199 research outputs found

    Cascades and Dissipative Anomalies in Relativistic Fluid Turbulence

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    We develop first-principles theory of relativistic fluid turbulence at high Reynolds and P\'eclet numbers. We follow an exact approach pioneered by Onsager, which we explain as a non-perturbative application of the principle of renormalization-group invariance. We obtain results very similar to those for non-relativistic turbulence, with hydrodynamic fields in the inertial-range described as distributional or "coarse-grained" solutions of the relativistic Euler equations. These solutions do not, however, satisfy the naive conservation-laws of smooth Euler solutions but are afflicted with dissipative anomalies in the balance equations of internal energy and entropy. The anomalies are shown to be possible by exactly two mechanisms, local cascade and pressure-work defect. We derive "4/5th-law"-type expressions for the anomalies, which allow us to characterize the singularities (structure-function scaling exponents) required for their non-vanishing. We also investigate the Lorentz covariance of the inertial-range fluxes, which we find is broken by our coarse-graining regularization but which is restored in the limit that the regularization is removed, similar to relativistic lattice quantum field theory. In the formal limit as speed of light goes to infinity, we recover the results of previous non-relativistic theory. In particular, anomalous heat input to relativistic internal energy coincides in that limit with anomalous dissipation of non-relativistic kinetic energy

    Cascades and Dissipative Anomalies in Compressible Fluid Turbulence

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    We investigate dissipative anomalies in a turbulent fluid governed by the compressible Navier-Stokes equation. We follow an exact approach pioneered by Onsager, which we explain as a non-perturbative application of the principle of renormalization-group invariance. In the limit of high Reynolds and P\'eclet numbers, the flow realizations are found to be described as distributional or "coarse-grained" solutions of the compressible Euler equations, with standard conservation laws broken by turbulent anomalies. The anomalous dissipation of kinetic energy is shown to be due not only to local cascade, but also to a distinct mechanism called pressure-work defect. Irreversible heating in stationary, planar shocks with an ideal-gas equation of state exemplifies the second mechanism. Entropy conservation anomalies are also found to occur by two mechanisms: an anomalous input of negative entropy (negentropy) by pressure-work and a cascade of negentropy to small scales. We derive "4/5th-law"-type expressions for the anomalies, which allow us to characterize the singularities (structure-function scaling exponents) required to sustain the cascades. We compare our approach with alternative theories and empirical evidence. It is argued that the "Big Power-Law in the Sky" observed in electron density scintillations in the interstellar medium is a manifestation of a forward negentropy cascade, or an inverse cascade of usual thermodynamic entropy

    Overlearning in marginal distribution-based ICA: analysis and solutions

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    The present paper is written as a word of caution, with users of independent component analysis (ICA) in mind, to overlearning phenomena that are often observed.\\ We consider two types of overlearning, typical to high-order statistics based ICA. These algorithms can be seen to maximise the negentropy of the source estimates. The first kind of overlearning results in the generation of spike-like signals, if there are not enough samples in the data or there is a considerable amount of noise present. It is argued that, if the data has power spectrum characterised by 1/f1/f curve, we face a more severe problem, which cannot be solved inside the strict ICA model. This overlearning is better characterised by bumps instead of spikes. Both overlearning types are demonstrated in the case of artificial signals as well as magnetoencephalograms (MEG). Several methods are suggested to circumvent both types, either by making the estimation of the ICA model more robust or by including further modelling of the data

    Different Estimation Methods for the Basic Independent Component Analysis Model

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    Inspired by classic cocktail-party problem, the basic Independent Component Analysis (ICA) model is created. What differs Independent Component Analysis (ICA) from other kinds of analysis is the intrinsic non-Gaussian assumption of the data. Several approaches are proposed based on maximizing the non-Gaussianity of the data, which is measured by kurtosis, mutual information, and others. With each estimation, we need to optimize the functions of expectations of non-quadratic functions since it can help us to access the higher-order statistics of non-Gaussian part of the data. In this thesis, our goal is to review the one of the most efficient estimation methods, that is, the Fast Fixed-Point Independent Component Analysis (FastICA) algorithm, illustrate it with some examples using an R package

    A Canonical Genetic Algorithm for Blind Inversion of Linear Channels

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    It is well known the relationship between source separation and blind deconvolution: If a filtered version of an unknown i.i.d. signal is observed, temporal independence between samples can be used to retrieve the original signal, in the same manner as spatial independence is used for source separation. In this paper we propose the use of a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to blindly invert linear channels. The use of GA is justified in the case of small number of samples, where other gradient-like methods fails because of poor estimation of statistics

    A multivariate generalized independent factor GARCH model with an application to financial stock returns

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    We propose a new multivariate factor GARCH model, the GICA-GARCH model , where the data are assumed to be generated by a set of independent components (ICs). This model applies independent component analysis (ICA) to search the conditionally heteroskedastic latent factors. We will use two ICA approaches to estimate the ICs. The first one estimates the components maximizing their non-gaussianity, and the second one exploits the temporal structure of the data. After estimating the ICs, we fit an univariate GARCH model to the volatility of each IC. Thus, the GICA-GARCH reduces the complexity to estimate a multivariate GARCH model by transforming it into a small number of univariate volatility models. We report some simulation experiments to show the ability of ICA to discover leading factors in a multivariate vector of financial data. An empirical application to the Madrid stock market will be presented, where we compare the forecasting accuracy of the GICA-GARCH model versus the orthogonal GARCH one

    A multivariate generalized independent factor GARCH model with an application to financial stock returns

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    We propose a new multivariate factor GARCH model, the GICA-GARCH model , where the data are assumed to be generated by a set of independent components (ICs). This model applies independent component analysis (ICA) to search the conditionally heteroskedastic latent factors. We will use two ICA approaches to estimate the ICs. The first one estimates the components maximizing their non-gaussianity, and the second one exploits the temporal structure of the data. After estimating the ICs, we fit an univariate GARCH model to the volatility of each IC. Thus, the GICA-GARCH reduces the complexity to estimate a multivariate GARCH model by transforming it into a small number of univariate volatility models. We report some simulation experiments to show the ability of ICA to discover leading factors in a multivariate vector of financial data. An empirical application to the Madrid stock market will be presented, where we compare the forecasting accuracy of the GICA-GARCH model versus the orthogonal GARCH one.ICA, Multivariate GARCH, Factor models, Forecasting volatility
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