29 research outputs found

    The Module Isomorphism Problem Reconsidered

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    Algorithms to decide isomorphism of modules have been honed continually over the last 30 years, and their range of applicability has been extended to include modules over a wide range of rings. Highly efficient computer implementations of these algorithms form the bedrock of systems such as GAP and MAGMA, at least in regard to computations with groups and algebras. By contrast, the fundamental problem of testing for isomorphism between other types of algebraic structures -- such as groups, and almost any type of algebra -- seems today as intractable as ever. What explains the vastly different complexity status of the module isomorphism problem? This paper argues that the apparent discrepancy is explained by nomenclature. Current algorithms to solve module isomorphism, while efficient and immensely useful, are actually solving a highly constrained version of the problem. We report that module isomorphism in its general form is as hard as algebra isomorphism and graph isomorphism, both well-studied problems that are widely regarded as difficult. On a more positive note, for cyclic rings we describe a polynomial-time algorithm for the general module isomorphism problem. We also report on a MAGMA implementation of our algorithm

    Change of basis for m-primary ideals in one and two variables

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    Following recent work by van der Hoeven and Lecerf (ISSAC 2017), we discuss the complexity of linear mappings, called untangling and tangling by those authors, that arise in the context of computations with univariate polynomials. We give a slightly faster tangling algorithm and discuss new applications of these techniques. We show how to extend these ideas to bivariate settings, and use them to give bounds on the arithmetic complexity of certain algebras.Comment: In Proceedings ISSAC'19, ACM, New York, USA. See proceedings version for final formattin

    Computing Minimal Polynomials of Matrices

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    We present and analyse a Monte-Carlo algorithm to compute the minimal polynomial of an n×nn\times n matrix over a finite field that requires O(n3)O(n^3) field operations and O(n) random vectors, and is well suited for successful practical implementation. The algorithm, and its complexity analysis, use standard algorithms for polynomial and matrix operations. We compare features of the algorithm with several other algorithms in the literature. In addition we present a deterministic verification procedure which is similarly efficient in most cases but has a worst-case complexity of O(n4)O(n^4). Finally, we report the results of practical experiments with an implementation of our algorithms in comparison with the current algorithms in the {\sf GAP} library

    Fast algorithms for the Sylvester equation AX−XBT=C

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    AbstractFor given matrices A∈Fm×m, B∈Fn×n, and C∈Fm×n over an arbitrary field F, the matrix equation AX−XBT=C has a unique solution X∈Fm×n if and only if A and B have disjoint spectra. We describe an algorithm that computes the solution X for m,n⩽N with O(Nβ·logN) arithmetic operations in F, where β>2 is such that M×M matrices can be multiplied with O(Mβ) arithmetic operations, e.g., β=2.376. It seems that before no better bound than O(m3·n3) arithmetic operations was known. The state of the art in numerical analysis is O(n3+m3) flops, but these algorithms (due to Bartels/Stewart and Golub/Nash/van Loan) involve Schur decompositions, i.e., they compute the eigenvalues of at least one of A and B, and can hence not be transferred for general F

    Bit Complexity of Jordan Normal Form and Spectral Factorization

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    We study the bit complexity of two related fundamental computational problems in linear algebra and control theory. Our results are: (1) An O~(nω+3a+n4a2+nωlog(1/ϵ))\tilde{O}(n^{\omega+3}a+n^4a^2+n^\omega\log(1/\epsilon)) time algorithm for finding an ϵ\epsilon-approximation to the Jordan Normal form of an integer matrix with aa-bit entries, where ω\omega is the exponent of matrix multiplication. (2) An O~(n6d6a+n4d4a2+n3d3log(1/ϵ))\tilde{O}(n^6d^6a+n^4d^4a^2+n^3d^3\log(1/\epsilon)) time algorithm for ϵ\epsilon-approximately computing the spectral factorization P(x)=Q(x)Q(x)P(x)=Q^*(x)Q(x) of a given monic n×nn\times n rational matrix polynomial of degree 2d2d with rational aa-bit coefficients having aa-bit common denominators, which satisfies P(x)0P(x)\succeq 0 for all real xx. The first algorithm is used as a subroutine in the second one. Despite its being of central importance, polynomial complexity bounds were not previously known for spectral factorization, and for Jordan form the best previous best running time was an unspecified polynomial in nn of degree at least twelve \cite{cai1994computing}. Our algorithms are simple and judiciously combine techniques from numerical and symbolic computation, yielding significant advantages over either approach by itself.Comment: 19p

    Bit Complexity of Jordan Normal Form and Polynomial Spectral Factorization

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    Dynamic Normal Forms and Dynamic Characteristic Polynomial

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    We present the first fully dynamic algorithm for computing the characteristic polynomial of a matrix. In the generic symmetric case our algorithm supports rank-one updates in O(n^2 log n) randomized time and queries in constant time, whereas in the general case the algorithm works in O(n^2 k log n) randomized time, where k is the number of invariant factors of the matrix. The algorithm is based on the first dynamic algorithm for computing normal forms of a matrix such as the Frobenius normal form or the tridiagonal symmetric form. The algorithm can be extended to solve the matrix eigenproblem with relative error 2^{-b} in additional O(n log^2 n log b) time. Furthermore, it can be used to dynamically maintain the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a generic matrix. Together with the algorithm the hardness of the problem is studied. For the symmetric case we present an Omega(n^2) lower bound for rank-one updates and an Omega(n) lower bound for element updates

    The identity problem in the special affine group of Z2

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    We consider semigroup algorithmic problems in the Special Affine group SA(2,Z)=Z2⋊SL(2,Z), which is the group of affine transformations of the lattice Z2 that preserve orientation. Our paper focuses on two decision problems introduced by Choffrut and Karhumäki (2005): the Identity Problem (does a semigroup contain a neutral element?) and the Group Problem (is a semigroup a group?) for finitely generated sub-semigroups of SA(2,Z). We show that both problems are decidable and NP-complete. Since SL(2,Z)≤SA(2,Z)≤SL(3,Z), our result extends that of Bell, Hirvensalo and Potapov (SODA 2017) on the NP-completeness of both problems in SL(2,Z), and contributes a first step towards the open problems in SL(3,Z)