24 research outputs found

    Imaging : making the invisible visible : proceedings of the symposium, 18 May 2000, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

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    A Middle School Standards-based Science Curriculum Handbook

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    As teachers implement the National Science Education Standards (1996) many must change the instructional methods they have used throughout their careers. This handbook will assist teachers to be facilitators in inquiry-based classrooms. The nine units of this handbook have been implemented for three years in an eighth grade classroom and have been used and modified by three different teachers to meet their own needs. The units in this handbook were chosen by MSAD #3, Unity, Maine, to reflect the curriculum requirements of The State of Maine Learning Results (1997). Included in this handbook are physics units covering motion, forces, work, and energy, with an in-depth study of electromagnetic and chemical energy, and a unit in human anatomy and physiology. An emphasis is placed on teens and their health during the discussion of the systems of the body. This handbook relies on the mandate from Benchmarks for Science Literacy (1993) and National Science Education Standards (1996) for science education to be inquiry-based. Students must do science - which means students observe, collect, compare, hypothesize, experiment, interpret, classify, and communicate what they learn. Learning science becomes an active process of students interacting with materials and sharing conversations about their discoveries. The guided inquiries of this handbook reflect this recommendation. The classroom that follows this handbook will be an active classroom of engaged students exploring the tools and techniques of a scientist. The inquiry units in this handbook are a compilation of my classroom experiences and readings from the internet, workshops attendance, and textbooks gleanings. Every unit in this handbook is explained in full with the goals and objectives of the unit and an explanation of the pitfalls and strengths of each activity. The guided inquiries form the backbone of the units, but projects and presentations along with end-of-the-unit lab practicums form other forms of assessments. Throughout the set of nine units, there are ample opportunities for students to communicate their findings

    Flight from gentility : the role of working-class characters in Dickens' novels

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:D37652/81 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    The Feminine Reclaimed: The Idea of Woman in Spenser, Shakespeare, and Milton

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    The Feminine Reclaimed breaks new ground in the field of Renaissance scholarship. Stevie Davies considers the feminine principle as it was developed through the humanist and Neoplatonic revival of ancient classical learning and from this perspective approaches the major works of the three great literary figures of the English Renaissance—Spenser, Shakespeare, and Milton. Through close, perceptive readings of their most crucial works, informed by a familiarity with the whole range of their context in the European literature and thought of their time, Stevie Davies is able to demonstrate the great importance of the feminine principle in the consciousness of these writers and their age, a time of political, religious, and social upheaval in which perceptions of woman and her status in society underwent momentous changes. She analyzes guiding symbols, mythical allusions, and literary structures in major works by the three poets to show that this rediscovered image of the feminine was incorporated into The Faerie Queene, Shakespeare\u27s last plays, and Paradise Lost in such a manner as to create an alternative system of values which either redefined or criticized the patriarchal structures of the contemporary world. Stevie Davies, longtime lecturer in English literature at the University of Manchester, is the author of Renaissance Views of Man, Emily Bronte: The Artist as a Free Woman, and Images of Kingship in Paradise Lost : Milton\u27s Politics and Christian Liberty. Should certainly become a significant part of the growing body of criticism in which feminists of different persuasion (and both sexes) attack or defend the great male writers of our tradition. —The South Atlantic Quarterly Davies has managed in her own studies to unlock the secret treasure-trove of mystical philosophy; her illustrations and analysis synthesize the diverse influences underlying the poetry she examines. . . . Davies\u27s book is indeed illuminating. —South Atlantic Reviewhttps://uknowledge.uky.edu/upk_gender_and_sexuality_studies/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Registration of medical images for applications in minimally invasive procedures

