51 research outputs found

    Multi-touch interaction with stereoscopically rendered 3D objects

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    Anfänglich hauptsächlich im 2D Kontext betrachtet, gewinnen Multi-Touch Interfaces immer mehr an Bedeutung im Bereich dreidimensionaler Umgebungen und, in den letzten Jahren, auch im Zusammenhang mit stereoskopischen Visualisierungen. Dennoch führt die Touch-basierte Interaktion mit stereoskopisch dargestellten Objekten zu Problemen, da die Objekte in der nahen Umgebung der Displayoberfläche schweben, während die Berührungspunkte nur bei direktem Kontakt mit dem Display robust detektiert werden können. In dieser Arbeit werden die Probleme bei Touch-Interaktion in stereoskopischen Umgebungen näher untersucht und Interaktionskonzepte in diesem Kontext entwickelt. Insbesondere wird die Anwendbarkeit unterschiedlicher Wahrnehmungsillusionen für 3D Touch-Interaktion mit stereoskopisch dargestellten Objekten in einer Reihe psychologischer Experimente untersucht. Basierend auf die Experimentdaten werden einige praktische Interaktionstechniken entwickelt und auf ihre Anwendbarkeit überprüft.While touch technology has proven its usability for 2D interaction and has already become a standard input modality for many devices, the challenges to exploit its applicability with stereoscopically rendered content have barely been studied. In this thesis we exploit different hardware and perception based techniques to allow users to touch stereoscopically displayed objects when the input is constrained to a 2D surface. Therefore we analyze the relation between the 3D positions of stereoscopically displayed objects and the on-surface touch points, where users touch the interactive surface, and we have conducted a series of experiments to investigate the user’s ability to discriminate small induced shifts while performing a touch gesture. The results were then used to design practical interaction techniques, which are suitable for numerous application scenarios. <br

