11 research outputs found

    Minimum Neighboring Degree Realization in Graphs and Trees

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    We study a graph realization problem that pertains to degrees in vertex neighborhoods. The classical problem of degree sequence realizability asks whether or not a given sequence of n positive integers is equal to the degree sequence of some n-vertex undirected simple graph. While the realizability problem of degree sequences has been well studied for different classes of graphs, there has been relatively little work concerning the realizability of other types of information profiles, such as the vertex neighborhood profiles. In this paper we introduce and explore the minimum degrees in vertex neighborhood profile as it is one of the most natural extensions of the classical degree profile to vertex neighboring degree profiles. Given a graph G = (V,E), the min-degree of a vertex v ? V, namely MinND(v), is given by min{deg(w) ? w ? N[v]}. Our input is a sequence ? = (d_?^{n_?}, ?d?^{n?}), where d_{i+1} > d_i and each n_i is a positive integer. We provide some necessary and sufficient conditions for ? to be realizable. Furthermore, under the restriction that the realization is acyclic, i.e., a tree or a forest, we provide a full characterization of realizable sequences, along with a corresponding constructive algorithm. We believe our results are a crucial step towards understanding extremal neighborhood degree relations in graphs

    New Classes of Degree Sequences with Fast Mixing Swap Markov Chain Sampling

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    In network modelling of complex systems one is often required to sample random realizations of networks that obey a given set of constraints, usually in the form of graph measures. A much studied class of problems targets uniform sampling of simple graphs with given degree sequence or also with given degree correlations expressed in the form of a Joint Degree Matrix. One approach is to use Markov chains based on edge switches (swaps) that preserve the constraints, are irreducible (ergodic) and fast mixing. In 1999, Kannan, Tetali and Vempala (KTV) proposed a simple swap Markov chain for sampling graphs with given degree sequence, and conjectured that it mixes rapidly (in polynomial time) for arbitrary degree sequences. Although the conjecture is still open, it has been proved for special degree sequences, in particular for those of undirected and directed regular simple graphs, half-regular bipartite graphs, and graphs with certain bounded maximum degrees. Here we prove the fast mixing KTV conjecture for novel, exponentially large classes of irregular degree sequences. Our method is based on a canonical decomposition of degree sequences into split graph degree sequences, a structural theorem for the space of graph realizations and on a factorization theorem for Markov chains. After introducing bipartite ‘splitted’ degree sequences, we also generalize the canonical split graph decomposition for bipartite and directed graphs. Copyright © Cambridge University Press 201

    Graph Editing to a Given Neighbourhood Degree List is Fixed-Parameter Tractable

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    Graph editing problems have a long history and have been widely studied, with applications in biochemistry and complex network analysis. They generally ask whether an input graph can be modified by inserting and deleting vertices and edges to a graph with the desired property. We consider the problem \textsc{Graph-Edit-to-NDL} (GEN) where the goal is to modify to a graph with a given neighbourhood degree list (NDL). The NDL lists the degrees of the neighbours of vertices in a graph, and is a stronger invariant than the degree sequence, which lists the degrees of vertices. We show \textsc{Graph-Edit-to-NDL} is NP-complete and study its parameterized complexity. In parameterized complexity, a problem is said to be fixed-parameter tractable with respect to a parameter if it has a solution whose running time is a function that is polynomial in the input size but possibly superpolynomial in the parameter. Golovach and Mertzios [ICSSR, 2016] studied editing to a graph with a given degree sequence and showed the problem is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by Δ+ℓ\Delta+\ell, where Δ\Delta is the maximum degree of the input graph and ℓ\ell is the number of edits. We prove \textsc{Graph-Edit-to-NDL} is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by Δ+ℓ\Delta+\ell. Furthermore, we consider a harder problem \textsc{Constrained-Graph-Edit-to-NDL} (CGEN) that imposes constraints on the NDLs of intermediate graphs produced in the sequence. We adapt our FPT algorithm for \textsc{Graph-Edit-to-NDL} to solve \textsc{Constrained-Graph-Edit-to-NDL}, which proves \textsc{Constrained-Graph-Edit-to-NDL} is also fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by Δ+ℓ\Delta+\ell. Our results imply that, for graph properties that can be expressed as properties of NDLs, editing to a graph with such a property is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by Δ+ℓ\Delta+\ell. We show that this family of graph properties includes some well-known graph measures used in complex network analysis

    Graph Editing to a Given Neighbourhood Degree List is Fixed-Parameter Tractable

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    Graph editing problems have a long history and have been widely studied, with applications in biochemistry and complex network analysis. They generally ask whether an input graph can be modified by inserting and deleting vertices and edges to a graph with the desired property. We consider the problem \textsc{Graph-Edit-to-NDL} (GEN) where the goal is to modify to a graph with a given neighbourhood degree list (NDL). The NDL lists the degrees of the neighbours of vertices in a graph, and is a stronger invariant than the degree sequence, which lists the degrees of vertices. We show \textsc{Graph-Edit-to-NDL} is NP-complete and study its parameterized complexity. In parameterized complexity, a problem is said to be fixed-parameter tractable with respect to a parameter if it has a solution whose running time is a function that is polynomial in the input size but possibly superpolynomial in the parameter. Golovach and Mertzios [ICSSR, 2016] studied editing to a graph with a given degree sequence and showed the problem is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by Δ+ℓ\Delta+\ell, where Δ\Delta is the maximum degree of the input graph and ℓ\ell is the number of edits. We prove \textsc{Graph-Edit-to-NDL} is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by Δ+ℓ\Delta+\ell. Furthermore, we consider a harder problem \textsc{Constrained-Graph-Edit-to-NDL} (CGEN) that imposes constraints on the NDLs of intermediate graphs produced in the sequence. We adapt our FPT algorithm for \textsc{Graph-Edit-to-NDL} to solve \textsc{Constrained-Graph-Edit-to-NDL}, which proves \textsc{Constrained-Graph-Edit-to-NDL} is also fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by Δ+ℓ\Delta+\ell. Our results imply that, for graph properties that can be expressed as properties of NDLs, editing to a graph with such a property is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by Δ+ℓ\Delta+\ell. We show that this family of graph properties includes some well-known graph measures used in complex network analysis

    Neighborhood degree lists of graphs

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    The neighborhood degree list (NDL) is a graph invariant that refines information given by the degree sequence and joint degree matrix of a graph and is useful in distinguishing graphs having the same degree sequence. We show that the space of realizations of an NDL is connected via a switching operation. We then determine the NDLs that have a unique realization by a labeled graph; the characterization ties these NDLs and their realizations to the threshold graphs and difference graphs