27 research outputs found

    Spatial Decision Support System for Student Data: A Case Study of Yemen

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    This study aims to examine the effectiveness of using Geographic Information System (GIS) technology to create a geospatially-enabled student data management system (SDMS). Although there are many applications available to create SDMS, GIS has some unique features that would make managing student data more convenient. This research gap was identified via stakeholder interaction and systematic literature review where no current geospatially-enabled SDMS was discovered that utilizes GIS technology to accommodate and share the information between multi-stakeholders. As such, this research aims to utilize GIS and visualization tools to design and implement Geospatial SDMS that help different stakeholders, such as scholarship organizations, employers, and students to speed and improve their decision outcomes. The project is based on a case study in Yemen. Using a qualitative assessment method, this system was evaluated in a real-world scenario where different stakeholders were introduced to the system and their feedback was collected via a focus group

    Information Exchange Decision Support (IEDS) Framework

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    Information Exchange (IE) is an important area of research in Information Systems (IS), there is a lack of a framework that guides the design of an IE systems to support IE among multiple stakeholders with the purpose of improving the decision-making. To address this literature gap, this paper utilizes the Theory of Information Exchange (ToIE) as a kernel theory to develop an Information Exchange Decision Support (IEDS) framework. The framework depicts how to design an IE platform for multiple stakeholders to improve their decision quality. The qualitative evaluation shows that the IEDS framework is useful for identifying stakeholders, specifying information to be exchanged, and maintaining motivation factors necessary for IE. The IEDS framework offers prescriptive knowledge for building an effective IE in a multiple stakeholder environment and it can be applied in different business domains and provide guidance to the designers and developers of IE platforms

    Why Enjoying Your Fun Matters: The Role of Participation in Fun Activities, Positive Affect, and Citizenship Pressure on Knowledge Management Behaviors

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    Drawing from social exchange theory, this research develops a mediated-moderation model that examines the direct and indirect effects of participation in fun activities on three knowledge management behaviors (i.e., knowledge sharing, knowledge hiding, knowledge manipulating) and investigates the mediating role of positive affect and the moderating role of citizenship pressure on these relationships. A three-wave, two-source sample (n = 163) of employees belonging to a high-tech start-up in Canada is used to test this model. Results highlight the importance of positive affect by showing the effects of participation in fun activities on knowledge management behaviors is dependent on whether or not participation in fun activities leads to positive affect. Data also shows citizenship pressure moderates the direct relationship between participation in fun activities and knowledge manipulating, as well as the indirect relationship between participation in fun activities and both knowledge sharing and hiding. These results highlight the theoretical and practical importance of both positive affect and citizenship pressure in understanding the dynamic relationship between workplace fun and knowledge management

    Empirical Analysis of Knowledge Exchange in Higher Education Partnerships: Using Knowledge Elicitation Methods and Techniques

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    This research identified knowledge management challenges that academics experience when exchanging both forms of knowledge, tacit and explicit, in collaborative projects. The research was conducted qualitatively through the use of consecutive data collection strategies of the large-scale survey; expert panel review; and semi-structured interviews with elite participants in order to gather a deep understanding of the type of challenges academics, working across different disciplines and institutional levels, experience when exchanging tacit and explicit knowledge. Furthermore, the research elicited experts’ knowledge indicating that depending on the expertise and size of the institutions and the timeframe of the partnership, academics can encounter challenges of a strategic, tactical and operational nature. While the institutional leadership and shared vision were seen as a challenge of a strategic nature, the misalignment of expertise and abilities was presented as a tactical challenge. Additionally, the findings show that arrangement of staff, logistics, and facilities required to support the delivery of academic products and services is another challenge which needs addressing in order to support the exchange of knowledge. The crux of this research is the novel use of a tri-part, consecutive data gathering technique, which has been shown to be very useful in providing an effective knowledge elicitation methodology. Notwithstanding that fact, of which purposeful knowledge has been elicited using such techniques, this paper also highlighted that the adopted methodology used should not be seen as a panacea for all qualitative research but, moreover, be adopted as a useful technique in the qualitative researchers’ armory