    Tabletop tangible maps and diagrams for visually impaired users

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    En dépit de leur omniprésence et de leur rôle essentiel dans nos vies professionnelles et personnelles, les représentations graphiques, qu'elles soient numériques ou sur papier, ne sont pas accessibles aux personnes déficientes visuelles car elles ne fournissent pas d'informations tactiles. Par ailleurs, les inégalités d'accès à ces représentations ne cessent de s'accroître ; grâce au développement de représentations graphiques dynamiques et disponibles en ligne, les personnes voyantes peuvent non seulement accéder à de grandes quantités de données, mais aussi interagir avec ces données par le biais de fonctionnalités avancées (changement d'échelle, sélection des données à afficher, etc.). En revanche, pour les personnes déficientes visuelles, les techniques actuellement utilisées pour rendre accessibles les cartes et les diagrammes nécessitent l'intervention de spécialistes et ne permettent pas la création de représentations interactives. Cependant, les récentes avancées dans le domaine de l'adaptation automatique de contenus laissent entrevoir, dans les prochaines années, une augmentation de la quantité de contenus adaptés. Cette augmentation doit aller de pair avec le développement de dispositifs utilisables et abordables en mesure de supporter l'affichage de représentations interactives et rapidement modifiables, tout en étant accessibles aux personnes déficientes visuelles. Certains prototypes de recherche s'appuient sur une représentation numérique seulement : ils peuvent être instantanément modifiés mais ne fournissent que très peu de retour tactile, ce qui rend leur exploration complexe d'un point de vue cognitif et impose de fortes contraintes sur le contenu. D'autres prototypes s'appuient sur une représentation numérique et physique : bien qu'ils puissent être explorés tactilement, ce qui est un réel avantage, ils nécessitent un support tactile qui empêche toute modification rapide. Quant aux dispositifs similaires à des tablettes Braille, mais avec des milliers de picots, leur coût est prohibitif. L'objectif de cette thèse est de pallier les limitations de ces approches en étudiant comment développer des cartes et diagrammes interactifs physiques, modifiables et abordables. Pour cela, nous nous appuyons sur un type d'interface qui a rarement été étudié pour des utilisateurs déficients visuels : les interfaces tangibles, et plus particulièrement les interfaces tangibles sur table. Dans ces interfaces, des objets physiques représentent des informations numériques et peuvent être manipulés par l'utilisateur pour interagir avec le système, ou par le système lui-même pour refléter un changement du modèle numérique - on parle alors d'interfaces tangibles sur tables animées, ou actuated. Grâce à la conception, au développement et à l'évaluation de trois interfaces tangibles sur table (les Tangible Reels, la Tangible Box et BotMap), nous proposons un ensemble de solutions techniques répondant aux spécificités des interfaces tangibles pour des personnes déficientes visuelles, ainsi que de nouvelles techniques d'interaction non-visuelles, notamment pour la reconstruction d'une carte ou d'un diagramme et l'exploration de cartes de type " Pan & Zoom ". D'un point de vue théorique, nous proposons aussi une nouvelle classification pour les dispositifs interactifs accessibles.Despite their omnipresence and essential role in our everyday lives, online and printed graphical representations are inaccessible to visually impaired people because they cannot be explored using the sense of touch. The gap between sighted and visually impaired people's access to graphical representations is constantly growing due to the increasing development and availability of online and dynamic representations that not only give sighted people the opportunity to access large amounts of data, but also to interact with them using advanced functionalities such as panning, zooming and filtering. In contrast, the techniques currently used to make maps and diagrams accessible to visually impaired people require the intervention of tactile graphics specialists and result in non-interactive tactile representations. However, based on recent advances in the automatic production of content, we can expect in the coming years a growth in the availability of adapted content, which must go hand-in-hand with the development of affordable and usable devices. In particular, these devices should make full use of visually impaired users' perceptual capacities and support the display of interactive and updatable representations. A number of research prototypes have already been developed. Some rely on digital representation only, and although they have the great advantage of being instantly updatable, they provide very limited tactile feedback, which makes their exploration cognitively demanding and imposes heavy restrictions on content. On the other hand, most prototypes that rely on digital and physical representations allow for a two-handed exploration that is both natural and efficient at retrieving and encoding spatial information, but they are physically limited by the use of a tactile overlay, making them impossible to update. Other alternatives are either extremely expensive (e.g. braille tablets) or offer a slow and limited way to update the representation (e.g. maps that are 3D-printed based on users' inputs). In this thesis, we propose to bridge the gap between these two approaches by investigating how to develop physical interactive maps and diagrams that support two-handed exploration, while at the same time being updatable and affordable. To do so, we build on previous research on Tangible User Interfaces (TUI) and particularly on (actuated) tabletop TUIs, two fields of research that have surprisingly received very little interest concerning visually impaired users. Based on the design, implementation and evaluation of three tabletop TUIs (the Tangible Reels, the Tangible Box and BotMap), we propose innovative non-visual interaction techniques and technical solutions that will hopefully serve as a basis for the design of future TUIs for visually impaired users, and encourage their development and use. We investigate how tangible maps and diagrams can support various tasks, ranging from the (re)construction of diagrams to the exploration of maps by panning and zooming. From a theoretical perspective we contribute to the research on accessible graphical representations by highlighting how research on maps can feed research on diagrams and vice-versa. We also propose a classification and comparison of existing prototypes to deliver a structured overview of current research