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    Il punto di partenza di questa tesi \ue8 l'analisi dei metodi allo stato dell'arte di registrazione delle immagini mediche per verificare se sono adatti ad essere utilizzati per assistere il medico durante una procedura minimamente invasiva , ad esempio una procedura percutanea eseguita manualmente o un intervento teleoperato eseguito per mezzo di un robot . La prima conclusione \ue8 che, anche se ci sono tanti lavori dedicati allo sviluppo di algoritmi di registrazione da applicare nel contesto medico, la maggior parte di essi non sono stati progettati per essere utilizzati nello scenario della sala operatoria (OR) anche perch\ue9, rispetto ad altre applicazioni , OR richiede anche la validazione, prestazioni in tempo reale e la presenza di altri strumenti . Gli algoritmi allo stato dell'arte sono basati su un iterazione in tre fasi : ottimizzazione - trasformazione - valutazione della somiglianza delle immagini registrate. In questa tesi, studiamo la fattibilit\ue0 dell'approccio in tre fasi per applicazioni OR, mostrando i limiti che tale approccio incontra nelle applicazioni che stiamo considerando. Verr\ue0 dimostrato come un metodo semplice si potrebbe utilizzare nella OR. Abbiamo poi sviluppato una teoria che \ue8 adatta a registrare grandi insiemi di dati non strutturati estratti da immagini mediche, tenendo conto dei vincoli della OR . Vista l'impossibilit\ue0 di lavorare con dati medici di tipo DICOM, verr\ue0 impiegato un metodo per registrare dataset composti da insiemi di punti non strutturati. Gli algoritmi proposti sono progettati per trovare la corrispondenza spaziale in forma chiusa tenendo conto del tipo di dati, il vincolo del tempo e la presenza di rumore e /o piccole deformazioni. La teoria e gli algoritmi che abbiamo sviluppato sono derivati dalla teoria delle forme proposta da Kendall (Kendall's shapes) e utilizza un descrittore globale della forma per calcolare le corrispondenze e la distanza tra le strutture coinvolte . Poich\ue9 la registrazione \ue8 solo una componente nelle applicazioni mediche, l' ultima parte della tesi \ue8 dedicata ad alcune applicazioni pratiche in OR che possono beneficiare della procedura di registrazione .The registration of medical images is necessary to establish spatial correspondences across two or more images. Registration is rarely the end-goal, but instead, the results of image registration are used in other tasks. The starting point of this thesis is to analyze which methods at the state of the art of image registration are suitable to be used in assisting a physician during a minimally invasive procedure, such as a percutaneous procedure performed manually or a teleoperated intervention performed by the means of a robot. The first conclusion is that, even if much previous work has been devoted to develop registration algorithms to be applied in the medical context, most of them are not designed to be used in the operating room scenario (OR) because, compared to other applications, the OR requires also a strong validation, real-time performance and the presence of other instruments. Almost all of these algorithms are based on a three phase iteration: optimize-transform-evaluate similarity. In this thesis, we study the feasibility of this three steps approach in the OR, showing the limits that such approach encounter in the applications we are considering. We investigate how could a simple method be realizable and what are the assumptions for such a method to work. We then develop a theory that is suitable to register large sets of unstructured data extracted from medical images keeping into account the constraints of the OR. The use of the whole radiologic information is not feasible in the OR context, therefore the method we are introducing registers processed dataset extracted from the original medical images. The framework we propose is designed to find the spatial correspondence in closed form keeping into account the type of the data, the real-time constraint and the presence of noise and/or small deformations. The theory and algorithms we have developed are in the framework of the shape theory proposed by Kendall (Kendall's shapes) and uses a global descriptor of the shape to compute the correspondences and the distance between shapes. Since the registration is only a component of a medical application, the last part of the thesis is dedicated to some practical applications in the OR that can benefit from the registration procedure

    The Papers of Thomas A. Edison

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    The second volume of The Papers of Thomas A. Edison, which covers the inventor's life from the end of June 1873 to the end of March 1876, reveals a remarkable diversity of activities and interests. During his late twenties Thomas Edison pursued his pathbreaking work in telegraph technology, formed a business alliance with the notorious financier Jay Gould, and became embroiled in a bitter legal battle over commercial rights to his quadruplex telegraph. Praise for previous volumes of The Papers of Thomas A. Edison:"The essence of the volume is Edison's technical notebooks, a window onto the inventor's workshop. His lucidity comes through everywhere . . . His writing and drawing come together as a single, vigorous thought process."—Russell McCormmach, New York Times."A mine of material . . . Scrupulously edited . . . No one could ask for more . . . A choplicking feast for Edison biographers—well into the next century, and perhaps beyond."—Fred Howard, Washington Post."A triumph of the bookmaker's art, with splendidly arranged illustrations, essential background information, and cautionary reminders of the common sources on which Edison's imagination drew."—David Joravsky, New York Review of Books."In the pages of this volume Edison the man, his work, and his times come alive . . . A delight to browse through or to read carefully."—Thomas J. Misa, Science

