7 research outputs found

    A Simple Proof of the Shallow Packing Lemma

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    International audienceWe show that the shallow packing lemma follows from a simple modification of the standard proof, due to Haussler and simplified by Chazelle, of the packing lemma

    Tighter Estimates for ϵ-nets for Disks

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    International audienceThe geometric hitting set problem is one of the basic geometric combinatorial optimization problems: given a set P of points, and a set D of geometric objects in the plane, the goal is to compute a small-sized subset of P that hits all objects in D. In 1994, Bronniman and Goodrich [5] made an important connection of this problem to the size of fundamental combinatorial structures called ϵ-nets, showing that small-sized ϵ-nets imply approximation algorithms with correspondingly small approximation ratios. Very recently, Agarwal and Pan [2] showed that their scheme can be implemented in near-linear time for disks in the plane. Altogether this gives O(1)-factor approximation algorithms in O(n) time for hitting sets for disks in the plane. This constant factor depends on the sizes of ϵ-nets for disks; unfortunately, the current state-of-the-art bounds are large – at least 24/ϵ and most likely larger than 40/ϵ. Thus the approximation factor of the Agarwal and Pan algorithm ends up being more than 40. The best lower-bound is 2/ϵ, which follows from the Pach-Woeginger construction [32] for halfplanes in two dimensions. Thus there is a large gap between the best-known upper and lower bounds. Besides being of independent interest, finding precise bounds is important since this immediately implies an improved linear-time algorithm for the hitting-set problem. The main goal of this paper is to improve the upper-bound to 13.4/ϵ for disks in the plane. The proof is constructive, giving a simple algorithm that uses only Delaunay triangulations. We have implemented the algorithm, which is available as a public open-source module. Experimental results show that the sizes of-nets for a variety of data-sets is lower, around 9/ϵ

    Shallow Packings, Semialgebraic Set Systems, Macbeath Regions, and Polynomial Partitioning

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    The packing lemma of Haussler states that given a set system (X,R) with bounded VC dimension, if every pair of sets in R have large symmetric difference, then R cannot contain too many sets. Recently it was generalized to the shallow packing lemma, applying to set systems as a function of their shallow-cell complexity. In this paper we present several new results and applications related to packings: * an optimal lower bound for shallow packings, * improved bounds on Mnets, providing a combinatorial analogue to Macbeath regions in convex geometry, * we observe that Mnets provide a general, more powerful framework from which the state-of-the-art unweighted epsilon-net results follow immediately, and * simplifying and generalizing one of the main technical tools in [Fox et al.J. of the EMS, to appear]

    Optimal Area-Sensitive Bounds for Polytope Approximation

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    Approximating convex bodies is a fundamental question in geometry and has a wide variety of applications. Given a convex body KK of diameter Δ\Delta in Rd\mathbb{R}^d for fixed dd, the objective is to minimize the number of vertices (alternatively, the number of facets) of an approximating polytope for a given Hausdorff error ε\varepsilon. The best known uniform bound, due to Dudley (1974), shows that O((Δ/ε)(d−1)/2)O((\Delta/\varepsilon)^{(d-1)/2}) facets suffice. While this bound is optimal in the case of a Euclidean ball, it is far from optimal for ``skinny'' convex bodies. A natural way to characterize a convex object's skinniness is in terms of its relationship to the Euclidean ball. Given a convex body KK, define its surface diameter Δd−1\Delta_{d-1} to be the diameter of a Euclidean ball of the same surface area as KK. It follows from generalizations of the isoperimetric inequality that Δ≥Δd−1\Delta \geq \Delta_{d-1}. We show that, under the assumption that the width of the body in any direction is at least ε\varepsilon, it is possible to approximate a convex body using O((Δd−1/ε)(d−1)/2)O((\Delta_{d-1}/\varepsilon)^{(d-1)/2}) facets. This bound is never worse than the previous bound and may be significantly better for skinny bodies. The bound is tight, in the sense that for any value of Δd−1\Delta_{d-1}, there exist convex bodies that, up to constant factors, require this many facets. The improvement arises from a novel approach to sampling points on the boundary of a convex body. We employ a classical concept from convexity, called Macbeath regions. We demonstrate that Macbeath regions in KK and KK's polar behave much like polar pairs. We then apply known results on the Mahler volume to bound their number

    Near-Optimal Generalisations of a Theorem of Macbeath

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    International audienceThe existence of Macbeath regions is a classical theorem in convex geometry ("A Theorem on non-homogeneous lattices'', Annals of Math, 1952). We refer the reader to the survey of I. Barany for several applications~\cite{B07}. Recently there have been some striking applications of Macbeath regions in discrete and computational geometry. In this paper, we study Macbeath's problem in a more general setting, and not only for the Lebesgue measure as is the case in the classical theorem. We prove near-optimal generalizations for several basic geometric set systems. The problems and techniques used are closely linked to the study of epsilon-nets for geometric set systems