228 research outputs found

    Negative circuits and sustained oscillations in asynchronous automata networks

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    The biologist Ren\'e Thomas conjectured, twenty years ago, that the presence of a negative feedback circuit in the interaction graph of a dynamical system is a necessary condition for this system to produce sustained oscillations. In this paper, we state and prove this conjecture for asynchronous automata networks, a class of discrete dynamical systems extensively used to model the behaviors of gene networks. As a corollary, we obtain the following fixed point theorem: given a product XX of nn finite intervals of integers, and a map FF from XX to itself, if the interaction graph associated with FF has no negative circuit, then FF has at least one fixed point

    General Iteration graphs and Boolean automata circuits

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    This article is set in the field of regulation networks modeled by discrete dynamical systems. It focuses on Boolean automata networks. In such networks, there are many ways to update the states of every element. When this is done deterministically, at each time step of a discretised time flow and according to a predefined order, we say that the network is updated according to block-sequential update schedule (blocks of elements are updated sequentially while, within each block, the elements are updated synchronously). Many studies, for the sake of simplicity and with some biologically motivated reasons, have concentrated on networks updated with one particular block-sequential update schedule (more often the synchronous/parallel update schedule or the sequential update schedules). The aim of this paper is to give an argument formally proven and inspired by biological considerations in favour of the fact that the choice of a particular update schedule does not matter so much in terms of the possible and likely dynamical behaviours that networks may display

    Mathematical approaches to differentiation and gene regulation

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    We consider some mathematical issues raised by the modelling of gene networks. The expression of genes is governed by a complex set of regulations, which is often described symbolically by interaction graphs. Once such a graph has been established, there remains the difficult task to decide which dynamical properties of the gene network can be inferred from it, in the absence of precise quantitative data about their regulation. In this paper we discuss a rule proposed by R.Thomas according to which the possibility for the network to have several stationary states implies the existence of a positive circuit in the corresponding interaction graph. We prove that, when properly formulated in rigorous terms, this rule becomes a theorem valid for several different types of formal models of gene networks. This result is already known for models of differential or boolean type. We show here that a stronger version of it holds in the differential setup when the decay of protein concentrations is taken into account. This allows us to verify also the validity of Thomas' rule in the context of piecewise-linear models and the corresponding discrete models. We discuss open problems as well.Comment: To appear in Notes Comptes-Rendus Acad. Sc. Paris, Biologi

    Linear And Nonlinear Arabesques: A Study Of Closed Chains Of Negative 2-Element Circuits

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    In this paper we consider a family of dynamical systems that we call "arabesques", defined as closed chains of 2-element negative circuits. An nn-dimensional arabesque system has nn 2-element circuits, but in addition, it displays by construction, two nn-element circuits which are both positive vs one positive and one negative, depending on the parity (even or odd) of the dimension nn. In view of the absence of diagonal terms in their Jacobian matrices, all these dynamical systems are conservative and consequently, they can not possess any attractor. First, we analyze a linear variant of them which we call "arabesque 0" or for short "A0". For increasing dimensions, the trajectories are increasingly complex open tori. Next, we inserted a single cubic nonlinearity that does not affect the signs of its circuits (that we call "arabesque 1" or for short "A1"). These systems have three steady states, whatever the dimension is, in agreement with the order of the nonlinearity. All three are unstable, as there can not be any attractor in their state-space. The 3D variant (that we call for short "A1\_3D") has been analyzed in some detail and found to display a complex mixed set of quasi-periodic and chaotic trajectories. Inserting nn cubic nonlinearities (one per equation) in the same way as above, we generate systems "A2\_nnD". A2\_3D behaves essentially as A1\_3D, in agreement with the fact that the signs of the circuits remain identical. A2\_4D, as well as other arabesque systems with even dimension, has two positive nn-circuits and nine steady states. Finally, we investigate and compare the complex dynamics of this family of systems in terms of their symmetries.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication at Int. J. Bif. Chao

    Homogeneous and Scalable Gene Expression Regulatory Networks with Random Layouts of Switching Parameters

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    We consider a model of large regulatory gene expression networks where the thresholds activating the sigmoidal interactions between genes and the signs of these interactions are shuffled randomly. Such an approach allows for a qualitative understanding of network dynamics in a lack of empirical data concerning the large genomes of living organisms. Local dynamics of network nodes exhibits the multistationarity and oscillations and depends crucially upon the global topology of a "maximal" graph (comprising of all possible interactions between genes in the network). The long time behavior observed in the network defined on the homogeneous "maximal" graphs is featured by the fraction of positive interactions (0≤η≤10\leq \eta\leq 1) allowed between genes. There exists a critical value ηc<1\eta_c<1 such that if η<ηc\eta<\eta_c, the oscillations persist in the system, otherwise, when η>ηc,\eta>\eta_c, it tends to a fixed point (which position in the phase space is determined by the initial conditions and the certain layout of switching parameters). In networks defined on the inhomogeneous directed graphs depleted in cycles, no oscillations arise in the system even if the negative interactions in between genes present therein in abundance (ηc=0\eta_c=0). For such networks, the bidirectional edges (if occur) influence on the dynamics essentially. In particular, if a number of edges in the "maximal" graph is bidirectional, oscillations can arise and persist in the system at any low rate of negative interactions between genes (ηc=1\eta_c=1). Local dynamics observed in the inhomogeneous scalable regulatory networks is less sensitive to the choice of initial conditions. The scale free networks demonstrate their high error tolerance.Comment: LaTeX, 30 pages, 20 picture
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