    Robert Jameson, geology and polite culture, 1796-1826: natural knowledge enquiry and civic sensibility in late Enlightenment Scotland

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    The central figure in this thesis is Robert Jameson (1774-1854), geologist, mineralogist and Professor of Natural History at the University of Edinburgh. Jameson's geological work is examined in relation to the social and intellectual interests of contemporary civil society, and in particular, in terms of the debates in Edinburgh between Huttonians and Wernerians (of which group Jameson was one) concerning the nature of geological evidence and of theory in geological explanation. This thesis is also concerned to bring into sharper focus the state of, and public interest in, the earth sciences in Scotland in the first two decades of the nineteenth century. In this regard, analysis centres upon the conceptual basis and scientific methods behind Jameson's work and upon the making of natural knowledge as a situated intellectual and social concern. The thesis has eight chapters. Following an introduction and literature review they are, respectively, concerned with showing that in societies, teaching, museology, fieldwork, laboratories and through publications, Jameson's scientific 'methodology' conformed in large part to the Baconian taxonomic and descriptive elements of Wernerianism. This thesis also suggests that scholars have hitherto misrepresented and overplayed the 'theoretical' nature of Jameson's work, and in so doing, have only characterised the debate between Huttonians and Wemerians as a conflict between rival theories. In re-examining the several activities and the conduct of Huttonians and Wernerians (in this case Jameson) in a variety of settings, a rather different understanding of the nature of debate is here advanced. Specifically, it is shown that rivalry between Huttonians and Wernerians in the sites stated above might be better understood not in terms of two opposing theories, but, rather, as a rivalry between a vigorously held theory on the one hand (proponents of Huttonianism) and, on the other, a conviction about the prematurity of theory and importance of a Baconian empirical approach. The thesis also suggests that understanding the intellectual contexts to such geological enquiry depends importantly upon knowing something of the social and civic nature of scientific 'ownership', institutional authority, personal reputation and the proprietorial control of local scientific knowledge

    The Efficiency of Aqueous Sodium Bisulfite as a Collection Medium for Formaldehyde, Using the Midget Impinger and Varying Sampling Conditions, and the Development of a Vapor Generation System for Use in the Study

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    Currently, the most popular method for the collection of atmospheric samples of formaldehyde, known as the chromotropic acid method (and published by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health [NIOSH] as NIOSH Method 3500), includes the use of an impinger containing aqueous sodium bisulfite. A review of the literature indicated that the documentation of the collection efficiency for this method is limited to only a few combinations of air-flow rate, sampling time, and airborne formaldehyde concentration, and the consequent normal sampling time is about 1 hr. This study evaluated the collection efficiency across wide ranges of these factors for the purpose of extending the useful range of the method. A laboratory apparatus was developed that can precisely generate known airborne formaldehyde concentrations ranging from 0.4 to 6.4 ppm, and this generation apparatus was used to conduct the study. Very good collection efficiency, averaging 96%, was found across a wide range of each of the three factors varied in the study. Specifically, flow rates between 0.1 and 1 L/min, sampling times between 1 and 4 hr, and concentrations between 0.4 and 6.4 ppm were determined to provide good collection efficiency. An exception to this statement is that for the combination of long sampling times and high concentrations, a statistically significant trend of declining efficiency was detected; however, it was not determined what physical significance the latter finding held.Master of Science in Environmental Engineerin

    Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, showing the operations, expenditures, and condition of the institution for the year 1865.

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    Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution. [1265] Research related to American Indians; Indian vocabularies and grammars; physical characteristics; account of Indians of Hudson\u27s Bay territory; paper on Makah Indians; account of the Navajoes