    Efeito de fatores contextuais no comportamento de compartilhamento de conhecimento

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    This paper aims to examine and test the moderating effects of informal knowledge governance mechanisms and knowledge sharing opportunity on the relationship between clan organizational culture and knowledge sharing behavior thematically organized around social exchange theory. This study uses survey design based on stratified random sampling to measure the constructs. Data was collected from 279 university teachers. Preacher and Hayes process macro is used to test the hypotheses based on regression analysis. Authors find support for the direct relationship between clan organizational culture and knowledge sharing behavior. The direct relationship is moderated by informal knowledge governance mechanisms and knowledge sharing opportunity. Data support the hypotheses but the contributions of the study should be acknowledged while allowing the limitations to be realized that lead to future directions. This study suggests that practitioners and managers should re-consider the role of informal knowledge governance mechanisms and knowledge sharing opportunities as vital contextual factors for creating synergy to upsurge knowledge sharing behavior. This paper concludes that presence of knowledge sharing opportunities and adaption of informal knowledge governance mechanisms have a strong contingent effect on the positive relationship between clan organizational culture and knowledge sharing behavior at workplace.Este documento tiene como objetivo examinar y probar los efectos moderadores de los mecanismos informales de gobernanza del conocimiento y la oportunidad de compartir conocimientos sobre la relación entre la cultura organizacional del clan y el comportamiento de intercambio de conocimientos organizados temáticamente en torno a la teoría del intercambio social. Este estudio utiliza un diseño de encuesta basado en un muestreo aleatorio estratificado para medir los constructos. Los datos fueron recogidos de 279 docentes universitarios. La macro del proceso de Predicador y Hayes se utiliza para probar las hipótesis basadas en el análisis de regresión. Los autores encuentran apoyo para la relación directa entre la cultura organizacional del clan y el comportamiento de intercambio de conocimientos. La relación directa está moderada por los mecanismos informales de gobernanza del conocimiento y la oportunidad de compartir el conocimiento. Los datos respaldan las hipótesis, pero las contribuciones del estudio deben reconocerse y, al mismo tiempo, permitir que se realicen las limitaciones que conducen a direcciones futuras. Este estudio sugiere que los profesionales y gerentes deben volver a considerar el papel de los mecanismos informales de gobernanza del conocimiento y las oportunidades de intercambio de conocimientos como factores contextuales vitales para crear sinergia para aumentar el comportamiento de intercambio de conocimientos. Este documento concluye que la presencia de oportunidades de intercambio de conocimientos y la adaptación de los mecanismos informales de gobernanza del conocimiento tienen un fuerte efecto contingente en la relación positiva entre la cultura organizacional del clan y el comportamiento de intercambio de conocimientos en el lugar de trabajo.Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar e testar os efeitos moderadores de mecanismos de governança informais de conhecimento e oportunidades para compartilhar conhecimento sobre a relação entre cultura organizacional de clã e partilha de conhecimentos comportamento organizado tematicamente em torno de teoria da troca social Este estudo usa um projeto de levantamento baseado em uma amostragem aleatória estratificada para medir os construtos. Os dados foram coletados de 279 professores universitários. A macro do processo Preacher and Hayes é usada para testar hipóteses baseadas em análise de regressão. Os autores encontram apoio para a relação direta entre a cultura organizacional do clã e o comportamento de troca de conhecimento. A relação direta é moderada pelos mecanismos informais de governança do conhecimento e pela oportunidade de compartilhar conhecimento. Os dados apoiam a hipótese, mas as contribuições do estudo devem ser reconhecidas e, ao mesmo tempo, permitem limitações que conduzem a direções futuras são feitas. Este estudo sugere que os profissionais e gestores devem reconsiderar o papel dos mecanismos de governança informais de oportunidades de conhecimento e de partilha de conhecimentos como factores contextuais vitais para criar sinergia para aumentar o comportamento de compartilhamento de conhecimento. Este artigo conclui que a presença de oportunidades para a partilha de conhecimento e adaptação de mecanismos de governança informais de conhecimento tem um forte efeito depende da relação positiva entre a cultura organizacional de compartilhamento de conhecimento clã e comportamento no local de trabalho


