33 research outputs found

    Analyzing logic programs with dynamic scheduling

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    Traditional logic programming languages, such as Prolog, use a fixed left-to-right atom scheduling rule. Recent logic programming languages, however, usually provide more flexible scheduling in which computation generally proceeds leftto- right but in which some calis are dynamically "delayed" until their arguments are sufRciently instantiated to allow the cali to run efficiently. Such dynamic scheduling has a significant cost. We give a framework for the global analysis of logic programming languages with dynamic scheduling and show that program analysis based on this framework supports optimizations which remove much of the overhead of dynamic scheduling

    Efficient negation using abstract interpretation

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    While negation has been a very active área of research in logic programming, comparatively few papers have been devoted to implementation issues. Furthermore, the negation-related capabilities of current Prolog systems are limited. We recently presented a novel method for incorporating negation in a Prolog compiler which takes a number of existing methods (some modified and improved by us) and uses them in a combined fashion. The method makes use of information provided by a global analysis of the source code. Our previous work focused on the systematic description of the techniques and the reasoning about correctness and completeness of the method, but provided no experimental evidence to evalúate the proposal. In this paper, we report on an implementation, using the Ciao Prolog system preprocessor, and provide experimental data which indicates that the method is not only feasible but also quite promising from the efficiency point of view. In addition, the tests have provided new insight as to how to improve the proposal further. Abstract interpretation techniques are shown to offer important improvements in this application

    Efficient implementation of general negation using abstract interpretation

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    While negation has been a very active área of research in logic programming, comparatively few papers have been devoted to implementation issues. Furthermore, the negation-related capabilities of current Prolog systems are limited. We recently presented a novel method for incorporating negation in a Prolog compiler which takes a number of existing methods (some modified and improved) and uses them in a combined fashion. The method makes use of information provided by a global analysis of the source code. Our previous work focused on the systematic description of the techniques and the reasoning about correctness and completeness of the method, but provided no experimental evidence to evalúate the proposal. In this paper, after proposing some extensions to the method, we provide experimental data which indicates that the method is not only feasible but also quite promising from the efficiency point of view. In addition, the tests have provided new insight as to how to improve the proposal further. Abstract interpretation techniques (in particular those included in the Ciao Prolog system preprocessor) have had a significant role in the success of the technique

    Negation Technique for Context-Free Grammars

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    Proving deadlock freedom of logic programs with dynamic scheduling

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    In increasingly many logic programming systems, the Prolog left to right selection rule has been replaced with dynamic selection rules, that select an atom of a query among those satisfying suitable conditions. These conditions describe the form of the arguments of every program predicate, by means of a so-called delay declaration. Dynamic selection rules introduce the possibility of deadlock, an abnormal form of termination that occurs if the query is non-empty and it contains no `selectable' atoms. In this paper, we introduce a simple compositional assertional method for proving deadlock freedom. The method is based on the notion of suspension cover, a static description of the possible dynamic schedulings of the body atoms of a clause, according to a given delay declaration. In the method, we assume that monotonic assertions are used for specifying the conditions of the delay declaration. Apart sections are devoted to two more practical instances of the method, that use types and modes, respectively