254 research outputs found

    Content management system based on the Wordpress framework

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    The main goal of this thesis is to design a CMS using WordPress . Firstly, in the main part I have discuss about CMS and WordPress, I also discussed the main component of CMS and WordPress and their functions. From the chapter one of this thesis also explained the some the CMS architecture, it also discusses the structure of the front-end and the data base diagram. In the second chapter of the thesis is basically understanding how to secure your website and the security system of WordPress.Основна мета даної дипломної роботи - розробити CMS за допомогою WordPress. В основній частині розглянуто функції та можливості CMS та WordPress, а також проаналізовано основні компоненти CMS та WordPress та їх функції. Також проаналізовано деяку архітектуру CMS, яка містить структуру фронтальної частини та діаграми бази даних. У другому розділі дипломної роботи розглянуто способи захисту веб-сайту та систему безпеки WordPress.INTRODUCTION. 1 MAIN PART 1.1 Content Mangement System (CMS) 1.2 Component of CMS 1.2.1 Data Repository 1.2.2 User Interface 1.2.3 Editorial Tools 1.2.4 Workflow Scheme 1.2.5 Output Utilities 1.3 WordPress 1.3.1 Admin DashBoard 1.3.2 Posts 1.3.3 Pages 1.3.4 Plugin 1.3.5 Themes 1.3.6 Categories 1.3.7 Tags 1.3.8 The Media Library 1.3.9 Menus 1.3.10 Widgets 1.3.11 The database 1.3.12 Users 1.3.13 Comments 1.3.14 Tools 1.3.15 Setting 1.4 Front-End of The Project 1.4.1 Structure of The Web Page 1.4.2 Html Code 1.4.3 Css Code 1.4.4 JavaScript Code 1.5 Customize msnsgement panel 2 SPESIAL PART 2.1 Wordpress security dangers procedure and history 2.2 Customized establishment updates for security releases 2.3 Owasp top 10 CHAPTER 3 TECHNICAL - ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT CHAPTER 4 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH 4.1 Implementation of an Occupational Health and Safety Management System 4.2 ISO 45001 – Occupational health and safety management syste

    Improving Web Presence and Stakeholder Interaction for the Emergency Services Foundation

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    The increasing pervasiveness of the Internet and social media has resulted in online marketing techniques and unprecedented organization-stakeholder communication. The goal for this project was to improve the stakeholder interactions for the Emergency Services Foundation (ESF), a nonprofit charitable organization that aids the emergency services community. We investigated best practices in online communication and the needs and experiences of emergency service workers. We created a new website and provided resources for the ESF to maintain improved communication and sustained success


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    Ph.D. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2018

    Shale Gas Analysis: An Online Educational Resource

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    The goal of our project was to create an interactive online educational resource about sustainability and shale gas to be applied in a curriculum at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. We developed a website using WordPress, conducted interviews with faculty and students to gauge website usability, and developed surveys to investigate social perceptions of shale gas in Europe. The project resulted in the creation of an interactive website that can augment the learning experience at the university

    Penguatan Promosi Melalui Media Website pada Hotel Alvina Pematangsiantar

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    The partner in the Community Service Program (PkM) is Hotel Alvina Pematangsiantar. Seeing the need for Hotel Alvina for the use of information technology that seems not optimal, especially in supporting media ads platform. To support a better promotion, it is necessary to have a website that can increase the capacity of promotion and visitors. The implementation of the PkM program refers to a qualitative approach and is combined with the stages in the Software Development Lifecycle which have been modified into 6 stages, starting from initiation, design, data migration, development, implementation, and maintenance. The resulting website can be used by Hotel Alvina to manage hotel information, such as contact us, about us, blogs, and galleries. The website is also supported by online reservation facilities that can be used by visitors. The website that has been successfully implemented is expected to increase services and promotions for Hotel Alvina, so that it can compete and develop in a sustainability

    Mapping the Focal Points of WordPress: A Software and Critical Code Analysis

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    Programming languages or code can be examined through numerous analytical lenses. This project is a critical analysis of WordPress, a prevalent web content management system, applying four modes of inquiry. The project draws on theoretical perspectives and areas of study in media, software, platforms, code, language, and power structures. The applied research is based on Critical Code Studies, an interdisciplinary field of study that holds the potential as a theoretical lens and methodological toolkit to understand computational code beyond its function. The project begins with a critical code analysis of WordPress, examining its origins and source code and mapping selected vulnerabilities. An examination of the influence of digital and computational thinking follows this. The work also explores the intersection of code patching and vulnerability management and how code shapes our sense of control, trust, and empathy, ultimately arguing that a rhetorical-cultural lens can be used to better understand code\u27s controlling influence. Recurring themes throughout these analyses and observations are the connections to power and vulnerability in WordPress\u27 code and how cultural, processual, rhetorical, and ethical implications can be expressed through its code, creating a particular worldview. Code\u27s emergent properties help illustrate how human values and practices (e.g., empathy, aesthetics, language, and trust) become encoded in software design and how people perceive the software through its worldview. These connected analyses reveal cultural, processual, and vulnerability focal points and the influence these entanglements have concerning WordPress as code, software, and platform. WordPress is a complex sociotechnical platform worthy of further study, as is the interdisciplinary merging of theoretical perspectives and disciplines to critically examine code. Ultimately, this project helps further enrich the field by introducing focal points in code, examining sociocultural phenomena within the code, and offering techniques to apply critical code methods

    From a Pedagogical Experience of a Photography Course on Architectural and Public Space into a Research Project focused on Communication of Public Space's State and Evolution, Architecture and Urban Cultures

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    This paper will explain how, from a blended teaching experience1 in CFM (Communication,Photography and Multimedia) Course at FAUP (Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto) that lead to several didactic experiences and research projects on architecture and public space (seminars,workshops, publications and editorial projects), CCRE (Centre for Spatial Communication and Representation) Research Group has been able to interrelate a set of significant experiences and results coming from the former work andactivities with the on-going R&D project DARC, more specifically with its City Spaces|Culture module, directed towards the communication of content related to cultural events and spaces as architectural heritage, identity and historical places. All these projects, together with CCRE's communication philosophy, its online platforms and physical outputs - such as publications and exhibitions - constitute a blend between direct and "indirect" pedagogy strategies on architecture, public space and the way they are experienced by the general public. As we will explain in this paper, all these research projects were fundamental to assess the possibilities and limits of our pedagogic/didactic philosophy, as well as to trigger new and more effective ways of communicating and sharing substantial information between students and the general public. This paper will therefore explore the blended approach that we've taken in CFM classes, how it translated into the various platforms that we've used for it and for other parallel activities, and how this knowledge is being applied to the on-going DARC research project and to its set of communication and presentation operators. The goal will be to verify how the combined operators that we've used in our platform(ranging from geo-referenced maps, images and videos - focused on visual literacy - and social networking - focused on communication) allowed for a deeper involvement and participation of both academic community and general public