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    331 p. , Il, Tablas, Gráficos.Libro ElectrónicoESIIG2 - The Second European Summit on Interoperability in the iGovernment, represents an unprecedented occasion to develop new synergies and create contacts with representatives of the European Commission, of the national and regional governments of Europe, of the research field, the Academia and experts of the ICT sector. Mrs Viviane Reding, Member of the European Commission for Information Society and Media gave her official patronage to the Second European Summit of Interoperability in the iGovernment, ESIIG2. Event with the patronage CISIS (Italian Interregional Centre of Information and Statistic Systems) The European Commission initiative i2010, through the DG Information and Media Society offered its support to ESIIG2.ForewordXI ESIIG 3 What is ESIIG2? 3 Commissioner Reding message 4 ESIIG 2 Co - hosted events5 The Programme 6 ESIIG2 Supporters8 The Regional Ministry for consumer protection and administrative simplification13 The Technical and Scientific Committee15 Structure of the Technical and Scientific Committee15 What does the Committee do?15 Important and innovative initiatives of ESIIG 219 Publication of the Call for Papers Results23 T-Seniority: E-inclusion and Interoperability25 Alejandro Echeverria Security and Privacy Preserving Data in E-Government Integration31 Claudio Biancalana, Francesco Saverio Profiti Proposal for Interoperability Between Public Universities39 Correcher E, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain A Cross-Application Reference Model to Support Interoperability 53 Elena Baralis, Tania Cerquitelli, Silvana Raffa Table of Contents VII Applying Soa to Mobile Secure eGovernment Services The Sweb Approach65 Silke Cuno, Yuri Glickman, Petra Hoepner, Linda Strick An Identity Metasystem Approach to Improve Eid Interoperability and Assure Privacy Compliance 74 Andrea Valboni Towards Interoperable Infrastructures of Geospatial Data 86 Sergio Farruggia, Emanuele Roccatagliata Modernization and Administrative Simplification Master Plan for the Local Councils of the Region of Murcia 101 Leandro Marín Muñoz, Pedro Olivares Sánchez, Isabel Belmonte Martínez Organizational Interoperability and Organizing for Interoperability in eGovernment109 Ralf Cimander, Herbert Kubicek The National Interoperability Framework: a New Regulatory Tool to Guarantee Interoperability Among Spanish Public Administrations 123 Agustí Cerrillo The Realization of the Greek E-Gif 131 Andreas Papadakis, Kostas Rantos, Antonis Stasis Build Government Interoperability Through Open Standard Technology 141 Goodwin Ting, Anne Rasanen, Marco Pappalardo Towards an Intercultural Representation of Mediterranean Intangible Cultural Heritage (Ich) An Xml Interoperability Framework for Regional Ich Databases 154 Jesse Marsh, Francesco Passantino Castile and Leon, a Model of Interoperability 168 Isabel Alonso Sánchez, José Ignacio de Uribe Ladrón de Cegama, Antonio Francisco Pérez Fernández, Jorge Ordás Alonso The Catalan Interoperability Model182 Ignasi Albors Identity and Residence Verification Data System189 Nimia Rodríguez Escolar, Jose A Eusamio Mazagatos From Extended Enterprise to Extended Government: Regione Lazio Interoperability and Egovernment Point of View 199 Claudio Biancalana, Dante Chiroli, Claudio Pisu, Francesco Saverio Profiti, Fabio Raimondi Contribution by the Members of the Technical and Scientific Committee 215 Interoperability and Egovernment Through Adoption of Standards 215 Flavia Marzano A Brief Compendium on Interoperability in Egovernment 224 Michele M Missikoff Table of Contents VIII Spc – The Italian Interoperabilty Framework with Services241 Francesco Tortorelli, Roberto Baldoni Exploitation of Digital Contents for the Public Administration 254 Giulio De Petra, Fabrizio Gianneschi, Giaime Ginesu Deploying the full transformational power of egovernment – collaboration and interoperability –270 Sylvia Archmann, Just Castillo Iglesias ICAR Report: Interoperability and Cooperation between applications among Italian Regions (English summary)278 CISIS - Central Staff of ICAR Project List of the finalists of the iG20 Award 297 IG20 AWARDS: Eucaris, the European car and driving licence information system297 INNOVATIVNESS: Interopcyl299 TRANSFERABILITY: Semic, Semantic Interoperability Center Europe301 IMPACT: Employment/unemployment status management: actual interoperability through the CO eService303 PRACTICAL RESULTS: Emilia Romagna Labour Information System 305 The ESIIG2 Summit results: the creation of ERNI and the Interoperability Declaration of Rome 309 The Interoperability Declaration of Rome 311 Follow the new and interesting developments of Esiig2 31

    Cyber-Human Systems, Space Technologies, and Threats

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    CYBER-HUMAN SYSTEMS, SPACE TECHNOLOGIES, AND THREATS is our eighth textbook in a series covering the world of UASs / CUAS/ UUVs / SPACE. Other textbooks in our series are Space Systems Emerging Technologies and Operations; Drone Delivery of CBNRECy – DEW Weapons: Emerging Threats of Mini-Weapons of Mass Destruction and Disruption (WMDD); Disruptive Technologies with applications in Airline, Marine, Defense Industries; Unmanned Vehicle Systems & Operations On Air, Sea, Land; Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems Technologies and Operations; Unmanned Aircraft Systems in the Cyber Domain: Protecting USA’s Advanced Air Assets, 2nd edition; and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the Cyber Domain Protecting USA’s Advanced Air Assets, 1st edition. Our previous seven titles have received considerable global recognition in the field. (Nichols & Carter, 2022) (Nichols, et al., 2021) (Nichols R. K., et al., 2020) (Nichols R. , et al., 2020) (Nichols R. , et al., 2019) (Nichols R. K., 2018) (Nichols R. K., et al., 2022)https://newprairiepress.org/ebooks/1052/thumbnail.jp

