3,067 research outputs found

    Exact robot navigation in geometrically complicated but topologically simple spaces

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    A navigation function is an artificial potential energy function on a robot configuration space (C-space) which encodes the task of moving to an arbitrary destination without hitting any obstacle. In particular, such a function possesses no spurious local minima. In this paper we construct navigation functions on forests of stars: geometrically complicated C-spaces that are topologically indistinguishable from a simple disc punctured by disjoint smaller discs, representing model obstacles. For reasons of mathematical tractability we approximate each C-space obstacle by a Boolean combination of linear and quadratic polynomial inequalities (with sharp corners allowed), and use a calculus of implicit representations to effectively represent such obstacles. We provide evidence of the effectiveness of this technology of implicit representations in the form of several simulation studies illustrated at the end of the paper

    Optimal Navigation Functions for Nonlinear Stochastic Systems

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    This paper presents a new methodology to craft navigation functions for nonlinear systems with stochastic uncertainty. The method relies on the transformation of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation into a linear partial differential equation. This approach allows for optimality criteria to be incorporated into the navigation function, and generalizes several existing results in navigation functions. It is shown that the HJB and that existing navigation functions in the literature sit on ends of a spectrum of optimization problems, upon which tradeoffs may be made in problem complexity. In particular, it is shown that under certain criteria the optimal navigation function is related to Laplace's equation, previously used in the literature, through an exponential transform. Further, analytical solutions to the HJB are available in simplified domains, yielding guidance towards optimality for approximation schemes. Examples are used to illustrate the role that noise, and optimality can potentially play in navigation system design.Comment: Accepted to IROS 2014. 8 Page

    Safe Multi-Agent Interaction through Robust Control Barrier Functions with Learned Uncertainties

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    Robots operating in real world settings must navigate and maintain safety while interacting with many heterogeneous agents and obstacles. Multi-Agent Control Barrier Functions (CBF) have emerged as a computationally efficient tool to guarantee safety in multi-agent environments, but they assume perfect knowledge of both the robot dynamics and other agents' dynamics. While knowledge of the robot's dynamics might be reasonably well known, the heterogeneity of agents in real-world environments means there will always be considerable uncertainty in our prediction of other agents' dynamics. This work aims to learn high-confidence bounds for these dynamic uncertainties using Matrix-Variate Gaussian Process models, and incorporates them into a robust multi-agent CBF framework. We transform the resulting min-max robust CBF into a quadratic program, which can be efficiently solved in real time. We verify via simulation results that the nominal multi-agent CBF is often violated during agent interactions, whereas our robust formulation maintains safety with a much higher probability and adapts to learned uncertainties

    Fast Second-order Cone Programming for Safe Mission Planning

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    This paper considers the problem of safe mission planning of dynamic systems operating under uncertain environments. Much of the prior work on achieving robust and safe control requires solving second-order cone programs (SOCP). Unfortunately, existing general purpose SOCP methods are often infeasible for real-time robotic tasks due to high memory and computational requirements imposed by existing general optimization methods. The key contribution of this paper is a fast and memory-efficient algorithm for SOCP that would enable robust and safe mission planning on-board robots in real-time. Our algorithm does not have any external dependency, can efficiently utilize warm start provided in safe planning settings, and in fact leads to significant speed up over standard optimization packages (like SDPT3) for even standard SOCP problems. For example, for a standard quadrotor problem, our method leads to speedup of 1000x over SDPT3 without any deterioration in the solution quality. Our method is based on two insights: a) SOCPs can be interpreted as optimizing a function over a polytope with infinite sides, b) a linear function can be efficiently optimized over this polytope. We combine the above observations with a novel utilization of Wolfe's algorithm to obtain an efficient optimization method that can be easily implemented on small embedded devices. In addition to the above mentioned algorithm, we also design a two-level sensing method based on Gaussian Process for complex obstacles with non-linear boundaries such as a cylinder

    Adaptive Robot Navigation with Collision Avoidance subject to 2nd-order Uncertain Dynamics

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    This paper considers the problem of robot motion planning in a workspace with obstacles for systems with uncertain 2nd-order dynamics. In particular, we combine closed form potential-based feedback controllers with adaptive control techniques to guarantee the collision-free robot navigation to a predefined goal while compensating for the dynamic model uncertainties. We base our findings on sphere world-based configuration spaces, but extend our results to arbitrary star-shaped environments by using previous results on configuration space transformations. Moreover, we propose an algorithm for extending the control scheme to decentralized multi-robot systems. Finally, extensive simulation results verify the theoretical findings

    Neural Network Memory Architectures for Autonomous Robot Navigation

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    This paper highlights the significance of including memory structures in neural networks when the latter are used to learn perception-action loops for autonomous robot navigation. Traditional navigation approaches rely on global maps of the environment to overcome cul-de-sacs and plan feasible motions. Yet, maintaining an accurate global map may be challenging in real-world settings. A possible way to mitigate this limitation is to use learning techniques that forgo hand-engineered map representations and infer appropriate control responses directly from sensed information. An important but unexplored aspect of such approaches is the effect of memory on their performance. This work is a first thorough study of memory structures for deep-neural-network-based robot navigation, and offers novel tools to train such networks from supervision and quantify their ability to generalize to unseen scenarios. We analyze the separation and generalization abilities of feedforward, long short-term memory, and differentiable neural computer networks. We introduce a new method to evaluate the generalization ability by estimating the VC-dimension of networks with a final linear readout layer. We validate that the VC estimates are good predictors of actual test performance. The reported method can be applied to deep learning problems beyond robotics
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