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    Purpose: This paper examines the philosophy behind multinational companies’ global knowledge flows, highlighting links between external actors’ knowledge and expatriate managers’ actions. Applying philosophical pragmatism as a theoretical background, expatriate managers’ perception of external actors’ knowledge is presented as a tool enabling successful knowledge transfer. Design/methodology/approach: Data obtained via a survey on a sample of expatriate managers in Croatia is used. Using a partial least square structural equation modeling method, the correlations between external actors’ impact and subsidiary investment and headquarter benefits are explored. Findings and implications: Expatriate managers believe that headquarters benefit from a stronger impact of external actors on subsidiaries and an increase in subsidiaries’ internal investment. Our findings direct managers towards the harmonization of their priorities, highlighting the importance of inter- and intra-organizational agreements, suggesting that financial means should be directed towards widening internal knowledge bases and exploiting the potential of external knowledge. Limitations: Expats relevance perception priorities may be disrupted when headquarters impose performance evaluation criteria. This paper is also subject to expatriate managers’ experience limitations, which decreases their likelihood of recognizing relevant knowledge. Originality/value: Focusing on the psychology of expatriate managers, this paper introduces philosophical pragmatism as a theoretical framework underpinning successful knowledge transfer actions. Originating from pragmatism, successful actions are made through a manager’s perception of relevant knowledge. Expatriate managers’ actions are thus not passive reflections of their reality, but rather the result of their perception of relevant knowledge.Svrha: Ovaj rad istražuje filozofiju globalnih tokova znanja multinacionalnih kompanija, fokusirajući se na adsorpciju znanja od vanjskih aktera te aktivnosti ekspatrijata. Primjenjujući filozofski pragmatizam kao teorijsku pozadinu, percepcija ekspatrijata predstavljena je kao alat koji omogućava uspješan prijenos znanja. Dizajn/Metodologija/Pristup: Korišteni su podaci prikupljeni anketnim upitnikom na uzorku ekspatrijata u Republici Hrvatskoj. Za izračun korelacije vanjskih aktera, odnosno investicija podružnice i koristi središnjice, primijenjena je metoda parcijalnih strukturnih jednadžbi. Rezultati i implikacije: Ekspatrijati smatraju kako koristi za središnjicu multinacionalne kompanije dolaze od snažnijeg utjecaja vanjskih aktera na podružnicu te rasta investicija podružnica. Rezultati upućuju na nužnost harmonizacije prioriteta podružnice i središnjice. Također, naglašava važnost proširivanja inter-organizacijske ali i intra-organizacijske suradnje ulaganjem u rast interne baze znanja. Ograničenja: Ovaj rad oslanja se na istraživanje percepcije ekspatrijata o relevantnosti znanja s kojim se susreću, međutim, uvođenjem evaluacijskih kriterija od strane središnjice, prioriteti expatrijata mogu biti nametnuti, te njihova percepcija može izgubiti na važnosti. Također, limitirano iskustvo ekspatrijata može utjecati sposobnost fokusiranja na važno znanje. Originalnost rada: Fokusirajući se na psihološku komponentu expatriajata, ovaj rad uvodi filozofski pragmatizam kao teoretski okvir za uspješan transfer znanja. Potječući iz pragmatizma, uspješni potezi rezultat su percepciju relevantnog znanja menadžera. Postupci ekspatrijata nisu pasivni odraz njihove stvarnosti, već rezultat percepcije relevantnog znanja

    Gestão do conhecimento na universidade co-financiada do Equador (UCE)