    Geographic information systems in business

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    1st edition, ©200

    Law and Policy for the Quantum Age

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    Law and Policy for the Quantum Age is for readers interested in the political and business strategies underlying quantum sensing, computing, and communication. This work explains how these quantum technologies work, future national defense and legal landscapes for nations interested in strategic advantage, and paths to profit for companies

    Cognitive work analysis : extensions and applications in command and control

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    'Complex sociotechnical systems' are systems made up of numerous interacting parts, both human and non-human, operating in dynamic, ambiguous and safety critical domains. The system design, and representation, has significant implications for the usability of the system, its performance, errors and reliability. Due to its formative constraint-based approach, Cognitive Work Analysis (CWA) has been frequently proposed as a framework for modelling these complex systems, further it is contended that the approach can be extended to design for interaction without significant deviation from the accepted framework. This thesis presents a number of applications in complex military domains to explore and develop the benefits of CWA. Unlike much of the previous literature, particular attention is placed on exploring the CWA framework in its entirety. This holistic approach focuses on the system environment, the activity that takes place within it, the strategies used to conduct this activity, the way in which the constituent parts of the system (both human and non-human) interact and the behaviour required. Each stage of this analysis identifies the constraints governing the system; it is contended that through this holistic understanding of constraints, recommendations can be made for the design of system interaction; increasing the ability of users to cope with unanticipated, unexpected situations. This thesis discusses the applicability of the approach in system analysis, development and evaluation. It provides process to what was previously a loosely defined framework.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceHuman Sciences Domain of the UK Ministry of Defence Scientific Research ProgrammeGBUnited Kingdo

    Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Being infrastructure-less and without central administration control, wireless ad-hoc networking is playing a more and more important role in extending the coverage of traditional wireless infrastructure (cellular networks, wireless LAN, etc). This book includes state-of the-art techniques and solutions for wireless ad-hoc networks. It focuses on the following topics in ad-hoc networks: vehicular ad-hoc networks, security and caching, TCP in ad-hoc networks and emerging applications. It is targeted to provide network engineers and researchers with design guidelines for large scale wireless ad hoc networks

    Parallel Hierarchies: Interactive Visualization of Multidimensional Hierarchical Aggregates

