings, and apply them to develop inexact proximal Newton-type schemes for optimizing general composite convex problems equipped with such inexact oracles. These schemes allow us to measure errors theoretically and systematically and still lead to desired convergence results. Moreover, they can be applied to solve a wider class of applications arising in statistics and machine learning.Doctor of Philosoph

    On Quasi‐Newton methods in fast Fourier transform‐based micromechanics

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    This work is devoted to investigating the computational power of Quasi‐Newton methods in the context of fast Fourier transform (FFT)‐based computational micromechanics. We revisit FFT‐based Newton‐Krylov solvers as well as modern Quasi‐Newton approaches such as the recently introduced Anderson accelerated basic scheme. In this context, we propose two algorithms based on the Broyden‐Fletcher‐Goldfarb‐Shanno (BFGS) method, one of the most powerful Quasi‐Newton schemes. To be specific, we use the BFGS update formula to approximate the global Hessian or, alternatively, the local material tangent stiffness. Both for Newton and Quasi‐Newton methods, a globalization technique is necessary to ensure global convergence. Specific to the FFT‐based context, we promote a Dong‐type line search, avoiding function evaluations altogether. Furthermore, we investigate the influence of the forcing term, that is, the accuracy for solving the linear system, on the overall performance of inexact (Quasi‐)Newton methods. This work concludes with numerical experiments, comparing the convergence characteristics and runtime of the proposed techniques for complex microstructures with nonlinear material behavior and finite as well as infinite material contrast

    Low-rank and sparse reconstruction in dynamic magnetic resonance imaging via proximal splitting methods

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    Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) consists of collecting multiple MR images in time, resulting in a spatio-temporal signal. However, MRI intrinsically suffers from long acquisition times due to various constraints. This limits the full potential of dynamic MR imaging, such as obtaining high spatial and temporal resolutions which are crucial to observe dynamic phenomena. This dissertation addresses the problem of the reconstruction of dynamic MR images from a limited amount of samples arising from a nuclear magnetic resonance experiment. The term limited can be explained by the approach taken in this thesis to speed up scan time, which is based on violating the Nyquist criterion by skipping measurements that would be normally acquired in a standard MRI procedure. The resulting problem can be classified in the general framework of linear ill-posed inverse problems. This thesis shows how low-dimensional signal models, specifically lowrank and sparsity, can help in the reconstruction of dynamic images from partial measurements. The use of these models are justified by significant developments in signal recovery techniques from partial data that have emerged in recent years in signal processing. The major contributions of this thesis are the development and characterisation of fast and efficient computational tools using convex low-rank and sparse constraints via proximal gradient methods, the development and characterisation of a novel joint reconstruction–separation method via the low-rank plus sparse matrix decomposition technique, and the development and characterisation of low-rank based recovery methods in the context of dynamic parallel MRI. Finally, an additional contribution of this thesis is to formulate the various MR image reconstruction problems in the context of convex optimisation to develop algorithms based on proximal splitting methods

    Techniques d'optimisation non lisse avec des applications en automatique et en mécanique des contacts

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    L'optimisation non lisse est une branche active de programmation non linéaire moderne, où l'objectif et les contraintes sont des fonctions continues mais pas nécessairement différentiables. Les sous-gradients généralisés sont disponibles comme un substitut à l'information dérivée manquante, et sont utilisés dans le cadre des algorithmes de descente pour se rapprocher des solutions optimales locales. Sous des hypothèses réalistes en pratique, nous prouvons des certificats de convergence vers les points optimums locaux ou critiques à partir d'un point de départ arbitraire. Dans cette thèse, nous développons plus particulièrement des techniques d'optimisation non lisse de type faisceaux, où le défi consiste à prouver des certificats de convergence sans hypothèse de convexité. Des résultats satisfaisants sont obtenus pour les deux classes importantes de fonctions non lisses dans des applications, fonctions C1-inférieurement et C1-supérieurement. Nos méthodes sont appliquées à des problèmes de design dans la théorie du système de contrôle et dans la mécanique de contact unilatéral et en particulier, dans les essais mécaniques destructifs pour la délaminage des matériaux composites. Nous montrons comment ces domaines conduisent à des problèmes d'optimisation non lisse typiques, et nous développons des algorithmes de faisceaux appropriés pour traiter ces problèmes avec succèsNonsmooth optimization is an active branch of modern nonlinear programming, where objective and constraints are continuous but not necessarily differentiable functions. Generalized subgradients are available as a substitute for the missing derivative information, and are used within the framework of descent algorithms to approximate local optimal solutions. Under practically realistic hypotheses we prove convergence certificates to local optima or critical points from an arbitrary starting point. In this thesis we develop especially nonsmooth optimization techniques of bundle type, where the challenge is to prove convergence certificates without convexity hypotheses. Satisfactory results are obtained for two important classes of nonsmooth functions in applications, lower- and upper-C1 functions. Our methods are applied to design problems in control system theory and in unilateral contact mechanics and in particular, in destructive mechanical testing for delamination of composite materials. We show how these fields lead to typical nonsmooth optimization problems, and we develop bundle algorithms suited to address these problems successfully

    MS FT-2-2 7 Orthogonal polynomials and quadrature: Theory, computation, and applications

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    Quadrature rules find many applications in science and engineering. Their analysis is a classical area of applied mathematics and continues to attract considerable attention. This seminar brings together speakers with expertise in a large variety of quadrature rules. It is the aim of the seminar to provide an overview of recent developments in the analysis of quadrature rules. The computation of error estimates and novel applications also are described

    Generalized averaged Gaussian quadrature and applications

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    A simple numerical method for constructing the optimal generalized averaged Gaussian quadrature formulas will be presented. These formulas exist in many cases in which real positive GaussKronrod formulas do not exist, and can be used as an adequate alternative in order to estimate the error of a Gaussian rule. We also investigate the conditions under which the optimal averaged Gaussian quadrature formulas and their truncated variants are internal