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    The university realizes the functions of teaching, research and linkage with the environment, so the process of institutional assessment of knowledge management and intellectual capital is essential to understand the activities it implements. The research is quantitative, transectional, correlational, and non-experimental. The testing context is the Co-Funded Universities of Ecuador (UCE), which responds to the question of how to study the knowledge management processes carried out by the university and proposes to demonstrate the usefulness of the Model for the Assessment of University Knowledge Management (MEGCU). Cronbach's alpha reaches 0.95 and the exploratory factorial analysis shows the particular processes of creation, transfer/storage and application/use of knowledge as latent variables that explain the activities carried out by the group of UCE.La universidad realiza las funciones de enseñanza, investigación y vinculación con el entorno, por lo que el proceso de evaluación institucional de la gestión del conocimiento y del capital intelectual es indispensable para conocer las actividades que ejecuta. La investigación es de tipo cuantitativa, transeccional, correlacional, no experimental, el contexto de prueba es las Universidades Cofinanciadas del Ecuador (UCE), responde al ¿cómo estudiar los procesos de gestión del conocimiento que realiza la universidad? y propone probar la utilidad del Modelo para la Evaluación de la Gestión del Conocimiento de la Universidad (MEGCU). El alfa de Cronbach alcanza 0.95 y el análisis factorial exploratorio muestra a los procesos particulares de creación, transferencia/almacenamiento y aplicación/uso de conocimiento como variables latentes que explican las actividades que realiza el conjunto de las UCE.A universidade realiza as funções de ensino, pesquisa e ligação com o meio ambiente, por isso o processo de avaliação institucional da gestão do conhecimento e do capital intelectual é essencial para entender as atividades que ela implementa. A pesquisa é quantitativa, transeccional, correlacional e não-experimental. O contexto de teste é a Universidade Co-Fundada do Equador (UCE), que responde à questão de como estudar os processos de gestão do conhecimento realizados pela universidade e se propõe a demonstrar a utilidade do Modelo de Avaliação da Gestão do Conhecimento Universitário (MEGCU). O alfa de Cronbach atinge 0,95 e a análise factorial exploratória mostra os processos particulares de criação, transferência/armazenamento e aplicação/utilização do conhecimento como variáveis latentes que explicam as atividades realizadas pelo grupo da UCE

    Leader humility and knowledge sharing intentions: A serial mediation model

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    Purpose: This paper examines the influence of leader humility on knowledge sharing intention. Drawing on social exchange theory (SET), we test the direct and indirect mechanisms to explain the influence leader humility has on knowledge sharing intention. Design/Methodology/Approach: A two-wave, time-lagged field study was conducted. We surveyed 252 professional employees from Australia. Findings: Results show a significant direct, positive association between leader humility and knowledge sharing intention. While leader humility had a direct, positive association with affective trust in supervisor and work engagement, it did not directly impact on organizational citizenship behaviors directed toward the individual (OCB-I). There were three SET-related, serial mediators in the relationship between leader humility and knowledge sharing intention. These were affective trust, work engagement, and OCB-I. Research Limitations/Implications: Future studies should collect multi-source data such as peers’ or supervisors’ ratings of the focal respondents’ work engagement, OCB-I, and knowledge sharing behaviors to augment single-source data. Future studies could adopt an affect theory of social exchange to further explore the relationships tested in this study. Originality/Value: This study contributes to the affect SET and knowledge management literature on how leadership behaviors impact the intention to share knowledge. Our study highlights the preference of the willingness to share knowledge with their co-workers is mediated by affective trust in their immediate supervisors, work engagement, and OCB-I that are equally important as treating their subordinates with humility

    Impact of Heterogeneous Prior Contribution on Reciprocity in Online Sellers’ Community

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    This study explores how different types of resources a seller contributes in the online community will trigger others’ reciprocity, reflected by the responses the seller’s threads receive. Drawing on social exchange theory and using machine learning techniques, we identify two important types of resources transferred in an online sellers’ community: informational resource and instrumental resource. Our findings reveal that a seller’s provision of informational resource is positively associated with the responses the seller’s threads receive, while a seller’s provision of instrumental resource is negatively associated with the responses the seller’s threads receive. Moreover, the effect is moderated by the types of resources sought by a certain thread. Specifically, both effects are strengthened for threads that seek informational resource and undermined for threads that seek instrumental resource. The study contributes to the understanding of online reciprocity by uncovering the differing impact of different contribution and its boundary condition