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    Exploring multi-dimensional hierarchical data is a long-standing problem present in a wide range of fields such as bioinformatics, software systems, social sciences and business intelligence. While each hierarchical dimension within these data structures can be explored in isolation, critical information lies in the relationships between dimensions. Existing approaches can either simultaneously visualize multiple non-hierarchical dimensions, or only one or two hierarchical dimensions. Yet, the challenge of visualizing multi-dimensional hierarchical data remains open. To address this problem, we developed a novel data visualization approach -- Parallel Hierarchies -- that we demonstrate on a real-life SAP SE product called SAP Product Lifecycle Costing. The starting point of the research is a thorough customer-driven requirement engineering phase including an iterative design process. To avoid restricting ourselves to a domain-specific solution, we abstract the data and tasks gathered from users, and demonstrate the approach generality by applying Parallel Hierarchies to datasets from bioinformatics and social sciences. Moreover, we report on a qualitative user study conducted in an industrial scenario with 15 experts from 9 different companies. As a result of this co-innovation experience, several SAP customers requested a product feature out of our solution. Moreover, Parallel Hierarchies integration as a standard diagram type into SAP Analytics Cloud platform is in progress. This thesis further introduces different uncertainty representation methods applicable to Parallel Hierarchies and in general to flow diagrams. We also present a visual comparison taxonomy for time-series of hierarchically structured data with one or multiple dimensions. Moreover, we propose several visual solutions for comparing hierarchies employing flow diagrams. Finally, after presenting two application examples of Parallel Hierarchies on industrial datasets, we detail two validation methods to examine the effectiveness of the visualization solution. Particularly, we introduce a novel design validation table to assess the perceptual aspects of eight different visualization solutions including Parallel Hierarchies.:1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation and Problem Statement 1.2 Research Goals 1.3 Outline and Contributions 2 Foundations of Visualization 2.1 Information Visualization 2.1.1 Terms and Definition 2.1.2 What: Data Structures 2.1.3 Why: Visualization Tasks 2.1.4 How: Visualization Techniques 2.1.5 How: Interaction Techniques 2.2 Visual Perception 2.2.1 Visual Variables 2.2.2 Attributes of Preattentive and Attentive Processing 2.2.3 Gestalt Principles 2.3 Flow Diagrams 2.3.1 Classifications of Flow Diagrams 2.3.2 Main Visual Features 2.4 Summary 3 Related Work 3.1 Cross-tabulating Hierarchical Categories 3.1.1 Visualizing Categorical Aggregates of Item Sets 3.1.2 Hierarchical Visualization of Categorical Aggregates 3.1.3 Visualizing Item Sets and Their Hierarchical Properties 3.1.4 Hierarchical Visualization of Categorical Set Aggregates 3.2 Uncertainty Visualization 3.2.1 Uncertainty Taxonomies 3.2.2 Uncertainty in Flow Diagrams 3.3 Time-Series Data Visualization 3.3.1 Time & Data 3.3.2 User Tasks 3.3.3 Visual Representation 3.4 Summary ii Contents 4 Requirement Engineering Phase 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Environment 4.2.1 The Product 4.2.2 The Customers and Development Methodology 4.2.3 Lessons Learned 4.3 Visualization Requirements for Product Costing 4.3.1 Current Visualization Practice 4.3.2 Visualization Tasks 4.3.3 Data Structure and Size 4.3.4 Early Visualization Prototypes 4.3.5 Challenges and Lessons Learned 4.4 Data and Task Abstraction 4.4.1 Data Abstraction 4.4.2 Task Abstraction 4.5 Summary and Outlook 5 Parallel Hierarchies 5.1 Introduction 5.2 The Parallel Hierarchies Technique 5.2.1 The Individual Axis: Showing Hierarchical Categories 5.2.2 Two Interlinked Axes: Showing Pairwise Frequencies 5.2.3 Multiple Linked Axes: Propagating Frequencies 5.2.4 Fine-tuning Parallel Hierarchies through Reordering 5.3 Design Choices 5.4 Applying Parallel Hierarchies 5.4.1 US Census Data 5.4.2 Yeast Gene Ontology Annotations 5.5 Evaluation 5.5.1 Setup of the Evaluation 5.5.2 Procedure of the Evaluation 5.5.3 Results from the Evaluation 5.5.4 Validity of the Evaluation 5.6 Summary and Outlook 6 Visualizing Uncertainty in Flow Diagrams 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Uncertainty in Product Costing 6.2.1 Background 6.2.2 Main Causes of Bad Quality in Costing Data 6.3 Visualization Concepts 6.4 Uncertainty Visualization using Ribbons 6.4.1 Selected Visualization Techniques 6.4.2 Study Design and Procedure 6.4.3 Results 6.4.4 Discussion 6.5 Revised Visualization Approach using Ribbons 6.5.1 Application to Sankey Diagram 6.5.2 Application to Parallel Sets 6.5.3 Application to Parallel Hierarchies 6.6 Uncertainty Visualization using Nodes 6.6.1 Visual Design of Nodes 6.6.2 Expert Evaluation 6.7 Summary and Outlook 7 Visual Comparison Task 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Comparing Two One-dimensional Time Steps 7.2.1 Problem Statement 7.2.2 Visualization Design 7.3 Comparing Two N-dimensional Time Steps 7.4 Comparing Several One-dimensional Time Steps 7.5 Summary and Outlook 8 Parallel Hierarchies in Practice 8.1 Application to Plausibility Check Task 8.1.1 Plausibility Check Process 8.1.2 Visual Exploration of Machine Learning Results 8.2 Integration into SAP Analytics Cloud 8.2.1 SAP Analytics Cloud 8.2.2 Ocean to Table Project 8.3 Summary and Outlook 9 Validation 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Nested Model Validation Approach 9.3 Perceptual Validation of Visualization Techniques 9.3.1 Design Validation Table 9.3.2 Discussion 9.4 Summary and Outlook 10 Conclusion and Outlook 10.1 Summary of Findings 10.2 Discussion 10.3 Outlook A Questionnaires of the Evaluation B Survey of the Quality of Product Costing Data C Questionnaire of Current Practice Bibliograph